
攀登 in Inner Sanctum

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Showing all 39 攀登.

Grade 线路 线路类型 岩场 路线质量 攀岩者 日期
5.12a Cosmic Trigger 未知 21m Red River Gorge 很好
Wayne Novach
星期六 15th 10月 2005
new route, no chalk, dirty, but awesome.

5.11c Psyberpunk 运动攀岩 20m, 7 Red River Gorge 很好
Frank Madden
星期天 26th 2月 2012
5.11c Psyberpunk - with Eric Godfrey 运动攀岩 20m, 7 Red River Gorge
Tracey Hua
星期六 5th 11月 2016
This was extremely hard. I down climbed 2 bolts to a rest at one stage... I think Skin Boat was easier or I was tired as fudge...

5.11c Psyberpunk 运动攀岩 20m, 7 Red River Gorge
Devin McCauley
星期六 17th 6月 2017
A struggle clipped the clip before anchor with stick clip was to tired after crux to commit to it

5.11c Psyberpunk 运动攀岩 20m, 7 Red River Gorge
星期六 2nd 11月 2019
5.11c Psyberpunk 运动攀岩 20m, 7 Red River Gorge
Louis Salter
星期四 19th 10月 2023
5.11b Consenting Adult
运动攀岩 20m Red River Gorge
星期六 2nd 11月 2019
5.10d Naughty Neighbors 运动攀岩 Red River Gorge
Frank Madden
星期六 5th 11月 2011
5.10d Naughty Neighbors - with Eric Godfrey 运动攀岩 Red River Gorge
Tracey Hua
星期六 5th 11月 2016
This felt harder...

5.10d Naughty Neighbors 运动攀岩 Red River Gorge
星期天 18th 10月 2015
5.10d Naughty Neighbors 运动攀岩 Red River Gorge
Daniel Kilian
星期天 28th 10月 2018
5.10d Naughty Neighbors 运动攀岩 Red River Gorge
Louis Salter
星期四 19th 10月 2023
5.10c Karmic Retribution 未知 14m Red River Gorge 很好
Wayne Novach
星期六 15th 10月 2005
slab, sweet holds and moves

5.10b 5.10a Bad Company 运动攀岩 15m Red River Gorge
Anthony Williams
星期六 29th 9月 2012
Good pumpy fun.

5.10a Bad Company 运动攀岩 15m Red River Gorge
星期六 29th 9月 2012
5.10a Bad Company 运动攀岩 15m Red River Gorge 很好
Matthew Usherwood
星期天 23rd 3月 2014
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
5.10a Bad Company 运动攀岩 15m Red River Gorge
Renee Marie Blanche
星期二 17th 3月 2015
5.10a Bad Company 运动攀岩 15m Red River Gorge
Frank Madden
星期六 23rd 7月 2011
5.10a Bad Company - with Eric Godfrey 运动攀岩 15m Red River Gorge
Tracey Hua
星期六 5th 11月 2016
This felt hard...

5.10a Bad Company 运动攀岩 15m Red River Gorge
Derek Childers
星期一 14th 5月 2018
5.10a Bad Company 运动攀岩 15m Red River Gorge
Devin McCauley
星期六 17th 6月 2017
one take could've onsighted

5.10a Bad Company 运动攀岩 15m Red River Gorge
Deleted climber 2794614549
星期四 12th 4月 2018
5.10a Bad Company 运动攀岩 15m Red River Gorge 很好
星期五 23rd 10月 2020
5.10a Bad Company 运动攀岩 15m Red River Gorge 很好
Brax Rodgers
星期五 23rd 10月 2020
5.10a Bad Company 运动攀岩 15m Red River Gorge 一般
星期四 12th 4月 2018
5.10a Bad Company 运动攀岩 15m Red River Gorge
Louis Salter
星期四 19th 10月 2023
5.9 Netizen Hacktivist 运动攀岩 18m Red River Gorge 很好
Andrew Fast
星期二 13th 4月 2010
Nice route, practice a wide variety of positions, holds, top outs (yes i used 3 mantels in my climb). Looks like a fun lead as well.

5.9 Netizen Hacktivist 运动攀岩 18m Red River Gorge 糟糕
Wayne Novach
星期六 15th 10月 2005
CHOSS pile!!

5.9 Netizen Hacktivist 运动攀岩 18m Red River Gorge
Anthony Williams
星期六 29th 9月 2012
Long and sustained. Those dinner plates aren't as good as they look.

5.9 Netizen Hacktivist 运动攀岩 18m Red River Gorge
星期六 29th 9月 2012
5.9 Netizen Hacktivist 运动攀岩 18m Red River Gorge
Ron Edwards
星期一 1st 4月 2013
5.9 Netizen Hacktivist 运动攀岩 18m Red River Gorge 很好
Matthew Usherwood
星期天 23rd 3月 2014
5.9 Netizen Hacktivist 运动攀岩 18m Red River Gorge
Frank Madden
星期六 23rd 7月 2011
5.9 Netizen Hacktivist - with Laurel 运动攀岩 18m Red River Gorge
Frank Madden
星期一 2nd 10月 2017
5.9 Netizen Hacktivist 运动攀岩 18m Red River Gorge
Derek Childers
星期一 14th 5月 2018
5.9 Netizen Hacktivist 运动攀岩 18m Red River Gorge
Devin McCauley
星期六 17th 6月 2017
definitely a tricky climb

5.9 Netizen Hacktivist 运动攀岩 18m Red River Gorge 糟糕
星期五 23rd 10月 2020
5.9 Netizen Hacktivist 运动攀岩 18m Red River Gorge 不值一提
Brax Rodgers
星期五 23rd 10月 2020
5.9 Netizen Hacktivist 运动攀岩 18m Red River Gorge
Derek Smalls
星期天 1st 5月 2022

Showing all 39 攀登.

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