
Begehungen in Lilly boulder haben Beta

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Zeigt alle 18 Begehungen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Qualität Kletterer
Sa 27. Apr 2024 - Apex boulders
Lilly boulder
V2/3 ~V3 Adders Tongue Boulder Sehr gut
Gabriel Grimison
Old Ascent

Mo 29. Jan 2024 - Apex boulders
Lilly boulder
V9/10 Agapanthus - mit Dany Chanda Boulder 4m Sehr gut
Callum Mather

Mi 4. Okt 2023 - Apex boulders
Lilly boulder
V5 ~V6 Chrysanthemum Boulder 4m Klassiker
Ashley Grundy
Classic traverse! Borderline V5/6 to me

So 30. Jul 2023 - Apex boulders
Lilly boulder
V5 Chrysanthemum Boulder 4m Klassiker
Jason Smith
Great lip traverse. Harder than it looks at the start, then eases off for us route climbers.

Do 11. Mai 2023 - Apex boulders
Lilly boulder
V5 Chrysanthemum - mit Gabby Zalcman Boulder 4m
Jarrod Delahunty
Working some links, pretty rad line.

Mo 1. Mai 2023 - Apex boulders
Lilly boulder
V5 Chrysanthemum Boulder 4m Klassiker
Taliesin St. john
Just want to put my 2 cents on the grade because I can see some people ticking it as a V6 but to me this feels bang on at a solid V5! Awesome climb couldn't recommend more!

Di 25. Apr 2023 - Apex boulders
Lilly boulder
V9/10 ~V10 Agapanthus — 16 Versuche - mit Matt Hingee, Liam Johnston, Jess Roach, Gabriel Grimison, Dani Solway Boulder 4m Klassiker
Nathan Hingee
Such an awesome line. I figured out there's alternate beta for the last sequence.

V6 ~V7 Chrysanthemum sit - mit Matt Hingee, Liam Johnston, Jess Roach, Gabriel Grimison, dani solway Boulder 4m Sehr gut
Nathan Hingee
Awesome Line mabye a little sandbagged haha

V2/3 ~V3 Adders Tongue Boulder Sehr gut
Matt Hingee
Sand bagged

Fr 21. Apr 2023 - Apex boulders
Lilly boulder
V6 Chrysanthemum sit - mit Jess Morton Boulder 4m Klassiker
Samuel Morton
Heels for days!

Mi 19. Apr 2023 - Apex boulders
Lilly boulder
V7 leicht Agapanthus stand - mit Jess Morton Boulder 2m Klassiker
Samuel Morton
Amazing block. Not using the bunchy heel-hook does make it easier.

So 12. Feb 2023 - Apex boulders
Lilly boulder
V6 Chrysanthemum sit Boulder 4m
Jacob Netherton
First move is biig

Fr 27. Jan 2023 - Apex boulders
Lilly boulder
V7 Agapanthus stand Boulder 2m Klassiker
Maurício Chino
Felt impossible with original right heel hook beta.

Figured out a new sequence where I blast straight to the jug with the right hand instead.

Definitely a classic. Such a good looking boulder

Do 12. Jan 2023 - Apex boulders
Lilly boulder
V7 Agapanthus stand Boulder 2m
Brendan Heywood
Wasn't actually working thing, I didn't really look at the guide and just stand started on the obvious jug rail and then topped out first go. Probably V3 and might be a worthy problem in its own right

Sa 3. Dez 2022 - Apex boulders
Lilly boulder
V5 schwer Chrysanthemum - mit gabriel grimison Boulder 4m Klassiker
Sean Gallagher
Figured out the crux just need to work the final sequence to the finish then should be okay to have proper attempts. Very good climb

V2/3 leicht Adders Tongue - mit gabriel grimison Boulder Gut
Sean Gallagher
Nice climb. Finish was harder than I thought it would be.

Sa 26. Nov 2022 - Apex boulders
Lilly boulder
V7 Agapanthus stand - mit George Plunkett Boulder 2m Klassiker
Sean Gallagher
Ridiculously cool. Did better than I thought on this. Worth working.

V5 schwer Chrysanthemum - mit George Plunkett Boulder 4m Sehr gut
Sean Gallagher


Zeigt alle 18 Begehungen.

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