
攀登 in World by Brendan Heywood

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 1,949 攀登.

Grade 线路 线路类型 路线质量 日期
Oceania Australia Tasmania East Bicheno Peggys Point Crayfish Boulder
V3 The Belly scraper 攀石 2m 星期六 7th 12月 2013
Took a few attempts to get my dyno head back on

V2 The Crawfish 攀石 2m 星期六 7th 12月 2013
V0 The Crayfish 攀石 2m 星期六 7th 12月 2013
V3 Tricky Little Bastards 攀石 2m 星期六 7th 12月 2013
V3 unknown 攀石 2m 星期六 7th 12月 2013
Pretty easy but the void washed with waves gets your heart beating

V4 Craypot direct - with tommykrauss 攀石 4m 星期六 7th 12月 2013
Possibly a first ascent? Pretty fun and surprising no one's done it, the void is a bit exciting. Got it second attempt, on my first attempt my whole left calf instantly cramped after the heel hook.

V1 Craypot 攀石 2m 星期六 7th 12月 2013
Sorted easy sequence to link to from direct start, foot way out left on shelf

Oceania Australia Tasmania East Bicheno Peggys Point Abalone Boulder
V2 Mullet - with tommykrauss 攀石 2m 星期六 7th 12月 2013
'No pad onsight'. Should that be a new tick type? Or is that just a solo?

V4 Abalone Arete - with tommykrauss 攀石 2m 星期六 7th 12月 2013
Scrunched layback start then cruisy

V5 Ab Diver - with tommykrauss 攀石 2m 星期六 7th 12月 2013
I really liked this, lots of ok holds but no clear sequence so is more puzzle solving than hard.

Oceania Australia Tasmania East Freycinet National Park Coastal Cliffs Whitewater Wall
12 Apline - with Denni 传统攀登 70m 很好 星期天 22nd 9月 2013
Mega juggy awesome first pitch, best rock amidst the coarser granite. Second pitch is sadly over earlier than expected

Oceania Australia Tasmania East Freycinet National Park Coastal Cliffs Harlequin Buttress - Bouldering Seven
V3 5. Lope 攀石 2m 星期六 21st 9月 2013
V2 3. Crash Pad 攀石 4m 星期六 21st 9月 2013
Oceania Australia Tasmania East Freycinet National Park Coastal Cliffs Harlequin Buttress - Bouldering Six / Jumping block
V6 3. Campuseis - with Tommy 攀石 3m 星期六 21st 9月 2013
Feels doable. Double heel compression works well but made my ab cramp in the middle of the night later

Oceania Australia Tasmania East Freycinet National Park Coastal Cliffs Harlequin Buttress - Bouldering Three
V1 4. Arete 攀石 4m 星期六 21st 9月 2013
V3 3. Balance 攀石 3m 星期六 21st 9月 2013
V4 2.Finger Power 攀石 3m 星期六 21st 9月 2013
Oceania Australia Tasmania East Freycinet National Park Coastal Cliffs Little Bluestone Bay - Bouldering Little Bluestone Bay Boulders
V8 Überclinger - with Tommy 攀石 3m 星期六 21st 9月 2013
Surprisingly I managed to get my arse off the ground (even with three pads).

Oceania Australia Tasmania South East Handsome Crag The Weakhold International Traveller Boulder
Left Side 攀石 5m 星期六 12th 7月 2014
Worked this for a while, lots of cleaning, burly fun moves.

Left Side 攀石 5m 星期天 20th 7月 2014
More scrubbing, more working. Got a move higher this time with a very stretchy right bridged foot. Need to rap in and really clean it to figure out where next

V3 Drunk German 攀石 4m 星期天 20th 7月 2014
Played on it a bunch showing Liam the moves, but not sure I actually did the whole thing in one go

V3 Drunk German 攀石 4m 星期六 12th 7月 2014
Sweet onsight, first problem of the day

V2 Traverse 攀石 6m 星期六 12th 7月 2014
Was expecting this to be hard, pretty cool side move

V2 Arrogant American 攀石 3m 星期六 12th 7月 2014
V1 The Spaniards are Coming 攀石 3m 星期六 12th 7月 2014
V1 Top Face 攀石 3m 星期六 12th 7月 2014
Tricky double thumb mantle

Oceania Australia Tasmania South East Handsome Crag The Weakhold Illumination Wall
V5 Everything is Illuminated 攀石 4m 星期天 20th 7月 2014
Got it second go, climber up to high easy rail and jumped off

V4 Low traverse 攀石 4m 星期天 20th 7月 2014
So so close, had a bunch of attempts and got pretty ragged. Crux is the wide span on crummy feet

V3 Illumination Traverse 攀石 5m 很好 星期天 20th 7月 2014

Oceania Australia Tasmania South East Handsome Crag The Weakhold Seduction Bloc
V2 The double Traverse 攀石 7m 星期天 20th 7月 2014
V2 The Seduction Traverse 攀石 6m 星期天 20th 7月 2014
V3 Ca va 攀石 4m 星期天 20th 7月 2014
V2 Bonjour 攀石 4m 星期天 20th 7月 2014
V1 Nice Crack 攀石 4m 星期天 20th 7月 2014
Oceania Australia Tasmania South East Handsome Crag The Weakhold The Book Thief Bloc
V6 Pendulum 攀石 4m 星期天 20th 7月 2014
Was feeling a bit thrashed and too eager. Feel doable but need to be fresh

Oceania Australia Tasmania South East Handsome Crag The Stronghold Inchman South Face
V5 Hang Me Out to Dry 攀石 3m 经典 星期天 20th 7月 2014
Campused the first move to slopers, first throw got fairly close to lip. Had another go but my 'gold' finger started playing up, and after 3rd try knew it was time to go home. Very cool face

Oceania Australia Tasmania South East Handsome Crag The Stronghold Vitriol Area
V2 Vitriol Stand 攀石 4m 很好 星期六 12th 7月 2014
V2 V2 Stand 攀石 4m 星期六 12th 7月 2014
Oceania Australia Tasmania South East Handsome Crag The Stronghold Don't Fight It Boulder
V3 Don't Fight It 攀石 4m 很好 星期六 12th 7月 2014
Sweet juggy dyno

V4 V3/4 SDS 攀石 6m 很好 星期六 12th 7月 2014
Cold fingers at end of day didn't like the last sloper

V4 Bug, Powder, Dust 攀石 4m 很好 星期六 12th 7月 2014
From stand start, cool finish

V4 Setting Sun 攀石 4m 星期六 12th 7月 2014
Oceania Australia Tasmania South East Handsome Crag The Stronghold Orthanc
V0 Orthanc Arete (4. Orthanc Arete) 攀石 6m 星期天 20th 7月 2014
Did it in my blundstones, the ramp was spoogy

Oceania Australia Tasmania South East Handsome Crag The Stronghold Barad-dur
V4 Crack of Doom 攀石 6m 很好 星期天 20th 7月 2014
Surprised myself by getting up the crack section fairly easily, but wussed out cause it gets high pretty quick

Oceania Australia Tasmania South East Oatlands Bottom Dam Funky Town Cave (Dry)
V5 High traverse 攀石 4m 星期天 6th 7月 2014
Took a bunch of goes to work the first 5 moves. After I got it I couldn't repeat it, want to do it less desperately.

V3 V3 攀石 4m 星期天 6th 7月 2014
Almost first go, blew on on the last move. Clean second time

V8 Acid Reign 攀石 3m 星期天 6th 7月 2014
I can just barely pull on, the local gravity field in the cave is strong

Oceania Australia Tasmania South East Oatlands Bottom Dam The Yellow Cave (Dry)
V5 Roundhouse - Roof pocket variant - with Tommy 攀石 5m 星期六 4th 1月 2014
Worked the moves to the gaston crux.

V4 Sanguine - with Tommy and Pat 攀石 6m 经典 星期六 4th 1月 2014
Finally sent! One fumbled misstart, but then clean all the way second time. Amazing what is possible when fresh

V4 Sanguine 攀石 6m 星期一 10th 6月 2013
Sweet long traverse, worked it and got every move past both cruxes and just spanked out 2 holds from the end. Will get it fresh next time. Staunch, feels as hard as Rumble in the Jungle

V4 Sanguine 攀石 6m 星期一 23rd 12月 2013
Just thrashed. Working implies progress but was generally going backwards. Didn't help that it was raining sideways into the cave.

V2 V3 Sanguine Direct 攀石 4m 星期一 10th 6月 2013
V3 V2 Un-named 攀石 4m 星期一 23rd 12月 2013
Another lap as a workup, felt harder than I remember. Probably a signal that I was thrashed

V3 V2 Un-named 攀石 4m 星期一 10th 6月 2013
V3 V2 Un-named - with Tommy and Pat 攀石 4m 星期六 4th 1月 2014

Oceania Australia Tasmania South East Oatlands Top Dam Warm Up Blocks (Dry)
V1 11. Warm Me Up V1 攀石 3m 星期六 4th 1月 2014
Flashed in muddy blundstones

V1 11. Warm Me Up V1 - with Nate S, Steph, Eryn, Canadian dude 攀石 3m 星期天 1st 3月 2015
V2 8. Comedy Value V2 (sds) - with Nate S, Steph, Eryn, Canadian dude 攀石 4m 星期天 1st 3月 2015
Want to do the side mantle variant finish

V2 5. Getting Warmer V2 (sds) - with Nate S, Steph, Eryn, Canadian dude 攀石 4m 星期天 1st 3月 2015
Started raining right after

Oceania Australia Tasmania South East Oatlands Top Dam The Fallen Block
V5 Flat Out - with foong 攀石 3m 星期天 18th 5月 2014
Heel hook is great but just reach that next damn sloper. Foong could get it static!

V3 Lucifer - with foong 攀石 3m 星期天 18th 5月 2014
Did the crux onsight and then blew on a sandy hold up top. Couldn't do it the way Foong did with the reach over left with your right hand

V4 Cripple - with tommy, foong, andy 攀石 3m 星期天 18th 5月 2014
Seems to stump all of us, then found a higher side pull which unlocked it

V4 Cripple 攀石 3m 很好 星期天 18th 5月 2014
Did the more direct version, grab the good pinch with right instead of left, then bump out to jug on right and then chin up as you swing to avoid the dreaded bum dab

V2 Short and Sweet 攀石 3m 星期天 18th 5月 2014
Oceania Australia Tasmania South East Oatlands Top Dam The Devil's Kitchen Right Side
V7 unknown 2 攀石 6m 星期天 18th 5月 2014
Tried this a few times going directly across. Foot keeps blowing but the distance isn't too bad. Defeated trying to re-tick it the other way

V7 unknown 2 - with Tommy and Pat 攀石 6m 星期六 4th 1月 2014
And not simply content with finally sending a V7 I had to go send another one. Almost the same sequence. I think it was also 4th attempt. Hardest move is getting established on the starting slopers, the roof jugs and mantle and easy.

V3 V3 Campus (V3) - with Tommy, Pat 攀石 3m 星期六 4th 1月 2014
First attempt wasn't really trying and caught the lip, then fell awkwardly into some stray milk crates. OH&S warning! those things are a hazard. Then spanked myself with probably 30 attempts at this single move campus problem, catching it on half finger pads a third of the time. Will probably go quickly when fresh.

Oceania Australia Tasmania South East Oatlands Top Dam The Devil's Kitchen The Antichrist Area
V10 The Antichrist - with Tommy Krauss 攀石 8m 星期天 26th 4月 2015
Worked the first moves to the first rest. Can hold things that previously were just silly, but no massive progress yet

V7 V7 - with tommy, foong 攀石 5m 很好 星期天 18th 5月 2014
Yet another session re-working this with no luck. I did redo the weird drop knee and hip movement that got me into to the matched hold but just juiced. More energy!

V7 V7 - with Tommy 攀石 5m 很好 星期六 4th 1月 2014
My first ever V7! Super stoked and what a problem. As the devil's kitchen is now 15cm under water we walked in a dozen milk crates and set up the pads on that. Pretty comical at times and painful when it goes bad. Tommy and I both got it 4th try. The new best highlight of the day!

Oceania Australia Tasmania South East Oatlands Top Dam The Devil's Kitchenette
V6 Gremlin - with Tommy Krauss 攀石 3m 星期天 26th 4月 2015
Tommy's beta of double knee bar didn't work so great for me, I keep them out with left toe flag on the roof and dead point the right hand.

V4 1844 - with Tommy & Simon 攀石 3m 星期天 16th 2月 2014
onsight of first half, over mud with no pad, up to the start of Kitchen Bitch

V6 Kitchen Bitch - with Tommy Krauss 攀石 3m 很好 星期天 26th 4月 2015
Tommy Krauss showed me some beta which made this really easy, flash pumped on the mantle and got it second try. Stoked!

V6 Kitchen Bitch - with Ben Vincent 攀石 3m 很好 星期二 10th 2月 2015
Best attempt so far, used different right hand which gave me another few cm's ape and can just hit the lip

V6 Kitchen Bitch - with Tommy & Simon 攀石 3m 很好 星期天 16th 2月 2014
Big cool moves. For some reason it seems natural for me to double toe hook on the lip rather than just find the juice and throw my left heel properly on.

V6 Kitchen Bitch - with Chris L, Mani Baker, Foong & (Denni + Nora!) 攀石 3m 很好 星期天 12th 10月 2014
Only had a couple cracks, can move through the roof static, feel like I could get a technical right toe jam in the first roof hold and then match on the lip static, but not today.

V6 Kitchen Bitch - with Arthur Schultz, Liam Green, Zac 攀石 3m 很好 星期二 23rd 12月 2014
Only had a couple goes before the storm rolled in. Got a little more progress along the lip

V5 The Cheeky Little Devil - with Tommy & Simon 攀石 3m 星期天 16th 2月 2014
Cool little problem, has bomber foot locks. I found the right heel a bit sketchy so just went direct.

V5 The Cheeky Little Devil - with Chris L, Mani Baker, Foong & (Denni + Nora!) 攀石 3m 经典 星期天 12th 10月 2014
Did this going way left which seems easier, maybe V4, then another lap with dyno to lip, then few more laps getting it dialed and perfectly static with right heel hook in the roof jug.

V5 The Cheeky Little Devil - with Arthur Schultz, Liam Green, Zac 攀石 3m 经典 星期二 23rd 12月 2014
Another lap, completely dialed

V5 The Cheeky Little Devil - with Ben Vincent 攀石 3m 经典 星期二 10th 2月 2015
V5 The Cheeky Little Devil - with Tommy Krauss 攀石 3m 经典 星期天 26th 4月 2015
Did a harder direct variant which avoids the big nest jug. Maybe this is the proper way?

Oceania Australia Tasmania South East Oatlands Top Dam Rumble Cave (Dry)
V1 V1 - with Ben Vincent, Iliane Beuke 攀石 4m 星期二 10th 2月 2015
V2 V2 - with Ben Vincent, Iliane Beuke 攀石 4m 星期二 10th 2月 2015
V4 V4 Knobs - with Chris L, Mani Baker, Foong 攀石 3m 星期天 12th 10月 2014
Did this but fairly differently to Chris and Foong who could ape their way up to the side pull. I used the left knob (possibly off route?) and just mantled directly up with out the side pull. Probably V3

V2 Constant Gardener 攀石 4m 星期一 23rd 12月 2013
Fun little thing

V2 Constant Gardener - with Arthur Schultz, Liam Green, Zac 攀石 4m 星期二 23rd 12月 2014
V2 Constant Gardener - with Ben Vincent, Iliane Beuke 攀石 4m 星期二 10th 2月 2015
V3 Frogger Direct - with Nate S, Eryn, Steph, Canadian dude 攀石 4m 星期天 1st 3月 2015
V3 Congaline of Suckholes - with Sam 攀石 3m 星期一 23rd 12月 2013
V5 Flat Head Direct 攀石 5m 星期一 23rd 12月 2013
Wasn't sure how far back it start, 'onsighted' it and then realised I'd missed a few moves. Worked the roof section but still can't do the middle moves to link it.

V6 Flat Head - with Arthur Schultz, Liam Green, Zac 攀石 6m 星期二 23rd 12月 2014
I'd previously looked at this and felt it was too hard but pretty sure this will go

V4 V6 Bongo In The Congo - with Sam 攀石 5m 星期一 23rd 12月 2013
Awesome toe jambs, the theoretical crux isn't too bad but the last dyno to the start of rumble shut me down. A bit sandy

V4 V6 Bongo In The Congo - with Tommy & Simon 攀石 5m 一般 星期天 16th 2月 2014
Found a really far right toe hook which unlocked the last move, then found the left heel toe cam which made it static and easy. Still haven't linked the lot, seems sandier than last time

V4 V6 Bongo In The Congo - with Arthur Schultz, Liam Green, Zac 攀石 5m 一般 星期二 23rd 12月 2014
Playing around warming up, but still can't do the last move to the rumble jugs.

V4 V6 Bongo In The Congo - with Ben Vincent, Iliane Beuke 攀石 5m 一般 星期二 10th 2月 2015
I still can't nail the end move but had the best attempt so far, just nipped the jugs and swung off

V5 Rumble in the Jungle 攀石 5m 经典 星期天 12th 5月 2013
Sweet! Felt a bit cheated with the knee bar which made it heaps easier


V5 Rumble in the Jungle - with Chris L 攀石 5m 经典 星期天 12th 10月 2014
Another lap as a warmup, took 3 goes to get it again. love it!

V5 Rumble in the Jungle - with Arthur Schultz, Liam Green, Zac 攀石 5m 经典 星期二 23rd 12月 2014
Another lap to warm up, never get sick of it

V5 Rumble in the Jungle - with Arthur Schultz, Liam Green, Zac 攀石 5m 经典 星期二 23rd 12月 2014
For the first time actually tried this moving to right slopey gaston and then left to high crimp. Probably a bit easier than the other way I've been doing it with the knee bar.


Showing 1 - 100 out of 1,949 攀登.

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