
攀登 in Flatanger

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 502 攀登.

Grade 线路 线路类型 岩场 路线质量 攀岩者 日期
7a Kakestykket - with Maria 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger 超级经典
Justin Case
星期一 13th 10月 2014
Took me two whole days to get this absolutely classic line! The cold was killing sensation in my hands again. About 35m long, a pumpy steep traverse on great holds that leads into a V3ish compression boulder problem that makes you feel "out there". This is the route that made me feel the beauty of the place, the silence and concentration only being interrupted when you look behind you to find the Arctic Ocean creeping inside the fjords, without a doubt one of the standout lines of our trip!!

7a Kakestykket 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger 经典
星期一 17th 8月 2015
Very greasy/chalked up holds.

7b 7a Kakestykket 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger 经典
Paul Steinig
星期三 28th 6月 2017
Amazing Line, really long and good endurance climb traversing on a overhanging ramp.

7a Kakestykket - with Evelyn Livermore 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger 很好
Christer Honoré-Livermore
星期五 18th 5月 2018
Second go! Super pumpy but fun once you get the crux.

7a Kakestykket 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger
Sarah Shoelace
星期四 7th 6月 2018
Couple of attempts as a quick project. Pretty fun traverse! Back tomorrow!!

7a Kakestykket 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger
Sam Gamgee
星期二 26th 6月 2018
7a Kakestykket - with Jon Shen 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger
Solveig Korherr
星期三 24th 7月 2019
7a Kakestykket 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger 超级经典
星期四 1st 8月 2019
7a Kakestykket 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger
星期二 21st 8月 2018
Knowing how to jam helps

7a Kakestykket 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger
Nils Winell
星期二 17th 7月 2018
Provade en gång förra året och missade flashen. Nu gick jag för senilonsight trots att jag kände mig slut i både knopp o kropp. Men med ett handjam i kruxet lyckades jag bängla mig igenom, och hela vägen till ankaret. Sjukt oväntat.

7a Kakestykket - with Arturo Gonzalez-Llana 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger 经典
星期一 17th 7月 2023
7a Kakestykket - with JositoGG 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger
Arturo Gonzalez-Llana
星期一 17th 7月 2023
7a Kakestykket 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger
星期三 9th 8月 2023
7a Kakestykket 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger
Stefan Auf der Maur
星期四 10th 8月 2023
7a Kakestykket — 9 attempts 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger 很好
Riku Katayose
星期四 10th 8月 2023
7a Kakestykket 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger
Johannes Pielmeier
星期五 1st 9月 2023
7a Kakestykket - with sophie 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger 经典
Hauke do
星期三 19th 6月 2024
7a Kakestykket 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger 很好
Brendan Coulter
星期三 24th 7月 2024
Pumpier than it looks at the start, and quite a tricky crux for the grade.

7a Kakestykket 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger 经典
星期一 29th 7月 2024
7a Kakestykket - with Breanna Slattery, JakeSouthen 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger 超级经典
星期一 29th 7月 2024
7a Kakestykket 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Flatanger
Breanna Slattery
星期一 29th 7月 2024
6a+ I siget 运动攀岩 38m, 14 Flatanger 很好
星期三 23rd 8月 2017
6b+ Svenneprøven - with Evelyn Livermore 运动攀岩 37m, 14 Flatanger 很好
Christer Honoré-Livermore
星期六 6th 6月 2020
Great, varied and long route, but definitely not 7b as written in the guidebook. Surely the names or grades must have been confused.

6b+ Svenneprøven 运动攀岩 37m, 14 Flatanger 超级经典
Evelyn Livermore
星期二 2nd 7月 2019
6b+ Svenneprøven 运动攀岩 37m, 14 Flatanger 超级经典
Evelyn Livermore
星期二 2nd 7月 2019
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
6b+ ~6b Svenneprøven 运动攀岩 37m, 14 Flatanger
Vanessa Wills
星期二 22nd 8月 2023
Doesn’t look like the direct start has been done for a few years, the first 2 bolts covered in vegetation. A little tricky at start, the rest is a straightforward corner

6a+ I siget 运动攀岩 38m, 14 Flatanger 很好
Vanessa Wills
星期二 22nd 8月 2023
The start was a bit wet and awkward, improved after that, nice flake and route harder than the corner to left

5a Riktig trivelig 运动攀岩 30m, 12 Flatanger
Tabea Kowald
星期二 4th 10月 2022
5a ~5b+ Riktig trivelig - with Arturo Gonzalez-Llana 运动攀岩 30m, 12 Flatanger 不值一提
星期一 17th 7月 2023
5a Riktig trivelig - with JositoGG 运动攀岩 30m, 12 Flatanger
Arturo Gonzalez-Llana
星期一 17th 7月 2023
5a Riktig trivelig - with JositoGG 运动攀岩 30m, 12 Flatanger
Arturo Gonzalez-Llana
星期一 17th 7月 2023
6b+ Gulrot tyven 运动攀岩 35m, 11 Flatanger 很好
星期六 26th 8月 2017
6b+ Gulrot tyven 运动攀岩 35m, 11 Flatanger 经典
Christer Honoré-Livermore
星期四 17th 5月 2018
6b+ Gulrot tyven 运动攀岩 35m, 11 Flatanger 经典
Christer Honoré-Livermore
星期一 1st 10月 2018
Repeated this amazing route as a warm-up. Worth doing over and over again.

6b+ Gulrot tyven 运动攀岩 35m, 11 Flatanger
星期五 17th 8月 2018
6b+ Gulrot tyven 运动攀岩 35m, 11 Flatanger
Manuel Walser
星期二 17th 8月 2021
6b+ Gulrot tyven 运动攀岩 35m, 11 Flatanger 超级经典
Christer Honoré-Livermore
星期六 24th 9月 2022
Warm-up. If I could only do one route for the rest of my life I think this would be the one I would choose. Just great!

6b+ Gulrot tyven - with JositoGG 运动攀岩 35m, 11 Flatanger 超级经典
Arturo Gonzalez-Llana
星期天 16th 7月 2023
6b+ Gulrot tyven - with Arturo Gonzalez-Llana 运动攀岩 35m, 11 Flatanger 经典
星期天 16th 7月 2023
6b+ Gulrot tyven - with Ola 运动攀岩 35m, 11 Flatanger
Francesco Mancino
星期四 27th 7月 2023
Took a big traverse fall, and my could not bring myself to complete the sequence after that. Next time...

6b+ Gulrot tyven 运动攀岩 35m, 11 Flatanger 超级经典
Christer Honoré-Livermore
星期四 3rd 8月 2023
Warm-up. Repeat

6b+ Gulrot tyven — 2 attempts 运动攀岩 35m, 11 Flatanger 很好
Riku Katayose
星期四 10th 8月 2023
6b+ Gulrot tyven 运动攀岩 35m, 11 Flatanger
Hauke do
星期三 12th 6月 2024
6b+ Gulrot tyven 运动攀岩 35m, 11 Flatanger
Breanna Slattery
星期天 28th 7月 2024
7b Kykkeli 运动攀岩 22m, 10 Flatanger 经典
Paul Steinig
星期四 6th 7月 2017
A Dream of a climb, of the crack is dry...

7b Kykkeli 运动攀岩 22m, 10 Flatanger 很好
Christer Honoré-Livermore
星期四 17th 5月 2018
7b Kykkeli 运动攀岩 22m, 10 Flatanger
星期六 25th 8月 2018
Not the best route on the wall. Off-balance, humid holds and a shitload of chalk on all holds. Cold hands, fell off almost every hold from the start of the crack on Kykkeli.

7b Kykkeli - with Evelyn Livermore 运动攀岩 22m, 10 Flatanger 经典
Christer Honoré-Livermore
星期天 7th 6月 2020
Great climb, and very useful with a fingerlock or two. Did it on today's third go, fourth in total.

7b Kykkeli 运动攀岩 22m, 10 Flatanger
Anders Grahn
星期六 21st 7月 2018
7b Kykkeli 运动攀岩 22m, 10 Flatanger 很好
Nils Winell
星期六 14th 7月 2018
Kanonkul spricka med fina fingerlås. Provade en gång förra året, då var den blöt... nu gick den på andra (trots att jag var sjuk!).

7b Kykkeli 运动攀岩 22m, 10 Flatanger 超级经典
Leon Zangerl
星期二 13th 9月 2022
7b Kykkeli 运动攀岩 22m, 10 Flatanger 经典
luca Zeitter
星期六 22nd 7月 2023
7b Kykkeli 运动攀岩 22m, 10 Flatanger
星期三 9th 8月 2023
7b Kykkeli 运动攀岩 22m, 10 Flatanger 经典
Riku Katayose
星期天 13th 8月 2023
7b Kykkeli 运动攀岩 22m, 10 Flatanger 经典
Brendan Coulter
星期四 25th 7月 2024
Crack climbing? At Flatanger? really really good, despite the wet spots in the crack. Would have done the extension if I took enough draws

7b Kykkeli 运动攀岩 22m, 10 Flatanger
Breanna Slattery
星期二 30th 7月 2024
6c+ Southern Invasion 运动攀岩 20m, 7 Flatanger 经典
星期四 1st 8月 2019
6c+ Southern Invasion - with Nejc Radez 运动攀岩 20m, 7 Flatanger 经典
星期六 28th 8月 2021
Nice and fun route. 2nd go

6c+ Southern Invasion - with Arturo Gonzalez-Llana 运动攀岩 20m, 7 Flatanger 经典
星期天 16th 7月 2023
6c+ Southern Invasion - with Arturo Gonzalez-Llana 运动攀岩 20m, 7 Flatanger 经典
星期天 16th 7月 2023
6a Posible nick (Possible nick) 运动攀岩 18m, 6 Flatanger 很好
星期三 23rd 8月 2017
6b+ Come back 运动攀岩 16m, 6 Flatanger 很好
星期一 28th 8月 2017
6a+ 6a Posible nick (Possible nick) - with Evelyn Livermore 运动攀岩 18m, 6 Flatanger
Christer Honoré-Livermore
星期六 6th 6月 2020
Hard for the grade, a bit tricky to figure out.

6c+ Katrins Kraft - with Evelyn Livermore 运动攀岩 6 Flatanger
Christer Honoré-Livermore
星期六 6th 6月 2020
Had one go; bailed at the crux.

6b+ Saft Kraft - with Evelyn Livermore 运动攀岩 6 Flatanger 很好
Christer Honoré-Livermore
星期六 6th 6月 2020
6a Posible nick 运动攀岩 18m, 6 Flatanger
Manuel Walser
星期天 15th 8月 2021
6b+ Come back 运动攀岩 16m, 6 Flatanger
Manuel Walser
星期天 15th 8月 2021
6a+ Uman River 运动攀岩 6 Flatanger
Manuel Walser
星期天 15th 8月 2021
4c Gorillaglass 运动攀岩 25m, 6 Flatanger
Senne Laenen
星期五 24th 6月 2022
6a Posible nick 运动攀岩 18m, 6 Flatanger
Tabea Kowald
星期二 4th 10月 2022
6b+ Saft Kraft 运动攀岩 6 Flatanger
Tabea Kowald
星期二 4th 10月 2022
4c Gorillaglass - with JositoGG 运动攀岩 25m, 6 Flatanger
Arturo Gonzalez-Llana
星期天 16th 7月 2023
4c Gorillaglass - with DOAN 运动攀岩 25m, 6 Flatanger 很好
星期天 16th 7月 2023
6a ~6a+ Posible nick — 2 attempts - with Ola 运动攀岩 18m, 6 Flatanger 很好
Francesco Mancino
星期四 27th 7月 2023
Flowy, very nice route. Was a bit wet and went the wrong way on my first attept, felt great on the second.

6a ~6a+ Posible nick - with Francesco Mancino 运动攀岩 18m, 6 Flatanger
星期四 27th 7月 2023
6a ~6a+ Posible nick - with Francesco Mancino 运动攀岩 18m, 6 Flatanger
星期四 27th 7月 2023
6a ~6a+ Posible nick 运动攀岩 18m, 6 Flatanger 很好
Vanessa Wills
星期二 22nd 8月 2023
Without a triple rack to weigh me down I should have floated up this but it had me puffing.

6b+ Come back 运动攀岩 16m, 6 Flatanger 一般
Vanessa Wills
星期二 22nd 8月 2023
The climbing didn’t really flow, largely due to bolt position.

6a+ Uman River 运动攀岩 6 Flatanger
Anouk de Mol
星期天 4th 8月 2024
6a ~6a+ Posible nick 运动攀岩 18m, 6 Flatanger 很好
星期一 5th 8月 2024
Fun route with some cool moves. Hard for the grade and quite exposed.

6c Tåstu 运动攀岩 5 Flatanger
星期三 23rd 8月 2017
6b+ Ukjent 运动攀岩 15m, 5 Flatanger
Christer Honoré-Livermore
星期六 19th 5月 2018
Burly but fun.

6b+ Ukjent 运动攀岩 15m, 5 Flatanger
Sarah Shoelace
星期四 7th 6月 2018
Not too baaaaaaaaaad. Got it second shot.

6b+ Ukjent 运动攀岩 15m, 5 Flatanger
Sam Gamgee
星期二 26th 6月 2018
6c Tåstu - with Evelyn Livermore 运动攀岩 5 Flatanger
Christer Honoré-Livermore
星期六 6th 6月 2020
Cool and somewhat awkward climbing.

6b+ Ukjent 运动攀岩 15m, 5 Flatanger 很好
Nils Winell
星期一 8th 7月 2019
Fin ju! Kort men distinkt.

6c Tåstu 运动攀岩 5 Flatanger
Manuel Walser
星期天 15th 8月 2021
6b+ Ukjent 运动攀岩 15m, 5 Flatanger
星期六 28th 8月 2021
6b+ Hard Ukjent - with Arturo Gonzalez-Llana 运动攀岩 15m, 5 Flatanger 很好
星期一 17th 7月 2023
6b+ Ukjent - with JositoGG 运动攀岩 15m, 5 Flatanger
Arturo Gonzalez-Llana
星期一 17th 7月 2023
6b+ Ukjent 运动攀岩 15m, 5 Flatanger
Stefan Auf der Maur
星期一 7th 8月 2023
6b+ Ukjent 运动攀岩 15m, 5 Flatanger
星期二 8th 8月 2023
6b+ Easy Ukjent - with Lohan Lizin, BIlly Porter 运动攀岩 15m, 5 Flatanger
Brax Rodgers
星期六 29th 7月 2023
Really nice climb! Way too short to be classic, but the movement is much nicer than that on the 6c. Incredibly easy for the grade though, onsighted, downclimbed and climbed up again as a warmup! The biggest crux is finding an undercling above your head when the chalk begs you to go left!

6b+ Ukjent 运动攀岩 15m, 5 Flatanger
Johannes Pielmeier
星期六 2nd 9月 2023
6b+ Ukjent 运动攀岩 15m, 5 Flatanger
Breanna Slattery
星期一 29th 7月 2024
6b Trykkokeren - with Maria 运动攀岩 17m Flatanger 经典
Justin Case
星期六 11th 10月 2014
After getting not-on-the-6a we then were sure this was it. Maria got on it, barely managing the OS. I then got on it thinking it was a stout 6a. Turns out it was a typo in the online guide- 6b. Balancy and out there, to the left of the amazing Hanshalleren, overcast, yet because the sun was in the horizon it was sunny- amazing setting!

6c+ 6a+ Lykkelige sønner (Bolted in 2014 (unknown name)) - with Maria 运动攀岩 20m Flatanger 很好
Justin Case
星期六 11th 10月 2014
Very first climb in Europe! As with all things European as far as I go, we got to a shaky start. Thinking that this was a 6a, Maria got on this for a warm-up. The start challenged her, so she decided to let me go first. A lot harder than it looked! The seemingly solid Norse granite broke on me in a way it seemed as if I was commiting ritual suicide- stabbed myself in the gut! Got on again and bouldered it out, later finding that this was another new line. I think it should be around 6c+.

6c Hovdegjengen (Hovdejengen) - with Maria 运动攀岩 Flatanger 超级经典
Justin Case
星期天 12th 10月 2014
It took a shamefully large number of attempts to get this one... hands kept freezing! Amazing steepish climbing on good holds with a fair bit of body tension that eases after the first boulder problem at the start. Stout 6c. The weather was cold and humid, it being October, and all of the trees already in full fall! Needed the hand warmer inside m'chalk bag!

5c Limpa 运动攀岩 20m Flatanger 很好
星期六 8th 8月 2015
6b Alfa krull 运动攀岩 20m Flatanger 很好
星期六 8th 8月 2015

Showing 1 - 100 out of 502 攀登.

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