
Ascents as Pink point as sport by Adam Straw

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Showing all 31 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Sun 13th Aug 2017 - NE Mt Zero Range
Golton Rocks Cave Cliff
23 Gotham City Sport 25m, 11 Classic
Best climb at the crag by a long way.

Sat 4th Feb 2017 - Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
Amnesty Wall Area Amnesty Wall
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
22 The Tyrants Grasp Sport 18m, 7 Classic
Kissed the anchor then went for a base jump on the onsight. No dramas second go.

Thu 4th Aug 2016 - Céüse
7b 7a+ No Country for an Old Man Sport 40m, 16 Classic
Took my quite a while to work out the crux sequence but once it clicked I was able to get in on my second go. It's amazing to feel what friction is like again after climbing on so many high trafficked routes.

Fri 29th Jul 2016 - Céüse
Un Pont Sur L'infini
7b Dietetic Line - with Tim Sport 30m Mega Classic
5th go over 3 days. Such a clean line up the ever steepening wall with an awesome crux at the top then some heartbreaker moves pulling over the slab.

Wed 23rd Sep 2015 - Siurana
Espero Primavera
6b+ Lamparos Toca El Dos Sport 22m, 7 Very Good
Second go. turns out speed was the key.

Sun 16th Aug 2015 - Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre
Spurt Wall
22 Spurting Mildly - with Olly Sport 12m, 3 Good
A small sample of the Grampians at the end of the trip. Jeepers it was cold!

Mon 6th Jul 2015 - Bob's Hollow
17 Lover's Nuts - with Kate, Sam Sport 25m, 8 Good
A good warm up with the girls. Great lead by Kate and some super seconding from Sam.

Mon 6th Jul 2015 - Wilyabrup
Main Crags Steel Wall
23 Washed Up Punks - with Ronan Sport 30m Classic
Thought I may as well give this a burn at the end of the day. Felt surprisingly good.

Sun 5th Jul 2015 - Bob's Hollow
22 Dependence Day - with Evan Sport 20m, 7 Classic
After feeling this route was shit and super hard when i tried it months back i've significantly changed my opinion. Without bumbling around it's not that hard and actually one on the best lines at the cliff.

25 Hollow Promise (Hollow Promises) - with Evan Sport 25m, 6 Classic
Wow can't believe I pulled this out of the bag. Took a legendary whipper first shot then JUST pulled through on my second. An amazing climb through the steep stuff.

Mon 8th Jun 2015 - Eaglestone Rocks
21 Fear The Smear - with New Ali Sport 14m, 6 Good
What a smear! I could skip a move with my reach. Still bloody hard though.

20 Lesser of Two Evils (Un-named) - with Ronan Sport 12m, 4 Very Good
I was cold and feeling fat on my first go. Smashed it second try. Great new addition to the crag. Great work Jonas!!!

Sat 13th Dec 2014 - Wilyabrup
Main Crags Steel Wall
23 Washed Up Punks - with Sam Sport 30m Classic
Slightly easier but more sustained crux than Heavy Metal and an exciting run out to the top.

24 Heavy Metal - with Olly Sport 30m, 6 Classic
Awesome crux moves to pumpy as all hell clip. Finished through the Washed up Punks roof. I think going that way makes more sense then what the guide book suggests.

Sun 7th Dec 2014 - Bob's Hollow
23 Fire Power Sport 15m, 4 Classic
Stuck the dyno on my flash but then fell off adjusting my feet. Took a couple of extra goes after that but got it in the end.

Sat 6th Dec 2014 - Bob's Hollow
20 19 Puk Puk Sen Sport 15m, 5 Very Good
Think I did this a year ago but can't really remember.

21 Constructive Vandalism Sport 15m, 5 Very Good
Snapped a hold off on the onsight, got it second go.

Tue 18th Nov 2014 - Statham's Quarry
Michel Angelo Walls
22 Chain Reaction - with Chris Sport 20m, 4 Very Good
This one would be very hard to onsight.

Tue 11th Nov 2014 - Mountain Quarry
Mull Up Buttress
20 Mortal Wombat - with Ronan and Chris Sport 20m, 7 Good
Despite being weighed down by the 3kg of chicken I had for dinner, I managed to tick this puzzle. Good thing it was dark and Chris and Ronan couldn't see how ugly I was making it.

20 The Perfidious Potoroo - with Ronan Sport 15m, 4 Good
Interesting crux up top.

Tue 4th Nov 2014 - Mountain Quarry
Skywalker Wall
24 Running With the Bulls - with Chris & Ronan Sport 18m, 8 Classic
Got it!! Made the most of the rests then powered through. After all the work he put into it, Chris's belay glory was cruelly pinched by the Rone Doggy Dog. Oh well :-(

Sat 4th Oct 2014 - Eaglestone Rocks
18 Old School Leaver Sport 19m, 5 Very Good
22 Ithica Sport 12m, 4 Classic
Fantastic route. Pretty hard for a 22 I think.

17 You Don't Know Jack Sport 18m, 6 Very Good
18 Pink Rings Sport 18m, 5 Very Good
Mon 29th Sep 2014 - Kalbarri
The Z Bend The Pit
22 Rattler Sport 15m, 3 Classic
Commitment is the key on this one. Just go for it to avoid the pump.

Sat 13th Sep 2014 - Kalbarri
The Z Bend The Pit
20 Escalade 3837730 (Ecalade 3837730) Sport 15m, 3 Average
Finally got this one. Rank climb!

Fri 12th Sep 2014 - Kalbarri
The Z Bend The Runway & Control Tower
24 Drop Zone Sport 15m, 3 Very Good
Should have flashed this but got the send without too much drama. Pretty soft for a 24 I think.

Mon 8th Sep 2014 - Kalamunda National Park
Lumberjack Rock
23 Lumberjack Sport 12m, 3 Good
Cool crux move halfway up. Eases off towards the end with some glued on holds.

Fri 29th Aug 2014 - Kalbarri
The Z Bend Bison Wall
23 Thrutchin' The Bison Sport 20m, 5 Classic
The move at the top is a little scary but not too hard once you find the right hold.

Sun 24th Aug 2014 - Kalbarri
The Z Bend The Promenade
24 23 Heavy Petting Sport 18m, 4 Classic
My first proper projecting experience. Loved it!


Showing all 31 ascents.