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Showing 1 - 100 out of 1,019 攀登.

Grade 线路 线路类型 岩场 路线质量 日期
5c+ Westwändli 混合传统攀岩 200m, 29 Bockmattli 星期天 13th 9月 2020
6a+ Tajabone - with Mi
1 5c 245m
2 5c
3 5c
4 5c
5 6a+
6 5c+
7 5c
混合传统攀岩 250m, 25 Pays du St-Bernard 超级经典 星期四 21st 7月 2022
Extremely beautiful route in a wonderful environment. Very easy apart from one single athletic move in P5, which I could not decipher quickly enough and thus pulled on the quick draw...

Route has bolts, but sometimes very far apart. Well protectable with a small set of cams.

5c+ SE-Grat (Gross Bielenhorn) 混合传统攀岩 450m, 20 Gross Bielenhorn 星期六 8th 8月 2020
6a Dorées les balades - with Mi
1 5b 250m
2 6a
3 5b
4 5c
5 6a
6 6a
7 6a
8 6a
混合传统攀岩 250m, 20 Pays du St-Bernard 超级经典 星期五 22nd 7月 2022
With an early start in the shadow, this route over-all felt quite a bit harder than its neighbour "Tajabone". There are a few tough-for-the-grade moves and difficulties are more sustained.

  1. Short pitch along a crack. Felt harder than 5b.

  2. Extremely cool V-corner, then left onto a slab, then a little boulder-problem.

  3. Rather easy terrain and a crack.

  4. Traverse left to a little boulder problem, then easy terrain up to the right.

  5. Short athletic boulder problem.

  6. Traverse right onto a flake and then solve the boulder problem to get into the crack that follows up to the next belay. This is the single hardest move on the route.

  7. Fine slab, then old-school-chimney.

  8. One single harder move (bolt).

Unfortunately we were mislead to use the new looking rappel anchors to the right of the route and ultimately the rope got stuck two times. It seems these belong to another route, though? Not sure...

It may be better to abseil along the route - even though the maillons are small and there are ample opportunities for the rope to get stuck too...

6a+ Via Leni
1 5c 150m
2 6a+
3 5c
4 5c
5 5c+
混合传统攀岩 150m, 14 Albigna 很好 星期六 22nd 8月 2020
4b Grande arête 混合传统攀岩 4 Berner Jura 星期天 17th 4月 2022
Not sure if we missed some of the "harder" pitches at the beginning. After the slabs we just ended up scrambling through easier (II-III) terrain until we stood in front of the "Dièdre".

All in all, the "Grande arête" is a worthwile undertaking if you want to do some easy climbing/scrambling and quite a bit of walking.

5a Namenlose Kante (Namenlose Kanten)
传统攀登 310m Bockmattli 星期六 9th 7月 2016
5a Namenlose Kante
1 3c 370m
2 4b
3 4b
4 3b
5 5a
6 4c
7 5a
8 4c
9 3c
传统攀登 370m Bockmattli 星期天 16th 9月 2018
6a 5a - 6a Südwände 传统攀登 200m Solothurner Jura 星期五 14th 6月 2019
4a 4b Ostgrat 传统攀登 130m Solothurner Jura 星期五 14th 6月 2019
6a Südwände
1 5c+ 200m
2 5a
3 5a+
4 6a
5 3a
传统攀登 200m Solothurner Jura 星期二 1st 6月 2021
Wanted to climb the 5c+ variant in pitch 2, but misremembered the topo and ended up in the slightly boring 5a.

Next time, instead of belaying at a tree after pitch 2, I suppose I would walk up to the base of pitch 3 instead.

6b Höhlenweg - with Jo
1 4b
2 5c+
3 6b
4 4c
5 6a
6 6a
7 5b
8 5c
9 5c
10 5c+
11 6a
传统攀登 360m Bockmattli 星期六 18th 9月 2021
  • The first pitch should be considered part of the approach. It's one of the ugliest, wettest, dirtiest and sketchiest pieces of c*** that I ever climbed. 50m ropes did not suffice to reach the first belay. There is a wet fixed rope that helps through the upper part. Even with that fixed rope, leading this pitch is quite sketchy as there is no viable possibility for protection. Oh yeah: extend your quickdraws!

  • Don't follow the bolts to the right - just take the first two, belay is in the cave.

  • Nice and very well protected crux. Pitch traverses to the left with a few moves around 6a between the bolts.

  • Easy chimney and arête

  • Steep, well protected lay-backing. Sustained but short pitch

  • One well protected crux move.

  • Very narrow chimney, then crumbly and easy arête. Annoying with backpack.

  • The remaining four pitches more or less follow the obvious dihedral. #8 is not very steep. The rock in these pitches is layered diagonally, which may make some moves non-obvious, difficult and/or awkward.

  • Probably one of the nicest pitches. Very solid rock, jugs. Beautiful red lichen on the rocks.

  • I had to lead this after my partner was not confident to do that one move above a small ledge where the first bolt is placed. At the top you must not follow the steep dihedral on the left, but you'll have to go right (no more pro) through easier terrain to reach the final belay.

  • My partner really struggled with this pitch. Especially one move near the top on a good undercling with only tiny footholds is tough to do - and has to be done above the last piton(!) and just before reaching the next bolt.

  • All in all the route has a few very nice pitches, some traverses, lots of dihedrals. Bolts may be quite spaced, we had to use slings and BD Camalot 0.3 and 0.4 several times. We did not bring larger cams, they could have been useful in the last couple of pitches.

    Route-finding is not always easy - the week before a rope-team got lost and needed to be rescued! So be sure to double-check the topo!

    3b Arêtes des Sommêtres - with S 传统攀登 1200m Jura 星期六 16th 4月 2022
    6a Bonnie + Duke (Bonnie + Duke P1)
    1 6a 40m
    运动攀岩 40m, 17 Holzegg 一般 星期二 17th 11月 2020
    Not a great route - at least 1st pitch. 2nd looked promising though.

    6b 6b+ Finale 运动攀岩 35m, 16 Plattenwald 星期一 3rd 9月 2018
    6b 6b+ Finale 运动攀岩 35m, 16 Plattenwald 星期三 5th 9月 2018
    6b 6b+ Finale 运动攀岩 35m, 16 Plattenwald 星期四 8th 8月 2019
    6a+ Siiteschtächer 运动攀岩 35m, 16 Holzegg 星期四 12th 11月 2020
    Crux is right above the first belay above a ledge. If you're not confident, it may be a good idea to climb it in two pitches...

    6b+ Finale - with S 运动攀岩 35m, 16 Plattenwald 经典 星期天 19th 5月 2024
    Repeat. 6b in the topo, which I think checks out.

    6b+ Finale - with S 运动攀岩 35m, 16 Plattenwald 经典 星期天 16th 6月 2024
    Repeat warm-up.

    6a+ 6b+ Klingenspringer 运动攀岩 35m, 15 Basler Jura 星期天 23rd 9月 2018
    Ultra-fail 2

    6b+ Bohrstaub.ch 运动攀岩 32m, 15 Plattenwald 星期天 8th 11月 2020
    Getting to and clipping the 4th bolt is the crux here, but doable. Did have problems finding the right solution a bit further up, too - around 9th bolt or so.

    6b+ S'Tröimli 运动攀岩 30m, 15 Holzegg 经典 星期六 14th 11月 2020
    A real beauty. Varied. Technical start, then quite athletic for a bit.

    6b+ Bohrstaub.ch 运动攀岩 32m, 15 Plattenwald 星期四 10th 6月 2021
    Somehow could not reproduce a good solution in the first crux... 😞

    6b+ Bohrstaub.ch — 2 attempts - with S 运动攀岩 32m, 15 Plattenwald 很好 星期一 20th 5月 2024
    The + needs to be earned. Got thrown off at third bolt on first go. Needed to have a good hard look at this section. The rest is not a piece of cake either.

    Athletic and steep at the start, very diagonal in the middle and slabby, technical climbing towards the finish.

    5c+ Rauhfinger 运动攀岩 30m, 14 Engi 星期天 22nd 4月 2018
    5c+ Meteorit-Kombination (Metorit-Kombination P1)
    1 5c+ 200 m
    运动攀岩 200m, 14 Melchtal 星期三 19th 6月 2019
    6a+ Dr blau Chäfer (Dr blau Chafer)
    1 5c 160m
    2 6a+
    运动攀岩 160m, 14 Melchtal 星期三 19th 6月 2019
    Retreated because of partners' vertigo...

    6a Miss Schweiss 运动攀岩 30m, 14 Engi 星期五 12th 6月 2020
    6a+ Dr blau Chäfer - with Je
    1 5c 160m lead by Je
    2 6a+
    3 6a+
    4 6a
    5 6a+
    6 6a
    运动攀岩 160m, 14 Melchtal 超级经典 星期六 3rd 7月 2021
    After the last time I came here ended after only two pitches because of unexpected circumstances, this time around I was finally able to climb the route in its entirety. My partner was a bit out of shape so he let me lead all of the harder pitches.

    In my opinion the route is rightfully a "plaisir" classic. Even though in the ~20 years since its establishment, the cult-factor and the soft limestone seem to have led to it becoming quite a bit polished, this does not seriously impair the pure joy it is to climb this spectacularly overhanging cliff.

    The route is really well bolted and there is very little potential for a dangerous fall - and even with all the traverses on the overhanging wall its quite unlikely that you'll take a fall after which you'd have to prussik up to get to the wall again.

    1. Crux under the roof. May be a bit wet but usually no real problem. There is a small "runout" (compared to how closely bolted the rest of the route is) in which a fall would be painful, but the difficulty in that section probably is around 4a...

    2. Delicate left traverse on relatively small holds right before the end of the pitch.

    3. Crux for me was in the lower half of the pitch on slippery holds, but the main difficulty is the sustained slightly overhanging climbing.

    4. Short boulder problem on the roof above the belay. This pitch felt significantly easier than P3 and P2. At the end contains a short section where falling is not advisable as you'd hit a ledge, but the climbing there is not difficult - maybe around 5b?

    5. Traverse under the huge roof. Left, then up, then left again.

    6. Final pitch was wet but still climbable. Felt harder than higher graded P4.

    6a Schlafwandler 运动攀岩 13 Holzegg 星期六 28th 11月 2020
    6a Poggibonsi 运动攀岩 25m, 13 Plattenwald 星期四 10th 6月 2021
    5b Maracas (Maracas P1) - with f
    1 5b
    运动攀岩 30m, 13 Contra 星期六 9th 10月 2021
    Only P1, P2 was wet.

    5c+ Sankara
    1 5b+
    2 5c+
    运动攀岩 30m, 13 Contra 星期天 17th 10月 2021
    5c+ Sankara - with S 运动攀岩 30m, 13 Contra 星期六 25th 2月 2023

    4 3a NW-Grat 运动攀岩 28m, 12 Ibergeregg 一般 星期一 21st 8月 2017
    6a Die Namenlose (Die Namenlose Kombiniere Direkte Plattenwand)
    1 6a lead by m
    2 5c 串接 Direkte Plattenwand , lead by c
    运动攀岩 240m, 12 Brüggler 星期二 26th 9月 2017
    Da war der Wurm drin. Erste war ein Würg, bei der zweiten lief's gar nicht mehr. Wechsel in die direkte Plattenwand.

    6a+ Hanimoon
    1 5c+ 170m
    2 6a+
    3 6a
    4 6a+
    5 6a
    运动攀岩 170m, 12 Hannibal 星期一 27th 8月 2018
    4 3a NW-Grat 运动攀岩 28m, 12 Ibergeregg 一般 星期天 18th 11月 2018
    Mit Trekkingschuhen. Schlüsselstelle leider sehr brüchig.

    6a Häxegrätli 运动攀岩 33m, 12 Haslital 星期天 20th 10月 2019
    6a+ Fö di pezz - with s 运动攀岩 16m, 12 Arcegno 很好 星期六 16th 10月 2021
    6a Häxegrätli - with B 运动攀岩 33m, 12 Haslital 星期天 8th 5月 2022

    5c+ Easy Meriba - with S
    1 5c+ 运动攀岩
    2 5c+ 运动攀岩
    3 5c 运动攀岩
    4 5c 运动攀岩
    5 4b 跟攀
    运动攀岩 160m, 12 Bockmattli 星期天 10th 9月 2023
    Nice "rest day"-climb. Rope drag may be an issue, sometimes it's better to belay on top of the previous pitch than getting to the bolted belay.

    1. Getting to first bolt is not super straight forward. LatertThin and well protected crux.

    2. A bit easier. Watch for rope drag when approaching next belay.

    3. Easier than advertised, but you need to watch out for loose rock here or there.

    4. Nice pitch with two thin cruxes. Felt harder than pitches 2 and 3, similar to first. Hardest part was getting your shoes dry from the mud at the start of the pitch. Grassy exit.

    5. Slab with jugs, then arete, then bushwhack. Probably better to belay at a tree than to fight through the bushes to get to the bolts.

    5a 5b Via del veterano 运动攀岩 700m, 11 Freggio 星期四 23rd 5月 2019
    6a+ Dolo-Mythen 运动攀岩 34m, 11 Holzegg 星期六 28th 11月 2020
    Slipped 😞

    6a+ Dolo-Mythen 运动攀岩 34m, 11 Holzegg 星期六 23rd 10月 2021
    5b NW-Grat Direkt 运动攀岩 22m, 10 Ibergeregg 星期一 21st 8月 2017
    5c Lo spirito d'Arco (Lo spirit de Arco) 运动攀岩 20m, 10 Holzegg 很好 星期天 21st 4月 2019
    6c+ Bruchhaufen 运动攀岩 16m, 10 St. Jöri 星期五 14th 5月 2021
    6a Humpeline 运动攀岩 16m, 10 St. Jöri 星期五 14th 5月 2021
    6a Humpeline 运动攀岩 16m, 10 St. Jöri 星期六 14th 8月 2021
    6c+ Bruchhaufen 运动攀岩 16m, 10 St. Jöri 星期六 14th 8月 2021
    Felt harder than last time I was here... still, should be doable.

    6c+ Bruchhaufen 运动攀岩 16m, 10 St. Jöri 星期六 14th 8月 2021
    6a Hard Aurora - with S 运动攀岩 15m, 10 Balladrum 星期天 12th 3月 2023
    Nice route. Short crux, kind of one-move-wondery.

    6b Easy On a blue Sunday morning - with S 运动攀岩 15m, 10 Basler Jura 很好 星期天 1st 10月 2023
    7b Höllenfahrt — 2 attempts - with S 运动攀岩 20m, 10 Basler Jura 经典 星期六 6th 4月 2024
    Tough from 6th to 9th bolt.

    7b Höllenfahrt - with S 运动攀岩 20m, 10 Basler Jura 经典 星期天 14th 4月 2024
    Still struggling between 7th and 9th. The sequence to get under the bulge feels like the real crux.

    6b+ Dévers - with Si 运动攀岩 15m, 10 Basler Jura 很好 星期二 25th 6月 2024
    Hard to read and crimpy.

    7b Höllenfahrt — 3 attempts - with Si 运动攀岩 20m, 10 Basler Jura 经典 星期二 25th 6月 2024
    Still a long way to go to link it all.

    5c Radice di 2 - with f 运动攀岩 18m, 9 Sementina 很好 星期天 10th 10月 2021
    Quite hard for the grade but really beautiful technical climbing.

    6b+ Unicorn 运动攀岩 20m, 9 Contra 很好 星期天 17th 10月 2021
    6b+ Megawött - with B 运动攀岩 20m, 9 Contra 很好 星期天 23rd 1月 2022
    5c 5b+/c Blödes Eck (Aufseilstelle) 运动攀岩 15m, 8 Ibergeregg 星期一 21st 8月 2017
    6a Doggie Jessy 运动攀岩 17m, 8 Galerie 星期一 10th 4月 2017
    5b+ 5b+/c Blödes Eck (Aufseilstelle) 运动攀岩 15m, 8 Ibergeregg 很好 星期天 18th 11月 2018
    Schöne Route. Leider war der Nebel meist wenig zu hoch und dann war's zu kalt...

    6a Doggie Jessy 运动攀岩 17m, 8 Galerie 星期一 1st 4月 2019
    5a 5c+ Bibifax 运动攀岩 20m, 8 Basler Jura 星期一 22nd 4月 2019
    5c+ 5b+ - c+ Arête spéciale 运动攀岩 140m, 8 Berner Jura 星期一 15th 4月 2019
    5c+ Bibifax 运动攀岩 20m, 8 Basler Jura 星期二 8th 9月 2020
    6a+ Crazy Wall 运动攀岩 20m, 8 Basler Jura 星期天 18th 10月 2020
    5c+ Bibifax 运动攀岩 20m, 8 Basler Jura 星期天 18th 10月 2020
    5c+ Berührungsangst 运动攀岩 20m, 8 Basler Jura 星期天 18th 10月 2020
    5c+ Hard Berührungsangst - with S 运动攀岩 20m, 8 Basler Jura 星期六 13th 4月 2024
    Warm-up / heat-up in the sun. Not too easy, actually. Feels harder than "Jumping Jack".

    6a+ Crazy Wall - with S 运动攀岩 20m, 8 Basler Jura 星期天 28th 4月 2024
    Warm-up. Repeat. One-move-wonder.

    3c Schneekönigin 运动攀岩 10m, 7 Pizol 星期五 4th 8月 2017
    5a Steve Urkel 运动攀岩 15m, 7 Pizol 星期五 4th 8月 2017
    5a Lasablick 运动攀岩 15m, 7 Pizol 星期五 4th 8月 2017
    4a Schmärzfuess 运动攀岩 15m, 7 Pizol 星期五 4th 8月 2017
    4b Tüfä Blick 运动攀岩 10m, 7 Pizol 星期五 4th 8月 2017
    5a School 运动攀岩 12m, 7 Schollberg 星期六 8th 4月 2017
    5a School 运动攀岩 12m, 7 Schollberg 星期六 4th 11月 2017
    5b Errare humanum est 运动攀岩 20m, 7 Basler Jura 星期天 9th 9月 2018
    5c Sylvia 运动攀岩 15m, 7 Galerie 星期一 1st 4月 2019
    5b Errare humanum est 运动攀岩 20m, 7 Basler Jura 星期一 22nd 4月 2019
    5b Errare humanum est 运动攀岩 20m, 7 Basler Jura 星期二 8th 9月 2020
    6a Fazinetli 运动攀岩 15m, 7 St. Jöri 星期六 12th 9月 2020
    6b+ Contrast - with f 运动攀岩 12m, 7 Contra 很好 星期六 9th 10月 2021
    6c+ Agent Orange 运动攀岩 7 Contra 星期天 17th 10月 2021
    Did not see the "thank god"-sidepull at first.

    6c+ Agent Orange 运动攀岩 7 Contra 星期天 17th 10月 2021
    Did not see the "thank god"-sidepull at first.

    6a Mullholland climb - with B 运动攀岩 15m, 7 Contra 一般 星期天 23rd 1月 2022
    5a 5b S' Plaisir - with F, S 运动攀岩 20m, 7 Basler Jura 星期五 15th 4月 2022
    6c+ Sanduhrendrama - with S, F 运动攀岩 20m, 7 Basler Jura 星期二 30th 4月 2024
    Left-traverse at the supposed crux (bolt 4 to 5, I think) felt super-hard. Did not find a solution and lowered down.

    Getting to the fourth bolt was already quite the move.

    Rather polished holds. Looks still nice, though.

    6b+ Antibrumm - with S 运动攀岩 18m, 7 Paschga 很好 星期六 29th 6月 2024
    5b Babyland 运动攀岩 14m, 6 Schollberg 星期六 4th 11月 2017
    6a Jumping Jack 运动攀岩 20m, 6 Basler Jura 星期天 9th 9月 2018
    5b+ Stürchel 运动攀岩 12m, 6 St. Jöri 星期四 28th 5月 2020
    6b Bijou 运动攀岩 12m, 6 St. Jöri 星期四 28th 5月 2020
    6b Bijou 运动攀岩 12m, 6 St. Jöri 星期四 28th 5月 2020
    6a+ Gölggi 运动攀岩 10m, 6 St. Jöri 星期二 2nd 6月 2020
    Tough für den Grad?!

    5b Rechenschieberkante 运动攀岩 17m, 6 Basler Jura 星期天 16th 8月 2020
    I think I've done this one once in the past


    Showing 1 - 100 out of 1,019 攀登.

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