
Routes in Victoria Range for selected grade

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Showing all 80 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity
Eureka Area Closed Yanganaginj Njawi
13 Joy Elizabeth

Start by scrambling around to the top of the main cliff and aligning with the approach track. If you turn around towards the hillside, there should be a small buttress with a crack before you. The crack is it.

Trad 20m
Mt Fox Area Jungle Gym
13 Calling Hop Harrigan

More or less climbs the middle of the black wall right of the pinnacle.

FA: Dave Gairns, Chris Baxter & Ian Ravenscroft, 1989

Trad 20m
Mt Fox Area Doritos Wall
13 Nile

Left of "Whipping Boy" is a big orange wall. Nile takes the right edge of this wall.

  1. 20m (13) Climb slabby wall trending up right until below overhang. Pull around left side of overhang and up juggy arete to ledge.

  2. 20m (13) Up left and up wall to the left of black slab. Step right to ledge. Abseil off bollards.

FA: Tim Lockwood, Keith Lockwood (alt) & Norm Booth, 2005

Trad 40m, 2
Mt Fox Area Hollywood Bowl
13 Bowled Out

Start directly below the 'bowl'. 1) 45m Climb up into the foot of the 'bowl' then avoid major difficulty and lack of protection by skirting up and left around the 'bowl'. 2) 20m Up easily.

FA: Ian Ravenscroft, Chris Baxter (alt) & Dave Gairns March, 1989

Trad 65m
Mt Fox Area Loose Rock - Candy Outcrop
13 Turkish Delight

Climb the face 4 metres left of "Licorice Allsorts" and tend left to the corner above the roof of "Licorice Allsorts".

FA: Warwick Wright & Stuart Willis, 1991

Trad 30m
Mt Fox Area The Lost Pavilion
13 Mind The Gap

FA: Cameron McKenzie & Anita Gowers, 2006

Trad 35m
13 The Trevor Hendy memorial weetbix route

FA: Cameron McKenzie & Anita Gowers, 2006

Trad 20m
Mt Fox Area The Far Pavilion
13 The Stench of Christmas

A minor addition. Quaint climbing up the arête R of (Baxter’s route and other crack). Just enough gear down low.

FA: Mark Rewi, Steve Holloway & Nic Kiraly, 2005

Red Rock Area Band Of Gypsies
13 Over The Top

Bridge trench to steep finish.

Start: Scramble into belay niche behind pinnacle.

FA: . Michael Hampton & Geoff Butcher, 2005

Trad 25m
13 Heavy Milk, Light Beer

Easy crack left of "Bulldozer In The Background".

FA: Geoff Butcher & Michael Hampton, 2005

Trad 17m
13 A Fortune Teller

Diagonally right up the grassland as for"In A Dark Wood Wandering" to the right-R leading crack. Step across to west-facing headwall of undercut pinnacle and horizontal breaks. Step left and up. Take slings for abseil.

Start: Start as for "In A Dark Wood Wandering".

FA: Sharyn George & Michael Hampton, 2005

Trad 25m
Red Rock Area Red Rock Pinnacles North Pinnacle
13 Grey Matter

Long gentle wall left of 'Womble'. First move off the ground is the crux. John Taylor and Mark Sewell did an un-recorded climb in this vicinity during Easter 1978. Start in the gap between the North & South Pinnacles. Pull onto the wall then follow intermittent seams up the grey wall, trending gradually rightwards. If the first move is problematic, you can bridge between the two pinnacles.

FA: Keith Lockwood, Pete Canning, Norm Booth & Ed Neve, 2003

Trad 25m
13 Womble

Easy juggy face on wall opposite I Just Called etc. Start on the right side just left of the arete. Rock is fragile and protection is a little sparse. This is the easiest way to the summit.

FA: Gay Welders Union, 2002

Trad 20m
Red Rock Area Crag X
13 Mixed Lollies
Trad 30m
Buandik Area The Studio
13 Manufacturing Consent

Chimney right of Oh, Hum. Initial thrutching leads to pleasant climbing on good rock. From bushy ledge, climb arete on right.

FA: Peter Campbell & Michael Hampton, 1992

Trad 30m
Buandik Area Quartz Block
13 Dark Caravan

First diagonal on left side of Quartz Block. From cave on arete above diagonal, go around corner then up.

FA: Chris Lawrence & Geoff Butcher, 1991

Trad 30m
Buandik Area Rain Wall
13 Drain Pipe

The wall right of Plain English with a vertical white dyke. Up right side of wall, then ridge to juggy line to top.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Ed Neve, 1990

Trad 22m
13 Broken English

Probably a repeat of the top section of Drain Pipe. Start out of The Gallery, just left of Mr Meat Step onto face from cave. Up crack for 3 metres, then veer left up weakness.

FA: Stuart Imer, Lisa Imer & Peter Woodfield, 1991

Trad 10m
13 Gutter Talk
Trad 10m
Buandik Area Goat Track Pygmy Terrace
13 The Jig Is Up

Face above block 1 metre right of 'Workaholics'.

FA: Chris Lawrence & Geoff Butcher, 1991

Trad 12m
Buandik Area Victoria Range Road Family Wall
13 Elise

The face just right of where the crack splits the face.

FA: Peter Megens & Isa Davies, 1989

Trad 16m
Mt Thackeray C.G. Wall
13 Too Cute to Route

Nice climbing up obvious weakness in the middle of wall closest to road. Move left into first shallow corner at half height.

FA: Michael Hampton & Geoff Butcher, 1993

Trad 15m
The Fortress Area Sawmill Cliff
13 R Daniel Bone

Just left of the saddle is a right-rising, discontinuous crack system. Follow the cracks at first then go straight up.

FA: Glenn Donahue, Andrew Webb, S. McLelland, Neil Barr & Peter Treby, 1988

Trad 30m
The Fortress Area The Fortress Eastern End Spanish Wall
13 All Tomorrow's Parties

5 metres right of 'Igreiga', 1 metre left of wide corner. Up crack, continue up side of huge hollow flake and then wall above.

FA: Mark Poustie & Campbell Mercer, 1993

Trad 28m
13 Jaundiced Blues

The crack 2 metres left of right end of small orange wall.

FA: Campbell Mercer & Mark Poustie, 1994

Trad 22m
The Fortress Area The Fortress Eastern End Sidewinder Area
13 Good Ol' Colonel Sanders

Start 15 metres right of 'Sidewinder'. Among the worst of the worst. Up dirty wall and then crack splitting slender buttress. Expect fragile rock.

FA: Campbell Mercer & Mark Poustie, 1994

Trad 48m
The Fortress Area The Fortress Black Knight Buttress
13 Flipside

In the middle of the wall is a dark chimney. Up 2 metres right of the chimney.

FA: Matt walsh & Campbell Mercer, 1994

Trad 20m
The Fortress Area The Fortress Summit Block
13 Henghist

A fine route in an exposed, atmospheric setting on the left edge of the Passport recess.

Start at the square-cut chimney left of 'Mutiny', where a huge block has come away from the wall, 10 metres right of Saxon.

  1. 45m (13) Bridge up the chimney and arete. Near the top, move onto the left wall and follow a diagonal line up left to a prominent vertical line. Go up to a small stance.

  2. 10m (-) Up to next ledge.

  3. 45m (13) When the line runs out, climb the bulge and continue straight up the wall to a prominent notch on the skyline.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Peter Watling, 1981

Trad 100m, 3
The Fortress Area Craigend
13 Inside The Avenue

Start as for Back Alley, 3 metres left of Summer Breeze. Up to left-facing corner then the face above this.

FA: Glenn Donohue & Andrew Webb, 1995

Unknown 28m
The Fortress Area The Avenue
13 Big Brown Bag

The prominent corner 2 metres left of WGTGOOTW. Corner then overhang to ledge then large, juggy corner.

FA: Glenn Donohue, Graeme Smith & Wayne Maher, 1995

Trad 25m
Harrop Track The Flatiron
13 New Wave, Old Hat

The original climb on the cliff. Starts just left of Iron Side. Climb the major hand crack and corner above the ledge, belay below the ledge. Walk to the lower tree at the edge of the cliff and rap.

FA: Neil Barr, Peter Treby, Peter Allan & Kieran Sell, 1986

Trad 20m
Harrop Track Curiosity Crag
13 Petit Dejeuner

Climb up to ledge at 8 metres then move 3 metres right and climb crack-line running between left chimney and right arete.

Start: Start as for 'Fillet De Boeuf'

FA: Greg Aimer & Christina Freestone, 1993

Trad 12m
Harrop Track Slander Gully
13 Black Feral Cat, An Undeniable Truth

The arete left of "Keiph Ledgerton", starting up a crack on the left. At the overhang make a brief detour onto the left wall.

FA: Neil Barr, Linda Horsley & Julie Flynn, 1983

Trad 50m
Harrop Track Mt Pox
13 Arctic Pox

Start: Start just where the track emerges from the bivvy cave area.

Trad 40m
Harrop Track Eagles Head Lower Tier Left Side
13 GT Stripe

Wide corner on left side of bushy alcove a few metres right of where the old pad straight up from Waterworks Track reaches the cliff.

FA: Heather Phillips & Alan Hope, 1982

Trad 25m
13 Noisy Dog Night

Start at a tree at the base of the left wall of the Sundae gully.

Climb the wall for 10 metres then move up left to a large ledge. Climb the arete on the right.

FA: Peter Cunningham & Heather Phillips, 1981

Trad 40m
13 Copybook

Amusing start and a good continuation

Start 10 metres left of the Sundae gully at an undercut corner.

Pull into corner and up it and easy chimney.

FA: Kieran Loughran & Arthur Glencross, 1981

Trad 40m
Harrop Track Eagles Head Lower Tier Right Side
13 Wedgy

First route as you reach the crag.

Easy angled arete 3m right of Hidden MSG. Start just left after small cave. First route done at Troposphere. Up over low bulge (crux) and ramble up juggy arête on great rock. Good access route to upper tier.

FA: Lesbian Truckers Co-op, 2006

Trad 15m
13 Arête Syndrome

Ladder to Top. Bit loose at Top.

Grey face/wall right side of arête, 3m around & right of Morals and Dogma. Climb up through obvious shallow scoop and straight up staying to the right hand side of arête. Careful of loose rock near top. Belay at small tree in-between rocks.

FA: Damien Heath & Steve Hollaway, 2006

Trad 15m
Harrop Track Eagles Head Eagles Head Summit Crags Dead Explorers Slab
13 Lassiter
Trad 61m
Harrop Track Ruined Castle
13 Legends Of The Fall

Surprisingly good for a wide crack. Climb the major corner on the right side of the recessed wall. This corner is the Rap line for the 2nd Tier.

FA: Kym Sinclair, Sharyn George & Geoff Butcher, 1997

Trad 10m
Harrop Track Number 1 Creek Valley The Great Slab
13 Highspeed Mad

Start at the toe of the right-hand buttress.

Climb the steep groove on the left and then follow cracks up the slab to the right-hand end of the overlap. Exciting moves left lead to a bottomless corner which is followed to the top.

FA: Gordon Talbett & Peter Watling, 1991

Trad 40m
Harrop Track Number 1 Creek Valley Death March Wall
13 Coldfinger

Climb the corner just left of "Brittle Bondage" and then a juggy groove.

FA: Peter Watling & Peter Cunningham, 1978

Trad 25m
13 Not Just A Tap Dance

Start as for Wheelchair Slalom.

Up for 3 metres, then take vertical crack on right face up to left side of block. Stepping up take diagonal crack on left for 3 metres then straight up.

FA: Bev Dick, Dale Wakefield, Rob Pease & Monica Gallus, 1994

Trad 35m
Harrop Track Gilham's Crags - Southside Shady Gully
13 Fizzio's Fizickle

Start off ledge on right side of face. Up through bulge and tend right.

FA: Stuart & Lisa Imer, 1990

Trad 20m
Harrop Track Renaissance Walls The Upper Cliff
13 Middle Ages? What Middle Ages?
Trad 40m
Harrop Track Boot Hill No Laughing Matter Buttress
13 Greenwitch
Trad 45m
Harrop Track Boot Hill Kookaburra Rock
13 Kiwibugga
Trad 21m
13 Wings
Trad 25m
Harrop Track Goldirocks
13 Bananas In Pyjamas

Energetic moves up the foot of the arete lead to easier ground. Follow the left edge of the buttress to the top.

Start: Start 2 metres right of "Quakers" at the right arete of its corner.

FA: Gordon Talbett & Alan Hope, 1992

Trad 24m
Victoria Range Track World's End No Mercer Area
13 The Third Man

Start at the right edge of the wall.

  1. 30m 13 Climb the bulging wall and traverse right to the tree(?). Continue up the groove to pass left of a roof. When confronted by appalling jugs, move right and up to belay.

  2. 40m Up through further surreal jugs to the top.

FA: Peter Watling, Gordon Talbett & John Sanders, 1991

Trad 75m
13 Campbell Mercerless

Start as for The Third Man.

  1. 45m Up to the tree then step right and go up to the right end of the roof and then go directly up. 2, 30m Jugs to the top.

FA: Gordon Talbett, Mark Poustie & Alan Hope, 1992

Trad 75m
Victoria Range Track World's End Overwork Wall
13 Overwork Blues

Start at the short, shallow corner. Up the corner, step left and up the corner above. Step right at roof and up.

FA: Mark Poustie, Campbell Mercer & Neil Barr, 1993

Trad 27m
Chimney Pot Gap Mountain Lion Pride Rock
V0- Mufasa

Sit start on large jug rail and jug your way to the top. This is also the best way off the boulder.

FA: Jimmy Stephens

Boulder 4m
Chimney Pot Gap Mountain Lion Vanya Wall
13 Kimba

Straight up to the flake, then up.

Start: Start at the left side of the "dished out" section of wall, directly below the flake in the middle of the wall.

FA: Rob Pease & Monica Gallus, 1991

Trad 20m
13 The Lion On The Line

Direct start to Decapitating Tweety Birds. Start 4 metres left of that climb. Up to and along the crack.

FA: Neil Barr & Peter Treby, 1990

Trad 15m
Chimney Pot Gap Tangerine Slide
13 Five O'clock Shadow

Diagonally up right over the first overlap to left-leaning overlap. Surmount and follow the crack running diagonally left and up.

Start: Start left of "Bohemian" at the left wall of the buttress below a fault in the initial overlap.

FA: Campbell Mercer, Julie Nitschke & Peter Watling, 1991

Trad 22m
13 Minties

Up and right to a thin crack and up to a ledge. Up a short crack and left to a long crack which is followed to the top.

Start: Start on the main slab 3 metres left of the "Five O'Clock Shadow" wall.

FA: Peter Watling, Campbell Mercer & Julie Nitschke, 1991

Trad 22m
13 It's Moments Like These

Straight up initial the slab, moving right across "Minties" just past the ledge to finish up the middle of the upper slab.

Start: Start as for "Minties"

FA: Rob Pease & Monica Gallus, 1991

Trad 22m
13 Mastermind

Good climbing up the most pronounced crack-line on the wall. Start 1 metre left of Minties Up the line, near the top stay mainly in the left of two cracks, switching back to the right to finish (loose blocks).

FA: Peter Watling & Gordon Talbett, 1991

Trad 25m
Chimney Pot Gap Meteorological Wall
13 Sheep Weather Alert

Start: Start on the arete 3 metres left of "Storm Warning"

  1. 25m (13) The line 1 metre left of the arete and folow it past some roofs on the left to a good belay platform.

  2. 23m (13) Steeply up left on good holds then continue up the line, taking the left crack in the upper wall.

FA: Mark Poustie, Campbell Mercer (alt) & Pius Ang, 1993

Trad 48m, 2
Chimney Pot Gap Cakewalk Wall
13 Has This Been Climbed Before?

Lovely clean line 1.5m L of More Energy.

FA: Jon Muir & Miranda Ahearn, 6 Jan 2019

Trad 20m
13 Traitor's Gate

The left of two widish cracks about 30 metres right of "Anne Boleyn".

FA: Peter Watling, Peter Cunningham & Keith Egerton, 1978

Trad 15m
Chimney Pot Gap The Chimney Pots
13 Ziggurat

Interesting, fairly direct route with little in the way of traverses or terrace-bashing.

Start: Start 50 metres up from view-point on the walking track at base of second buttress from left (just left of "Babylon"

  1. 40m (13) Overhang to start then up buttress. Pass leaning arete/pillar to ledge above (take care of big blocks as you step onto ledge).

  2. 40m (13) Up and right a bit to line that leads to ledge. Climb big wall above, keeping 2-3 metres right of arete.

  3. 40m (-) On up to top of buttress, jump across gap and climb easily to First Terrace.

  4. 10m (-) Jump and traverse left as for "The Flying Dutchman".

  5. 35m (-) Up the chimney of "The Flying Dutchman".

  6. 35m (-) Continue up the chimney finishing up the left arete, facing out, to the Second Terrace.

  7. 50m (12) Up skyline ridge, starting just left of roof, to summit.

FA: Keith Lockwood, Peter Canning. 1st 3 pitches Lockwood & Norm Booth (alt) Loren Lockwood, 1997

Trad 250m, 7
Chimney Pot Gap The Chimney Pots Pope's Nose Area
13 The Chosen One

The line 8m right of Pope's Nose.

FA: Robert Sly, Randy Boyce & Phillip McMillan, 1978

Trad 19m
Chimney Pot Gap Ferret Hill Whisky Wall
13 Trouble Getting Puffed

Climb the right edge of the black rock left of "Whisky-A-Go-Go" (this is just left of Andy Long's unpublished route?)

FA: James & Melanie McIntosh, 1995

Trad 20m
Chimney Pot Gap Ferret Hill Insectoid Buttress
13 Dung Beetle

Good climbing for the grade. Good climbing for the grade. Takes the overhanging corner on the right side of the buttress, right of the grey wall of Stick Insect

FA: andy Long, Rolf Roumel, Peter Watling & Rob Clarke, 1992

Trad 25m
Chimney Pot Gap Machu Picchu
13 Royal Hunt Of The Sun

Start at a wide chimney at the right end of the outcrop. Reach the base of the chimney by scrambling in from the right along a ledge.

Up the chimney until forced out onto the arete. Follow the crack above to a large roof and step left to finish.

FA: Andy Long, Dave Gairns & Gordon Talbett, 1992

Trad 25m
Chimney Pot Gap Alex Creek
13 Mirage

Follow the crackline then steeply to the top.

Start: Start 2 metres left of 'Alexis'

FA: James McIntosh, Gordon Talbett & Andy Long, 1994

Trad 25m
13 Alexandra Palace

Near the left edge of the right wall is a vertical crack. Scramble up and left on 2 blocks to the base of the crack. Follow the crack to the top, taking care with the rock at the top.

FA: Gordon talbett & Julie Phillips, 1994

Trad 25m
Geerak Track The Hindu Kush Couple Of Pansies Wall
13 Whispers Of Immortality

Pull up to traverse line then traverse above the lip of overhang almost to the dark brown rock (25m) then up finish via a short corner.

Start: Start 2 metres left of "A Couple Of pansies".

FA: James McIntosh & Gordon Talbett, 1994

Trad 40m
Geerak Track The Hindu Kush Tower of Silence
13 A Short Walk In The Hindu Kush

Hideously fragile finish. Start as for Tower Of Silence.

  1. 25m (13) Climb the groove and make the swkward step left around the arete. Take the rising line left across the face to belay below a small overhang near the left arete.

  2. 40m (13) Crux. Follow a ramp up right to a steepening. Traverse left to the arete of the tower with hands in the horizontal break. Follow the arete to the top passing innumerable heinous jugs.

FA: Gordon Talbett & Alan Hope, 1992

Trad 65m
Geerak Track The Hindu Kush Pyramid Tiers
13 Turkestan

Start at the left side of the pyramid, as for Pyramid Power.

  1. (22m, -) Up left wall of corner to large slab/ledge.

  2. (25m, 13) Up crack at right end of ledge then the crack on the left to a delicate traverse right to a crack which leads to the top. Poorish rock on this pitch.

FA: Gordon Talbett & Dave Gairns, 1993

Trad 47m, 2
Geerak Track Alex Creek Tiers Garbo Gulch
13 I Vant To Be Halone

Climb the ragged flake above the start of the ramp.

FA: Chuck Stacey & Sharyn George, 1997

Trad 8m
Geerak Track Alex Creek Tiers Beesting Wall
13 In Bed With Brian Wilson

Start on arete 8 metres right of Beestings On A Boofhead Climb wall to large ledge and continue up headwall.

FA: Geoff Butcher & Samantha Raffay, 1999

Trad 30m
Geerak Track Big Wall
13 Upward Propulsion

There aren't enough chances to practise this technique. The body-crack down right of Dug Scott.

FA: Dave Gairns, Chris Baxter & Sue Matthews, 1983

Trad 40m
Geerak Track Roadside Crag Goldfinger Wall
13 Doddle

The slab.

Start: Start about 50 metres up and around left from 'Goldfinger' Wall, towards the back of the crag is a short slab.

FA: Hugh Foxcroft & Peter Megens, 1983

Trad 13m
Geerak Track Minmin Hill
13 The Cut-Throat Business Of Haberdashery

Start on left-hand side of wall of the main tier. Climb wall just right of arete.

FA: Peter Campbell & Jamie Serle, 1994

Trad 20m
13 Rappanewy

Geddit? The next wall down has a pillar forming its left arete. Climb the crack 1 metre right of the arete.

FA: Michael Hampton & Rhyl Shaw, 1994

Trad 10m
13 Just Do It

Prominent right-veering crack about 50 metres downhill and right of the other climbs.

FA: Jamie Serle & Peter Campbell, 1994

Trad 18m

Showing all 80 routes.

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