
Solitaire Wall

  • Grade context: SA
  • Photos: 2
  • Ascents: 1



Access issues inherited from Tafelberg

A permit is required:

Ethic inherited from Tafelberg

Tafelberg is a pure trad area. No bolting is allowed at all.

There is an existing bolt and chain at the top of the ascent/descent gulley and (to my knowledge) only one old route (Oscillation) that has an ancient, hand drilled, small bolt. This in no way means that any more bolts may be placed. There are also a few old pitons scattered around but even this is seldom necessary. Modern removable gear allows virtually all climbable parts of Tafelberg to be adequately protected.


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Takes a line a few meters left of 'Any Takers?' Scramble up behind a square pillar. Start up the thin corner crack on the left. At the ledge step right onto the face up to another ledge. Pull onto the face and follow series of vertical side pulls, then easy ground to the top.

FA: Richard Halsey & W. New

This is an obvious line that has probably been climbed before but not recorded. It has good, easy climbing and is recorded for completion.

Scramble up a large boulder about 5m left of 'Pinstripe Sweet'. Step onto the face and follow the wide crack, layback and flake to the top. # 4 Camalot useful

FA: U. Pitsch & Richard Halsey, 2012

Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.

Start about 2m left of 'Solitaire'. Climb a blunt arête to a ledge. Follow the thin black water streak with some committing moves above the ledge. About halfway up the streak, you need to make a move left and up for 1m to a thin crack on a flake, before moving right again. At the next ledge move slightly right to a vague corner and then easily to the top.

FA: Richard Halsey & U. Pitsch, 2012

Start up the obvious crack to the right of the pinnacle/ flake.

FA: M. Scott, 1965

A varied pitch left of 'Green Eggs and Ham' on the right-hand side of the 'Solitaire Wall'.

Start at the corner crack on the right of the 'Solitaire' face. Climb up about 8m to a slightly bulging face. Some tricky moves to a ledge (avoid the enormous, balanced, cigar-shaped rock). Climb the left side of the vague arête to an overlap. Traverse left and up and then pull through the right side of the next roof to the juggy face above. Straight to top.

FA: Richard Halsey & D. Steyn, Jan 2015

FA: J. Tereblanche, 2000

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Author(s): Tony Lourens

Date: 2023

ISBN: 9780796123541

A definitive guidebook covering all the sport climbing found throughout the whole of the Cederberg mountain range, describing 436 sport routes across a wide range of grades from F4b to F9a.

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