
Routen in Brasilien

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Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Beliebtheit Gebiet
5° Vsup E1/2 D1 Via dos Italianos

The most famous route on Pao de Acucar and a mega classic for Rio. It's often done in two or three pitches and doesn't go all the way to the top. It's usually completed by connecting to other routes along the "West face", going all the way to the summit. This technical face and slab climb is directly under the cable car. The most common way is connecting with Cavalo Louco using either the "Variante da Italianos para o Cavalo Louco", or the "Variante Darcy Ribeiro" and then linking with Secundo Costa Neto. Either way, from base to summit is approximately 270m of fairly sustained climbing.

  1. Pitch 1, 35m; Slab climbing through to the technical face crux near belay

  2. Pitch 2, 43m; A sustained slab and face.

  3. Pitch 3, 20m, Continue upwards to belay at shared anchor with CEPI or continue to make use of your full rope length.

Take about 14 draws and a few runners. This routes takes around 3-6 hours to climb to the summit.

There is a new finish on a bolted line aside the ferrata - "CEPI em Livre".

Erstbegehung: Mario Arnaud & Andre Ribas, 1975

Sport 98m, 4 Rio de Janeiro
4° Vsup E2 D1 K2
1 4° Vsup E2 D1 25m
2 V 20m
3 V 20m
4 V 25m
5 V 35m
6 25m

An outstanding excursion up the upper third of the massive cliff below Cristo Redentor. One of the classic routes of Rio de Janeiro. Climb of quite varied technique: Dihedral, slabs and holds. Although not technically difficult, the route begins at 550m above sea level with some sections that are quite exposed. Fast parties can climb it in 2 hours.

This is a very runout sport route (where people have broken ankles falling at P5) or so consider this a mixed trad route with the slab parts still being significantly runout.

Climb the southeast face of the mountain, and is ideally climbed in the afternoon shade. Getting to the start of the route: Walk along the train tracks for about 10 minutes to a shack on your left. Walk along the asphalt road four about 5 minutes and you'll come to a curve in the road. The trail starts here. Follow the trail to the cliff. Look up and you'll see a large dihedral and the start of this route.

P2 & P3 are often done in one pitch.

  1. 25m (IVsup): A technical dihedral and out L to ledge and up to DBB.

  2. 20m (IV): A delicate, exposed traverse out left and up to DBB (or continue up to P3 anchors.

  3. 20m (IV): Delicate and exposed slab up then step R to DBB.

  4. 25m (IV): Delicate and exposed out right to DBB.

  5. 35m (IV): Slab, irregular dihedral, and irregular crack near the plateau at the end of this pitch. Walk along the dirt track a few metres to P6. Nuts and cams come in handy at the beginning. A few people have broken their angles falling low down on top the low angled slab.

  6. 25m (IV): Slab with four bolts. Tree belay.

After finishing the route, follow the trail up through the grass and jump over the fence. You'll be right under Christ the Redeemer statue.

Double bolted anchors at all stations. Mostly fixed bolts along the route, but it is advisable to take cams and nuts especially on pitch 3 and/or if you do the variant first pitch (climb the full length of the dihedral).

Traditionell 150m, 6 Rio de Janeiro
VI Ninhos

Erschliesser: 1993

Sport 14m, 7 Serra do Cipó
3° IIIsup E1 Coringa

Starting a few meters to the right of "Escadinha de Jacó".

  1. Pitch 1: 35m; Up and to the right to reach double rings.

  2. Pitch 2: 50m; Straight up to double rings.

  3. Pitch 3: 25m; to the right to reach a ledge with double rings.

Take 11 quickdraws plus slings and extra carabiners.

Bolts are well-placed and not run-out.

Erstbegehung: Guiseppe Pellegrini, Paulo 'Bruxo' Ferreira & Denise Emmer, 1981

Sport 110m, 3 Rio de Janeiro
VIIa Três Porquinhos
Sport 2 Rio de Janeiro
VIIa Fissurados Sport Serra do Cipó
VIIa Jonny Quest

Erschliesser: 1996

Sport 6 Serra do Cipó
VIsup Montanha Russa
Sport Rio de Janeiro
Vsup Árvore da Vida Sport Serra do Cipó
VIIb Cristal Canibal
1 V
2 VIIb
Sport 35m, 5 Rio de Janeiro
VIIIb Zona Morta Sport 6 Rio de Janeiro
V Estriquinada

Erschliesser: 2013

Sport 20m, 6 Serra do Cipó
3° VI E1/2 D1 Ricardo Prado

Third route from the left on the north face. Start is straight at the end of the main entrance track. From Last pitch can take two ways to the top: best one is to link with Reinaldo Behnken straight up. 8 quickdraws plus slings and extra carabiners.

Erschliesser: Leonardo Perrone, Oswald Pereira, Gustavo Mello & Ricardo Borges, 1984

Sport 180m, 6, 39 Rio de Janeiro
4° IVsup E1 D1 Luiz Arnaud

14th route from the left. Starts at a 2m-high block. 14 quickdraws if you feel like clipping every single bolt in the quite over protected pitches.

Erschliesser: Mário Arnaud & Oswaldo Pereira, 1993

Sport 180m, 4, 6 Rio de Janeiro
3° IIIsup E2 D2 SCHALL:C Travessia dos Olhos

One of the most unique routes in all of Rio de Janeiro, Passagem dos Olhos traverses across a high and vertical section of the mountain face. Its horizontal and aerial nature make the experience of climbing it more challenging than its grade would suggest!

Erschliesser: Bravim Ferreira, Carlos Bandeira, José Dertoni, Rodolfo Kern, Sílvio Mendes & Tarcy Fernandes, 1960

Traditionell 150m, 5 Rio de Janeiro
VI Diversão Garantida

Erschliesser: 2010

Sport 7 Serra do Cipó
VIsup Avenida Brasil

Same start as Avenida Contorno but keep going right about half way up.

Erschliesser: 2013

Sport 12 Serra do Cipó
VIIa Flash Black

Erschliesser: 2013

Sport 11 Serra do Cipó
Vsup Abrigo G3 Sport 25m Serra do Cipó
V Aracnofobia (Soldado de Mármore)

Erschliesser: 1996

Sport 6 Serra do Cipó
3° IIIsup E2 D1 Reinaldo Behnken

Second route from the left on the north face of the mountain. Start is shortly to the left facing in to the end of the main entrance track. 7 quickdraws plus slings and extra carabiners for anchors.

Erschliesser: Giuseppe Pellegrini, Oswaldo Pereira & Mário Arnaud, 1984

Sport 200m, 5, 33 Rio de Janeiro
VIsup Oito oito

Erschliesser: 2014

Sport 8 Serra do Cipó
Vsup Liló

Erstbegehung: Kether Arruda & Alemão

Sport 11m, 5 Visual das Águas
VIIa E1 Urubunda

Easiest one to lead on this face. Very nice! Single ring bolt at the top.

Erschliesser: Luiz Octávio Cardozo & Luciano Peres, 1987

Sport 20m Rio de Janeiro
VIIb Cristal Mágico
1 V
2 VIIb
Sport 2 Rio de Janeiro
3° IIIsup Paixão de Cris

Erschliesser: Dalton Chiarelli, Juratan Câmara, Marco Vidon & Pedro Caliano, 1987

Sport 90m, 3 Rio de Janeiro
VIIa Via de Blair

Erschliesser: 2013

Sport 7 Serra do Cipó
VIIIa Cheetara

Classic of the sector! Video beta

Erschliesser: 2012

Sport 20m, 11 Serra do Cipó
VIIa Olho do observador

Erschliesser: 2012

Sport 11 Serra do Cipó
VI Desafinado Sport Serra do Cipó
2° III E1/2 D1 Infravermelho

Straight up

Erschliesser: Bito Meyer, Sergio Tartari, Oswaldo Pereira, Felipe Alvarenga, Ricardo Prado & Ricardo Borges, 1989

Sport 95m, 3 Rio de Janeiro
III Graalzinho

Erschliesser: Flavio Leone, André Almeida, André Moreira & Eduardo Cunha, 2009

Sport 12m, 5 Rio de Janeiro
VIIb Guia Luthy Sport 15m Morro Yeye
IXb Amor Incondicional
1 VIIa
2 IXb

Rapel com corda de 60m

Erschliesser: 2013

Sport 35m, 2, 13 Serra do Cipó
4° VI E2 D1 Roda Viva

7th routhe from the left. Starts at an arete, and the first bolt is right after it. Mostly easy with a couple of moves at 18. First pitch goes for 50m and it's about a 13. Second pitch is again 50m, a bit harder, at 14/15 but with an 18 section. Third pitch is only about 25m and it's super easy. 4th pitch is again about 25m long, and about a 17. 8 quickdraws plus slings and extra carabiners.

Erschliesser: Rodolfo Chermont, Luis Belivacqua & Rogério de Oliveira, 1969

Sport 160m, 4, 26 Rio de Janeiro
VIsup Melzinho da Lagoa

Erschliesser: Antonio "Tinoco" Magalhães & Juliano Magalhães, 2010

Sport Rio de Janeiro
V Melzinho na Chupeta

Erschliesser: 1993

Sport 12m, 5 Serra do Cipó
4° IV E2 D1 Diedro Pégaso

First 25m is up a nice layback crack, then the rest 60m is face climbing. Although crack has been bolted, it can be done completely with trad gear. 6 quickdraws plus slings and extra carabiners.

Erschliesser: Antônio Carlos Magalhães, Mário Arnaud, Paulo Ferreira "Bruxo" & André Ribas, 1977

Gemischt trad 85m, 3, 16 Rio de Janeiro
VIIa Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol
1 VIIa
2 VIIa

Possui parada intermediária

Sport 42m Serra do Cipó
VI Injustiça Social
1 VI
2 VI

Erschliesser: 2006

Sport 2, 14 Serra do Cipó
VIIIa Na Calada da Noite

Erschliesser: Paulo Chaves & Ralf Cortês, 1994

Sport 13 Serra do Cipó
VIIb/VIIc Lamúrias de um Viciado
1 VIIb

Usually done as 1 pitch. One the the 50 best routes in Brazil (Livro: 50 vias Classicas no Brasil).

The set of anchors in the middle of the route are there to help with the abseil if your rope is shorter then 70m.

Shares top anchor with "O dia em que a Terra parou".

Erschliesser: 1991

Sport 35m, 15 Serra do Cipó
1° III E2 D1 Costão

This is a long scramble up the east face of Pao de Acucar.

There is a 30m section of vertical 5.7 about half way up the face. It's fairly straight forward, but is technical climbing.

Take some draws and a short rope for the crux.

Erstbegehung: Henrietta Casteirs, 1817

Sport Rio de Janeiro
VIIIa Pedrita Sport 6 Rio de Janeiro
3° IIIsup Brilho da Noite
Sport 120m, 2 Rio de Janeiro
VI Via dagem

Erschliesser: 1995

Sport 18m Serra do Cipó
V0 Travessia dos Buracos

Começa junto em um abaulado e um reglete vai até o batente e domina.

Boulder Rio de Janeiro
VIIb Jequitibá

Erschliesser: 2014

Sport 14 Serra do Cipó
V4 Rising from the vala Boulder Pracinha
VIIIb 10 Almas

Erschliesser: 2001

Sport 10 Serra do Cipó
VIIa As Aventuras de Xing-Ling Sport Serra do Cipó
4° V Elektra

This is a must for any climber visiting town! The second and third pitches can (should be) linked in a single pitch as well as the sixth and seventh pitches. It is definetely a great 5 pitches route! The fifth (fourth if you link the second and third pitch) is pure trad climb, it is a great pitch!

Gemischt trad 200m, 7, 27 Ana Chata
4° V E2 D1 IV Centenário

11th route from the left, about 20m right of Vilma Arnaud. First bolt is about 15m high. First route on this wall, from 1965. Very constant grade. 10 quickdraws plus slings and extra carabiners.

Erschliesser: Reinaldo Pires, José Luiz Barbosa, Giuseppe Pellegrini, Etzel Von Stockert, Cláudio Vieira de Castro & Carlos Carrozzino, 1965

Sport 170m, 4, 36 Rio de Janeiro
3° V D2 Paredão Paraíso Perdido (P3) Traditionell 200m Rio de Janeiro
3° IVsup Cresta Traditionell 35m, 2 Pedra do Baú
VI Festa no Condado

Erstbegehung: Felipe Dallorto & Gilmar “Selva” Menezes, 2012

Sport 4 Rio de Janeiro
VIIa Valfenda

A via segue até a parada dupla que é comum às vias Valfenda, Tûk Tolo, Olho de Sauron, Cachimbo do Gandalf

Erstbegehung: Felipe Dallorto & Flavia dos Anjos, 2011

Sport Rio de Janeiro
VIIb Chorreira musical

Erschliesser: 2012

Sport 12 Serra do Cipó
Vsup Elvis Preza Sport Serra do Cipó
VIIb O Cravo e a Rosa

Erschliesser: 2010

Sport 8 Serra do Cipó
VIIa Bárbaros

Erschliesser: 1996

Sport 9 Serra do Cipó
V2/3 Bailarina Boulder Pracinha
VI Brisa dos Marimbas Sport Morro das Cabras
VIIb E1 Urubu Capenga

First route on the face facing the track. DRBs at the top. It doesnt use the arête.

Erschliesser: 1970

Sport 20m Rio de Janeiro
V0 Catraca


Boulder Pracinha
3° V E2 IFAS:D Paredão Zézão Traditionell 310m Agulha Guarischi
V0 Easyway


Boulder Pracinha
VI TPM Zen Sport 20m Serra do Cipó
VIsup Idiotas Modernos

Compartilha a mesma agarra inicial da Idiotas Rupestres mas segue à direita em uma linha de chapeletas

Sport Serra do Cipó
IXb Ética decomposta
1 VIIIa 25m
2 IXb 20m

Rapel com corda de 60m

Erschliesser: 1993

Sport 45m, 2, 17 Serra do Cipó
VIIIa Lunáticos Sport Serra do Cipó
V5 Inédito Boulder Pracinha
Vsup Quintinho Sport Serra do Cipó
V3 Travessia Sprite Boulder Pracinha
V0 Oufurô
Boulder Rio de Janeiro
VIIa Cachimbo do Gandalf

A via segue até a parada dupla que é comum às vias Valfenda, Tûk Tolo, Olho de Sauron, Cachimbo do Gandalf

Erstbegehung: Felipe Dallorto, Flavia dos Anjos, Jonathas Scott & Alexandre Mendes, 2011

Sport Rio de Janeiro
VI As Duas Torres

Erstbegehung: Felipe Dallorto & Jonathas Scott, 2012

Sport 5 Rio de Janeiro
3° IV Leste

Erschliesser: Almy Ulissea, Antônio Taveira & Ulisses Braga, 1944

Traditionell 180m, 11 Dedo de Deus
IIIsup Invasão Feminina

Erschliesser: Flavio Daflon & Flavio Leone, 2019

Sport 12m, 5 Rio de Janeiro
4° IVsup Labirintite
Sport 100m, 2 Rio de Janeiro

First few meters need to be climbed in artificial. This route is possible free at 6° VIIc E3 - see "CEPI em Livre".

The cable was put in 1952 by Centro Excursionista do Pico de Itatiaia which the acronym is the name of the via ferrata route. Later the cable was removed at the start of the climb after some accidents and deaths of non-climbers attempting the route with no equipment. The route has now been bolted and is a sport route - see "CEPI em Livre".

Erschliesser: Gerges Rawitscher, Ernesto Decremer & Armando Sanford, 1952

Klettersteig 220m Rio de Janeiro
V0 Fenda Bonsai

5º E1 BRA

Toprope 1 Pracinha
5° VIsup E2 D3 AID:A0 C.E.R.J

Erschliesser: b, c, Cláudio Vieira de Castro, José Bezerra Garrido, José Luis Barbosa da Silva, José Roberto da Costa & Reynaldo Pires Ferreira, 1970

Traditionell 400m, 10 Salinas
5° VIsup D2 Cavalo Louco

Mostly done on bolts, but cams and stoppers needed for the first 20m of the first pitch (small to medium cams or medium to large stoppers). It finishes at the anchors of the 5th pitch of "Secundo Costa Neto" and from there you can reach the summit in another 3 pitches (making it a total of 270m). You can combine pitches 2, 3 and 4 into 2 pitches.

The start is at a crack a just left of the start of the famous "Via dos Italianos" route.

  1. Pitch 1: 40m 1st pitch has a short crack at the beginning, then diagonal right to the belay just up and left from the Italianos belay.

  2. Pitch 2: 30m Trend left with some face climbing and VERY delicate slabby traverses

  3. Pitch 3: 30m Trend left with some face climbing and VERY delicate slabby traverses

  4. Pitch 4: 25m

One of the nicest climbs on the Sugar Loaf!

Some fairly long run-outs between bolts by modern standards. Take long slings to help with rope drag. Some of the belays on this route are off one bolt.

Erschliesser: Juarez Fogaça, André Sant'Anna & Sérgio Poyares, 1984

Traditionell 130m, 4 Rio de Janeiro
4° V E1/2 D1 Vilma Arnaud

10th route from the left, about 20 right from Arca de Noé. Grade is very constant, unlike many on this wall. 13 quick draws plus a few slings and biners.

Erschliesser: Mário Arnaud & Oswaldo Pereira, 1990

Sport 190m, 6, 54 Rio de Janeiro
VI Forrozin

Duas para a esquerda do Sextão Sessentão

Sport Serra do Cipó
VIIa Alegoria de óculos Sport Farroupilha
VI Sméagol

Erstbegehung: Felipe Dallorto & Gilmar “Selva” Menezes, 2012

Sport 3 Rio de Janeiro
V0 Fenda da Rua

5sup BR

Boulder Pracinha
IVsup Prusquistão em Casa
Sport Rio de Janeiro
Xb Gigall-in
1 VIIa
2 Xb

Rapel com corda de 60m

Erschliesser: Allessandro Imbellone & Wagner Borges, 2015

Sport 35m, 2, 15 Serra do Cipó
4° V 22 de outubro
Sport 100m, 2 Rio de Janeiro
VIIa 2 em 1 Sport Serra do Cipó
V4 Rising from the furo

Variante da "Rising from the vala", dominando pela esquerda, em um furo na pedra

Boulder Pracinha
VIIb Conexão Cipó

Erschliesser: 2013

Sport 7 Serra do Cipó
VI Tesouro Escondido Sport Serra do Cipó
VIIc Surubinha

Erstbegehung: 2020

Sport 8 Serra do Cipó
VIIb Pai Coruja
1 VIIa
2 VIIb

Rapel ocom corda de 60m

Erschliesser: 2013

Sport 35m, 2, 17 Serra do Cipó
VIIIa Entre as pernas da perseguida

Erschliesser: 2011

Sport 14 Serra do Cipó
4° IVsup Peter Pan Gemischt trad 200m, 6, 28 Ana Chata

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