
Cheesedale Guide

A Crag Guide gives an extensive view of all sub areas and climbs at a point in the index. It shows a snapshot of the index heirachy, up to 300 climbs (or areas) on a single web page. It shows selected comments climbers have made on a recently submitted ascent.

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Thanks to the following people who have contributed to this crag guide:

Ryan Sklenica George Broadfoot Hisa Anton Weller Dylan Tubaro Daniel da Silva

The size of a person's name reflects their Crag Karma, which is their level of contribution. You can help contribute to your local crag by adding descriptions, photos, topos and more.

Some content has been provided under license from: © Australian Climbing Association Queensland (Creative Commons, Attribution, Share-Alike 2.5 AU)

Table of contents

1. Cheesedale 85 routes in Area



Sport climbing and Bouldering

Lat / Long: -34.854381, 150.591588

access issues

This climbing area has recently become a focus spot for tension between climbers and the local Aboriginal community. Be informed and respect closures. Clean up chalk and rethink adding additional new routes to crags with access issues.

inherited from Nowra


Mostly developed as a sport climbing and bouldering area. Some trad climbing exists, mainly the pure cracks. If developing new areas keep an eye and and ear out for Aboriginal cultural heritage, including cave art.

inherited from Nowra

1.1. Cum Wall 3 routes in Area

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: -34.854661, 150.590729

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Cum Buddies

FA: Graeme Hill, 1993

22 Sport 15m
2 Blondes Have More

FA: Graeme Hill, 1993

22 Sport 11m
3 Cum And Get It

FA: Greame Hill, 1993

22 Sport 6m

1.2. Leftside 21 routes in Area

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: -34.854254, 150.591370

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Cheesedale project 1 SportProject 7
2 Cheesedale project 2 SportProject 3
3 The Cheese Knees

One for the Kneebarers, starts a few metres left of Cheese Gobbler up via a couple powerful moves and cruxy kneebar into the quality roof and head wall.

31 SportProject
4 Queen Cheese project

Well in the 9th

5 Cheese Gobbler

FA: George Fieg, 1996

28 Sport 7m
6 Cheesecake

Tom O'Halloran

NA: Jorge Diaz-Rullo

FA: Tom O'Halloran

Set: Tom O'Halloran, 2020

33 Sport
7 Little Baby Cheese

Extension of Cheese Gobbler that goes all the way to the top of the cliff via a whole bunch of hard independent climbing and then the top of The Big Cheese. Original vision by Robbie, new vision and execution by Tom.

Set: Rob Lebreton

FA: Tom O'Halloran, Jun 2021

34 Sport 35m
8 Metamorphosis

Mark McGivern

FA: Pete Tosen, 2005

29 Sport 20m, 6
9 The Big Cheese

A crazy extension to Metamorphosis climbing all the way to the top of the cliff. Endurance test piece.


FA: Daniel Fisher, 13 Aug 2016

34 Sport 15
10 Big Babies

Climb meta to the last bolt then head left to the ‘jug’ rest on baby cheeses and do it’s final crux before finishing up the big cheese.

FA: Matt Warner

32 Sport
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
11 Cheesedale project 5

Old projects, maybe Paul Westwood?

SportProject 7m, 4
12 Cheesedale project 6

Old projects, maybe Paul Westwood?

SportProject 6m, 2
13 Judgement Day

FA: Paul Westwood, 1994

24 Sport 5m
14 The Wheel of Cheese

Insane! A line of holds just happens to lead into the belly of the big roof, meeting the Big Cheese for the final few moves at the lip. The star destroyer shaped roof is brilliant pocketed sandstone.

Set: George Broadfoot, 6 Aug 2015

FA: George Broadfoot, 14 May 2019

30 Sport 30m, 15
15 Cracker Barrel

The original project before Curds of Prey was found, the huge undercling at the lip looked so inviting. A cool sequence to turn the lip, then traverse left along the juggy red stone to the apex of the cheese wedge. Clip the chains on The Wheel of Cheese, then top out!

FA: George Broadfoot, 2 Jun 2019

28 Sport 30m, 12
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
16 Curds of Prey

Traverse across the brilliant white rock in an excellent position, crossing the bulge to a fine headwall. Extend the clip on the bolt before the steepness to avoid excessive drag.

FA: George Broadfoot, 3 Oct 2015

28 Sport 25m, 14
17 Gorgonzola

Start as for Spicy Cheese but head left and up through the cruxy bulge to follow the S-shaped line. Keep going all the way to the top of the cliff. Fun climbing, lost a grade recently due to new holds being discovered at the crux.

FA: George Broadfoot, 6 Jul 2014

26 Sport 28m, 9
18 El Queso Corto

A fine morsel. Start as for Spicy Cheese and finish at anchors halfway up the wall.

FA: Luke Magill, 2014

23 Sport 14m, 5
19 Spicy Cheese

Start at the flake below the offwidth between Cheesemonster Wall and the bouldering. A slightly mingin start leads to excellent featured climbing on a great angle. A finger endurance test piece!

FA: George Broadfoot, 2014

26 Sport 25m, 8
20 Ankles Away

FA: Graham Fairbairn, 1993

20 Sport 10m
21 Mousetrap

Start on 'ankles away' then head right through multiple roofs to a ledge before the unique 'bowl' crux and final roof. Wait for a dry spell and take some long slings.

FA: Matt Warner, 2024

31 Sport

1.3. Cheesemonster Wall 18 routes in Area

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: -34.854241, 150.591922

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Steaming Grunder

FA: Graeme Hill, 1993

23 Sport 10m
2 Robochubby

FA: Graeme Hill, 1993

23 Sport 11m
3 Cheesedale project 7 SportProject 6
4 Cheesedale project 8 SportProject 8
5 Cheese Monster

Andrew Bull Hugo Hornshaw

FA: Andrew Bull, 1994

30 Sport 20m
6 Cheese Change

Start up Cheese Monster past the first crux. At the break climb right, past the crux of "Non-Dairy Cheese-Like Substitute". At the break under the roof, head straight out past slopes and edges (V9) and finish with a big move to the break. Awesomely sustained climb, vision and bolts by Robbie Le Breton, climbed by Vince Day.

Route renamed on request of Vince Day in 2020.

Lee Cossey

Set: Rob Lebreton

FA: Vince Day, 2006

33 Sport 20m
7 Cheesedale project 9 SportProject
8 Cheesedale project 10 SportProject
9 Non-Dairy Cheese-Like Substitute

As for Stinky Cheese for 8 metres or so. Head up through the slopey flake to the start of the roof. Go left about 10 metres to join the last 3 moves of Cheesemonster (stay high).

FA: Rob Lebreton, 2000

30 Sport 25m
10 Cheese Dairy Monster

Start up Cheesemonster. At the break traverse right a few metres to join Non Dairy Cheeselike Substitute, and finish up that.

FA: Pete Tosen, 2010

31 Sport 20m
11 Non Dairy Cheese-Like Substitute Linkups

Variants to NDCS : just before the final crux, drop-down onto Cheesemonster's final big jug. Finish as for Cheesemonster or Stinky Cheese.

29 Sport 20m
12 Stinky Cheese

Start up Wham Bam Thankyou Maam. At 3 metres, traverse left and up a bit and more left. At 12 metres the route joins Cheesemonster for 4 bolts. Just before the massive flat-top jug, traverse left another few metres, then up to Cheesemonster anchors.

Route name changed at the request of the first ascentionist.

FA: Rob Lebreton, 1994

27 Sport 25m
13 Stinky Monster

As for Stinky Cheese for 15 metres or so. Where Dick Cheese traverses left at the break near the end, go up for two bolts then left to Dick Cheese anchors.

Route name changed at the request of the first ascentionist.

28 Sport 20m, 14
14 Wham Bam Thankyou Maam

FA: Paul Westwood, 1993

24 Sport 8m, 4
15 Hartkäse

FA: Ryan Sklenica, Aug 2023

36 Sport
16 No Grease

FA: Paul Westwood, 1993

25 Sport 10m, 4
17 Hamgirdlar

Start up WBTM, traverse right into "Strike of the Silver Fox" then continue right through roof for a few more meters before turning the lip and finishing up head wall.

31 Sport 25m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
18 Strike of the Silver Fox

The bolted seepy weird crack.

27 Sport 20m

1.4. Cheddar Choss Wall 17 routes in Area

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: -34.854331, 150.592436

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Cheesedale project 11 SportProject
2 Super Average Man

Big rightwards rising traverse.

FA: Little Graham

26 Sport 20m, 10
3 Cheesedale project 12

Super Average Man direct start

4 Too Hot To Stop

Warning: The climb stops at the anchors underneath the small roof. The block above these anchors is loose, do not attempt to climb above the roof to the U-anchor.

FA: Graeme Hill, 1995

25 Sport 9m
5 Slap That Butt

The faint arête in the middle of the wall with big pockets at the start.

FA: Graeme Hill, 1993

23 Sport 9m
6 Make Me Sweat

FA: Graeme Hill, 1993

21 Sport 8m
7 Cleave The Meat

FA: Graeme Hill, 1993

21 Sport 8m
8 Love Me More

Route name changed at the request of the first ascentionist.

FA: Graeme Hill, 1993

22 Sport 8m
9 Love Me More Encore

Starts up SMH then moves into anhor of D then finishes on breaks to top of wall.

Route name changed at the request of the first ascentionist.

FA: Little Graham

25 Sport 15m, 10
10 Squeeze Me Hard

Technical start and steep juggy finish. Has two sets of bolts for most of the bolts, probably recommended to clip the new ones.

FA: Graeme Hill & Veronique Hill, 1993

20 Sport 10m, 4
11 Roger The Goat

FA: Mark Woodard, 1998

19 Sport 10m
12 In Cheese We Thrust

Right of Roger the Goat. Up the pillar past a few ring bolts to double rings.

FA: D Filan, 2009

19 Sport 15m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents

Gas Cave

Three routes exist inside this cave, all three finish at the same anchor, which is the second set of double ring bolts at the lip of the roof.

There is a carrot at the start of each climb to belay from.

14 Uncertainty Pleasure

Start of the left hand end of the cave. Carrot to belay from. Climb finishes at first DRB. The second set of anchors is for the other routes.

FA: Vera Wong, 1993

22 Sport 8m, 5
15 Slave To The Rythym

Start a few meters to the right of 'Uncertainty Pleasure', carrot to belay. Join into GK and finish at the second set of double ring bolts.

FA: Robyn Cleland, 1995

23 Sport 9m
16 Gas Krankinstation

Start at the right hand end of the cave, there is a carrot here to belay from. Jug traverse through the roof. Keep going, no hard moves, just pumpy.

FA: Stefan Eberhard, 1993

24 Sport 10m, 7
17 Sniff The Pot

Climb to first anchors, the extension is still a project.

FA: Graeme Hill, 1998

20 Sport 9m
18 Cheap Route

FA: Mark Woodard, 1998

17 Sport 7m

1.5. Cheesedale bouldering 26 routes in Area

All Bouldering

Lat / Long: -34.854274, 150.591284


The cave faces South and is so large that it never actually gets the sun on it making it great for summer and winter alike but it is notoriously "greasy" outside of winter so add a few grades. The cave is large enough to not get wet in the rain but it does seep occasionally. The rock is sandstone and almost all of the holds are chipped so if you're not in to that sort of thing then head to Lot 33 instead. Many of the chipped holds have been filled in since this info was written on the old ausbouldering site. Take grades with a pinch of salt... They may be much harder now...


Turn into Illaroo Rd off the Princes Highway at North Nowra, just north of the Shoalhaven River. Take the 2nd right which is Philip Rd opposite the church and just after the school. Take the first left, Castle Glen Rd, and at the end turn right into Jamieson Rd. Park at the end off Jamieson Rd, North Nowra and head down the path at the end into the Bomaderry Creek Bushland. Follow the track downhill for 100m until you find a small track heading left and crossing the creek just after a small waterfall. Be careful crossing the creek and follow the track another 50m until you hit a big cave with bolted climbing, this is known as South Central. Walk through South Central and follow the path for about 100m until you reach a t-intersection. Turn right and follow the path down the hill and head left before you get to the creek. About 50m further along take the vague left track that heads up the hill to the big cave, this is Cheesedale.

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Easy

Sit start and climb the arete on its right side.

FA: Jack Folkes, 29 Jun 2014

VB Boulder 2m
2 As

Cramped sit start on big jug. Move straight up via sloper to top out.

FA: Jack Folkes, 29 Jun 2014

V0 Boulder 2m
3 Pi

Cramped sit start on big jug. Head out right on slopers before topping out.

FA: Jack Folkes, 29 Jun 2014

V1 Boulder 3m
4 Curves

Sit start and traverse right to top out over the bulge.

V5 Boulder 4m
5 Easy As It Gets

Sit start under the small roof. Move right through honeycombs to top out over the bulge.

V3 Boulder 2m
6 Locked & Loaded (Direct)

Contrived but how i believe it was originally climbed, Without using the lefthand underling. lock it and load it!

V8 Boulder 3m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
7 Locked & Loaded

Sit start and up left on slopers & underling to finish at break. going direct is a v8

V6 Boulder 2m
8 Pack Your Guns

Sit start and up right on slopers to finish at break.

V5 Boulder 2m
9 Lever Action

Up the right trending flake.

V6 Boulder 2m
10 Draw Back LHV

Start with left hand on the undercling and right hand on the pebbly hold with a mono. Move up to the two crimps, then move up to the first break. Head left to the rail, then back right to the break.

FA: Steve Bullen

V11 Boulder 3m
11 Draw Back

Start with left hand on the undercling and right hand on the pebbly hold with a mono. Move up to the two crimps, then move up to the first break. Go straight up from here to the next break. It was Australia's first V11.

FA: Steve Bullen

V12 Boulder 3m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
12 Syncope

Start from obvious jug. Right hand to crimp and Left hand to side-pull pocket to finish at break.

V9 Boulder 2m
13 Guns & Ammo

Sit start and up then left to finish at the break out left.

V8 Boulder 3m
14 Reload

Sit start and up right to finish at the break.

V8 Boulder 3m
15 Bumpy Boys

Start as for Jug to Jug to the LH slot but then head left across Turbo Guns via two difficult cross overs to finish left of that problem.

FA: Sam Edwards

V12 Boulder 4m
16 Turbo Guns

Start on the big break then LH cross-over to pocket and bust RH to break. Match and then long move with RH to gaston the slot, LH up to the 3 finger pocket and jump around the bulge, control the swing and finish matched on the jug just up and right. Australia's first V10 and still the benchmark.

FA: Steve Bullen

V10 Boulder 3m
17 Jug to Jug

Start as for Turbo Guns but from the first break go with the LH to the gaston slot of Turbo Guns then a super long move around the bulge and finish as per Turbo Guns.

FA: Steve Bullen

V11 Boulder 3m
18 Bumpy Girls

Start on the starting holds of Pearl Necklace but head left via shallow underclings and pockets to finish up Bumpy Boys.

V12 Boulder
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
19 Pearl Necklace

Start on the good holds below the seam and head up via the enhanced slots and the "potato" hold and match on the finishing sloper.

V7 Boulder 3m
20 Two Fingered Destiny

Start on the good holds, head up to the shallow pocket and throw around the bulge to the good hold and match to finish.

V6 Boulder 3m
21 Don't Get Huge, Get Arthritic

Sit start as for the "Two Fingered Destiny" but head right to join Mr Olympia and finish as per that problem.

FA: Steve Bullen

V8 Boulder 3m
22 Mr Olympia

(The line no longer exists) aka Don't Get Huge, Get Massive Sit start on the RH undercling and go up left to some shallow crimps, then back up right to the better holds. Take the pinch with your RH and long move around the bulge to match on the finishing hold.

FA: Steve Bullen

V9 Boulder 3m
23 Blowing Blood Through Monstrous Guns

(The line no longer exists) Sit start just right of Mr Olympia and go up RH to the pocket and head left to join Mr Olympia and finish up that problem.

FA: Steve Bullen

V9 Boulder 3m
24 Monkey Grip

Sit start on the same hold as Blowing Blood but head right and finish up quite high as per Gorilla Grip.

FA: Paul Westwood

V9 Boulder 4m
25 Gorilla Grip

Start way right on the two obvious holds, traverse left to join Monkey Grip, and finish up the problem.

FA: Steve Bullen

V10 Boulder 4m
26 Human Grip

Start as for Monkey Grip (V9), finished matched in hueco above and left of start holds of Gorilla Grip (V10).

V7 Boulder

2. Index by grade

Grade Stars Name Style Pop Area
VB Easy Boulder 2m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
V0 As Boulder 2m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
17 Cheap Route Sport 7m 1.4. Cheddar Choss Wall
19 In Cheese We Thrust Sport 15m 1.4. Cheddar Choss Wall
Roger The Goat Sport 10m 1.4. Cheddar Choss Wall
V1 Pi Boulder 3m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
20 Ankles Away Sport 10m 1.2. Leftside
Sniff The Pot Sport 9m 1.4. Cheddar Choss Wall
Squeeze Me Hard Sport 10m, 4 1.4. Cheddar Choss Wall
21 Cleave The Meat Sport 8m 1.4. Cheddar Choss Wall
Make Me Sweat Sport 8m 1.4. Cheddar Choss Wall
22 Blondes Have More Sport 11m 1.1. Cum Wall
Cum And Get It Sport 6m 1.1. Cum Wall
Cum Buddies Sport 15m 1.1. Cum Wall
Love Me More Sport 8m 1.4. Cheddar Choss Wall
Uncertainty Pleasure Sport 8m, 5 1.4. Cheddar Choss Wall
V3 Easy As It Gets Boulder 2m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
23 El Queso Corto Sport 14m, 5 1.2. Leftside
Robochubby Sport 11m 1.3. Cheesemonster Wall
Steaming Grunder Sport 10m 1.3. Cheesemonster Wall
Slap That Butt Sport 9m 1.4. Cheddar Choss Wall
Slave To The Rythym Sport 9m 1.4. Cheddar Choss Wall
24 Judgement Day Sport 5m 1.2. Leftside
Wham Bam Thankyou Maam Sport 8m, 4 1.3. Cheesemonster Wall
Gas Krankinstation Sport 10m, 7 1.4. Cheddar Choss Wall
25 No Grease Sport 10m, 4 1.3. Cheesemonster Wall
Love Me More Encore Sport 15m, 10 1.4. Cheddar Choss Wall
Too Hot To Stop Sport 9m 1.4. Cheddar Choss Wall
V5 Curves Boulder 4m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
Pack Your Guns Boulder 2m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
26 Gorgonzola Sport 28m, 9 1.2. Leftside
Spicy Cheese Sport 25m, 8 1.2. Leftside
Super Average Man Sport 20m, 10 1.4. Cheddar Choss Wall
V6 Lever Action Boulder 2m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
Locked & Loaded Boulder 2m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
Two Fingered Destiny Boulder 3m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
27 Stinky Cheese Sport 25m 1.3. Cheesemonster Wall
Strike of the Silver Fox Sport 20m 1.3. Cheesemonster Wall
V7 Human Grip Boulder 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
Pearl Necklace Boulder 3m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
28 Cheese Gobbler Sport 7m 1.2. Leftside
Cracker Barrel Sport 30m, 12 1.2. Leftside
Curds of Prey Sport 25m, 14 1.2. Leftside
Stinky Monster Sport 20m, 14 1.3. Cheesemonster Wall
29 Metamorphosis Sport 20m, 6 1.2. Leftside
Non Dairy Cheese-Like Substitute Linkups Sport 20m 1.3. Cheesemonster Wall
V8 Don't Get Huge, Get Arthritic Boulder 3m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
Guns & Ammo Boulder 3m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
Locked & Loaded (Direct) Boulder 3m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
Reload Boulder 3m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
30 The Wheel of Cheese Sport 30m, 15 1.2. Leftside
Cheese Monster Sport 20m 1.3. Cheesemonster Wall
Non-Dairy Cheese-Like Substitute Sport 25m 1.3. Cheesemonster Wall
V9 Blowing Blood Through Monstrous Guns Boulder 3m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
Monkey Grip Boulder 4m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
Mr Olympia Boulder 3m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
Syncope Boulder 2m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
31 Mousetrap Sport 1.2. Leftside
The Cheese Knees SportProject 1.2. Leftside
Cheese Dairy Monster Sport 20m 1.3. Cheesemonster Wall
Hamgirdlar Sport 25m 1.3. Cheesemonster Wall
V10 Gorilla Grip Boulder 4m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
Turbo Guns Boulder 3m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
32 Big Babies Sport 1.2. Leftside
33 Cheesecake Sport 1.2. Leftside
Cheese Change Sport 20m 1.3. Cheesemonster Wall
V11 Draw Back LHV Boulder 3m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
Jug to Jug Boulder 3m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
34 Little Baby Cheese Sport 35m 1.2. Leftside
The Big Cheese Sport 15 1.2. Leftside
V12 Bumpy Boys Boulder 4m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
Bumpy Girls Boulder 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
Draw Back Boulder 3m 1.5. Cheesedale bouldering
36 Hartkäse Sport 1.3. Cheesemonster Wall
? Cheesedale project 1 SportProject 7 1.2. Leftside
Cheesedale project 2 SportProject 3 1.2. Leftside
Cheesedale project 5 SportProject 7m, 4 1.2. Leftside
Cheesedale project 6 SportProject 6m, 2 1.2. Leftside
Queen Cheese project SportProject 1.2. Leftside
Cheesedale project 10 SportProject 1.3. Cheesemonster Wall
Cheesedale project 7 SportProject 6 1.3. Cheesemonster Wall
Cheesedale project 8 SportProject 8 1.3. Cheesemonster Wall
Cheesedale project 9 SportProject 1.3. Cheesemonster Wall
Cheesedale project 11 SportProject 1.4. Cheddar Choss Wall
Cheesedale project 12 SportProject 1.4. Cheddar Choss Wall
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