
Arendje Nabbe

Netherlands • Gym climber
  • Grade context: FR
  • Ascents: 4
  • Member since: 2022
  • Following: 0
  • Followers: 0
successful ascents
distance climbed

Notable ascents

By style By type Diff. band Ascents Hardest ascent
Gym Top rope Tick
4 5c+ Baltic Ballad about two years ago
By area Diff. band Ascents Hardest ascent
De Klimmuur Den Haag - Hollands Spoor
4 5c+ Baltic Ballad about two years ago
5c+ Lotte hablo espagnol about two years ago

Climber Performance Rating (CPR) Timelines

For help understanding the CPR timeline chart see the CPR timeline explained article.

Gym sport timeline (ascents)

grade pyramids

Arendje Nabbe has not logged enough ascents to show all the profile features.

Climbs with

Have you climbed with Arendje Nabbe? Don't forget to mention @arendjenabbe when logging your ascents

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