
线路 如同传统攀登 in England

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Showing 1 - 100 out of more than 10,000 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity 岩场
E2 5b Tudor Rose 传统攀登 3 Swanage
E1 5a The Spook
  1. 15m 5a A nice corner pitch
  2. 18m 5b thrutchy overhanging pitch with some rusty pegs.
传统攀登 35m, 2 Swanage
E1 5b Saphire
  1. 4b An easy first pitch but without any worthwhile gear
  2. 5b steep and strenuous with some rusty pegs but gear not too bad.
传统攀登 2 Swanage
E3 5b Ocean Boulevard

A relentlessly steep and pumpy crackline. One of the most sought after ticks of it's grade in the area.

传统攀登 40m Swanage
VD Long Climb Variant
传统攀登 34m Peak District Limestone
S 4a Long Climb Indirect
传统攀登 34m Peak District Limestone
HS 4b Long Climb Direct
传统攀登 30m Peak District Limestone
VS 4c International Climb
传统攀登 30m Peak District Limestone
D Face Climb Number 1
传统攀登 8m Peak District Limestone
VD Arete Number 1
传统攀登 8m Peak District Limestone
VD Steep Chimney
传统攀登 8m Peak District Limestone
VD 4a Arete Number 2
传统攀登 8m Peak District Limestone
VD Face Climb Number 2
传统攀登 8m Peak District Limestone
M Pedestal Chimney
传统攀登 8m Peak District Limestone
HVS 5a Pedestal Wall
传统攀登 8m Peak District Limestone
S 4a Brassington Crack Arete
传统攀登 8m Peak District Limestone
HS 4b Brassington Crack Face
传统攀登 8m Peak District Limestone
HVD Brassington Crack
传统攀登 8m Peak District Limestone
VD Brassington Face
传统攀登 8m Peak District Limestone
M Easy Arete
传统攀登 8m Peak District Limestone
S 4b Snuffer Chimney
传统攀登 8m Peak District Limestone
VS 4c The Overhang Indirect
传统攀登 12m Peak District Limestone
HVS 5b The Overhang
传统攀登 10m Peak District Limestone
HS 4b Smooth Chimney Outside Route
传统攀登 10m Peak District Limestone
VD Smooth Chimney
传统攀登 10m Peak District Limestone
VS 4c Elder Rib
传统攀登 10m Peak District Limestone
D Chockstone Chimney
传统攀登 10m Peak District Limestone
VD Crack and Face
传统攀登 10m Peak District Limestone
VS 4c Face Direct
传统攀登 8m Peak District Limestone
VS 4c Angel's Crawl
传统攀登 8m Peak District Limestone
S 4a Elderberry Crack
传统攀登 6m Peak District Limestone
HS 4b Savoy Crack
传统攀登 6m Peak District Limestone
S 4a Two Minute Crack
传统攀登 6m Peak District Limestone
HVD Pillar Chimney
传统攀登 7m Peak District Limestone
VS 4c Penlington's Progress
传统攀登 7m Peak District Limestone
VD Pillar Face
传统攀登 8m Peak District Limestone
VD Nettle Wall
传统攀登 10m Peak District Limestone
D Nettle Chimney
传统攀登 10m Peak District Limestone
VD Cracked Wall
传统攀登 10m Peak District Limestone
VD Ash Tree Chimney
传统攀登 10m Peak District Limestone
VD Ash Tree Wall
传统攀登 10m Peak District Limestone
VD Ash Tree Wall Crack
传统攀登 10m Peak District Limestone
S Ringo

A straight crack with an awkward bulge - how's your jamming coming on?

传统攀登 10m Burbage Valley
M Eden Crack
传统攀登 34m, 2 Cheddar
HS 4b Greta
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
HVS 5a Senta
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E3 5b Themeninblack
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
VS 4b Zelda
传统攀登 60m, 2 Wintour's Leap
E2 5c Sweetest Victory
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E1 5a Hunky Dore
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
HVS 5a Guytha
传统攀登 2 Wintour's Leap
HVS 4c Puma
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
VS 5a Cheetah
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E1 5a Let Us Prey
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
HVS 5a The Ragged Edge
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E2 5c Never Say Die
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E4 5c Jannock
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E1 5b That Nice Route
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
VS 5a Jos'e and the Fly
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E4 6b Flies Aloft
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E1 5b Big Fly Direct
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E2 5b Little Fly
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
HVS 5a Dragonfly
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E4 5c Gendarmerie
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E2 5b Lord of the Flies
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E1 5c Wurlitzer
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E2 5c Firefly
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E4 6a La Folie
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E3 6a Strangled Fly
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E3 6a Flyover
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E2 5c Bulging Flies
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E2 5b Balls Out
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
VS 5a Flyhole
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E3 Fly Havoc
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
HVS 5b Flyte
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
VS 4c Swallow's Nest
1 VS 4c 12m
2 4b 15m

首攀: 1967

传统攀登 27m, 2 Wintour's Leap
VS 4c Freedom
1 VS 4b 12m
2 4c 18m

首攀: 1967

传统攀登 30m, 2 Wintour's Leap
E3 5c A Fly In The Eye
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
HVS 5a Dazed and Confused
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
HS 4b Phoenix
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
VS 4c African Killer Bee
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E1 5b Mosquito Bite
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E1 5b Ecliptic
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E2 5c Split Flies
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
VS 5a The Split
1 VS 5a 12m
2 4b 15m

首攀: 1967

传统攀登 27m, 2 Wintour's Leap
E3 6a Fly Logic
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
HVS 5a Swatter
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
HVS 5a Bzzz Splat
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
VS 4c Poet
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
HVS 5a Flies Rise
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
HS 4b Moth
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
VS 4c Butterfly
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E2 5b Papillon
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E3 5c Cum Black Johnny
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E3 5c Raison d'Être
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E2 5b Ally Oops
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
E2 5b Betty Boo
传统攀登 Wintour's Leap
HS 4b Strike
传统攀登 Wynd cliff
VS 4c Hostage
传统攀登 Wynd cliff
VS 4c Pinnacle Grooves
传统攀登 Wynd cliff

Showing 1 - 100 out of more than 10,000 线路.

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