
攀登 in Shawnee Shelter

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Showing all 6 攀登.

Grade 线路 线路类型 岩场 路线质量 攀岩者 日期
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
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5.13a Kya - with Luis Pavon 运动攀岩 27m Red River Gorge
Alberto Sanchez
星期一 26th 10月 2015
5.12a 5.11d Tecumseh's Curse - with Gus y Pablo 运动攀岩 18m, 9 Red River Gorge
Alberto Sanchez
星期一 26th 10月 2015
A hold broke which could possibly make it a 5.12a

5.12a Tecumseh's Curse - with Gus y Pablo 运动攀岩 18m, 9 Red River Gorge
Alberto Sanchez
星期一 26th 10月 2015
5.10a Waterfall Ballet - with pablo 运动攀岩 15m Red River Gorge
Alberto Sanchez
星期一 26th 10月 2015
5.10a Waterfall Ballet 运动攀岩 15m Red River Gorge
Devin McCauley
星期一 7th 5月 2018
5.10a Waterfall Ballet 运动攀岩 15m Red River Gorge
星期天 14th 4月 2013

Showing all 6 攀登.

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