
Begehungen in Oceania als verschiedene Ticktypen als Sport von Doug

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Zeige 1 - 100 von 686 Begehungen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Gebiet Qualität Datum
27 Containment Line (Containment Law) Sport 25m Blue Mountains Klassiker So 7. Mär 2004
Scary at first. Most draws are hard to put on.

25 26 Fumble Factor Sport 18m Blue Mountains Di 13. Apr 2010
25 26 Sail Away Sport 25m, 9 Blue Mountains Mega-Klassiker So 3. Apr 2005
Old-skool Giles fingerlock is key. Probably 26. FREAKIN MEGA-CLASSIC. 3rd go in a day after years of trying on & off.

26 Trix Roughly Sport 12m, 5 Blue Mountains Di 13. Apr 2010
26 Bryzance Sport 15m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Mi 14. Jan 2004
very soft. unusual for the mountains. necky 2nd clip. finishes above the chains.

25 A Bird in the Bush Sport 12m Blue Mountains Gut Di 13. Apr 2010
25 Kathy K Sport 16m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Di 13. Apr 2010

25 Critters (Criters) Sport 20m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Di 13. Apr 2010
25 Hum Sport 25m Blue Mountains Gut Di 13. Apr 2010

25 Ashes to Ashes Sport 18m, 7 Blue Mountains Klassiker Di 13. Apr 2010
25 Orange Slice Sport 15m Blue Mountains Di 13. Apr 2010
25 Quickie Quim Fill (Quickie Quimsil) Sport 12m Mount Alexandra Sehr gut Di 13. Apr 2010
probably 24

25 Atoms in Action Sport 12m, 5 Blue Mountains Gut Di 13. Apr 2010
24 25 Quickie Quim Fill Sport 12m Mount Alexandra Sehr gut So 9. Apr 2017
17 year anniversary repeat. Stunning 3-d climbing, to thank $deity lock, mono-lock and glory knob. If only it was longer. So 23 downgrade was a sandbag but no more than FA 24 (even with the extra polish).

24 25 Damned if I Do Sport 18m, 9 Blue Mountains Sehr gut Mo 3. Aug 2015
Great climbing spoilt a touch by bottom rock. Steep thugging with awesome techo face.

25 Very Nice Cake (Very Nice Piece Of Cake) Sport 10m, 7 Nowra Klassiker Sa 11. Sep 2004
Almost fell off whole way up. Nasty start to beautiful climbing. Running beta commentary.

24 25 The Life of Riley Sport 35m Blue Mountains Klassiker Mi 16. Jul 2003
25 Dr Stein Sport 18m, 10 Blue Mountains Di 13. Apr 2010
23 25 Imogenation Sport 22m, 11 The Cathedral Sehr gut Sa 19. Mär 2016
23 maybe 24. Great find. Barely there. Slabs & offwidths, the Hawaiin surf measurement of climbing. Obviously condition dependent. No sign of enhancement.

25 Grape Hour Sport 22m, 8 Blue Mountains Di 13. Apr 2010
25 97% Fat-Free Sport 20m Blue Mountains Mega-Klassiker Di 13. Apr 2010
25 Golden Shower Sport 12m, 5 Joll's Bridge Gut So 21. Nov 2004
Nice moves. chipped. 3 stars? The authors need to get out more.

25 The Blonde Gift Sport 20m Blue Mountains Di 13. Apr 2010
25 Burning Bridges Sport 25m Blue Mountains Sehr gut So 10. Aug 2003
25 The Bolt and the Beautiful Sport 25m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Sa 15. Mai 2004
Last of the trio. Secret dropknee toelock.

25 Sparkle Motion Sport 20m, 9 Blue Mountains Sehr gut Mi 17. Mär 2004
Pretty fly for a slab.

25 Bozon Sport 12m Hillwood (private land) Klassiker Sa 12. Feb 2005
insecure 2nd clip. Onsighted the rest of it. Beautiful slopers. OS crux at 4th bolt. Misleading at 5th. A brush helps with the chalk down low.

25 Rubber Lover Sport 20m, 5 Blue Mountains Klassiker So 5. Okt 2003
25 Loop the Loop Sport 25m Blue Mountains Di 13. Apr 2010
25 Horrace Herod (Horrace Herrod) Sport 12m Blue Mountains Gut So 11. Jan 2004
Nice series of pockets, mono and lockoffs.

25 Dance Like a Mother Sport 30m Blue Mountains Gut Sa 15. Mai 2004
long ramble to cool 2 finger gaston

25 Padington (Pad'ngton) Sport 12m Blue Mountains Gut Mi 1. Okt 2003
frozen wet squidge

25 Madge McDonald Sport 12m, 7 Blue Mountains Di 13. Apr 2010
25 A Bird in the Bush Sport 12m Blue Mountains Gut So 10. Mai 2020
Really nice, every move counts. 18 years between visits. 3 laps.

25 Orange Slice Sport 15m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Mo 8. Jun 2020
Quite nice with a bit of a heart breaker OS finish. Pretty cruisy for the grade. Bag nicked, 'cause I'm an idiot.

24 25 Quickie Quim Fill Sport 12m Mount Alexandra Gut Sa 12. Dez 2020
Still 24, still a pumper. Wide variety of moves, and the route crux to the knob is a bit thrutchy like I did remember. Still wonderfully insecure and the fingerlock is pretty spesh.

25 Simon's Route Sport 15m, 3 Blue Mountains Durchschnitt Mi 22. Sep 2021
Unfortunately you end up in the pod. Only shares one hold at the top and the climbing is good and sustained. The crux is hard and the last bolt is weirdly placed, I'm guessing to keep it away from the crack.

24 M0
24 24 M0 Wank Wank Spurt Sport 15m Blue Mountains Durchschnitt Di 13. Apr 2010
and then its soft

24 Fox Force Five Sport 15m Blue Mountains Gut Di 13. Apr 2010

24 Monica's Gate Sport 12m Blue Mountains Gut Di 13. Apr 2010
24 Transmission Sport 20m, 9 Blue Mountains Di 13. Apr 2010
24 Cabbage Power Sport 15m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Di 13. Apr 2010
24 These Apples Must Be Jen's Sport 20m, 7 Blue Mountains Sehr gut Di 13. Apr 2010
soft but tech

24 Flaming Flamingo Sport 25m Blue Mountains Di 13. Apr 2010
24 Displaced Persons Sport 33m Blue Mountains Di 13. Apr 2010
24 Rooky of the Year Sport 15m Blue Mountains Durchschnitt Mi 3. Sep 2003
24 Pallets of Pies Sport 12m, 4 Blue Mountains Di 13. Apr 2010
24 La La Land Sport 20m, 8 Blue Mountains Di 13. Apr 2010
24 The Tube Sport 12m Blue Mountains Gut Di 13. Apr 2010
24 Vertical Dementia Sport 18m Blue Mountains Di 13. Apr 2010
24 Shore Break Sport 15m Blue Mountains Gut Di 13. Apr 2010
24 Junket Pumper Sport 15m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Di 13. Apr 2010
24 Mogambo Sport 16m Blue Mountains Gut Sa 24. Jan 2004

24 The Big Lebowski Sport 15m Blue Mountains Di 13. Apr 2010
24 Reaganomics Sport 13m Blue Mountains Gut Di 13. Apr 2010
23 24 Mompox Sport 12m, 5 Vaucluse Sehr gut Di 13. Apr 2010
24 Black Heathen Sport 25m Blue Mountains Di 13. Apr 2010
22 24 A Most Profligate Sinner Sport 18m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Sa 8. Nov 2014
Fantastic vision and bolting by Mitch. Benchmark 17.

23 24 Work Injury Sport 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Sehr gut Mo 25. Apr 2016
Awesome small hold climbing. Easier to skip the last bolt. Soft for 24.

22 24 Sweet Charlotte Sport 15m, 6 Alfords Point Gut So 3. Jul 2016
24 if you skip all the good holds.

24 ~23 Work Injury — 3 Versuche Sport 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Sehr gut Fr 13. Jan 2023
It was always soft for 24. Pretty engaging bottom, burly getting off the ramp to the first crimp like I remembered, and then a ladder to the top with so many fantastically positive holds. Way better than I remembered. Some wonderful, how am I still on burns.

24 Jaqueline Hyde Sport 15m, 6 Blue Mountains Gut So 23. Mai 2004
the flake is bomber!

24 Jug Addiction Sport 15m Blue Mountains Gut Di 13. Apr 2010
I need a jug man

24 Meat Mallet Sport 25m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Di 13. Apr 2010
24 Hung on a Tree Sport 13m, 5 Hillwood (private land) Klassiker So 13. Feb 2005
24 Surprise Package Sport 17m, 8 Blue Mountains Di 13. Apr 2010
24 Good Big Dog Sport 22m Blue Mountains Klassiker Di 13. Apr 2010
24 Rat$ Sport 20m Blue Mountains Gut Di 13. Apr 2010
24 The Saint Andrews Cross Sport 16m Blue Mountains Di 13. Apr 2010
24 Hoderlump Sport 23m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Sa 27. Sep 2003
couple of cruxes

24 Hillbilly Sport 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Gut Sa 27. Sep 2003

24 Ah, Miss Monneypenny Sport 10m Blue Mountains Sehr gut So 30. Sep 2007
Great moves. Funky, powerful. 23.

24 Iona Sport 12m Blue Mountains Durchschnitt Mi 17. Dez 2003
24 Sydney Rose Sport 12m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Di 13. Apr 2010
24 Form One Lane Sport 22m Blue Mountains Gut So 3. Aug 2003

24 Holy Leaping Shortarses, Batman Sport 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Sehr gut Sa 21. Feb 2004
24 Bundy Sport 14m, 5 Bourbon Wall Sehr gut Sa 7. Mai 2016
Self-saucing sandbag, thought I was on Woodstock. Verging on classic. More amazing stone. Quite a while on this trying to used the ticked footer out right under the bulge. Weirdish tension move over the bulge using the only slightly dirty high side-pull. Pumparama finish. Probably don't need to hands on top, no jugs and some dirt. Crag definitely favours the tall.

24 Jim Beam Sport 12m, 5 Bourbon Wall Gut Sa 7. Mai 2016
Great top half. Tall people can stem rather than punch for the knob jug. Saviour hold under the roof or was that KS?

24 Mr McGuirkesqirter Sport 15m Blue Mountains Sehr gut So 10. Mär 2019
Onsighted again 15 years is sufficient gap to claim Alzheimers. Better than I remembered with lots of nice moves, good rock and a shortish crux. Bit soggy but I'll take it.

Bit tricky to read but flows nicely. Left hand to the jug slot and crossing seemed to work better than tall person right hand throws.

24 Red Demon Sport 14m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Mi 21. Jan 2004
verging on classic

24 Flatulence (Flatulance) Sport 15m Blue Mountains Di 13. Apr 2010
24 Ritalin Sport 30m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Sa 7. Jan 2017
Wow! This is way more stunning than I remembered. Direct over the 3rd bolt is still the way to go and a good warm-up for the real mantle. Important right hand slot higher up.

24 Rain Maker Sport 18m, 6 Blue Mountains Sehr gut So 24. Apr 2005
Burly. Go to top. Last climb before broken hands

24 Ratcat Sport 14m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Di 13. Apr 2010
24 Funky Monkey Sport 14m, 8 Blue Mountains Sehr gut Mi 21. Jan 2004
not the best warmup

24 Escape Velocity Sport 20m Blue Mountains Gut So 14. Mär 2004
cruxy. Not quite as good as I remembered.

24 Pale Yellow Underwear Sport 10m, 5 Nowra Sehr gut Sa 11. Sep 2004
Not a warmup.

24 Stolen Property Sport 10m, 4 Nowra Gut Sa 11. Sep 2004
boulder, to slab, to desperate slap, to tough finish.

24 Libby the Lick Sport 15m Blue Mountains Gut So 2. Mai 2004
Deja flash. Finally. Dyno and bit pumpy to finish

24 The Deal with Space Sport 15m Blue Mountains Sehr gut So 11. Apr 2004
Aka. The Easter Bunny. Bolts & vision C/- Mitch

24 Strawberry Blonde Sport 18m, 9 Blue Mountains Gut Fr 9. Apr 2004
Bit scary 1st time going around the bulge, but yes there is eventually a bolt.

24 Language of Desire Sport 28m Blue Mountains Klassiker 2004
hard to read crux. Not as good as streaker

24 The Apricot Slot Sport 14m, 9 Blue Mountains Gut Mo 4. Jan 2016
Fell off due to Jason's fear of pockets and smacking my elbow into the wall instead of a casual sidepull. Great link into Plumtastic. Good easy climbing with one goey move off the slope to the ledge. Punching to the slope out right near the Plumtastic bolt might make this an easier and better (soft?) 23.

23 24 Cortisone Sport 15m, 7 Lucas Heights Gut So 22. Mai 2016
Slip low down first go. Not quite as awesome as it looks but clean and dry! A few fun first crux moves (start right rather than direct over bolt) into some trad leg and potentially scrotum slicing sitdown action, a couple of quick slaps and then cool (mostly solid) jugs. Pumpy little number.

24 Hip and Hunky Rhythm Sport 8m, 4 The Wastelands Sehr gut Di 1. Jun 1999
Gotta feel the rhythm.

24 ~23 Survival Day Sport 20m, 10 Blue Mountains Sehr gut So 8. Jan 2023
Interesting climbing and cool crux. Lots of intermediates and a kneebar mean you'd have to be pretty short to not reach.

24 Cirrus Maximus Sport 30m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Sa 6. Jun 2020
Consumer setup. 15 years between visits. Not so much a mantle as a memorable cool hard pull. Very nice climbing for the rest of it. 1 weird bolt, maybe take a cam or skip it and worry about the ledge. Airy finish.

22 24 Wallyard Grave Sport 16m, 7 Mount Keira Sehr gut Di 12. Jan 2021
AFter 20 years finally had a proper go. Awesome nails climbing with monster footwork. Assuming the hole(s) of WA (at 3rd bolt) is in, otherwise even more nails. Most likely this does not avoid major face crack on top (19). Note: 2 rusty bolts and then gear or death.

24 Doigte le trou Sport 10m, 4 Blue Mountains Sehr gut Sa 16. Jan 2021
Trou amélioré. Trois à deux. Not sure about trying to force the direct start. Quite the technical and pumpy top half. Very well bolted.

24 Nothing Sport 30m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Fr 20. Aug 2021
Old-skool (cough) 23. Would've been a giggle on the carrots. I wonder if it's worn away/got harder or we've got softer or need to find all the sequences. Diagonally past 1st bolt just seems wrong. Went up and traversed hard right which was cool. Cross-through, right foot, sustain, heartbreaker crux.


Zeige 1 - 100 von 686 Begehungen.

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