

Germany • Trad climber
  • Grade context: SX
  • Ascents: 33
  • Photos: 1
  • Climbing since: 2015
  • Member since: 2024 New member
  • Favorites: 2
  • Following: 0
  • Followers: 0
successful ascents
distance climbed

Notable ascents

By style By type Diff. band Ascents Hardest ascent
Trad Tick
9 IV Kunzstück 7 weeks ago
IV Alter Weg 7 weeks ago
IV Alter Weg 5 years ago
Second Tick
11 III Alter Weg Pfeilervariante 7 weeks ago
III Neuer Südwestweg 5 years ago
III Westweg 9 years ago
Free solo Tick
10 III Alter Weg 7 weeks ago
III Nordkante 9 years ago
By area Diff. band Ascents Hardest ascent
Sächsische Schweiz
33 IV Kunzstück 7 weeks ago
IV Alter Weg 7 weeks ago
IV Alter Weg 5 years ago

Climber Performance Rating (CPR) Timelines

For help understanding the CPR timeline chart see the CPR timeline explained article.

Trad timeline (ascents)

grade pyramid

Trad 11 ascents

IV 6
II 1
  Tick   Other

Grades: Saxon

Climbs with

Have you climbed with Janine? Don't forget to mention @schokocookie when logging your ascents

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