
攀登 in Chinaman's Bluff

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Showing all 89 攀登.

Grade 线路 线路类型 岩场 路线质量 攀岩者 日期
20 The Ravages of Time 混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 经典
Vanessa Wills
星期一 19th 12月 2005
stunning setting, led piches 1,2,5,8,10 with John

20 The Ravages of Time 混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
星期二 13th 4月 2010
20 The Ravages of Time 混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
Campbell Gome
星期二 13th 4月 2010
20 The Ravages of Time 混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 超级经典
星期天 29th 12月 2013
rain of last pitch

20 The Ravages of Time - with John Dale
混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
Ethan Dale
星期六 20th 2月 2016
20 The Ravages of Time (The Ravages of Time P1)
混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 经典
星期三 26th 10月 2016
20 The Ravages of Time 混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 经典
Myles Perry
星期三 3rd 1月 2018
Cracking route. Varied - crack, overlap, slabs.

20 The Ravages of Time - with Che 混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
Josh Worley
星期二 27th 11月 2018
Nice climbing with good gear throughout.

20 The Ravages of Time
1 17 350m
2 18
3 18
4 20
5 17
6 18
7 16
8 20
混合传统攀岩 350m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
Jonathan Hattrell
星期六 8th 12月 2018
20 The Ravages of Time 混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
Philip Jakobsson
星期天 7th 4月 2019
20 The Ravages of Time - with Josh laidlaw
1 17 350 传统攀登 lead by Josh laidlaw
2 18 传统攀登 lead by Justin Wimmer
3 18 传统攀登 lead by Josh laidlaw
4 20 传统攀登 lead by Justin Wimmer
5 17 传统攀登 lead by Josh laidlaw
6 18 传统攀登 lead by Justin Wimmer
7 16 传统攀登 lead by Justin Wimmer
8 20 传统攀登 lead by Justin Wimmer
混合传统攀岩 350m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 经典
Justin Wimmer
星期五 17th 1月 2020
20 The Ravages of Time - with Justin Wimmer
1 17 350 传统攀登 lead by Josh laidlaw
2 18 传统攀登 lead by Justin Wimmer
3 18 传统攀登 lead by Josh laidlaw
4 20 传统攀登 lead by Justin Wimmer
5 17 传统攀登 lead by Josh laidlaw
6 18 传统攀登 lead by Justin Wimmer
7 16 传统攀登 lead by Justin Wimmer
8 20 传统攀登 lead by Justin Wimmer
混合传统攀岩 350m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 超级经典
Josh laidlaw
星期二 21st 1月 2020
20 The Ravages of Time 混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 超级经典
Erwan Coq
星期四 30th 1月 2020
20 The Ravages of Time 混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
William Skea
星期天 26th 1月 2020
20 The Ravages of Time - with Anthony Wuster
1 17 350 传统攀登 lead by Clément S
2 18 传统攀登 lead by Anthony Wuster
3 18 传统攀登 lead by Clément S
4 20 传统攀登 lead by Anthony Wuster
5 17 传统攀登 lead by Clément S
6 18 传统攀登 lead by Anthony Wuster
7 16 传统攀登 lead by Clément S
8 20 传统攀登 lead by Anthony Wuster
混合传统攀岩 350m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 经典
Clément S
星期一 24th 2月 2020
20 The Ravages of Time
1 17 350m
2 18
3 18
4 20
5 17
6 18
7 16
8 20
混合传统攀岩 350m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
Anthony Wuster
星期一 24th 2月 2020
17 The Ravages of Time (The Ravages of Time P1)
1 17 30m
混合传统攀岩 30m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
Jemma Quinn
星期五 6th 3月 2020
20 The Ravages of Time - with Natalie Tan
1 17 350m lead by Natalie Tan
2 18
3 18
4 20
5 17
6 18
7 16
8 20
混合传统攀岩 350m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
Oliver McDonald
星期二 17th 3月 2020
Last 4 pitches are worth it.

20 The Ravages of Time - with Oliver McDonald
1 17 20m
2 18 35m
3 18 30m
4 20 30m
5 17 20m
6 18 35m
7 16 30m
8 20 35m
混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
星期五 29th 1月 2021
2020 April

20 The Ravages of Time - with stefan geissdörfer, Jason
1 17 20m
2 18 35m
3 18 30m
4 20 30m
5 17 20m
6 18 35m
7 16 30m
8 20 35m
混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 经典
Max Warren
星期四 18th 2月 2021
Super cool tour, be careful with the descent.

20 The Ravages of Time
1 17 20m
2 18 35m
3 18 30m
4 20 30m
5 17 20m
6 18 35m
7 16 30m
8 20 35m
混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 经典
John Obermeier
星期四 22nd 4月 2021
20 The Ravages of Time - with James
1 17 20 传统攀登 lead by James
2 18 35 传统攀登 lead by Joyce
3 18 30 传统攀登 lead by James
4 20 30 传统攀登 lead by Joyce
5 17 20 传统攀登 lead by James
6 18 35 传统攀登 lead by Joyce
7 16 30 传统攀登 lead by Joyce
8 20 35 传统攀登 lead by James
混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 超级经典
星期六 8th 1月 2022
A 24hour extravaganza of getting lost, rapping onto ledges without anchors in the dark, sweet sweet crack climbing, running out of gear on 35m routes, sandbagged crimpy grade '16's with small pro and staggering back into camp for a 5.30am victory beer.

20 The Ravages of Time
1 17 20m
2 18 35m
3 18 30m
4 20 30m
5 17 20m
6 18 35m
7 16 30m
8 20 35m
混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 超级经典
Troy Kendall
星期六 29th 1月 2022
Mega classic route! Has everything! Lots of jamming, steep techy face climbing, runout slabs, sharp aretes, finalising in a steep hand crack which leads to a overhanging jug haul. So epic! Split up the crux pitches. Both were such classic pitches and so different!

20 The Ravages of Time
1 17 20m
2 18 35m
3 18 30m
4 20 30m
5 17 20m
6 16 35m
7 16 30m
8 20 35m
混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 超级经典
Adam Sanders
星期天 20th 2月 2022
Lives up to hype! Amazed at how lines like these are discovered and equipped. Really well protected and varied throughout! Unfortunately I lost the onsight on the last 2 metres of the whole climb, rushed the final moves with a pump and took the whip. Would climb again though for sure! Swung leads with Tomas. We found the crux to be setting up rappels whilst being swarmed by what felt like the entire sandfly population of Dart Valley.

20 The Ravages of Time - with Nia O'Connor, Blodgett88 混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 超级经典
Justin Wimmer
星期天 13th 3月 2022
20 The Ravages of Time - with Justin Wimmer, Nia O'Connor 混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 超级经典
星期天 13th 3月 2022
20 The Ravages of Time 混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
星期三 16th 3月 2022
20 The Ravages of Time - with Eric Horn
1 17 20m lead by Andy Baird
2 18 35m lead by Andy Baird
3 18 30m lead by Andy Baird
4 20 30m lead by Andy Baird
混合传统攀岩 120m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 超级经典
Andy Baird
星期五 18th 3月 2022
Epic time, found the route thanks to notes from a friend and Eric's excellent navigation. Didn't climb fast enough to do the whole route, Pitch 2 was my favourite, varying from "this is the greatest climb of my life" as I went under the roof and round the corner, to 5 metres later "this is the worst route of my life" as I dropped Eric's carabiner while trying to navigate round the crack tree. Super hang dog on Pitch 4 for bolt / unrelenting section. Lots of debate about which way to go in Pitch 2 and 3 . Beautiful text book crack on start of Pitch 4.

20 The Ravages of Time - with Joyce 混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 超级经典
James Wuu
星期一 10th 1月 2022
20 The Ravages of Time
1 17 20 传统攀登
2 18 35 传统攀登
3 18 30 传统攀登
4 20 30 传统攀登
混合传统攀岩 120m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
Ryan Yong
星期五 18th 11月 2022
Led first 4 pitches and turned back...

20 The Ravages of Time - with Tim Bartholomew, kathy, dania
1 17 20m 跟攀
2 18 35m 传统攀登

Small cam by the roof?

3 18 30m 传统攀登
4 20 30m 传统攀登

Easy grade 13-14trad to bolted 20. (Slab)

5 18 20m 传统攀登

Hardest climb from the entire pitch. Really hard start on dirty rock then it ease off

6 16 35m 传统攀登
7 16 30m 传统攀登
8 20 35m 传统攀登

Trad 18 on fist size crack to a 20 bolted. BEST PITCH.

混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 超级经典
Afiq Avinesh
星期天 1st 1月 2023
Finally. Big day mission with 4 people. Fortunate enough to lead the whole 8 pitch after the first pitch. Last pitch was definitely something spectacular, what a way to finish (MUST DO). 13hrs - start from the carpark to back. Big thanks to the first people that discover it Steve, Murray and Andrew. What a badass

20 The Ravages of Time - with Ryan Siacci, Imogen
1 17 20m 传统攀登
2 18 35m 跟攀
3 18 30m 跟攀
4 20 30m 跟攀
5 17 20m 跟攀
6 16 35m 跟攀
7 16 30m 跟攀
8 20 35m 跟攀
混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
Max Wasley
星期三 4th 1月 2023
Beautiful route in a stunning position. Some dirty pitches but most excellent climbing. Had it all - slab, cracks of all sizes and steep jugs. To quote Ryan Siacci “wow NZ DOES have good crack climbing!”.

20 The Ravages of Time
1 17 20 传统攀登
2 18 35 跟攀
3 18 30 传统攀登
4 20 30 跟攀
5 17 20 传统攀登
6 16 35 跟攀
7 16 30 传统攀登
8 20 35 跟攀
混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
Breanna Slattery
星期六 14th 1月 2023
20 The Ravages of Time (Ravages Of Time) 混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
Michael Cartwright
星期二 17th 12月 2013
17,18,18,20,17,16,16,20 with Cathy

20 The Ravages of Time
1 17 20m
2 18 35m
3 18 30m
4 20 30m
5 17 20m
6 16 35m
7 16 30m
8 20 35m
混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 超级经典
Nurrin Ajmal
星期五 10th 3月 2023
20 Easy The Ravages of Time - with Grant
1 17 20m 跟攀 lead by Grant

Cool slabby pitch - all bolts

2 18 35m 传统攀登 lead by Jay

Super fun pitch. 1 bolt off the ground and easy gear. Some cool airy moves stepping around the arete.

3 18 30m 跟攀 lead by Grant

Good gear and another cool move around and arete.

4 20 30m 传统攀登 lead by Jay

Probably the most technical pitch. Surprisingly not pumpy at all. Maybe grade 12 on gear and then then an easy 20 on bolts.

5 17 20m 传统攀登 lead by Jay

Surprisingly, I found this pitch the hardest. You've got to really pull off the ground and then sick moves up the arete. All bolts.

6 16 35m 跟攀 lead by Grant

Fun moves!

7 16 30m 传统攀登 lead by Jay

Super fun!

8 20 35m 跟攀 lead by Grant

Definitely the coolest pitch! Easy crack climbing the then a gentle overhang with jugs

混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
星期六 14th 10月 2023
FWIW this route can just be descended on a single 60m rope. We climbed on two 60s but didn't need them for the raps. Accidentally rapped down the first set of anchors from the half way ledge, which made for three 30m raps and a little dirty scramble.

20 The Ravages of Time - with Ryan Instone 混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 经典
Justin Wimmer
星期六 18th 11月 2023
20 Easy The Ravages of Time - with Kiera Montgomery, Lizzy
1 17 20 跟攀 lead by Kiera Montgomery
2 18 35 传统攀登 lead by Aidan Sarginson
3 18 30 跟攀 lead by Lizzy
4 20 30 传统攀登 lead by Aidan Sarginson
5 17 20 跟攀 lead by Kiera Montgomery
6 16 35 跟攀 lead by Lizzy
7 16 30 传统攀登 lead by Aidan Sarginson
8 20 35 传统攀登 lead by Aidan Sarginson
混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
Aidan Sarginson
星期三 13th 12月 2023
For a group of 3 we took 8 hours to get to the top and 3 hours of Rapping.

Can be climbed and rapped on an unchopped 60m rope, but a 70m will make your life easier.

20 The Ravages of Time - with Clare 混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 经典
Gee Rad
星期二 2nd 1月 2024
Lead all pitches clean, flash or onsight all apart from lowering off pitch 7 after accidentally starting to link into it from 6. We climbed the first two pitches the day before and bailed due to lots of other parties on the route. Really enjoyed the steep crack pitches!

20 Easy The Ravages of Time - with Dave Eckl
1 17 20 跟攀
2 18 35 传统攀登
3 18 30 跟攀
4 20 30 传统攀登
5 17 20 传统攀登
6 16 35 跟攀
7 16 30 传统攀登
8 20 35 传统攀登

onsight by david, then i gave it a flash

混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
Nick O'Rourke
星期三 31st 1月 2024
20 ~19 The Ravages of Time - with Nick O'Rourke
1 17 20 传统攀登
2 18 35 跟攀 lead by Nick O'Rourke
3 18 30 传统攀登
4 20 30 跟攀 lead by Nick O'Rourke
5 17 20 跟攀 lead by Nick O'Rourke
6 16 35 传统攀登
7 16 30 跟攀 lead by Nick O'Rourke
8 20 35 传统攀登
混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
Dave Eckl
星期二 30th 1月 2024
5 hours on route, 1.5 hours to rappel. Rappel to the bottom of pitch 5 then down chinks. Would recommend a 70m rope for going down chinks if climbing on a single.

20 The Ravages of Time 混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
Owyn Aitken
星期五 15th 12月 2023
20 The Ravages of Time
1 17 20m 器械攀登
2 18 35m 跟攀
3 18 30m 跟攀
4 20 30m 跟攀
5 17 20m 跟攀
混合传统攀岩 140m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
星期四 1st 2月 2024
20 The Ravages of Time
1 17 20m 传统攀登
2 18 35m 跟攀
3 18 30m 传统攀登
4 20 30m 跟攀
5 17 20m 传统攀登
6 16 35m 跟攀
7 16 30m 传统攀登
8 20 35m 传统攀登
混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 超级经典
星期六 2nd 3月 2024
20 The Ravages of Time
1 17 20m 传统攀登
2 18 35m 传统攀登
3 18 30m 传统攀登
4 20 30m 传统攀登
5 17 20m 传统攀登
6 16 35m 传统攀登
7 16 30m 传统攀登
8 20 35m 传统攀登
混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
Nicola StJohn
星期天 10th 3月 2024
20 The Ravages of Time
1 17 20m 跟攀
2 18 35m 传统攀登
3 18 30m 传统攀登
4 20 30m 跟攀
5 17 20m 跟攀
6 16 35m 传统攀登
7 16 30m 传统攀登
8 20 35m 传统攀登
混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
Matias Rivera Urrutia
星期六 15th 4月 2023
20 The Ravages of Time - with Biddy
1 17 20 传统攀登 lead by Shawn
2 18 35 传统攀登 lead by Shawn
3 18 30 传统攀登 lead by Shawn
4 20 30 传统攀登 lead by Shawn
5 17 20 传统攀登 lead by Shawn
6 16 35 传统攀登 lead by Shawn
7 16 30 传统攀登 lead by Shawn
8 20 35 传统攀登 lead by Shawn
混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 经典
星期天 19th 11月 2023
Trousers got caught in a quickdraw forcing me to downclimb to undo it all. Lost too much energy in the process and fell 1m away from the anchor of the top pitch, so gutted!

20 The Ravages of Time
1 17 20 传统攀登
2 18 35 传统攀登
3 18 30 传统攀登
4 20 30 传统攀登
5 17 20 传统攀登
6 16 35 传统攀登
7 16 30 传统攀登
8 20 35 传统攀登
混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
Ryan Yong
星期天 21st 4月 2024
20 The Ravages of Time - with James Warren
1 17 20m 传统攀登
2 18 35m 传统攀登
3 18 30m 跟攀 lead by James Warren
4 20 30m 传统攀登
5 17 20m 跟攀 lead by James Warren
6 16 35m 跟攀 lead by James Warren
7 16 30m 传统攀登
8 20 35m 跟攀 lead by James Warren
混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
Charlotte Shuter
星期六 4th 3月 2023
20 The Ravages of Time - with Kati Tureo
1 17 20m 传统攀登 lead by Martin Carlaw
2 18 35m 跟攀 lead by Kati Tureo

Spicy book corner finger crack at the end

3 18 30m 传统攀登 lead by Martin Carlaw
4 20 30m 跟攀 lead by Kati Tureo
5 17 20m 传统攀登 lead by Martin Carlaw

Slippery arete for a "17"

6 16 35m 跟攀 lead by Kati Tureo
混合传统攀岩 170m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
Martin Carlaw
星期天 12th 5月 2024
Big frost in the morning! couldn't feel fingers first pitch. Getting late in the season to make it within the daylight window. Turned back once it started getting real cold as Timone (dog, not a person) was tied up at the base. Uncut 60m is fine

Awesome drive, approach, climb, area and company!

20 The Ravages of Time 混合传统攀岩 240m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
星期天 25th 2月 2024
21 Chink in Shining Armour 混合传统攀岩 110m, 32 Chinaman's Bluff
Philip Jakobsson
星期天 7th 4月 2019
21 Chink in Shining Armour
1 17 20m
2 18 26m
3 20 30m
4 21 30m
混合传统攀岩 110m, 32 Chinaman's Bluff 经典
John Obermeier
星期四 22nd 4月 2021
21 Easy Chink in Shining Armour 混合传统攀岩 110m, 32 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
Joe Wearne
星期二 31st 1月 2023
21 Chink in Shining Armour
1 17 20m 传统攀登

Easy climb

2 17 26m 跟攀

Need to place 2, 3 gear at a crack.

3 20 30m 传统攀登

Hardest of all 4 pitch. Very sustain 20. Slightly overhang. After pass the last bulge, getting easy. Can have some no hand rest

4 21 30m 传统攀登

Good hand and foot hold most of the time until the last bolt. Traverse left before go up to clip the last bolt.

混合传统攀岩 110m, 32 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
星期五 3rd 3月 2023
Took like 7 hour to finish for 3 ppl. Other than the first pitch, all other pitch can only belay at a very small ledge. Sunny all day.

21 ~20 Chink in Shining Armour
1 17 20m 传统攀登
2 17 26m 传统攀登
3 20 30m 传统攀登
4 21 30m 传统攀登
混合传统攀岩 110m, 32 Chinaman's Bluff 超级经典
Angus Mcgill
星期六 29th 4月 2023
Amazing route definitely soft for the grade (was our first tick on a 21. Very well protected especially on the last 2 pitches. Only used 3 small-mid range cams for the second pitch.

21 Chink in Shining Armour - with Ryan Instone 混合传统攀岩 110m, 32 Chinaman's Bluff 经典
Justin Wimmer
星期六 18th 11月 2023
21 Chink in Shining Armour
1 17 20m 传统攀登
2 17 26m 跟攀
3 20 30m 跟攀
4 21 30m 传统攀登
混合传统攀岩 110m, 32 Chinaman's Bluff
Nick O'Rourke
星期四 29th 2月 2024
21 Chink in Shining Armour - with Nick O'Rourke
1 17 20 跟攀 lead by Nick O'Rourke
2 17 26 传统攀登
3 20 30 传统攀登
4 21 30 跟攀 lead by Nick O'Rourke
混合传统攀岩 110m, 32 Chinaman's Bluff 经典
Dave Eckl
星期四 29th 2月 2024
21 Chink in Shining Armour
1 17 20m 传统攀登
2 17 26m 传统攀登
3 20 30m 传统攀登
4 21 30m 传统攀登
混合传统攀岩 110m, 32 Chinaman's Bluff
Matias Rivera Urrutia
星期一 23rd 10月 2023
21 Chink in Shining Armour 混合传统攀岩 110m, 32 Chinaman's Bluff
Jordan R
星期一 12th 12月 2022
21 Chink in Shining Armour 混合传统攀岩 110m, 32 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
Gomez Garcia Gonzalez
星期六 27th 4月 2024
Great last two pitches, good stone and cool holds.

20 Third World Assassin 混合传统攀岩 90m, 10 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
Vanessa Wills
星期一 12th 10月 2009
Led Pitch 2 and 4 with MB

20 Third World Assassin
1 17 20m lead by Josh Worley
2 20 24m lead by Josh Worley
3 19 24m lead by Josh Worley
4 15 19m lead by Josh Worley
混合传统攀岩 87m, 10 Chinaman's Bluff
Josh Worley
星期四 6th 12月 2018
Unfortunately a lot of vegetation which detracted from the climb. If you go I would recommend taking a wire brush and making a day of it to clean it up. I was not aware of its current state otherwise would have done so myself. Not sure I will get the chance again before I go home. Would be a nice climb if cleaned properly. The second pitch is one of the scariest leads I have ever done. Thin and tricky gear the whole way. Had to sit a couple of times. Third pitch was the best in my opinion with great climbing and good gear, though a small amount of vegetation in the crack detracted from the quality.

20 Third World Assassin - with Mike Skinner 混合传统攀岩 90m, 10 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
Justin Wimmer
星期四 10th 3月 2022
Super fun first 3 pitches. End of the 3rd pitch needs a bit of a brush and 4th pitch needs a deveg. Linked the 2nd and 3rd pitch which worked quite well as we took a while trying to find the climb.

20 Third World Assassin - with Justin Wimmer, jordan
1 18 20m lead by Justin Wimmer
2 20 24m lead by Justin Wimmer
3 19 24m lead by Justin Wimmer
4 16 22m
混合传统攀岩 90m, 10 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
Mike Skinner
星期四 10th 3月 2022
20 Third World Assassin
1 18 20m 传统攀登
2 20 24m 跟攀
3 19 24m 传统攀登
4 16 22m 跟攀
混合传统攀岩 90m, 10 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
Matias Rivera Urrutia
星期四 16th 11月 2023
20 Third World Assassin 混合传统攀岩 90m, 10 Chinaman's Bluff
Jordan R
星期五 12th 2月 2021
20 Third World Assassin - with Linnea
1 18 20m 传统攀登
2 20 24m 传统攀登
3 19 24m 传统攀登
4 16 22m 传统攀登
混合传统攀岩 90m, 10 Chinaman's Bluff 经典
Dave Eckl
星期一 22nd 4月 2024
Only climbed first two pitches. Well worth it for pitch 2. 24m of fantastic crack climbing. Could easily climb the whole pitch on nuts!

21 Blue Lagoon 混合传统攀岩 88m, 8 Chinaman's Bluff
julian andersen
星期二 13th 4月 2010
21 Tick Tock 传统攀登 55m Chinaman's Bluff 经典
星期天 22nd 10月 2017
Blindly followed the fixed rope to this instead of going up the second pitch of ravages of time. 70m rope just enough.

22 21 Hard Sun 运动攀岩 82m, 31 Chinaman's Bluff
Vanessa Wills
星期一 12th 10月 2009
Great cleaning effort. Harder than 21

22 Hard Sun 运动攀岩 82m, 31 Chinaman's Bluff
Jemma Quinn
星期五 6th 3月 2020
21 Hard Sun 运动攀岩 82m, 31 Chinaman's Bluff
Blair Johnston
星期六 15th 12月 2012
Maybe 21

21 Hard Sun 运动攀岩 82m, 31 Chinaman's Bluff 一般
Matias Rivera Urrutia
星期六 10th 2月 2024
very dirty all the way up, third anchor bolts are loose and spinning. Nice moves on good rock but need a lot of cleaning.

21 Hard Sun - with Linnea 运动攀岩 82m, 31 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
Dave Eckl
星期天 21st 4月 2024
Sustained crimpy face climbing. 2nd pitch felt harder than the first but that could have been down to the moss! I’ve given the first two pitches a good scrubbing but bring a brush for the last pitch (I wore out my brush on the first 2) Will be a great route if moss free 👍🏼👍🏼

24 What's up DOC - with Dave Eckl
1 18 20 运动攀岩
2 18 20 跟攀 lead by Dave Eckl

Guide doesnt mention much but a really nice pitch following a finger crack transitioning into an awesome flake. laybacking.

3 24 25 运动攀岩

steep pumpy climbing into the crux bulge on small crimps. Took a giant whip pulling the crux ended up upside down every which way. Had another go but pumped out. rested below the crux before getting it. rest of the climb is very good

4 21 25 跟攀 lead by Dave Eckl

A really good pitch and route. Would love to see it have more traffic. Steep climbing on crimps with a sting before the anchors

运动攀岩 90m, 30 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
Nick O'Rourke
星期四 29th 2月 2024
A great route

24 What's up DOC - with Nick O'Rourke
1 18 20 运动攀岩
2 18 20 运动攀岩

Great lay back on this pitch.

3 24 25 跟攀 lead by Nick O'Rourke

The bulge is the crux. Make sure to get a good rest in before committing to the moves which aren’t actually that hard.

4 21 25 运动攀岩

Other than the moss, this is a superb technical and sustained crimp fest 👍🏼

运动攀岩 90m, 30 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
Dave Eckl
星期四 29th 2月 2024
24 What's up DOC - with James Warren 运动攀岩 90m, 30 Chinaman's Bluff
Charlotte Shuter
星期六 4th 3月 2023
24 What's up DOC - with James Warren
1 18 20m 运动攀岩 lead by James Warren
2 18 20m 运动攀岩 lead by Charlotte Shuter
3 24 25m 跟攀 lead by James Warren

James sent and I fell doing crux move!

4 21 25m 运动攀岩 lead by Charlotte Shuter
运动攀岩 90m, 30 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
Charlotte Shuter
星期五 1st 3月 2024
22 Browsing Time 运动攀岩 38m, 16 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
Blair Johnston
星期六 15th 12月 2012

17 On The Programme 运动攀岩 26m, 10 Chinaman's Bluff
Eugene Yeo
星期六 12th 12月 2020
17 On The Programme 运动攀岩 26m, 10 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
星期天 4th 2月 2024
best 17 I've ever touched.

17 On The Programme 运动攀岩 26m, 10 Chinaman's Bluff
星期二 12th 3月 2024
23 Lucia 运动攀岩 20m, 9 Chinaman's Bluff 不值一提
星期天 4th 2月 2024
Grade 18 climbing to one hard move at the roof.

21 On The Programme P2 (On the Programme) 运动攀岩 20m, 8 Chinaman's Bluff
Michael Cartwright
星期一 16th 12月 2013
17,21 with Cathy

21 Free the Flow 运动攀岩 17m, 8 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
星期天 4th 2月 2024
Sustained and fun!

24 First Steps — 2 attempts 运动攀岩 20m, 7 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
星期天 4th 2月 2024
Climbing is nice once you clean it up.

18 Easy Seismic Narcosis 运动攀岩 24m, 7 Chinaman's Bluff 很好
Nevan O'Connell
星期一 4th 3月 2024

Showing all 89 攀登.

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