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Showing 501 - 600 out of more than 10,500 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity 岩场
V0 Unnamed 7

The face right of the offwidth crack.

攀石 2m Ring Mountain
V0+ Edge Slab

Slab right of Transportation Crack.

攀石 9m Indian & Mortar Rocks
5.9 Sunset Face
顶绳攀登 9m Jenner Area
5.9 Left Arete
顶绳攀登 6m Remillard Park
5.9 Jackhole 运动攀岩 Horseshoe Canyon Ranch
5.9 Hurly-Burly 运动攀岩 North Bend
V0 Left Side
攀石 3m Indian & Mortar Rocks
5.9 Minienticer
运动攀岩 30m Maple Canyon
5.9 Your Little Sister
未知 Maple Canyon
5.9 Pippy the Zenhead 运动攀岩 20m Owens River Gorge
5.9 Positively 4th Street
未知 40m Yosemite National Park
5.9 Spooky 未知 Sequoia National Park
5.9 Cracker Jack

自由首攀: John Lawrence & Dave Mashburn, 1967

传统攀登 61m, 2 Linville Gorge
5.9 Kick 未知 Rock Creek Canyon
5.9 Let the Wallies Loose
运动攀岩 Austin
5.9 Little Rascals
未知 Shawangunks
5.9 Thing In Between

首攀: Jim Kanzler & Pat Callis, 1975

传统攀登 24m Gallatin Canyon
5.9 Family Circus
运动攀岩 24m, 7 Red Rock
5.9 Half A Finger 传统攀登 Salt Lake City
V0 Unnamed 1

Head up the bulgy prow left of the downclimb, with the big chest height heuco. Harder & better if you eliminate the holds in the groove to the right.

攀石 2m Skyline Areas
V0 The Slab

The obvious steep slab facing the Mr Magoo boulder. Start on the low rail to the left.

Several variants, including:

  • "Flying Kiwi" - take a running start and launch for the top (height dependent grade)
  • "No hands" - start in the corner and ascend the slab without using your hands (V2)
攀石 3m Skyline Areas
5.9 R Beeline 未知 60m Cochise Stronghold
5.9 Fee Fi Fo Fum 运动攀岩 4 Enchanted Tower
5.9 Loose Ends


Route starts just left of the start of J-Crack (a blocky, loose-looking scramble up a steep ramp). Look for the thick flake going straight up the wall with finger-sized and smaller protection.


60m rope, single rack up to #3, plenty of nuts.

P1 5.9

Follow the blocky flake straight up until it ends at a tat rappel sling. Clip the sling and do a diagonal traverse beneath the small roof. Continue a bit further left until you reach a good belay ledge (also the first belay for Pear Buttress).

P2 5.9

Continue traversing the sloping belay ledge until you reach the left of two finger cracks (the first is Visual Aids 5.10b). Place good protection here, so you don't take a swinging factor 2 off the crux of the route. The crack starts as a shallow, flaring hand crack with good fingers if you reach deeper. It then eases up to solid hand jams taking you up the rest of the pitch. Towards the top, tend slightly right to reach a belay ledge just wide and long enough to take a well-deserved nap on.

P3 5.9

Start going straight up the crack on the right side of the belay ledge to reach the bottom of a large diagonal roof. Undercling traverse up and left under the roof until you can make an awkward exit up it's left end. Continue up several more feet, to a large belay ledge.

P4 5.7

Look for "The Cave", an obvious cave above and right of your belay stance. Scramble up easy slabs to get inside the cave, then heroically navigate the roof to finish the route. Tall climbers will be able to clip a piton before getting into the business.


Walk off the back side of the wall down a dirty gully. Optionally skip the worst part of the descent rappelling off a large pine tree accessible by traversing a sloping ledge at the top of the descent. Follow the trail until it returns to the J Crack Slab.

传统攀登 4 Rocky Mountain National Park
5.9 On the Lamb

On the Lamb, 700’, 5.9

1st Pitch- 80m- 5th/ We soloed this pitch and most climbing this route will be comfortable with that. I solo this grade a lot but still appreciated having my climbing shoes on versus trail runners. This corner is plenty steep on a bit of flaky granite. Some summit logs go on about a “cave”, “trees vs bushes”, etc. It is actually really simple. Climb the corner to its top, traverse right onto a nice ledge and set up a belay for the first pitch. You can’t see the horizontal crack that makes up the majority of the route until you turn the west face. There is not much of a north face, you pretty much turn from east to west crossing the first arête to the west on the third pitch.

2nd Pitch- 30m- 5.5/ Traverse straight out right over run-out slab and up a short distance to reach a right facing corner. Don’t climb this first corner. Down climb a bit and keep traversing to a much cleaner and smaller right facing corner with a variety of comfortable belays to choose from.

3rd Pitch- 30m- 5.8/ Climb the corner above to meet the horizontal feature that makes up the majority of this climb. Climb right over one arête (can be windy) and continue along to a small gear belay with a comfortable stance or a few more meters and down climb to a fixed belay.

4th Pitch- 60m- 5.9/ Continue on the traverse. When you get to another blunt arête and check out the other side, you will see the crux 40’ hand rail section with blank slab below it. Place a solid .75" at the arête and keep your arms straight to avoid pumping yourself out for no reason as some do on this section as you hand-over-hand the rail to the next foot rest. If your 2nd has limited experience, you might want to plug a piece or two along the way, but you will be hanging by one hand as you do it unless you aid it. A competent second can plug gear back in that they cleaned if they need a rest. Once you get through this crux, the climbing is still enjoyable for a bit. When it starts to really ease up, look for a short left facing corner and bolt above. This is the first pitch of Jailbreak. Set up a medium gear belay in the base of the corner with a comfortable stance.

5th Pitch- 20m- 5th/ If you are not finishing on Jailbreak to the summit, which is what I recommend you do, then finish off the horizontal to the western shoulder of Lamb Dome and walk off.

传统攀登 210m, 5 Yosemite National Park
5.9 A0 III R Vertigo

首攀: Paul Ross, John Bragg & Mike Peloquin, 1971

传统攀登 150m, 4 Cannon Cliff
5.9 Absolutely Free, Center Route

Leave all extra gear and packs in the car. Just wear your harness and gear for the short, steep approach (if you do this, and wear approach shoes, most parties are able to just scramble up the first pitch, witch is two hundred plus feet of mostly 5.3). Bring: 1 Set: offset Nuts Cams: 2 ea .3”-1.25” 3 ea 1.5”, 2”, 3” 1 ea 4” (If doing offwidth variation as last pitch): 1 ea 5”

传统攀登 190m, 5 Yosemite National Park
5.9 Insuhlation
未知 63m Shawangunks
5.9 More Funky than Gunky 运动攀岩 Sinks Canyon
5.9 Underground Economy 运动攀岩 North Bend
5.9 Andromeda Strain
传统攀登 27m Red River Gorge
5.9 Mystery & Imagination

Far right of Orange Peel ledge. Keeping off the blocks behind you, climb the slab with a very high first bolt. Climbing eases up from the first bolt. 5.7 if you use the blocks.

运动攀岩 30m Enchanted Rock
V0 Pegboard Arete
攀石 5m Indian & Mortar Rocks
5.9 Shlocksides 未知 Interstate State Park, Minnesota side
5.9 Dihedral

Follow the crack that meanders up the corner between 'Narcissism' and 'Ankles Away'.

传统攀登 50m Foster Falls
5.9 The Dish
未知 Crowder's Mountain State Park
5.9 Nickel And Dime 运动攀岩 West Rock State Park
V0 Layback Crack

Classic laybacking down low. Shame it's so short!

攀石 8m Cliff House
5.9 Dog n' Dude

首攀: Jeff Leafgreen

运动攀岩 Sinks Canyon
5.9 Stoner's Boner 未知 Mount Lemmon
5.9 Right UP

A slightly harder version of Left Up. Can be a quick fun route if things are busy at the South Face area.

Location: Located just to the right of Left Up and just left of Stage Ledge, etc.

Protection: Standard NC rack, runners, 1 rope. Slings on tree for rappel.

传统攀登 24m Looking Glass
5.9 Fat Lady Sings 运动攀岩 26m, 6 Obed National Park
5.9 Baby Robbin's Crack 未知 Mount Woodson
5.9 Coffin Right 传统攀登 24m Salt Lake City
5.9 Lungshot
运动攀岩 18m Maple Canyon
5.9 Unconquerable Crack 传统攀登 Hartford
5.9 Popular Mechanics
传统攀登 24m Joshua Tree National Park
5.9 Split Personality
传统攀登 Joshua Tree National Park
5.9 Inverted Layback
未知 Shawangunks
5.9 Touch and Go

Pro to 3", with triples of 2" cams.

自由首攀: Kim Schmitz & Norm Simmons, 1971

传统攀登 4 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Bush Rush 未知 14m Oak Creek Overlook
5.9 Crying Time Again
传统攀登 140m Yosemite National Park
5.9 Yellow Wallpaper
传统攀登 19m Shawangunks
5.9 Finagle

Monkey out on break, then pull that roof baby. Follow the crack up the face.

首攀: Robyn Ebersfield, Shannon Stegg & Rob Robinson

传统攀登 15m Tennessee Wall
5.9 Classic Crack 传统攀登 9m Portland
5.9 Sybarite 未知 14m Horseshoe Canyon Ranch
5.9 Leave it to Beaver 未知 Rock Creek Canyon
5.9 Absinthe of Mallet 未知 Cochise Stronghold
5.9 Pocket Pool

Just right of Jacob's Ladder

首攀: Steve Jones

运动攀岩 12m, 5 Foster Falls
5.9 Keyhole Variation
未知 Shawangunks
5.9 Center Route 顶绳攀登 15m Stoney Point
5.9 Feels Like Someone Else 未知 Mount Lemmon
5.9 Ritz Cracker 传统攀登 26m New River Gorge
5.9 Snowblower

首攀: Mitch Congdon/Paul Sullivan

未知 18m Harrisonburg
5.9 Pony Keg 未知 Frenchman Coulee
5.9 Strawberry Jam
未知 21m Joshua Tree National Park
5.9 Wasp
未知 Shawangunks
5.9 Standard Route Variant
1 5.6 60'
2 5.8 150'
3 5.9 100'
传统攀登 94m, 3 Gallatin Canyon
5.9 Gotta be tall or else you'll fall 未知 26m Salt Lake City
5.9 Black September

Pro to 3".

自由首攀: Eric Beck & et al., 1973

传统攀登 34m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 La Cholla Jackson
运动攀岩 23m, 10 Shelf Road
5.9 Kid's Climb
未知 Denver
5.9 Coral Bells Arete 传统攀登 15m Salt Lake City
5.9 Night Crawlers

首攀: Glen Cilley, 1990

运动攀岩 5 Rumney
5.9 Moon where the wind blows
运动攀岩 20m Red Rock
5.9 Fallout 顶绳攀登 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Valentine Arete 运动攀岩 16m La Milagrosa Canyon
5.9 Sidesaddle
运动攀岩 10m, 5 Sonora Pass
5.9 Orange Crush 运动攀岩 Horseshoe Canyon Ranch
5.9 G Live Free or Die
传统攀登 12m Adirondacks
5.9 The Die is Cast 运动攀岩 25m Red Rock
V0 Texas Chainsaw Massacre 攀石 Pawtuckaway State Park
5.9 Doce Doe 传统攀登 30m New River Gorge
5.9 Thin Air 运动攀岩 3 Smith Rock State Park
5.9 Love Potion #9

首攀: Theresa Neal & Jeff Neal, 2011

运动攀岩 20m, 7 Red River Gorge
V0 Unnamed 5

Up the jugs left of The Lieback. This panel has numerous harder sit starts, eliminates and variants.

攀石 2m Ring Mountain
V0 Unnamed 8

The overhanging face with jugs, then traverse off right, or continue up the easy grey flake, or continue straight up the loose highball black corner (best climbing & shown on the topo). Sit start is V1, and there are numerous variants on the steep lower wall.

攀石 9m Ring Mountain
V0 Unnamed 9

Start at the rippled brown wall underneath the overlap. Up then left over the overlap and up the highball but easy wall above.

攀石 9m Ring Mountain
5.9 V0 Pelican Arete
顶绳攀登 8m Jenner Area
V0 Small Wall Left

Start: Just right of Rat Hole. Go: Climb straight up the left side fo the small face, starting on the broken bulge and on to the thin face holds and the top.

攀石 4m New York City
5.9/10a Route 66 运动攀岩 20m New Jack City
5.9 Step Right Up 运动攀岩 Jacks Canyon
5.9 Chicken Hawk

Challenging for the grade.

首攀: Rick Leitner

运动攀岩 20m, 6 Boulder
5.9 Potstash

Starts left of the gully, just right of the Indian Paintings.

运动攀岩 20m, 5 Potash Road
YDS_ALT:5.10 V0+ Gripper Traverse
攀石 Joshua Tree National Park
5.9 Express Checkout Line 运动攀岩 6 Jackson Falls
V0 World Without Lawyers 攀石 5m Hueco Tanks
5.9 Tensile Town
运动攀岩 9 Shelf Road
5.9 III Sweet Sunday Serenade 传统攀登 3 Unaweep Canyon
5.9 Brain Cloud
未知 Denver

Showing 501 - 600 out of more than 10,500 线路.

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