
Begehungen in Sepoy Sector Gwidir River Conservation Area von Koalapie

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Zeige 1 - 100 von 1,356 Begehungen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Gebiet Qualität Datum
V6 Stigmata Boulder 13m Lake Copeton Mo 6. Mär 2023
V5/6 Tr'oofed Boulder 13m Lake Copeton Mo 6. Mär 2023
V5/6 Apricot Swirl Boulder 24m Lake Copeton Mi 8. Mär 2023

V5/6 Obiwan' Komode Boulder 5m Lake Copeton Mega-Klassiker Do 14. Sep 2023
V5 Coyote Gait Boulder 18m Lake Copeton Mega-Klassiker Mo 21. Feb 2022
V5 Coyote Gait #2 Boulder 17m Lake Copeton Mega-Klassiker Mo 21. Feb 2022
V5 AI Pip & The Apricot's Arete Boulder 19m Lake Copeton Mi 22. Feb 2023
V5 Tw'oofed Boulder 9m Lake Copeton Mo 27. Feb 2023
V5 'oofed the Altar. Boulder 7m Lake Copeton Mo 6. Mär 2023
V4 V4/5 Rhapsody Rabbit #2 Boulder 16m Lake Copeton Mega-Klassiker So 20. Feb 2022
V4 V4/5 Rhapsody Rabbit Boulder 18m Lake Copeton Mega-Klassiker So 20. Feb 2022
V5 V4/5 Rhapsody Rabbit X Leopold! Boulder 11m Lake Copeton Mega-Klassiker Mo 21. Feb 2022
V5 V4/5 Coyote Gait X Leopold! Boulder 11m Lake Copeton Mega-Klassiker Mo 21. Feb 2022
V4 V4/5 Rhapsody Rabbit #3 Boulder 17m Lake Copeton Mega-Klassiker Mo 21. Feb 2022
V5 V4/5 Coyote Gait #3 Boulder 16m Lake Copeton Mega-Klassiker Mo 21. Feb 2022
V4/5 One Hot Seashell! Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Mo 13. Feb 2023
V4/5 'oofed the Boulder. Boulder 7m Lake Copeton Mo 20. Feb 2023
V4/5 Pip & The Apricot's Arete Boulder 15m Lake Copeton Mi 22. Feb 2023
V4/5 2TR Boulder 8m Lake Copeton Di 28. Feb 2023
V4/5 Obiwan' Boulder 4m Lake Copeton Di 5. Sep 2023
V4/5 Kimono Boulder 5m Lake Copeton Do 14. Sep 2023
Pleased to send after cheese grating off top move 2 days ago. Tricky traverse & top out:

V4/5 The Babadook(Low) Boulder 6m Lake Copeton Do 28. Sep 2023
V4 Gimme Sit Start Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Sehr gut So 12. Dez 2021
V4 Dawaj! Sit Start Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Sehr gut Mo 7. Feb 2022
V4 Ogien Sit Start Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Sehr gut Mo 7. Feb 2022
V4 Alchemy Sit Start Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Sehr gut Sa 19. Feb 2022
V4 Super Genius. Boulder 10m Lake Copeton Klassiker So 20. Feb 2022
V4 The Ace of Leopold! Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Klassiker So 20. Feb 2022
Felt desperate and slippery today should feel easier when conditions are crisp.

V4 Sheer Genius.. Boulder 9m Lake Copeton Mega-Klassiker Mo 21. Feb 2022
V4 Traverse The Apricot's Arete Boulder 11m Lake Copeton Di 21. Feb 2023
V4 Pip & The Apricot Boulder 13m Lake Copeton Mi 22. Feb 2023
V4 2RT Boulder 6m Lake Copeton Mo 27. Feb 2023
V4 FCL Sit Pip LR Boulder 11m Lake Copeton Di 7. Mär 2023
V4 Sail-on-Seashell Boulder 5m Lake Copeton Mi 5. Apr 2023
V4 The Babadook Boulder 6m Lake Copeton Mega-Klassiker Mo 18. Sep 2023
V3 V3/4 Orbit Boulder 7m Lake Copeton Klassiker So 6. Feb 2022
V3 V3/4 Leopold! Direct Boulder 5m Lake Copeton Sehr gut Mo 7. Feb 2022
V3 V3/4 Franz Liszt Boulder 12m Lake Copeton Klassiker Sa 19. Feb 2022
V4 V3/4 Franz Liszt #2 Boulder 11m Lake Copeton Klassiker Sa 19. Feb 2022
V4 V3/4 Still the Field Rodent Boulder 11m Lake Copeton Klassiker So 20. Feb 2022
V3 V3/4 The Field Rodent Boulder 10m Lake Copeton Klassiker So 20. Feb 2022
V3 V3/4 Certified Genius Boulder 8m Lake Copeton Sehr gut So 20. Feb 2022
V3/4 Scoop the Seashell (LHV) Boulder 4m Lake Copeton Mo 13. Feb 2023
V3/4 Train on Seashell Boulder 5m Lake Copeton Di 14. Feb 2023
V3/4 Traverse The Apricot Boulder 9m Lake Copeton Di 21. Feb 2023
V3/4 Pipvar Boulder 11m Lake Copeton Mi 22. Feb 2023
V3/4 Pip LR Boulder 8m Lake Copeton Di 7. Mär 2023
V3/4 Over the Cornfield Boulder 15m Lake Copeton Fr 5. Mai 2023
V3/4 Over the Cornfield LHV Boulder 17m Lake Copeton Fr 5. Mai 2023
V3/4 The DR One Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Mi 30. Aug 2023
Took Koala a few sessions!

V3/4 Wonton Soup Boulder 8m Lake Copeton Mega-Klassiker So 17. Sep 2023
V3 Gimme Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Sehr gut Fr 19. Nov 2021
V3 Lion Flake Boulder 6m Lake Copeton Mega-Klassiker Fr 4. Feb 2022
V3 Leopold! Boulder 5m Lake Copeton Klassiker Sa 5. Feb 2022
Climbs similar to the youtube clip! Might be possible to thug some pinches and go directly right?

V3 Leopold! Second Movement Boulder 7m Lake Copeton Mega-Klassiker So 6. Feb 2022
Praise the god that is Leopold!

V3 Leaf Boulder 7m Lake Copeton Klassiker So 6. Feb 2022
V3 C5.4 Boulder 6m Lake Copeton Mega-Klassiker Mi 9. Feb 2022
V3 C5.2 Boulder 6m Lake Copeton Mega-Klassiker Mi 9. Feb 2022
Pad dabbed the flash attempt after scraping a leaf on Leaf yesterday, ffs!!

V3 Franz Liszt #3 Boulder 10m Lake Copeton Sehr gut Sa 19. Feb 2022
V3 Field Rodent Boulder 9m Lake Copeton Sehr gut So 20. Feb 2022
V3 Honkfo'shat! 3 Boulder 5m Lake Copeton Mega-Klassiker Fr 25. Feb 2022
Defo improvement on the original Honkie!2 not the easiest of starting moves, good rest on the ramp still pumped af and blowing at the end!

V3 Bipolar Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Klassiker So 27. Feb 2022
Reminds me of #27 up on Niblo just harder and more sustained!

V3 Pslyche Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Klassiker Mo 28. Feb 2022
Shorter bit more intense than Bipolar, both top notch perfect rock great moves.

V3 Pip Boulder 8m Lake Copeton Sa 4. Feb 2023
V3 Seashell-on-Left-Sit-from-Right Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Mo 6. Feb 2023
V3 Roofed Boulder Traverse Boulder 5m Lake Copeton Mo 20. Feb 2023
V3 Roofed Traverse Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Mo 27. Feb 2023
V3 March of the Terracotta Army Boulder 6m Lake Copeton Mo 3. Apr 2023
V3 Great Wall Boulder 8m Lake Copeton Mo 3. Apr 2023
V3 Rock Vine Rain Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Mo 3. Apr 2023
V3 Right Arete/Slab Sit B Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Mo 10. Apr 2023
V3 Poppy Fields Boulder 7m Lake Copeton Di 25. Apr 2023
V3 Drill Seam Traverse Boulder 5m Lake Copeton Di 25. Apr 2023
V3 CB Ramp Ext Boulder 5m Lake Copeton Do 4. Mai 2023
V3 Daenerys Boulder 8m Lake Copeton Fr 5. Mai 2023
V3 Daenerys' Dragons Boulder 9m Lake Copeton Fr 5. Mai 2023
V3 The Tower Arete Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Fr 5. Mai 2023
V3 Cornfield Boulder 11m Lake Copeton Fr 5. Mai 2023
V3 Cornfield LHV Boulder 13m Lake Copeton Fr 5. Mai 2023
V2 V2/3 Fr3.2 Boulder 4m Lake Copeton Klassiker Sa 5. Feb 2022
Cleared bit more ground revealing lovely sit start, rest of it felt utterly desperate today!

V2 V2/3 XmasO.2 Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Klassiker Mo 21. Feb 2022
V2 V2/3 XMas1.3 Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Klassiker Mo 21. Feb 2022
2nd go should have flashed that lazy inspection leading to poor technique, bad koala!

V2 V2/3 XmasO.3 Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Klassiker Mo 21. Feb 2022
V2 V2/3 RD1.14 Boulder 5m Lake Copeton Klassiker Mi 2. Mär 2022
V2 V2/3 St2.12 Boulder 13m Lake Copeton Mega-Klassiker Do 3. Mär 2022
V2/3 Broopy Crimpy Boulder 5m Lake Copeton Sa 7. Jan 2023
V2/3 By the Capstone Boulder 9m Lake Copeton So 8. Jan 2023
V2/3 The Apricot's Arete Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Mo 30. Jan 2023
V2/3 Arete The Apricot Indirect Sit Boulder 5m Lake Copeton Mo 30. Jan 2023
V2/3 Arete The Apricot Flake Sit Boulder 7m Lake Copeton Mo 30. Jan 2023
V2/3 Seashell-on-Left-Sit-Direct Boulder 2m Lake Copeton Mo 6. Feb 2023
V2/3 Doge at Krufts Boulder 13m Lake Copeton Di 7. Feb 2023
V2/3 'oofed Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Mo 20. Feb 2023
V2/3 Traverse the Crackvar Boulder 8m Lake Copeton Di 21. Feb 2023
V2/3 Terracotta Army Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Mo 3. Apr 2023
V2/3 Great Wall LR Boulder 7m Lake Copeton Mo 3. Apr 2023
V2/3 Blunt Arete Sit B Boulder 3m Lake Copeton Di 18. Apr 2023
V2/3 The Juggy Boulder 2m Lake Copeton Di 25. Apr 2023
V2/3 Ultimate Left Boulder 4m Lake Copeton Di 25. Apr 2023
V2/3 Left the Arete Boulder 5m Lake Copeton Di 25. Apr 2023

Zeige 1 - 100 von 1,356 Begehungen.

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