
Ascents by Henning Nitschke having Sport CPR

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Showing all 24 ascents.

Rating Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Date
1257 points
5b Desprecio a la embergadaura Sport 10m, 3 Tenerife Thu 12th Apr 2018
1198 points
5 5b Las cazoletas Sport 20m Tenerife Wed 11th Apr 2018
1198 points
5 6a No hay colega sin taco Sport 15m, 7 Tenerife Mon 9th Apr 2018
1102 points
5 5a El acebuche Sport 20m Tenerife Wed 11th Apr 2018
1081 points
5+ 5c El terror de las chiquillas Sport 10m, 3 Tenerife Mon 9th Apr 2018
957 points
5b Rebecca Sport 15m, 4 Tenerife Thu 12th Apr 2018
929 points
6 Die Sage der Löcher Sport 30m Südlicher Frankenjura Classic Sat 4th Aug 2018
929 points
6 Luft unter den Sohlen Sport 35m Südlicher Frankenjura Mega Classic Sat 4th Aug 2018
859 points
5- Rinne Sport 11m Südlicher Frankenjura Very Good Sat 4th Aug 2018
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
802 points
5a Zuzu (NN1) Sport 9m, 3 Tenerife Mon 9th Apr 2018
4c - 5a La guarra Sport 8m, 3 Tenerife Mon 9th Apr 2018
735 points
4a+ Les Absents ont toujours tort Sport 25m, 10 Heraklion Very Good Sun 10th Jun 2018
676 points
6- Siebenschläfer Sport 15m, 3 Nördlicher Frankenjura Classic Sun 13th Aug 2017
643 points
5+ Grashüpfer Sport 15m Südlicher Frankenjura Very Good Sat 4th Aug 2018
395 points
5 Westpfeiler Sport 12m Nördlicher Frankenjura Very Good Sat 12th Aug 2017
359 points
5- Mili-Milou Sport 25m Südlicher Frankenjura Classic Sat 4th Aug 2018
359 points
5- Die Ominöse Sport 20m Südlicher Frankenjura Very Good Sat 4th Aug 2018
356 points
6a+ Mighotenia Sport 23m, 10 Heraklion Very Good Sun 10th Jun 2018
322 points
5- Böser Wolf Sport 15m, 2 Nördlicher Frankenjura Very Good Sat 12th Aug 2017
93 points
4 Verschneidung Sport 10m Südlicher Frankenjura Very Good Sat 4th Aug 2018
55 points
4 Löwe Sport 15m, 3 Nördlicher Frankenjura Very Good Sun 13th Aug 2017
41 points
5+ 5c Unnamed Slab (Route 68) (Las cazoletas var) Sport 20m Tenerife Wed 11th Apr 2018
0 points
3+ Rumpelstilzchen Sport 13m, 2 Nördlicher Frankenjura Very Good Sat 12th Aug 2017
0 points
3+ Froschkönig Sport 12m, 3 Nördlicher Frankenjura Very Good Sat 12th Aug 2017

Showing all 24 ascents.