
Begehungen in Corroboree Walls

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Zeige 1 - 100 von 2,554 Begehungen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Gebiet Qualität Kletterer Datum
19 21 Long Distance Relationships Gemischt trad 50m, 20 Blue Mountains Durchschnitt
Angus Farquhar
Do 31. Okt 2013
2nd ascent with M Baker. Hmmmm. Shares the crux and some other moves of Screen Gems (22) Brackets would be useful. Mind your ankles.

19 21 Long Distance Relationships Gemischt trad 50m, 20 Blue Mountains Gut
Paul Frothy Thomson
Do 14. Nov 2013
Climbed from the ground to the top of the cliff in 1 50m pitch with two ropes and only minor rope management. I actually thought Screen Gems had been Retrobolted and I was following that line. Took a rack of cams and I'm glad I did, though it's still excitingly run-out at times. I think the crux move is probably more 22 than 19, though the rest of the route is about right at 19-20. I got confused with the divergent carrots at the crux and rested to try and figure it out. Not bad. Adventurous!

21 Long Distance Relationships Gemischt trad 50m, 20 Blue Mountains
Jacob Bridgeman
Sa 10. Mär 2018
Awful rock on the first pitch

21 Long Distance Relationships Gemischt trad 50m, 20 Blue Mountains Sehr gut
So 11. Mär 2018
coming back for the second pitch, great exposure, but the first is a choss fest.

21 Long Distance Relationships Gemischt trad 50m, 20 Blue Mountains Klassiker
Viliam Rentka
So 8. Dez 2019
22 21 Long Distance Relationships Gemischt trad 50m, 20 Blue Mountains Klassiker
So 5. Jan 2020
Yes the 1st pitch is icky and a bit hard but the 2nd pitch is the money. So airy and take just 1 or 2 smallish cams...not a full rack! Typical summer arvo from smoke-filled, baking 28C to 15C, heavy mist and massive windchill. As noted this does the Screen Gems crux and then some. Multi-ing is a good option and yes you can walk off.

21 Long Distance Relationships Gemischt trad 50m, 20 Blue Mountains Gut
Scott Bishop
Do 29. Apr 2021
Cheeky after work lap checking out my new top rope solo set up. Interesting climbing over some mossy holds. A bit of loose rock near the mantle move kept it spicy. Don’t know if I would hurry back to lead it.

21 Long Distance Relationships Gemischt trad 50m, 20 Blue Mountains
Di 6. Feb 2024
21 Koyaanisqatsi - mit Paul Frothy Thomson
1 21 15m Vorstieg durch Paul Frothy Thomson
4 21 15m Vorstieg durch Will Vidler
Gemischt trad 30m, 17 Blue Mountains Klassiker
Will Vidler
Di 29. Okt 2019
Brilliant addition to the world of Bluies aretes, and I didn't even try the money pitch. Very cool to have been a part of this.

26 Koyaanisqatsi - mit Will Vidler, Heath Black, Glen Thomson Gemischt trad 70m, 17 Blue Mountains Sehr gut
Paul Frothy Thomson
Di 29. Okt 2019
Led all pitches, done as a 15m pitch (P1) and a 55m pitch (P2-P4) belayed from the ground. Old school equipping and commitment, and as psychologically demanding as it is physically demanding on the crux pitch. Rope management is crucial to keeping this safe. P2-P4 (as a giant pitch) probably warrant "classic" status for the unrelenting arête-y nature of the climbing. P2 is crazy overhanging in the first half!

26 Koyaanisqatsi - mit Lucas C, Magdalena de la Torre Gemischt trad 70m, 17 Blue Mountains Sehr gut
Paul Frothy Thomson
Sa 27. Feb 2021
Repeat attempt (not clean today). Pitches 2 & 3 only (as a giant pitch).

Sure, this is obscure, but P2 is radical bold-ish gritstone-style arete climbing. Better than I remember, and also quite a bit harder.

25 It Came from Outer Space Gemischt trad 70m, 15 Blue Mountains Sehr gut
Paul Frothy Thomson
So 20. Nov 2016
Would be a Classic with a rebolt, and without the utterly hellish mantle on P1. With Hugh. Lead all pitches. P1 (Dog) - Fell off at the mantle (15m up), then various falls working out the other nails moves. Quite a bit of gear to supplement the 8 bolts on this pitch (I brought all the wrong gear, so got to place "bad gear" instead). P2 (Dog) - A single fall at another very improbable mantle at the 3rd bolt, but otherwise clean. P3 - Onsight. P1 has a very "gritstone" trad start at about gr22 up to the V5 mantle, which I could do all the "sections" of, but have no chance in hell of linking into the rest of the pitch. After that its a series of extremely powerful (but rad) face moves, then tenuous and desperate (and scary!) moves up the arete to the fully-hanging belay. P2 - Has a steep start, a nutty V3 mantle (think "Dynamics of Change" on the Grit), then tenuous (and run-out) moves up the arete. P3 - A slabby exit pitch. Nothing special.

25 It Came from Outer Space Gemischt trad 70m, 15 Blue Mountains Sehr gut
Paul Frothy Thomson
So 29. Sep 2019
Yep, that mantle is still nails. V5ish? Had no trouble on the rest of this route this time (probably hard 25 without the mantle) and its a bloody awesome line to climb as a giant push from the ground, with great run-out arête climbing... Just that damned mantle to contend with... ugh.

25 It Came from Outer Space Gemischt trad 70m, 15 Blue Mountains Klassiker
Josh Mackenzie
Sa 23. Mai 2020
21 Puberty Blues (Pubity Blues) Gemischt trad 30m, 7 Blue Mountains
Di 13. Apr 2010
21 Pubity Blues Gemischt trad 30m, 7 Blue Mountains Gut
Keith Hannan
Fr 30. Dez 2005
Solid - Nice & Shady on a hot afternoon

21 Puberty Blues - mit Hanna Kallweit Gemischt trad 30m, 7 Blue Mountains Durchschnitt
Mi 20. Mai 2020
19 White Light Traditionell 45m Blue Mountains Gut
Di 13. Apr 2010
one fantastic jam

19 White Light Traditionell 45m Blue Mountains
chad o'donnell
Di 13. Apr 2010
15 15 R Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains Sehr gut
Lou Clifton
Fr 2. Jan 2009
Not worth the 4 stars in guide but a fun trad climb. Needs some gardening / more climbers. Wonder why the guide gives it 4 stars but no topo, which hardly encourages climbers to go there!

15 15 R Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains Durchschnitt
Simon Vos
Di 13. Apr 2010
15 15 R Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains
Jim Croft
Di 13. Apr 2010
22 Screen Gems Traditionell 50m Blue Mountains
So 1. Feb 2004
15 15 R Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains Klassiker
Stuart Anderson
Sa 5. Jan 2008
very exciting second pitch... moth plague in fourth pitch chimney

15 15 R Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains Schrott
Hugh Russell
Mi 1. Nov 2006
Avoid at all costs. Don't know what we were thinking. With Mike and Paul.

15 15 R Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains
julian andersen
Di 13. Apr 2010
15 15 R Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains Gut
Mike Patterson
Sa 7. Jan 2006
Forgot about this one...

15 Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains Vergiss es
So 28. Nov 2004
15 15 R Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains
So 1. Feb 2004
15 15 R Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains Gut
Andrew Ingles
So 11. Jan 2004
Ai trad lead in 3 pitches. First and last two pitches very cruisy. Great gear and comfy placement stances. Fun chimney at end.

15 15 R Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains
dave white
15 Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains Gut
Damien Haines
Sa 29. Okt 2005
Very Interesting. Watch for loose stuff

15 Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains Vergiss es
Dave McGregor
Sa 29. Nov 2003
15 15 R Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains
troy daniel
Di 13. Apr 2010
15 15 R Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains
duanne white
Do 1. Apr 2004
15 15 R Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains
Di 13. Apr 2010
15 15 R Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains
Di 13. Apr 2010
15 15 R Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains Sehr gut
steven k
Sa 21. Feb 2004
nice protected chimney. toby p1, p3, me p2.

19 White Light Traditionell 45m Blue Mountains
Nick Clow
Di 13. Apr 2010
15 15 R Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains Durchschnitt
Oliver Story
So 28. Apr 2013
15 15 R Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains Durchschnitt
Sa 28. Feb 2015
4 stars in a 15 stars system maybe! Fun in it's own way. Bad rock, bad gear, good times.

15 15 R Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains Durchschnitt
Nick Whitelaw
Sa 14. Feb 2015
One star for the funky chimney at the end. The rest was a bit contrived with questionable rock before the ramp.

19 White Light - mit Ro-boat Traditionell 45m Blue Mountains Gut
Alie Repetto
Mo 23. Jan 2017
Truly became one with the vegetation. Tricky crux pitch 2

19 White Light - mit Alie Repetto Traditionell 45m Blue Mountains Sehr gut
Mo 23. Jan 2017
Done in three pitches - a vegitated grovel, a great thrutch, and a solo. I thought it was worth doing, an easy access tradventure with a great 2nd pitch. We took a rack of 0.5-4 with doubles of 0.75-3 and some longish slings for the tree belays.

15 15 R Atilla Traditionell 86m Blue Mountains Sehr gut
Ewa Siedlecka
Mi 24. Jan 2018
I (surprise surprise) LOVED this! Let's be real: there are definitely not 4 pitches (or anywhere close to 86m) of climbing here, but 2 of the 2.5-3 pitches that do exist are fantastic despite some shonky rock (especially on that first pitch - however, you can mostly avoid it). There was adequate gear despite forgetting both our wires AND hexes (DO bring a #5 camalot though, it's pretty handy). Popping up in the middle of a cliff at the end had a 10/10 novelty factor.

19 White Light Traditionell 45m Blue Mountains
Hamish Cumming
Do 9. Aug 2018
26 David Hicks Memorial Route Traditionell 20m Blue Mountains Sehr gut
Paul Frothy Thomson
So 26. Jan 2020
TRS x 3. Short, but quite intense. Felt desperate in today's heat/humidity. Lots of very thin moves with surprising variety, and an interesting gristone finale.

The bolts are indeed glued-in thread with hangers and nuts. But this is a BYO spanner route, as the nuts undo themselves if a stiff breeze hits them. An absolutely bizarre effort of bolting.

17 Pushover Pinnacle Traditionell 45m Blue Mountains Durchschnitt
Sa 30. Nov 2019
Boulder start is good rest is fragile

10 Nantucket Sleigh Ride - mit Shane Trotter Traditionell 48m Blue Mountains
Anakin Trotter
So 25. Sep 2022
Yeah the trad

10 Nantucket Sleigh Ride Traditionell 48m Blue Mountains Gut
james ritchie
Sa 11. Mär 2023
27 Big Red Sport 60m, 23 Blue Mountains Sehr gut
Paul Frothy Thomson
Do 11. Aug 2016
Top Rope Solo Investigatory lap. P2 clean. P1 clean to where the climb turns the first bulge (15m? - 22 to here), then lots of rests piecing it together and finding holds. I don't know what to say about this climb, what stars to award it, what quality to ascribe to it. The climbing is rad, and aesthetically it's quite beautiful... But it is blatantly (and rather hideously) chipped, the money-pitch features 3 Shale bands to negotiate, and the rock is the very sharp crystal-y large-grain sandstone. Regardless, I enjoyed the climbing, which has a LOT to it, with quite a few hard sequences, but no "shut-down" crux. (Having said that, the moves to gain the anchors at the end of P1 could be a killer on link). I'll be back... I'm just not sure whether or not to recommend it to others.

27 Big Red Sport 60m, 23 Blue Mountains Sehr gut
Paul Frothy Thomson
Mi 17. Aug 2016
3 more laps. Still a lot more to piece together this 50m monster, but some good linkage and some nice refinement. I find the rock on the lower section of this incredibly sharp and unpleasant.

27 Big Red Sport 60m, 23 Blue Mountains Sehr gut
Paul Frothy Thomson
Mo 29. Aug 2016
3 more laps (this time with 6kgs of weight for training). Awesome linkage on most of the route despite the training weight. I've still never managed to link the final desperate sequence to the anchors into the previous crux immediately below it (but I can do it with a short rest)... it's just too damn gnarly!

27 Big Red Sport 60m, 23 Blue Mountains Sehr gut
Paul Frothy Thomson
Mi 31. Aug 2016
2 more laps. 7kgs now. My best linkage yet, despite the weight. ALMOST linked the last move of the route into the moves below it (but not quite)... hopefully it will be okay when I strip the weight for the send (though I will have 50m of rope in the system).

27 Big Red Sport 60m, 23 Blue Mountains Sehr gut
Paul Frothy Thomson
Mo 5. Sep 2016
2 more shots. 5kgs weight training today. Re-chalking the holds and drying to dry the fishbowl (full-of-water) pockets after the recent deluge. Refining all the microbeta... On the 2nd lap I managed to link everything in one big push EXCEPT the last part of the last move... D'oh! Draws on for a lead attempt on Wednesday.

27 Big Red Sport 60m, 23 Blue Mountains Sehr gut
Paul Frothy Thomson
Mi 7. Sep 2016
Psyched! 2nd Redpoint attempt (13th lap total, including my various Top Rope Solo laps). Climbed both pitches as a monster 60m pitch belayed from the ground. Took a huge whip off the mid-height pocket-crux on my first shot (after skipping a clip, and falling at the next bolt). Pulled straight back on and linked to the top. The 2nd lap was a battle, but I felt up to the task the whole way. So much varied climbing (even if it is separated by 3 sneaky no-hands rests), with the hardest moves in the last 5m.

27 Big Red - mit James Sport 60m, 23 Blue Mountains Vergiss es
Jacques Beaudoin
Mo 20. Mai 2019
This climb hasn't been manufactured to my body length... seriously I was shocked by the number of drilled holds and the way they have been made, I mean a gym hold looks more natural.

27 Big Red Sport 60m, 23 Blue Mountains
Catpass Clanky
So 27. Nov 2022
Great route if you don't mind the fact it has some manufactured holds. Some sections felt pretty much impossible as a shorter climber so keep that in mind.

23 Bubbling Crude Sport 40m, 15 Blue Mountains
chad o'donnell
Di 13. Apr 2010
23 Bubbling Crude Sport 40m, 15 Blue Mountains
Macciza a.k.a. Macca
Do 29. Aug 2013
23 Bubbling Crude - mit Paul Frothy Thomson Sport 40m, 15 Blue Mountains Sehr gut
Do 10. Nov 2016
Tricky face climbing - plenty of tapping around to find minging holds. The bolts are definitely looking worse for wear, with more than a little rust. And the belay leaves a lot to be desired. But it's in the shade in the late arvo!

23 Bubbling Crude Sport 40m, 15 Blue Mountains Sehr gut
Paul Frothy Thomson
Do 10. Nov 2016
Didn't place draws on the rap-in to go for the more exciting Onsight. A few sections of very thin thiness separated by good rests. Some funky moves, but the bolts are quite hideous (and the belay is in a really weird place). Didn't feel too hard for the grade. Afternoon shade.

23 Bubbling Crude - mit Heath Black Sport 40m, 15 Blue Mountains Sehr gut
Aaron Jones
Sa 25. Feb 2023
Low admin, rap in climb out. Fun climbing up a nice orange wall, a little bit punpy too.

16 Triple Smoked Bacon - mit BeccapatterS Sport 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Mi 3. Jan 2024
17 ~17 Triple Smoked Bacon - mit Southerly
1 17 Sport
2 16 Nachstieg Vorstieg durch Tim
3 Sport
Sport 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Mi 24. Jan 2024
23 Bubbling Crude Sport 40m, 15 Blue Mountains
Di 6. Feb 2024
16 Triple Smoked Bacon Sport 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Gut
Annalisa V
Mi 3. Apr 2024
16 ~15 Triple Smoked Bacon Sport 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Philly T
So 28. Apr 2024
15 Long John Silver Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains
Di 29. Dez 2015
15 Long John Silver - mit Bonnie Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains
Peri Bolton
Di 29. Dez 2015
15 Long John Silver - mit matt hoschke Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains Gut
Mi 13. Jan 2016
Nice with heaps of bolts..

15 Long John Silver Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains
Kate Ferguson
Mo 25. Jan 2016
15 Long John Silver Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains
Phill Lengyel
Mo 25. Jan 2016
15 Long John Silver Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains Durchschnitt
Amelia van Ewijk
Mo 25. Jan 2016
A little awkward at times, or maybe I'm just awkward.

15 Long John Silver - mit Col Gale Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains Gut
Barry Watterson
Do 11. Feb 2016
15 Long John Silver Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains Gut
So 24. Apr 2016
Long and good for the bumblies.

15 Long John Silver Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains
Nick H
Di 26. Apr 2016
15 Long John Silver Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains Durchschnitt
Nick Morgan
Mo 16. Mai 2016
15 Long John Silver Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains
Jasmine Gallagher
Di 21. Jun 2016
15 Long John Silver - mit Jo Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains Schrott
Seb Oliver
Di 20. Sep 2016
15 Long John Silver - mit Jeff Allwood Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains Gut
Claire Allwood
So 8. Jan 2017
I thought it hard for the grade, a little reachy in places. Varied and some interesting moves.

15 Long John Silver - mit Ro-boat Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains Durchschnitt
Ewa Siedlecka
Sa 21. Jan 2017
VERY well bolted!

15 Long John Silver Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains
James Leahy
Mo 20. Feb 2017
15 Long John Silver - mit G Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains
Dave Burt
Mi 8. Mär 2017
15 Long John Silver - mit Wade Stewart, Leah Zerbes Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains Durchschnitt
Viona Young
Mo 13. Mär 2017
Ok warm up.

15 Long John Silver Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains
Niki Conway
So 9. Apr 2017
15 Long John Silver - mit Milica Djurovic, Niki Conway Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains
Milica Djurovic
So 9. Apr 2017
15 Long John Silver Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains
Callum Cruickshank
So 30. Apr 2017
15 Long John Silver - mit Wen Jun Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains Durchschnitt
Steffi Quijote
So 25. Jun 2017
tricky middle with really cold fingers. screaming burfies at the top half... so pleasant..NOT

15 Long John Silver Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains
Nick H
So 2. Jul 2017
15 Long John Silver - mit Will Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains Durchschnitt
So 10. Sep 2017
15 Long John Silver - mit Grace Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains Durchschnitt
So 10. Sep 2017
15 Long John Silver - mit will Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains Durchschnitt
So 10. Sep 2017
15 Long John Silver - mit Match Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains
Mo 11. Sep 2017
warmup, great climb for teach people to lead except for the amount of bolts.

15 Long John Silver Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains
Phillip Booth
So 24. Sep 2017
Stemming start leading into the top headwall. Not a bad climb at the grade.

One trickier bit getting off the last ledge onto the headwall.

Cruisy day putting draws on for Miki & Zali

15 Long John Silver Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains
Tommy Bowen
So 24. Sep 2017
15 Long John Silver - mit Rosie Venman Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains Gut
Jonathan Stables
Sa 30. Sep 2017
15 Long John Silver - mit Phuong Ho Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains Gut
Brendon Flanagan
Sa 30. Sep 2017
Quite a good climb and worthy of its star. Well placed protection and excellent holds throughout the majority of the climb. It's evidently got potential to go higher but the iron stone ledges above would cause concern for rope wear.

15 Long John Silver Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains
Tomas Dorrington
Sa 21. Okt 2017
15 Long John Silver Sport 20m, 14 Blue Mountains
Carl Duhs
Di 28. Nov 2017

Zeige 1 - 100 von 2,554 Begehungen.

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