
Routen in Black Feather Canyon

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Zeigt alle 58 Routen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Beliebtheit
Rainbow Wall
5.14b Forever Dolphin Love

The open project steepest route out of the Wave on the right side . Ground breakingly ard

Erschliesser: Nico Watson, 2017

SportProjekt 28m
Punk Wall
5.13b Free Hookup

Great boulder problem start to interesting corner climbing to top. This is the powerful looking line to the left of Carnal Prayer Mat or Open Projext number 12 in the Bow Valley sport.

Erstbegehung: Evan Hau, 2013

Punk Wall
5.13a/b Out To Lunch

Left of V-man.

Erstbegehung: Mason tessier

Sport 20m
Punk Wall
5.12d Tonto and the Lone Ranger Fist Fight in Heaven

A tough low percentage throw right off the ground leads to easier but still tricky climbing into a v shaped notch. Navigate around some bird crap to reach the base of the roof. Take a couple of deep breaths before powering through a hard to read roof sequence.

Erstbegehung: Peter Arbic, 2003

5.12d Vitruvian Man

Left of Free Hook up. Start this excellent climb with a very reachy boulder out of the roof (where the route gets its name from) and fire hard up the V notch. From here long moves on all kinds of grips has a cool roof encounter then a decent rest. Change gears and get your tech on very high quality rock up the dark corner to anchors up high. Will be a classic over time!

Erstbegehung: Francois Bergeron, Jul 2018

Sport 27m, 12
Rainbow Wall
5.12d Qui Vivra Verra

The extension above “La Nouille Technique” has a very powerful boulder problem straight off the anchor. Sustained technical climbing with long pulls escalate up the bullet, black head wall to an anchor high on the wall. Qui Vivra Verra means “He/she who lives, shall see.” This phrase is used when an outcome is unpredictable or uncertain.

Erschliesser: Jimmy Blackhall, Feb 2018

Erstbegehung: Jimmy Blackhall, Okt 2018

Sport 33m, 17
Rainbow Wall
5.12c Minniewanker

Scramble up the right trending ramp to reach the base and then tackle a beautiful orange streak out the middle of the wall. long draws help on the first two bolts.

Erschliesser: Ross Suchy & Simon Meis, 2006

Sport 26m, 8
Mind Games Wall
5.12b Kick Me Down

Start slightly chossy rock leads to difficult climbing up the overhanging arête above.

Sport 15m, 6
5.12b Buddy's Route

This cool looking line forges up the overhanging blue streak to bona fide tufas in the break. A thin and technical Crux leads through an otherwise blank looking section of rock.

Sport 14m
Punk Wall
5.12b Carnal Prayer Mat

Launch into a series of small overlaps. Tough for the grade but an absolute classic.

Erstbegehung: Peter Arbic, 2003

Sport 30m, 12
Mind Games Wall
5.12a No Brainer

Erstbegehung: Ian Perry, 2020

Sport 20m
Punk Wall
5.12a Vanilla Guerrilla

Climb through a scoop and onto a vertical face. Trend left to anchors under the big Roof.

Erstbegehung: Todd Guyn, 2008

Sport 20m, 11
Mind Games Wall
5.11d Brain Dead

Awesome climb! Gradually becomes more overhung leading into a narrow slot. Definitely has a nice variety of technical and physical challenges. ENJOY!

Erschliesser: Kelly Macleod, 2001

Sport 18m, 10
Die Unterstützung von theCrag ist nicht nur gut für dein Karma
Außerdem erhalten Sie damit Zugang zu großartigen Vorteilen auf theCrag und darüber hinaus.
5.11d Mind Bender

Tackles the centre of the brain like patch of rock. Follow a blue streak up a small arête to anchors in the right facing corner.

Erstbegehung: Kelly MacLeod

Sport 17m, 9
Punk Wall
5.11d Free Prayer Mat

Start on the Bv’s best 12B, Carnal Prayer Mat doing the smooth stout start. At the 6th bolt ((use a bloody long sling) also the no hands rest of CPM)) traverse out left until in the No-Hands rest of Free Hook Up (also use a very long sling). Finish up in the funky technica corner of FHU. Combines the two easier sections of both routes for a technical joy ride.

Erstbegehung: Jimmy Blackhall, 2018

Sport 27m
Rainbow Wall
5.11d Power Of Dreams

Dream bigger and fire over the Roof to a boulder problem, above the anchor of Delicate Sound Of Thunder (Use long-slings around roofs and back clean DSOT’s anchor). From here, embark on a journey of tech/power climbing of varieties to the top of Rainbow Wall. A 70m rope just makes it to the ground from the top.

Erstbegehung: Jimmy Blackhall, Jun 2018

Unbekannt 38m, 2, 17
5.11d Dude

The extension to Sweet.

Erschliesser: Kelly MacLeod

SportProjekt 35m, 2
Rainbow Wall
5.11 Left of DSOT

The extension of Project b. Still needs cleaning

Erschliesser: Kelly MacLeod, 2017

SportProjekt 37m, 2
Mind Games Wall
5.11c Mind Dead

(under review) edit Start on Mind Dead. Climb the great start to the 4th bolt (the no hands rest which leads Right) and climb the better section of Brain Dead. Excellent link up with no rope drag as the routes are very close to one another.

5.11c Mind Games

Same difficulty as the two 11d neighbours. A powerful crimpy start, leads to fun technical climbing. A burly finish is required to clip the chains!

Sport 15m, 7
5.11c Edge Grinder

A cool Bouldery start gets you to a nohands rest. Crank the beauty roof on sensational holds! Great quality and a must do of the crag.

Sport 20m
Rainbow Wall
5.11c Project B

Left of “Delicate Sound Of Thunder” begins this adventurous route, starting on solid slab.

Erschliesser: Kelly MacLeod

SportProjekt 24m
5.11c Sweet

The far left route starting on slab. Looks dirty and not sure how much has been cleaned....but has been redpointed...

Erstbegehung: Kelly MacLeod

Sport 25m
Mind Games Wall
5.11b Snake Bite

A powerful finish on big underclings!

5.11b Tree Grinder

Link up. Start on Tree Enema climb the crux over the bulge. Once above put a long sling on and traverse right into the roof of Edge Grinder and up to finish on its Anchor. A short lived 11b crux into half of another 11b/c crux with shakes, makes a solid 11b ! Enjoyable

Erstbegehung: Jimmy Blackhall, Jul 2018

Sport 20m
5.11b Tree Enema

Head for a great corner and then step left on a short crux over the roof.

This routes name is kinda ridiculous now as the tree in danger no longer exists.

5.11b Frappuccino

A slippery start (the crux) gains some cool holds. Another delicate 5.11 move gains a ledge and a easy but fun finish. Old guide book says 11C but there is no way this 11C even on a bad day.

Sport 18m, 7
Punk Wall
5.11b Never Mind the Bollocks

Balancey moves and crimps lead to the crux over the bulge.

Sport 25m
Rainbow Wall
5.11b La Nouille Technique

Start below the left-trending corner, under the roof which also happens to be the crux. An intricate, background in technical climbing will be your best ally above. Equipped with perma-draws for Rainbow Walls Warmup.

Erschliesser: Jimmy Blackhall, Jan 2018

Erstbegehung: Jimmy Blackhall, Sep 2018

Sport 18m, 8
Mind Games Wall
5.11a Mochaccino
Punk Wall
5.11a Minor Threat

Start on Sister Ray but negotiate right. A very fun corner awaits

Sport 30m
Yankee Wall
5.11a American Pie
Mind Games Wall
5.10d Ride 'em Cowboy
5.10d The Dagger's Edge
Punk Wall
5.10d London Burning

Work your way up a right facing corner to a small tricky bulge on excellent rock. Continue up to anchors just right of a right facing corner.

Sport 19m, 8
Rainbow Wall
5.10d Delicate Sound of Thunder

Starts under a small roof, trending up a left facing corner. Balancey, face-climbing ends at a larger roof. Bring the thunder, and storm above, keeping calm to clip the anchor under the next sizeable roof.

Erschliesser: Jimmy Blackhall, Dez 2017

Erstbegehung: Jimmy Blackhall, Mai 2018

Sport 18m, 7
Punk Wall
5.10c Sister Ray

Great climbing on edges and sidepulls lead to steepish climbing on an overhanging arête. Mega Classic and a must do. Now equipped with a perma draw anchor.

Erstbegehung: John Martin

Sport 28m, 11
5.10c Holiday in Cambodia Direct start

Direct start to Holiday In Cambodia. Flood washed away 2m's so it has a high first bolt now. Adds a grade with a harder start

5.10c Anarchy in the UK
Sport 19m, 11
5.10c A Simple Plan
Sport 14m, 4
5.10c Ripchord
Yankee Wall
5.10c Yankee at Large
5.10c Build a Wall
Right Side of the Brain
5.10b Tip Top Toe
Punk Wall
5.10b Holiday in Cambodia

This fun route has fantastic holds, great movement and outstanding stone. To start, traverse in from the ledge up on the ledge. Back clip the first bolt.

Erstbegehung: Chris Miller

Erschliesser: Chris Miller, 2004

Sport 22m, 9
5.10b X-Ray Spex

Start ontop of the small dirt hill. Fun sidepull climbing to a neat little crux around the last bolt

Sport 14m, 4
Yankee Wall
5.10b Macaroni Pony
5.10b Bottle Depot
Sport 7m, 3
Mind Games Wall
5.10a Featherweight
5.10a Forbidden Terrace
5.10a Ormac
Yankee Wall
5.10a Going South
5.10a Put a cork in it
Sport 12m
5.10a Corkscrew
Sport 9m
Punk Wall
5.9 Le Ritz
5.9 Canyon Filler
Sport 20m, 8
Yankee Wall
5.8 Utah Boys Go Wild
Right Side of the Brain
5.7 Chutes and Ladders

Zeigt alle 58 Routen.

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