
Routen als boulder in Waterfall Bouldering Area

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Zeigt alle 16 Routen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Beliebtheit
Tree of Life Bloc
V11 Forbidden Fruit

Sit Start 1.5 metres to the right of 'Tree of Life' hugging the roof. Right hand utilises the obvious right angle brick edge/pinch on the lip of the roof, left hand underneath in a small slot just above the flake. Launch out left via some cool moves dropping into the flake & start holds of Tree of Life. Finish as for this.

Erstbegehung: R. Hofmann, 12 Jul 2023

Waterfall Wall
V11 Fight Milk

Start on flat jug at the left of the wall. Reverse Butt Rodgers and continue up A Crow Left of the Murder. Rather than going right to the jug, keep moving straight up to finish on crimp rail.

Erstbegehung: Ben Schaeffer, 2 Nov 2021

Tree of Life Bloc
V10 Tree of Life

A real hidden classic.

Sit start under the steep wall on the right side, at the big undercling.

Head up following some slopey ledges, then swing across to left side of bloc, tricky tension moves guard the finish up then onto the arete. Highly recommended to scrub the top, as this bloc doesn’t get much sun.

Erstbegehung: Stephen Waring, 7 Jul 2017

Boulder 4m
Tree of Life Bloc
V9 Tree of Life LHV

Sit start just right of crack, moves across to arete where ToL joins left hand arete.

Finish as for ToL.

Erstbegehung: Stephen Waring, 15 Jul 2017

Boulder 4m
Waterfall Wall
V8 A Crow Left of the Murder

Sit start on the horizontal jug, big move up to slopey edge on left, then pop up to small edge and finish right on the jug ledge.

Mattias Braach-Maksvytis

Erstbegehung: Michael Tonon, 2014

Waterfall Wall
V7 Butt Rodgers

Start as for One Crow on jugs and traverse left as for DND. Where Dontolleo goes up, keep going left towards arete. Burly move guards link to arete. Climb up arete a little to big jug. Down climb over left to get off

Erstbegehung: Jon Ash

Boulder 7m
Waterfall Wall
V6 Archangel
  • A technical boulder
  • Start sitting underneath start of Fight Milk, using left hand corner jug and right hand undercling edge just above the ground.
  • Traverse out right using any holds and feet to 2nd last Donotello crimp rail and Donotello finish crimp. Right side of Donotello start is out. Two hands match crimp to finish.

Erstbegehung: Michael Richards, 4 Feb

V6 Who the F@#€ is Donotello?

This is the standing start to Crow. It’s a one mover, but still a great problem!

Use slopey ramp with left hand and side pull with right hand, pull on and pop up to good edge. Then across to right jug for a matched finish.

Erstbegehung: Michael Tonon, 2014

Boulder 2m
V6 Definitely not Donotello

V5 or V6 take your pick, either way its great! Start on jugs for A Crow, traverse left to starting holds of Donotello. Now straight up and finish as for Donotello. Drop off.


Erstbegehung: Michael Tonon, 2014

Boulder 5m
Waterfall Wall
V5 Donotello

Start on 2 good holds and average feet, move up to big ear/sidepull. From here up and left to good rail and then final moves up to crimp rail and match. Drop off

Erstbegehung: Michael Tonon, 2014

Boulder 4m
Waterfall Wall
V3 Turtle Power

Michelle eliminate problem.

Sit start for Michelle, but using crimp rail below obvious good rail, move right on small edges to gain small arete then some tricky moves led to good hold on blunt arete. Good rail is out for hands and feet

Erstbegehung: JJ, 10 Aug 2021

Boulder 3m
Tree of Life Bloc
V2 Wet Butt
V2 Water Crack
Waterfall Wall
V2 Michelle

From same start as CC, head across right to arete and move up and around to blunt arete slightly around the corner. Then from good holds head back left to CC finish

Erstbegehung: John Hollott, 10 Aug 2021

Boulder 3m
Tree of Life Bloc
V1 Crumble
Waterfall Wall
V1 Captain Carapace

On the left side of the waterfall, sit start on big rail/edge, head straight up to finish with feet on starting holds

Erstbegehung: John Hollott, 10 Aug 2021

Boulder 3m

Zeigt alle 16 Routen.

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