
Routen als boulder in Australian Capital Territory

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Zeige 101 - 200 von 2,031 Routen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Beliebtheit
Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering Hinterland
V8 Spinball

Sit start with nice edges left of the rock.

Erstbegehung: Robert Lange

V8 Hollow

Sit start in hollowed out scoop and up crimps.

Erstbegehung: Chris Webb Parsons

V8 Cruise Control

Sloper traverse to the left and topout as for Me We

Erstbegehung: Robert Lange

Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering Atlantis Main Sector
V8 Stranger Things

Stand start on obvious block jug. Move left and up to top out ignoring the pedestal boulder for feet.

Erstbegehung: Joe, 12 Nov 2017

Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering Atlantis Lower Main Sector
V8 Procrastination Pays

Sit start on the arete right of It Hurts, up the left face and arete.

Erstbegehung: Stephen

V8 Single Female Lawyer Sit Start

Sit start and do the first move as for problem 11 (The Squeeze) then move right to the start of Single Female Lawyer and head to the top!

Erstbegehung: Duncan Brown

Boulder 4m
Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering The Middles
V8 Dining with Damocles

On the low ridge roughly 200m past The Middles proper. Stand start with a hand on a flat rail and jump start to get established into the undercling (as per FA). Up side pull rails to scary slab top.

Likely unrepeated as of 2022, but looks worthy.

Erstbegehung: Neil Wallace

V8 Idle Hands (AKA Dunkin' Direct)

Start to the right of Slam Dunkin' on a blunt crimp and an obvious thick edge. High feet on the right. Move through sharp crimp in seam and blocky hold on the left to join SD at sharp crimp (the one you throw out right to) on SD. Finish as for SD.

Erstbegehung: Joe Horan, 24 Nov 2015

V8 Slam Dunkin' Sit Start

Sit start.

Erstbegehung: Chris Webb-Parsons

V8 Arabian Nights

Friendly looking seam 5m left of the WW slab. Standing compression start between seam and crimpy side pull. Move up via some strong laybacking. Dynamic finish.

Erstbegehung: Neil Wallace, 31 Aug 2014

Boulder 3m
Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering The Asteroid
V8 G-Force

Sit start very low.

Erstbegehung: George Fieg

Boulder 3m
Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering Candy Mountain
V8 The Globe

Sit start.

Erstbegehung: Andrew Richards

Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering Dog Rock
V8 Snoop Doggy Dog

Sit start with nice crimping and one big throw.

Erstbegehung: Andrew Bull

Boulder 4m
V8 Do Me Doggy

Sit start. Left side of the fixed descent rope.

Erstbegehung: Andrew Bull

Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering Pot Rock Ridge
V8 Amber

Sit start on edges left of jade and up the blunt prow. Vidya

Erstbegehung: Stephen

Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering Upper Main Area
V8 The Mojo Connection

Sit start.


Erstbegehung: George Fieg

Boulder 3m
Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering Main Area
V8 Zac's Arete

Also called 'the nothing'. V8 in the guide which depends on beta that goes out right before heading up the arete. If you stick purely to the arete you could probably add a grade.

Erstbegehung: Zac Vertrees

Boulder 5m
V8 Nob Jockey

Sit start and fridge hug the body of the boulder.

Chris Beers

Erstbegehung: Leeson Rose

Boulder 4m
Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering The Hill
V8 Round One

Some of the most desperate slopers you will ever use. Sit start. Hardest part is getting your feet underneath you for the move onto the body of the boulder.

Erstbegehung: George Fieg

Boulder 3m
V8 Muy Forte Middle

Stand start from underclings, as for Muy Forte, then climb straight up using right hand gaston and top out (eliminating the right hand slot used on the standard Muy Forte problem).

Erstbegehung: Bevan Ashby, 3 Jun 2015

Boulder 4m
V8 Power Up

Sit start with crimps in the middle of the wall, then straight up via the slopey middle top out (the same top out as Percival the Feisty Mouse).

Erstbegehung: George Fieg

Boulder 4m
V8 Powered Up Bogan

Start at the Power Up crimps, make a big move to the Bogan sloper and finish directly up.


Erstbegehung: MIchael Yuen, 3 Aug 2019

Boulder 3m
V8 Percival Low

Start as for The Warm Up, then traverse right along the low line using slopers and underclings. Head up when you reach Power Up, to finish as for one of the Percival lines. [An earlier version of this problem was destroyed by some scum sucking bike riders with crowbars. !!&^&%^]

Erstbegehung: George Fieg

Boulder 7m
Canberra Mount Mugga Mugga The Irish Block
V8 Kicking Against The Pricks

Sit start at Lax Ligaments, and traverse up and left to finish at the very end of the face/start of the arête.

Erstbegehung: Nick White, 6 Dez 2020

Boulder 7m
V8 The Swamp Factor

Sit start as for Factor B and then traverse right through some tough moves to hit the arete. finish as for Moonshine.

Erstbegehung: Nick Churchill, Nov 2022

Boulder 3m
V8 Factor B

Sit start from undercling/gaston then climb up using high right sloper and top out. No stacking pads for SS. Note: There was no footer left of the starting holds for the FA. A new footer was revealed after the block to the left became loose and was removed. Now easier/downgraded.

Bevan Ashby Alec Landstra

Erstbegehung: Bevan Ashby, 24 Mai 2021

Boulder 3m
Canberra Murrumbidgee River Red Rocks Red Rocks Bouldering
V8 Bullies Dyno

Big move or dyno.

Canberra Cooleman Ridge Bouldering Horse Paddock Boulders
V8 geschlagen Frankenstein

Sit start jug right hand arete, traverse leftwards into Ares finishing up the latter.

Erschliesser: Justin Ryan, 2012

Boulder 6m
V8 geschlagen Zeus

Probably the best face climb on the Ridge. Powerful and delicate, requiring great body tension and with a demanding topout.

Erschliesser: Justin Ryan, 2008

Boulder 3m
V8 Horse Stories

Sit start at Ares, traverse right and then finish up Hades.

Erstbegehung: Nick White, 4 Jul 2021

Boulder 5m
V8 geschlagen Diesel Power

Sit start using left side pull and right chipped two finger pocket. Climb bulge and top out.

Boulder 3m
Canberra Cooleman Ridge Bouldering V8 Traverse
V8 Cassius

Traverse either way - crux is middle section.

Boulder 5m
Canberra Cooleman Ridge Bouldering Niblo Below Fence
V8 #9

One chipped hold, strenuous moves on tiny holds. Getting feet onto the rock is the crux - probably a 1-2 move problem, but hard ones nonetheless. Grade to be confirmed.

Boulder 5m
V8 #8 arete

Straight up the arete, topping out straight up through the seam. Hard!

Boulder 6m
VB - 8
Canberra Buildering Alfred Deakin High School
VB - 8 b
BoulderProjekt 4m
Southern ACT Gudgenby Valley The Trollshaws Rodent Rock area
V7 Common Rat

Sit start on large edge and work your way up and left to the mantle.

Erstbegehung: Pete, Jan 2022

Boulder 3m
Orroral area Orroral Valley Orroral Valley Bouldering Sweets n Goose Sector Sector 4
V7 R.I.P Goosey

Sit start then climb up and top out.

Bevan Ashby

Erstbegehung: Bevan Ashby, 10 Mär 2017

Boulder 4m
Orroral area Orroral Valley Orroral Valley Bouldering Sweets n Goose Sector Sector 2
V7 Bag of Meat

Sit start then climb up and top out.

Bevan Ashby

Erstbegehung: Bevan Ashby, 14 Jun 2018

Boulder 5m
Orroral area Orroral Valley Orroral Valley Bouldering Good Job Randy Sector Sector 1
V7 Blah Blah Blah

Stand start from jug then climb up trending leftwards and top out.

Bevan Ashby

Erstbegehung: Bevan Ashby, 1 Sep 2017

Boulder 7m
V7 Luba Luft RHV

Jump start then climb up trending rightwards and top out.

Erstbegehung: Bevan Ashby, 4 Jun 2017

Boulder 4m
Orroral area Orroral Valley Orroral Valley Bouldering Marathon 85 Sector Sector 4
V7 Apples n Meat

Sit start then climb up and top out.

Bevan Ashby

Erstbegehung: Bevan Ashby, 16 Apr 2018

Boulder 5m
V7 There's Always Time for Rad

Stand start from left side of arete then climb up and top out.

Bevan Ashby

Erstbegehung: Bevan Ashby, 28 Apr 2018

Boulder 6m
Orroral area Orroral Ridge Prism Rocks (bouldering)
V7 Barrelfest

Starts on a very low jug to the left; up to a slope and out right to a powerful undercling, finishing on more slopes.

Orroral area Orroral Ridge The Breadloaf (bouldering)
V7 Nobel Rise

The first arete you come to

Tidbinbilla area Gibraltar and Corin Road Corin Road Bouldering Scattered Boulders
V7 Nescient Treehugger

Sit start on good flake. Big moves through slopers avoiding the tree then traverse right through crimpy slots. High mantle to top out.


Erschliesser: Justin Ryan

Erstbegehung: Pete, Mai 2022

Boulder 6m
Tidbinbilla area Gibraltar and Corin Road Corin Road Bouldering The Hideaway Banana Hill Bouldering
V7 Roscoe the Bear

Stand start on crimps. Straight up to slopey mantle.

Start hold broke 8/2023 bringing this up 1 or 2 grades. Needs to be confirmed but surely harder than 7 now

Erstbegehung: Pete

Boulder 2m
Tidbinbilla area Gibraltar and Corin Road Corin Road Bouldering Spark Boulders
V7 Experiment 221

Stand start in slot. Left then up the cracks with a big dyno.

Erstbegehung: Pete

Boulder 5m
Tidbinbilla area Gibraltar and Corin Road Corin Road Bouldering Kelvin Bloc
V7 Non-Zero Possibility

Sit start on the arete left of Payment. Up to slopers then traverse left and up blunt arete

Boulder 4m
Tidbinbilla area Gibraltar and Corin Road Corin Road Bouldering Strawberry Fields
V7 Hot Sake

Sit start and move left onto slab via long move.

Boulder 3m
V7 Talos

Sit start on good low edge and traverse right on small crimps to top out.

Boulder 4m
V7 Icarus

Stand start to Snakes and Ladders from high crimp.

Boulder 1m
Tidbinbilla area Gibraltar and Corin Road Corin Road Bouldering Snake Rock Boulders Trackside Boulder
V7 3.

Sit start from slot, traverse across prow, then across face at 45 degree angle topping out as for left arete.

Erstbegehung: Bevan Ashby, 22 Mai 2015

Boulder 8m
Tidbinbilla area Gibraltar and Corin Road Corin Road Bouldering Snake Rock Boulders Cartman Boulder
V7 5.

Sit start from base of flake. Climb flake and top out.

Erstbegehung: Bevan Ashby, 18 Nov 2015

Boulder 5m
Tidbinbilla area Gibraltar and Corin Road Corin Road Bouldering Snake Rock Boulders Roadside Boulders
V7 The Nipple

Sit start at base of boulder beneath roof (opposing boulder out). Climb up, traverse leftwards along roof and finish as for "The Nipple Mantle".

Erstbegehung: Bevan Ashby, 18 Sep 2015

Boulder 4m
Tidbinbilla area Gibraltar and Corin Road Corin Road Bouldering George's Boulder
V7 Phone Diddle

The start many people use when claiming 'Phone Sex'! From the scooped out area on the far side of the boulder as you walk in, start one block right on larger holds and then traverse out right to the jug for 1a/1b. Still has the hardest moves of 'Phone Sex', but the full sit is now doable as the start has been cleaned up. Requires less endurance than the full line.

Boulder 2m
Tidbinbilla area Gibraltar and Corin Road Corin Road Bouldering Cantaloupe Hill The Ice Blocks
V7 Aspen Armor

Hard sit start up to break, then head up ledges to top.

Erstbegehung: Chris Warner

Tidbinbilla area Gibraltar and Corin Road Corin Road Bouldering Cantaloupe Hill The Upper Ridge
V7 Blood Makes Noise

Start with hand jam between blocks then into crack, pull lip and up right. Epic line!

Erstbegehung: Robert Lange

Boulder 5m
V7 Fraud Landis

Sit start then traverse left onto slopes from Rumspringa.

Erstbegehung: Andrew Bull

V7 O'Ren Ishi

Sit start. Traverse left then up.

Erstbegehung: Chris Warner

Tidbinbilla area Gibraltar and Corin Road Corin Road Bouldering Cantaloupe Hill Heart Block(s)
V7 Vena Cava

start left of rocks on undercling. continue up underclings to the break and straight up 'check your head'

Tidbinbilla area Gibraltar and Corin Road Corin Road Bouldering Cantaloupe Hill Glitz Rock
V7 The Joker - sit

Per ex-Canberran Duncan Brown - the full sit to the Joker line. Tough for the grade, possibly V8.

Boulder 4m
V7 Vendetta

Sit start at Tally Ho, then follow the break rightwards to the rounded arête, then mantle/rock over to the top. Progressively crimpier with thinner feet. Part of the crux footer has broken off, now a bit harder (Sept 2023). Chris Beers

Erstbegehung: Chris Warner, 2004

Boulder 3m
Tidbinbilla area Gibraltar and Corin Road Corin Road Bouldering Cantaloupe Hill First Stopoff
V7 Project 2 - open

Technical and gut-busting. Grade is a guess. Some seriously strenuous layback moves.

BoulderProjekt 4m
Tidbinbilla area Pierce's Creek Eastern Area Kazbah
V7 Cracking the Egg

Start as for Walking on eggshells and climb right to top as for Humpty Dumpty.

Tidbinbilla area Pierce's Creek Eastern Area Grand Royale
V7 Sabotage

Sit start on the incut/s and up and over the slabby section to topout (if you're brave) or drop off. Seems harder than 7 since the fires.

Boulder 6m
Tidbinbilla area Pierce's Creek Western Area The Bakery
V7 #4 Can't Stand It
Boulder 3m
Tidbinbilla area Pierce's Creek Western Area Lynch Blocs
V7 Hangman

Insta classic, stand start on a good jug and deadpoint or dyno to the jug. Top out with a commiting mantle. Be sure to have an exit plan.

Erstbegehung: Stephen, Sep 2020

Boulder 5m
Tidbinbilla area Pierce's Creek Western Area North Cohiba
V7 The Cohiban roof crack

Sit start with hands in the crack at the back of the cave; where it flares. Starting where the crack constricts 1/4 the way out isn't the correct start. Out and up.

Erstbegehung: Andrew Bull

Erstbegehung: Aug 2020

Boulder 5m
Tidbinbilla area Pierce's Creek Western Area Cohiba Fundamental Sector
V7 Seditious

Stand start and mantle the vague scoop.

Erstbegehung: chris warner

Boulder 5m
Tidbinbilla area Pierce's Creek Western Area Cohiba The Abstinence Sector
V7 The Abstinence LHV

Sit start from rail, then climb up trending leftwards and top out.

Bevan Ashby

Erstbegehung: Bevan Ashby, 22 Jun 2016

Boulder 3m
Tidbinbilla area Pierce's Creek Western Area Cohiba Teenage Angst Sector
V7 Mr Negative Stand

Stand start arete then climb up and top out.

Erstbegehung: Bevan Ashby, 11 Jun 2016

Boulder 4m
V7 Gastagon

Sit start as for Saint Christopher but go straight to the gaston rather than up.

Boulder 5m
Tidbinbilla area Pierce's Creek Laurel Camp Rd The Shadows Historic problems
V7 #7 Jihad Boulder 3m
Tidbinbilla area Pierce's Creek Laurel Camp Rd Sushi Row Roe
V7 Grizzly

Sit start from jugs to the right of S and top out as for Salmon.

Erstbegehung: Clinton S

Boulder 4m
Tidbinbilla area Pierce's Creek Laurel Camp Rd Playboy
V7 #11 Public Enemy

A highball problem starting at a sit start down low and ending around the corner of the boulder with a mantle at the 5 metre mark. Follow the shallow crack/rail all the way. Crux is the first part before you hit the corner, particularly making a cross through a fairly shallow pocket. 10+ metres of climbing, despite the 5 metre height. This problem was never chipped.

Erstbegehung: Justin Ryan

Boulder 12m
Tidbinbilla area Pierce's Creek Laurel Camp Rd Tumblers
V7 #34 jump-mantle

Start from the bottom and jump to grab the lip, just like a basketballer going for a dunk. Then execute a techy mantle. Hope you've got spotters. As with any dyno, the grade will be very height dependent, particularly considering you're jumping from the ground without the help of any holds to lever against.

Boulder 6m
V7 White Man Can't Jump Variant

Stand start then climb up trending rightwards and top out (block on left is out).

Erstbegehung: 2002

Boulder 5m
V7 Mug

Stand start and up.

Boulder 5m
Tidbinbilla area Scout Crag Scout Crag Bouldering
V7 Flaunt

Matched sit start on left side of the arete on the crimpy sloper. Up using the crimp on the face and left arete.

Erstbegehung: Pete, 2 Jun 2020

Boulder 3m
Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering Frost Hollow
V7 Speckfalte

Sit start on big jug, go left following the cracks around to easy mantle.


Erstbegehung: Robert Lange

Boulder 3m
Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering Hinterland
V7 Reverse The Earth

Sit start on the far right then traverse left out the the end with blind low feet.


Erstbegehung: Chris Warner

Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering Atlantis Mooney Sector
V7 Simian Deficiency Low Start

Sit start as for 'Half a yellow sun' then moving right into Siman Deficiency.

Erstbegehung: Duncan Brown

Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering The Middles
V7 Slam Dunkin'

Stand start on jugs.

Erstbegehung: Daniel Fisher

V7 Butter Up

Sit start.

Erstbegehung: Andrew Bull

V7 Shiver Bivy

Sit start as for Carmel Cream, move right and down climb Fender Bender, traverse the low shelf and then finish up the entirety of 1000 Ways To Die. A bit of a contrived link up, but super fun and sustained!

Erstbegehung: Duncan Brown

V7 Sly Dog

The boulder in front of you where the track splits. Stand start on vague diagonal sidepull and up.

Erstbegehung: Chris Warner

Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering The Asteroid
V7 Madness in its place

Link up from the start of MiGM into the finish of EiiP. Longer than the direct MiGM but avoids the tricky mantle.

Erstbegehung: James Lister, Mär 2024

Boulder 5m
V7 Madness in G Minor

Sit start.

Erstbegehung: George Fieg

Boulder 5m
Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering Candy Mountain
V7 Buffalo Soldier

Sit start and follow the lip around to the right.

Erstbegehung: David Pearson, 2008

Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering Dog Rock
V7 Bloody Knuckles

Erstbegehung: Chas Ruffles

V7 Choke

Sit start.

Erstbegehung: Chris Warner

V7 If Only

Erstbegehung: George Fieg

V7 Outro

Erstbegehung: George Fieg

Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering Pot Rock Ridge
V7 Brumation

Sit start on low rail. Work up through small edges and top out to the right.

Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering Main Area
V7 Run, Forest, Run

Run and jump to slopers!

Erstbegehung: George Fieg

V7 Baby Boy

Stand start up the arete/face left of the Thin Green Line

Erstbegehung: Stephen, 4 Mai 2018

V7 Sarah's Seven

Sit start and up the outside of the boulder using holds facing the wrong way (!)

Erstbegehung: Sarah Fieg

Boulder 3m
Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering The Hill
V7 Pete's Extension Extension

Sit start at Jugalicious, turn the arete and traverse left across the full face through crimps. Exit by stepping off onto the large block on the left.


Erstbegehung: Michael Yuen, 28 Jul 2019

Boulder 4m
V7 Roof Raider Left

After the cut loose of Roof Raider, head out left to the arete then up.

Erstbegehung: Andrew Bull

Boulder 2m
V7 Muy Forte

Start on the underclings and go straight up to top out as for The Percival Extension. Settling at 7ish down from V9 with a breakage.

Erstbegehung: George Fieg

Boulder 4m

Zeige 101 - 200 von 2,031 Routen.

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