
攀登 in Alicante

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 7,865 攀登.

Grade 线路 线路类型 岩场 路线质量 攀岩者 日期
6b+ La Sombra del Sol
1 5+ 50 传统攀登
2 5+ 35 跟攀
3 6a 20 传统攀登
4 6b+ 35 跟攀
5 6a+ 50 传统攀登
6 5c 50 跟攀
7 30 器械攀登
8 20 器械攀登
混合传统攀岩 290m, 1 Cabezon de Oro 很好
星期一 8th 1月 2024
6c+ Costa Blanca
1 185m
2 6b
3 6b
4 6a
5 6b+
6 6b+
7 6c+
运动攀岩 190m Peñón de Ifach 很好
Hard Is Easy
星期一 15th 4月 2019
6c+ Costa Blanca
1 4 15m
2 6b 40m
3 6b 35m
4 6a 35m
5 6b+ 32m
6 6b+ 20m
7 6c+ 30m
运动攀岩 210m Peñón de Ifach
John van Osta
星期一 13th 7月 2020
6c+ Costa Blanca
1 4 15m
2 6b 40m
3 6b 35m
4 6a 35m
5 6b+ 32m
6 6b+ 20m
7 6c+ 30m
运动攀岩 210m Peñón de Ifach 超级经典
Alex Ennis
星期天 15th 11月 2020
6c+ Costa Blanca - with John van Osta
1 4 15m
2 6b 40m
3 6b 35m
4 6a 35m
5 6b+ 32m
6 6b+ 20m
7 6c+ 30m
运动攀岩 210m Peñón de Ifach
Lucy Pople
星期三 1st 1月 2020
6c+ Costa Blanca
1 4 15m 运动攀岩
2 6b 40m 跟攀
3 6b 35m 运动攀岩
4 6a 35m 跟攀
5 6b+ 32m 运动攀岩
6 6b+ 20m 跟攀
7 6c+ 30m 器械攀登

So quality!!! Only pitch 5 was noticeably smooth rock, the rest not polished in my opinion. Was falling on the last pitch, had a few whips before I decided to thread my sling.. and then fell on that! Technically a mixed route haha. Second time I’ve ever whipped on my own pro. Epic day.

运动攀岩 210m Peñón de Ifach 经典
Kat Liss
星期一 9th 1月 2023
6a 95 olé (95 olé Linkup Sonnjanika) - with Marwan laqdiem
1 4c 100m lead by Kiko Aura
2 5 lead by Marwan laqdiem
3 6a lead by Kiko Aura
运动攀岩 100m Cumbre del Sol
Kiko Aura
星期六 3rd 4月 2021
6b+ ~6b Tanit
1 6b+ 运动攀岩
2 5+ 跟攀
3 6a+ 运动攀岩
4 6a+ 跟攀
运动攀岩 95m Sella
星期五 20th 1月 2023
6b+ Tanit
1 6b+ 跟攀
2 5+ 运动攀岩
3 6a+ 跟攀
4 6a+ 运动攀岩
运动攀岩 95m Sella 很好
Kat Liss
星期五 20th 1月 2023
Pitch 4 is mixed, bring small cams and nuts. I also recommend topping out and building your own anchor to belay your second up, instead of belaying them up from the bolted anchor on the cliff. Walk off is an easy bush bash down the back of the mountain.

6b+ 95 olé
4 5 14 运动攀岩
5 6b+ 50 跟攀
运动攀岩 64m Cumbre del Sol 超级经典
Magnesia Mathis
星期五 21st 4月 2023
6a 95 olé - with PsicoblocPaula
1 4c 跟攀 lead by PsicoblocPaula
2 5 运动攀岩 lead by Magnesia Mathis
3 6a 跟攀 lead by PsicoblocPaula
运动攀岩 100m Cumbre del Sol 超级经典
Magnesia Mathis
星期二 25th 4月 2023
6a 95 olé
1 4c 运动攀岩 lead by PsicoblocPaula
2 5 跟攀
3 6a 运动攀岩 lead by PsicoblocPaula
运动攀岩 170m Cumbre del Sol
星期二 25th 4月 2023
6a+ El Dorado 1
1 4c 15
2 6a+ 35
3 6a+ 30
混合传统攀岩 80m, 1 Sierra de Toix 超级经典
Alex Ennis
星期天 15th 11月 2020
Amazing route above the water. Super exposed. First pitch is a bit sketchy with insufficient bolting. 2nd pitch is where the fun starts, slightly overhanging on jugs. Great fun

6a Sonjannika (Sonjannika P5)
5 6a 23 lead by Lukas Hnc
运动攀岩 23m, 12 Cumbre del Sol 很好
Lukas Hnc
星期一 28th 12月 2020
6a Sonjannika - with Marwan laqdiem
1 4a lead by Kiko Aura
2 5a lead by Marwan laqdiem
3 5c lead by Kiko Aura
4 5b lead by Marwan laqdiem
5 6a lead by Kiko Aura
6 6a 串接 Moorhuhn Winter Edition
运动攀岩 170m, 12 Cumbre del Sol 很好
Kiko Aura
星期一 4th 1月 2021
6a Sonjannika
1 4c 170m
2 5a
3 5c
4 5b
5 6a
运动攀岩 170m, 12 Cumbre del Sol
Marwan laqdiem
星期一 4th 1月 2021
6a Sonjannika
5 6a 70m 串接 95 olé , lead by Kiko Aura
6 5c lead by Kiko Aura
运动攀岩 70m, 12 Cumbre del Sol 很好
Kiko Aura
星期六 3rd 4月 2021
5b Sonjannika P4
4 5b 25 运动攀岩
运动攀岩 25m, 12 Cumbre del Sol
星期二 25th 4月 2023
6a+ Parle - with Sven
1 6a 运动攀岩
2 6a+ 跟攀 lead by Sven
3 6a+ 运动攀岩
运动攀岩 50m Sierra de Toix 超级经典
Magnesia Mathis
星期六 6th 5月 2023
L2 and L3 both have a crux with very cool exposure.

5 Polvos Mágicos
4 4 20 传统攀登 lead by Michael Prochazka
5 5 30 传统攀登 lead by Michael Prochazka
混合传统攀岩 50m, 8 Peñón de Ifach
Michael Prochazka
星期二 17th 12月 2019
6a Noche buena - with vio gon javi
1 6a 180m
2 4c
3 4b
4 4c
5 4c
6 4c
7 4c
运动攀岩 180m Redován 很好
raquel janda
星期四 21st 4月 2022
6a Mazinger Z - with sar, @saraconnor
1 5c 传统攀登
2 6a 传统攀登
3 4c 跟攀 lead by @saraconnor
4 6a 传统攀登
5 5a 跟攀 lead by @saraconnor
6 5a 传统攀登
7 5a 跟攀 lead by @saraconnor
传统攀登 220m Sella 很好
Carlos Sánchez
星期三 6th 12月 2023
6a Directa UBSA P2
2 6a 18 传统攀登 lead by Michael Prochazka
混合传统攀岩 18m, 6 Peñón de Ifach
Michael Prochazka
星期二 17th 12月 2019
5c+ Cilber - with Jaime Saiz
1 5b
2 5c+
3 4c
4 3a
5 4c+
运动攀岩 160m Sierra de Toix 经典
Alex Ennis
星期天 15th 11月 2020
Nice route to get up to the top of the Sierra de Toix and walk the ridge

5+ Via UBSA
1 3 45m
2 4 40m
3 2 50m
4 4+ 45m
5 5+ 35m
6 4+ 20m
7 4 36m
混合传统攀岩 270m, 6 Mascarat Gorge
David Gibbs
星期四 7th 4月 2022
5 Valencianos
1 3 35 传统攀登 lead by Michael Prochazka
2 传统攀登
3 5 35 传统攀登 lead by Michael Prochazka
4 传统攀登
5 传统攀登
6 4+ 30 传统攀登 lead by Michael Prochazka
7 2 25 传统攀登 lead by Michael Prochazka
8 2 30 传统攀登 lead by Michael Prochazka
运动攀岩 160m, 5 Peñón de Ifach
Michael Prochazka
星期二 17th 12月 2019
5 Rowland's Magical Mystery Tour
1 3 160m
2 3
3 4
4 4
5 5
运动攀岩 160m Sierra de Toix 很好
星期四 20th 2月 2020
6a+ Craks of Tranquility P1
1 6a+ 传统攀登 lead by Pedro Moronta

Largo muy bonito aunque casi poto un par de veces del calor y esfuerzo 😬

传统攀登 180m Penya Roc
Pedro Moronta
星期五 13th 10月 2023
Tocará volver… las orientaciones de la guía que teníamos son de coña. Sol todo el día y encima con mucho calor! Le dimos un pegue al primer largo porque ya habíamos ido hasta allí, pero para esta vía hay que ir con frío y días nublados si no te quieres achicharrar en la pared.

5c Sonjannika
1 4c 40m 运动攀岩
2 5a 15m 运动攀岩
3 5c 30m 运动攀岩
4 5b 25m 运动攀岩
运动攀岩 110m, 12 Cumbre del Sol 经典
Andreu Amoros
星期五 4th 11月 2022
6a El Pajarón - with MariusNa
1 3+ 跟攀
2 6a 传统攀登
3 5+ 传统攀登
4 5+ 传统攀登
5 5 传统攀登
6 5 传统攀登
传统攀登 250m Mascarat Gorge
星期天 28th 1月 2024
6a Patricia Rítmica
3 6a 传统攀登

Disfrutando como un niño de este largo de primero. La bavaresa parece que te va a partir en cualquier momento, lo que hace que vayas pensando si los cacharros aguantarán. Recomendable bastante pequeños (0.5 y 0.4 de camalot sobre todo). Nosotros llevamos dos juegos y como solo entraban piezas pequeñas tocó escalar bien por encima de los seguros.

4 5 传统攀登

Intentando descifrar una reseña no sabía por dónde tirar. Lo mejor es seguir los clavos que vas viendo a lo lejos por el terreno más sencillo.

混合传统攀岩 240m, 1 Cabezon de Oro
Pedro Moronta
星期一 16th 10月 2023
6c+ Hard Costa Blanca
1 4 15m 运动攀岩
2 6b 40m 跟攀
3 6b 35m 运动攀岩

Unreal corner pitch!!

4 6a 35m 跟攀
5 6b+ 32m 运动攀岩
6 6b+ 20m 跟攀
7 6c+ 30m 运动攀岩

A darn hard pitch, fell a few times at the crux, and the first time, I fell down and hit Sarah, sending our 80m rope down the cliff too!

运动攀岩 210m Peñón de Ifach
Caleb Skirrow
星期二 26th 12月 2023
Amazing route! I loved the corner pitch (3). Adventurous, varied, amazing position and such an easy descent. Luxury!

5c+ 95 olé - with Marketa Hajkova
1 4c 40 lead by Marketa Hajkova
2 5b 30 lead by Lukas Hnc
3 5c+ 30 lead by Lukas Hnc
运动攀岩 100m Cumbre del Sol
Lukas Hnc
星期二 29th 12月 2020
5c+ 95 olé - with Marketa Hajkova
1 4c 40 lead by Marketa Hajkova
2 5b 30 lead by Lukas Hnc
3 5c+ 30 lead by Lukas Hnc
运动攀岩 100m Cumbre del Sol
Lukas Hnc
星期二 29th 12月 2020
6a Mazinger Z - with Fernando Chacón Sánchez
1 5c 跟攀 lead by Fernando Chacón Sánchez
2 6a 传统攀登
3 4c 跟攀 lead by Fernando Chacón Sánchez
4 6a 传统攀登
5 5a 跟攀 lead by Fernando Chacón Sánchez
6 5a 传统攀登
7 5a 跟攀 lead by Fernando Chacón Sánchez
传统攀登 220m Sella
Pedro Moronta
星期二 5th 12月 2023
La bajada es peor que la subida. Para nada recomiendo esta pared.

5+ Llobet Bertomeu - with RockrockerMo
1 3+ 传统攀登
2 5 跟攀
3 3 独攀
4 5 传统攀登
5 5+ 跟攀
6 5 传统攀登
传统攀登 250m Mascarat Gorge
星期一 6th 2月 2023
4c Horst - with Laura l. Ruiz
1 4c 运动攀岩
2 3 运动攀岩
运动攀岩 130m Sierra de Toix
Guillermo Merino Jiménez
星期六 23rd 3月 2024
6c+ Wallmarks P1
1 6c+ 21m 运动攀岩
运动攀岩 21m Sella
星期二 16th 1月 2024
8a Hay Que Mugarlo 运动攀岩 35m Sella
星期一 18th 2月 2019
8a La Cultura Del Miedo (La Culture Del Miedo) 运动攀岩 20m Pedreguer 超级经典
Loic Zehani
星期二 15th 2月 2022

7c+ Ávalon (Avalon) 运动攀岩 43m Cabezon de Oro
Sergio Verdasco Urizal
星期天 18th 10月 2015
Brutal!! Menudo monstruo, impresionante!!

8a 7c+/8a Columneta 运动攀岩 34m Cabezon de Oro
Sergio Verdasco Urizal
星期六 17th 10月 2015
Buenísima!!! Que ilusión hacer esta vía!! He disfrutado como un enano

7c+ Celia 运动攀岩 26m, 9 Sella
Sergio Verdasco Urizal
星期六 19th 4月 2014

7c Congrio 运动攀岩 25m Castellet De Calp 很好
Matt Pascoe
星期一 31st 10月 2016
Maybe 7b. Awesome move onto the ramp.

7c Avalancha 运动攀岩 20m Garx 经典
Matt Pascoe
星期四 12th 1月 2017
This doesn't look all that great but it really climbs so well. An early technical crux leads to sustained pumpy climbing with less than ideal rests. Last bolts seems of route and really isnt needed.

7a+ 7c Shogun 运动攀岩 15m Castellet De Calp
星期天 6th 1月 2019
I can only agree. Way too soft for 7c or even 7c+ like mentioned in the CostaBlanca book. Lot of routes grades need probably to be reworked.

7c Sensación de pinzar (Sensacion De Pinzar) 运动攀岩 38m Cabezon de Oro
Sergio Verdasco Urizal
星期六 17th 10月 2015
Brutal!! De los mejores 7c qUe hice!!!

7c Rocinante 运动攀岩 27m Cabezon de Oro
Sergio Verdasco Urizal
星期天 18th 10月 2015

7c La Casa De Los Tullidos 运动攀岩 25m Sella
Sergio Verdasco Urizal
星期六 19th 4月 2014
Buena! Veo mas logico por la izquierda, pero tambien tiene sentido por la derecha.

7c ~7b+ Pan y circo - with Ella De Bono 运动攀岩 18m Llíber 经典
Alberto Sanchez
星期二 31st 1月 2023
My philosophy of climbing is, if you can clip the bolt from the holds, then the holds are part of the route, restricting holds is meant for climbing gyms, not the rock.

7b+ Life, the Universe and Al 运动攀岩 Los Pinos
星期六 7th 1月 2017
6c+? Maybe some holds broke out with leads to some huge jugs

7c 7b+/c Mandala 运动攀岩 27m Rincón Bello
Jonatan Flor
星期天 31st 7月 2011
7b+ Malasombra - with Angel 运动攀岩 16m Llíber 经典
星期天 27th 9月 2020
(w qd up to 4, w/o up to the top) First athletic section leading to some face climbing on pockets and crimps

7b Suero 运动攀岩 20m Castellet De Calp 很好
Matt Pascoe
星期一 31st 10月 2016
Maybe 7a. Good climbing though.

7b Llanuras Belicas 运动攀岩 26m Sella 经典
Matt Pascoe
星期三 21st 12月 2016
Date not correct. A good climb with plenty of rests between the cruxes.

7b+ 7b Black is Black - with Olivier 运动攀岩 25m, 11 Sella 很好
Matt Pascoe
星期二 28th 2月 2017
Wrestling a fat tufa to a tricky traverse and then a finale which isn't as good as you'd hope.Great climbing the whole way. No way this is 7b as per the guide book.

7b Kamikaze 运动攀岩 25m, 12 Sella 超级经典
星期一 1st 1月 2018
One of the best lines at Sella, very gimpy and technical, especially the last few quickdraws, totally recommended!

7b Chapando Como Un Jedi 运动攀岩 Garx
星期天 3rd 1月 2016
soft, more 7a+

7b Un Pasito Palante 运动攀岩 Garx
星期六 7th 1月 2017
6c 7b Poison Ivy 运动攀岩 20m Castellet De Calp
星期二 1st 1月 2019
Felt way to soft for 7b. But a nice route

6c 7b Suero 运动攀岩 20m Castellet De Calp
星期五 4th 1月 2019
Felt way to soft for 7b. But a nice route

7b Araña Blanca 运动攀岩 35m Cocentaina
Iziar Martinez
星期四 27th 12月 2018
7b La bella 运动攀岩 16m Llíber
Sergio Verdasco Urizal
星期六 8th 11月 2014
Muy buena vertical

7b Chapando Como Un Jedi - with Michael Zach 运动攀岩 Garx 经典
Jakub Špáña
星期天 3rd 1月 2021
7b El descobridor de l'essència 运动攀岩 20m Jávea 很好
Quentin LE GOFF
星期五 31st 12月 2021
7a 7b El descobridor de l'essència - with Salva Hervàs 运动攀岩 20m Jávea 经典
星期天 9th 10月 2022
6b Con herbero la prefiero (Con herbero la prefiero P1) - with Dascha
1 6b 32m
运动攀岩 32m Cabezon de Oro 很好
Alexander Oppe
星期一 17th 10月 2022
7b Oceano L1 运动攀岩 15m, 7 Sella 很好
星期一 7th 11月 2022
7b Castigo divino 运动攀岩 18m, 8 Busot
星期五 9th 12月 2022
7b Amor y fe 运动攀岩 Llíber
星期六 10th 12月 2022
7b ~7a Sleepyhead 运动攀岩 18m Castellet De Calp 很好
Kieran Norwood
星期天 18th 12月 2022
7a in guide book. Probably fair.

7b ~7a Sleepyhead 运动攀岩 18m Castellet De Calp
星期一 28th 11月 2022
7b La Roja 运动攀岩 Redován 经典
Christer Honoré-Livermore
星期天 12th 3月 2023
With pre-placed draws.

7b Working class kids 运动攀岩 Redován
星期天 30th 4月 2023
7b Easy Ahora Basylacuentas 运动攀岩 Llíber
星期一 3rd 7月 2023
First 7b onsight Probably soft

7b ~7a El descobridor de l'essència 运动攀岩 20m Jávea 很好
Caleb Skirrow
星期一 25th 12月 2023
Beautiful spot, but a few more good rests than usual at this grade. Easy to read

7b Viper — 2 attempts 运动攀岩 International
星期六 30th 12月 2023
7b Suero 运动攀岩 20m Castellet De Calp
星期一 15th 1月 2024
7b Poison Ivy 运动攀岩 20m Castellet De Calp
星期一 15th 1月 2024
7b Working class kids 运动攀岩 Redován
Luis Pérez-Cuadrado
星期六 20th 1月 2024
7b Easy Discriminación positiva 运动攀岩 29m Rincón Bello 很好
星期三 31st 1月 2024
7b ~7a El descobridor de l'essència 运动攀岩 20m Jávea 经典
星期五 20th 1月 2023
7b ~7a El descobridor de L'Essencia 运动攀岩 20m Jávea
星期五 20th 1月 2023

7a+ Próximo Bautizo (Proximo Bautizo) - with Tine 运动攀岩 12m, 4 Sella
星期三 23rd 3月 2016
6a+ 7a+ La gloria escondida (Gloria Pitch 1) - with Sarah Doherty 运动攀岩 210m Valle de Guadar (Echo Valley)
Kurt Doherty
星期五 16th 12月 2016
Rain started to roll in, so I jumped on this to quickly get another route in. Felt at least 6b, but not sure. Weather turned bad, but Luke jumped on an awesome 7b+ that unfortunately had a crimpy boulder crux, so couldn't work it with him. Hopefully the rain goes away and we get some sunshine soon!

7a+ La Taula
1 lead by Matt
2 lead by Sophie
3 lead by Matt
4 lead by Sophie
运动攀岩 130m Sella 超级经典
Matt Pascoe
星期二 3rd 1月 2017
Fully engaging from the moment you pull on. Could only count on one hand the amount of times I pulled on a jug.

7b 7a+ Zombie Weekend 运动攀岩 20m Garx
Matt Pascoe
星期四 12th 1月 2017
Amazing movement. Great route.

7a+ Mandolin Wind 运动攀岩 25m Sella
Michael Cartwright
星期六 28th 11月 2015
Wickedly bouldery first few bolts then a cruise.

7a+ Cervezas y porros 运动攀岩 20m Valle de Guadar (Echo Valley)
星期一 1st 1月 2018
Quick sharp, hurting the finger skin.

7a+ Memoria de pez 运动攀岩 30m Garx
星期天 7th 1月 2018
as cool down

7a+ César - with Beat 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Redován 很好
星期四 14th 12月 2017
7a+ La de Miguel Perez - with Walter, Beat, Susanne 运动攀岩 16m Redován 很好
星期五 11th 11月 2016
7a+ Crimpy Wall 运动攀岩 Garx 很好
星期四 26th 12月 2019
7a+ El moco 运动攀岩 29m Rincón Bello
Iziar Martinez
星期四 27th 12月 2018
7a+ Dragosté (Dragoste) 运动攀岩 21m Cabezon de Oro
Sergio Verdasco Urizal
星期天 18th 10月 2015
7a+ El moco 运动攀岩 29m Rincón Bello
Sergio Verdasco Urizal
星期四 17th 4月 2014
7a+ El moco 运动攀岩 29m Rincón Bello 经典
Diogo Queiroga
星期天 25th 4月 2021
Nice route! Lovely place

7a+ Mare Nostrum 运动攀岩 240m Peñón de Ifach 经典
Christian K
星期一 27th 12月 2021
7a+ El moco 运动攀岩 29m Rincón Bello 超级经典
Sergio San Martin
星期三 24th 8月 2022
6c+ Lejos De La Multitud - with Ton
1 4 20m lead by Xa4
2 6c+ 25m lead by Xa4
运动攀岩 45m Sella
星期天 2nd 10月 2022
(w/o qd, L1+L2)


Showing 1 - 100 out of 7,865 攀登.

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