
攀登 in Middle East by Steve Daltrey

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 187 攀登.

Grade 线路 线路类型 岩场 路线质量 日期
6a Citywatch P1 - with Marcela
1 6a 运动攀岩
运动攀岩 42m, 20 Geyikbayırı 星期二 6th 12月 2022
Last climb of the day. Maybe I was tired, but it felt way harder than the 6a to the right.

6a Spider Solitaire P1 — 2 attempts - with Marcela
1 6a 运动攀岩
运动攀岩 40m, 20 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期六 10th 12月 2022
5c+ Welcome Baby P1 - with Marcela
1 5c+ 25m 运动攀岩
运动攀岩 25m, 19 Geyikbayırı 星期二 13th 12月 2022
6a+ 14/18 P1 — 2 attempts - with Marcela
1 6a+ 运动攀岩
运动攀岩 40m, 18 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期六 10th 12月 2022
6a+ Just Friends - with Marcela 运动攀岩 35m, 17 Geyikbayırı 一般 星期天 27th 11月 2022
25m of 5b foliage climbing then the last bit is 6a+.

5c Jass Party P1 - with Marcela
1 5c 运动攀岩
运动攀岩 36m, 17 Geyikbayırı 星期六 10th 12月 2022
5c+ Sahi Baba P1 - with Marcela
1 5c+ 运动攀岩 lead by Steve Daltrey

Soft for the grade

运动攀岩 30m, 15 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期二 22nd 11月 2022
6a Hard Michi - with Marcela 运动攀岩 35m, 15 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期二 22nd 11月 2022
5c+ Achtung Baby - with Marcela 运动攀岩 25m, 15 Geyikbayırı 星期二 13th 12月 2022
5c Les pères Noel - with Marcela 运动攀岩 35m, 14 Datça 经典 星期天 16th 10月 2022
Really fun route.

6a Vieux Briscards - with Marcela 运动攀岩 33m, 14 Datça 很好 星期二 18th 10月 2022
5c Les pères Noel - with Marcela 运动攀岩 35m, 14 Datça 经典 星期二 18th 10月 2022
5c ~5c+ Salim - with Marcela 运动攀岩 35m, 14 Datça 星期二 18th 10月 2022
Technical finish

5c ~5c+ Salim - with Marcela 运动攀岩 35m, 14 Datça 很好 星期四 20th 10月 2022
I got a bit scared at the crux. Time for some flying lessons! After a few practice falls, I could make the crux move.

6a Gospa vrtnarka 运动攀岩 35m, 14 Datça 很好 星期一 24th 10月 2022
6a Vieux Briscards - with Marcela 运动攀岩 33m, 14 Datça 很好 星期一 24th 10月 2022
5c Les pères Noel - with Marcela 运动攀岩 35m, 14 Datça 经典 星期一 24th 10月 2022
Repeat lead

5c ~5c+ Salim - with marcela 运动攀岩 35m, 14 Datça 很好 星期二 25th 10月 2022
5c Les pères Noel - with marcela 运动攀岩 35m, 14 Datça 经典 星期天 30th 10月 2022
lead repeat warmup

5c+ Bir Sey Mi Dedin Pavarotti (NN4 P1) - with Marcela
1 5c+ lead by Steve Daltrey
运动攀岩 30m, 14 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期五 11th 11月 2022
Hard and sharp through the crux low down. This is an unknown new route. I think the grade is about 5c+ compared to other climbs at this crag. I did not climb the extension. It looks harder.

6a+ Halifenin Yerindeki Halife P1 - with Ivan
1 6a+ 顶绳攀登 lead by Ivan

Fell close to the anchor.

运动攀岩 35m, 14 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期四 17th 11月 2022
5c+ NN4 P1 - with Marcela
1 5c+ 运动攀岩
运动攀岩 30m, 14 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期六 26th 11月 2022
6a Thriller, Süper Thriller (Thriller, Süper Thriller P1) - with Marcela
1 6a 31m lead by Steve Daltrey
运动攀岩 31m, 13 Aladaglar 经典 星期天 4th 9月 2022
First pitch

5c Lodos - with Marcela 运动攀岩 40m, 13 Datça 很好 星期天 16th 10月 2022
I found this quite hard at the last couple of bolts before the anchor. 35m to the first anchor then there is a second pitch. I'm not sure how long that is.

5c Lodos - with Marcela 运动攀岩 40m, 13 Datça 很好 星期一 24th 10月 2022
6a tiptop — 2 attempts - with Marcela 运动攀岩 25m, 13 Datça 很好 星期五 28th 10月 2022
6a+ FisFis - with Marcela 运动攀岩 25m, 13 Datça 很好 星期五 28th 10月 2022
5c Brio de Flamenco P1 - with Ivan
1 5c 运动攀岩 lead by Steve Daltrey
运动攀岩 26m, 13 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期四 17th 11月 2022
Great warmup. Soft for the grade.

6b+ Sun Attack — 2 attempts - with Marcela 运动攀岩 30m, 13 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期三 7th 12月 2022
Decent climb on sharp and super high friction rock. This is a new route. Personally I would say the grade is about 5c+ or 6a.

5c Müzmin Bekar P1 - with Marcela
1 5c 运动攀岩
运动攀岩 35m, 13 Geyikbayırı 星期六 10th 12月 2022
5c Müzmin Bekar P1 - with Marcela
1 5c 运动攀岩
运动攀岩 35m, 13 Geyikbayırı 星期二 13th 12月 2022
6a+ Kartal Yuvasi — 2 attempts - with Marela 运动攀岩 20m, 13 Beycik 经典 星期三 14th 12月 2022
Great line once I worked out the moves. Dogged lead on first attempt then clean TR.

5c Siber Zorba - with Marcela 运动攀岩 20m, 12 Aladaglar 超级经典 星期二 30th 8月 2022
5c Siber Zorba - with Marcela 运动攀岩 20m, 12 Aladaglar 超级经典 星期天 4th 9月 2022
6a Easy Magic Dice - with Marcela 运动攀岩 13m, 12 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期三 16th 11月 2022
closely bolted making this feel easier.

5b Foxy Lady - with Marcela 运动攀岩 19m, 12 Geyikbayırı 星期五 9th 12月 2022
5c+ Baykus - with marcela 运动攀岩 25m, 11 Aladaglar 超级经典 星期一 29th 8月 2022
6a Full Pocket — 3 attempts - with Marcela 运动攀岩 30m, 11 Datça 经典 星期四 20th 10月 2022
Tough to read and work out the varied styles of moves. Three goes. One retreat, a dog and a top rope clean.

6a+ What da funk — 3 attempts - with marcela 运动攀岩 30m, 11 Datça 很好 星期二 25th 10月 2022
I made some practice falls on my first attempt but bailed at the crux. I managed to dog my way to the top on the second go, then did it clean on TR.

6a+ Sucukcuk - with Marcela 运动攀岩 18m, 11 Datça 很好 星期五 28th 10月 2022
5c+ Baba Zula - with marcela 运动攀岩 20m, 11 Datça 很好 星期天 30th 10月 2022
5c+ Bulut - with marcela 运动攀岩 20m, 11 Datça 星期天 30th 10月 2022
6a 3 oda 1 Salon — 2 attempts - with Marcela 运动攀岩 20m, 11 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期四 3rd 11月 2022
5a Kleina Hexen - with Marcela 运动攀岩 24m, 11 Geyikbayırı 一般 星期三 16th 11月 2022
A little chossy. Watch out for loose rock in the upper half.

5c+ Barbarossa - with Ivan 运动攀岩 20m, 11 Geyikbayırı 超级经典 星期四 17th 11月 2022
Wow. A really unique climb.

5c Hard Kuyruksuz Uçurtma - with Marcela 运动攀岩 23m, 11 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期五 9th 12月 2022
Hard start followed by fun climbing.

5c Easy Çingene Pilici - with Marcela 运动攀岩 22m, 11 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期五 9th 12月 2022
fun climbing. easier than other 5c climbs here.

6a+ İncinmissin — 2 attempts - with Marcela 运动攀岩 22m, 11 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期五 9th 12月 2022
5c Foxy Lady - with marcela 运动攀岩 26m, 10 Aladaglar 很好 星期一 29th 8月 2022
6a Blue Jeans - with marcela 运动攀岩 25m, 10 Aladaglar 很好 星期一 29th 8月 2022
5c Abibi - with Marcela 运动攀岩 27m, 10 Aladaglar 不值一提 星期天 4th 9月 2022
Bailed about half way. Spooked by the foliage and run out bolt.

5c ~5c+ Sushi - with Marcela 运动攀岩 14m, 10 Geyikbayırı 星期二 8th 11月 2022
This was harder for me than the 6a to the right.

6b Hard Iyi — 2 attempts - with Marcela 运动攀岩 20m, 10 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期五 11th 11月 2022
Quite thin and slab in places. Trust the feet!

5c Bobby - with Marcela 运动攀岩 11m, 10 Geyikbayırı 星期三 16th 11月 2022
5b Pratik — 2 attempts - with Marcela 运动攀岩 31m, 10 Geyikbayırı 星期二 22nd 11月 2022
Spacious bolts. Good for the head game.

5c ~5c+ Sushi — 3 attempts - with Marcela 运动攀岩 14m, 10 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期三 23rd 11月 2022
Three goes and I still couldn't get this clean. Tough and sustained.

5c Just in Time - with Marcela 运动攀岩 27m, 10 Geyikbayırı 一般 星期天 27th 11月 2022
Needed to do quite a bit of gardening along the way.

5c ~5c+ Sushi - with Marcela 运动攀岩 14m, 10 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期五 2nd 12月 2022
5c+ ~6a Rainman — 2 attempts - with Marcela 运动攀岩 18m, 10 Geyikbayırı 经典 星期天 4th 12月 2022
We climbed the route that finishes on steep orange rock with a fixed quickdraw on the last bolt. I think it's this one but I would grade it at a hard 6a.

5a Gün Dönümü - with Marcela 运动攀岩 18m, 10 Geyikbayırı 星期五 9th 12月 2022
I think this is about 5a. Nice route starts easy and then finishes a little harder. Well bolted.

5c+ Tahtali - with Marela 运动攀岩 10m, 10 Beycik 很好 星期三 14th 12月 2022
warm up. fun juggy route.

5c Cicek kiz - with marcela 运动攀岩 19m, 9 Aladaglar 很好 星期五 26th 8月 2022
5c Cicek kiz - with marcela 运动攀岩 19m, 9 Aladaglar 很好 星期六 3rd 9月 2022
6a Parfum de gitanes - with marcela 运动攀岩 18m, 9 Datça 很好 星期天 30th 10月 2022
5b ~5b+ 3D Channel - with Marcela 运动攀岩 22m, 9 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期五 4th 11月 2022
4+ Easy Zip It Up - with Marcela 运动攀岩 14m, 9 Geyikbayırı 星期二 8th 11月 2022
6a ~6a+ Kötü - with Marcela 运动攀岩 20m, 9 Geyikbayırı 星期五 11th 11月 2022
The crux between bolt 3 and 4 was hard as nails. Either I'm missing something or it's like 6a+. I felt it was way harder than the 5c+ to the left.

5a Havensgate - with Marcela 运动攀岩 18m, 9 Geyikbayırı 一般 星期六 12th 11月 2022

5b California Dreaming P1 — 3 attempts - with Marcela
1 5b 18m 运动攀岩 lead by Steve Daltrey

Quite hard for a 5b. Bolts were a bit spaced which made it heady for me.

运动攀岩 18m, 9 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期六 12th 11月 2022
5a Ranger Travel P1 - with Marcela
1 5a 运动攀岩
运动攀岩 22m, 9 Geyikbayırı 一般 星期一 14th 11月 2022
Warm up. A bit polished.

5c+ Piano Hands — 2 attempts - with Marcela 运动攀岩 24m, 9 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期一 14th 11月 2022
Just need to trust the feet on some small holds at the crux.

5c+ Fakir - with Marcela 运动攀岩 22m, 9 Geyikbayırı 经典 星期二 15th 11月 2022
cool climb.

6b Buddha's Revenge — 2 attempts - with Marcela 运动攀岩 25m, 9 Geyikbayırı 经典 星期天 20th 11月 2022
Thin and technical in the first half then a jug fest to the finish.

4+ Easy Zip It Up - with Marcela 运动攀岩 14m, 9 Geyikbayırı 星期三 23rd 11月 2022
warm up

5b ~5b+ 3D Channel - with Marcela 运动攀岩 22m, 9 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期五 25th 11月 2022
6a Schaufel St. Führe — 2 attempts - with Marcela 运动攀岩 18m, 9 Geyikbayırı 经典 星期六 26th 11月 2022
6a ~5c Çirkin - with Marcela 运动攀岩 20m, 9 Geyikbayırı 星期天 4th 12月 2022
This route now has it's own anchor. It had some balance moves but soft for the grade of 6a.

6a ~5c Çirkin - with Marcela 运动攀岩 20m, 9 Geyikbayırı 星期三 7th 12月 2022
Warm up.

6+ Hard Davul - with Marcela 运动攀岩 20m, 9 Ballikayalar 很好 星期六 17th 12月 2022
The crux was nails for me. You can see many climbers have been working the crux due to the polish.

5b Miss Piggy - with marcela 运动攀岩 15m, 8 Aladaglar 星期五 26th 8月 2022
6a Filkaya - with Cindy 运动攀岩 16m, 8 Aladaglar 很好 星期二 30th 8月 2022
5c+ Daft Punk - with marcela 运动攀岩 15m, 8 Geyikbayırı 星期四 3rd 11月 2022
5b Escape - with Marcela 运动攀岩 20m, 8 Geyikbayırı 星期二 15th 11月 2022
5c Birthday Girl - with Marcela 运动攀岩 20m, 8 Geyikbayırı 星期二 15th 11月 2022
6b Dedikodu — 2 attempts - with Marcela 运动攀岩 20m, 8 Geyikbayırı 经典 星期二 15th 11月 2022
Dogged through the crux. I think I have the moves solved. I just need to hang on long enough to send it.

5c+ Festival - with Ivan 运动攀岩 18m, 8 Geyikbayırı 经典 星期四 17th 11月 2022
6c Takla Ilahi - with Marcela 运动攀岩 22m, 8 Geyikbayırı 经典 星期三 23rd 11月 2022
Bolt to bolt and had to pull on a draw through the crux. We met climbers who knew the bolters. They gave a grade of VII+/VIII-.

6a+ Easy Amelos - with Marcela 运动攀岩 20m, 8 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期五 25th 11月 2022
6a Yengeç — 2 attempts - with Marcela 运动攀岩 20m, 8 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期六 3rd 12月 2022
5c+ Tosun Paşa — 2 attempts - with Marcela 运动攀岩 20m, 8 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期六 3rd 12月 2022
6a+ Claudia Rosi - with Marcela 运动攀岩 20m, 8 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期六 3rd 12月 2022
6a Hard PH 43 — 2 attempts - with Marcela 运动攀岩 18m, 8 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期三 7th 12月 2022
Quite a hard start then a cool sequence higher up.

5a ~5b Plandemic - with Marcela 运动攀岩 15m, 8 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期五 9th 12月 2022
Hard start then it's a jug fest to the lower off

5c+ Bagirsak - with Marela 运动攀岩 25m, 8 Beycik 很好 星期三 14th 12月 2022
fun juggy route. If this is the one left of Tahtali it was only about 10m high.

4c Sekerleme - with marcela 运动攀岩 13m, 7 Aladaglar 一般 星期五 26th 8月 2022
5c Nakita - with Cindy 运动攀岩 14m, 7 Aladaglar 很好 星期二 30th 8月 2022
5b Burkini - with marcela 运动攀岩 14m, 7 Geyikbayırı 星期四 3rd 11月 2022
5b Easy İstanbul - with Marcela 运动攀岩 12m, 7 Geyikbayırı 星期二 8th 11月 2022
5a Hard Firtina - with Marcela 运动攀岩 23m, 7 Geyikbayırı 很好 星期一 14th 11月 2022
A bit of huff and puff over the bulge.

5a Easy Meltim - with Marcela 运动攀岩 23m, 7 Geyikbayırı 星期一 14th 11月 2022

Showing 1 - 100 out of 187 攀登.

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