
Begehungen in World als Red point oder Ground up red point als Sport von Heidixe

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Zeige 1 - 100 von 279 Begehungen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Gebiet Qualität Datum
7c+ RIP Badem — 2 Versuche - mit Wojjy Sport 15m, 6 Datça Klassiker So 12. Feb 2023
Can't believe I sent this. First 7c+ (??). It has been so much fun to work out all the beta. Lukey taught me to use a knot on the sling to put in a pocket and that helped me direct the extended crux draw so I can reach it to clip!! I also changed the beta to crimping the outside of the pocket. I'm glad!! I feel like I have done something 😎

27 Navel Aviator - mit Wojjy Sport 20m Blue Mountains Klassiker Di 29. Mär 2022
Wow.... this route definitely taught me to not give up on beta finding and to believe and persevere!! That first big move at third bolt almost shut me down completely but found a way through. That middle bit I almost whined about being short but ended up getting the undercling as a deadpoint pinch. Then at the crux I changed my beta on the send go (this seems to be a thing for me?!). I am so glad that the crux bolt is there Pretty psyched first 27

7c Massive Attack - mit Wojjy Sport 18m Kalymnos Mega-Klassiker Mi 5. Okt 2022
Pretty happy to get it done. Almost couldn't get feet up for the left drop knee at the crux so cool!! definitely my style..

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7c Vertigo - mit Wojjy Sport 20m Kalymnos Mega-Klassiker Sa 12. Nov 2022
Such fun moves! The start is powerful with big dynamic moves and a knee scum off the tufas. The top is thin and technical. Working out the foot beta is essential for me. The placement of the 3rd bolt was not ideal so pre-clipping it made the route a lot more fun, and safer especially as this is at my limit

7c Don't Mess with Tufas - mit Wojjy Sport 16m Kalymnos Mega-Klassiker So 20. Nov 2022
Yayy! Felt super calm and peaceful on the send go there was a ittle scream on that very last move. It was so nice!!

7c Pompei — 2 Versuche - mit Wojjy, Stef Sport 22m, 10 Geyikbayırı Mega-Klassiker Mo 20. Feb 2023
Really really didn't think I've got it in me to do this route. Somehow it happened! Lot of power screaming involved ❤️😱

7c Arsenik — 2 Versuche - mit Wojjy Sport 18m, 7 Geyikbayırı Sehr gut Mi 1. Mär 2023
Figured out what to do to be efficient. It felt good!!

26 These Terrors be but Arguments for Children - mit Wojjy Sport 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Klassiker Di 10. Nov 2020
Soooo happy!! First 26 😊😊 I was surprise to be able to have a good rest before the crux and then did the crux! Almost dropped the last big move but somehow I could downclimb a little and shake out quickly before going again.

26 Crumple Zone Sport 8m, 6 Blue Mountains Klassiker So 29. Nov 2020
Yay! Glad I didn't give up! Had to do a little jump for the last move and it's totally worth it.

26 Spicy Cheese - mit Wojjy, Ola Sport 25m, 8 Nowra Klassiker Sa 17. Jul 2021
Super happy to tick this one I was a little scared but ended up making it with a few draws extended. Looked back over my shoulder on the middle rest and didn't realised that 6 people were watching me, freaked me out a little 😂😂. So... Beta for reachy top crimpy crux was as usual, it involves a high left heel next to my face then use some small low left crimp to get to better right gaston. That last move with slimely left scoop moving to the tippy top jug was so cool. It felt exhilarating to grap it and clip the anchor.

26 Slurry Whipping - mit Wojjy, Wojjy, Simmon, Rueben Sport 10m Nowra Sa 24. Jul 2021
Surprised myself when I got through the first boulder problem first trying the moves today. Didn't really know where to rest although friends are telling me to turn round and stand on the ledge 😂. Anyhow found a left knee bar before the last hard moves and somehow got it done 😂 haha what a day.

26 Mega Death Sport 10m Nowra Mega-Klassiker Di 17. Aug 2021
Really cool... For me the climb is all in my right heel hooks. Went feet first going to the last bolt. 😂😂 It's really fun.

26 Nappies Patrique? - mit Wojjy Sport 10m Blue Mountains Sehr gut So 3. Okt 2021
I enjoyed this one, a campus start to a thin crimpy sequence. Then a cruxy sequence to the balance-y top move. I had a lot of trouble convincing myself to go for the move.

26 Amp Hour - mit Wojjy Sport 10m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Mo 13. Dez 2021
So happy to tick this before leaving the mountains for Xmas trip 😁😁 powerful start to a lay down rest, and then an exposed arete. Super cool!

26 Puddles - mit Wojjy, Evan P Sport 17m Blue Mountains Sehr gut So 30. Jan 2022
Cool. Didn't think I've got it in me because I struggled so much at the bottom, but it happened 😂

26 Three Hour Commute Direct - mit Wojjy Sport 17m Blue Mountains Klassiker Fr 25. Feb 2022
So suprised to get this today. I ended up completely changing the beta for the crux on my send go 😂 it's on a super misty day too. How weird. Such a cool climb!!! yay

26 Slay Ride - mit Wojjy, Tarli Sport 20m Blue Mountains Klassiker Do 14. Jul 2022
Didn't think I have psych to rope climb here anymore but this route made me happy What fun sequences!

7b+ Koukouvagia - mit Wojjy, Tony Sport 12m Kalymnos Klassiker Do 29. Sep 2022
I guess I like roof climbing learning how to knee bar hahaha

7b+ K Tsi K - mit Wojjy Sport 28m Kalymnos Mega-Klassiker Mi 2. Nov 2022
Amazing! Probably the best climb I've done here! Super cool, powerful sequences to technical wall thought I'll be too pumped for the link but it ended up OK. Felt super flowy!

7b+ Star Wars - mit Wojjy Sport 18m Kalymnos Klassiker Di 8. Nov 2022
Really cool! Knee bars helped Way more solid than it looks

7b+ The Wild Austrian - mit Wojjy Sport 20m Kalymnos Klassiker Fr 25. Nov 2022
Wow didn't think I'll do it this go but i stuck the crux and so... had to push on while not really knowing what I'm doing for the top half Who knows if I'll have enough core for another burn .... Very cool moves

7b+ Küllüin — 2 Versuche - mit Wojjy, Genevive w, Scot Sport 17m Geyikbayırı Klassiker Sa 31. Dez 2022
Sooo good!! Felt good to end the year with a flight haha so pumped!

7b+ Yuri Baba — 2 Versuche - mit Wojjy, Genevive w, Scot Sport 23m, 9 Geyikbayırı Klassiker Mo 2. Jan 2023
Felt pretty calm on the send 😊 such a lovely route

7b+ Tarzan — 4 Versuche - mit Wojjy Sport 18m, 7 Geyikbayırı Fr 6. Jan 2023
Such awesome and cryptic sequence! Thumb was cramping in some weird way 😱 Super glad to have committed for the top

7b+ B&V — 2 Versuche - mit Wojjy Sport 17m Ogliastra Mega-Klassiker Do 27. Apr 2023
Well finally got that slopey bump of the right hand right to go for the extremely wide move out left had to scream louder then the screaming kids in that cave!

7b+ Il cinghiale — 3 Versuche - mit Wojjy Sport 20m Ogliastra Mega-Klassiker Mo 15. Mai 2023
Amazing varied climbing! Definitely didn't think i had it in me. Glad that i didn't clean it because of the "rain" hahaha

25 Manic Depressive - mit Wojjy, Teagz Sport 20m, 7 Bundaleer Area Klassiker So 5. Mai 2019
What an amazing looking route. I started the climb without jumping by pulling on the right hand side-pull crimp, left sloper, a high left foot, and then a punchy left hand move to the jug. I'll take it as a 25. So surprised to get it. Maybe my endurance is not as bad as i thought. Fingers were frozen in the mid climb and I got really scared at the top, so happy and proud to have pushed on

25 Butts Of Beef - mit Wojjy Sport 10m Nowra Mega-Klassiker Do 27. Aug 2020
So happy to tick this. Every th ing went perfectly, from the very first move. Wow what a good feeling! Punchy moves!

25 Padington - mit Wojjy Sport 12m Blue Mountains Klassiker Di 22. Sep 2020
Suprised myself doing this one. Very happy!

25 Rubber Lover - mit Wojjy Sport 20m, 5 Blue Mountains Klassiker Do 8. Okt 2020
Big holds slowly disappearing to the end. Pumpy juggy climbing to crimpy techny moves at the top. The trick for me is pushing with my right foot through the crux. Surprised myself to finish this as a day project.

25 Horrace Herod - mit Wojjy Sport 12m Blue Mountains Klassiker Do 19. Nov 2020
Can't believe I actually work out and linked all these technical smeary moves! This is so cool I don't get the chance of climbing a corner smeary route much. I'm going to say this is classic especially you are a bit smaller and have to work very hard in the corner. Yay!

25 Going The Tonk With Zena - mit Wojjy, Erica Sport 20m Nowra Klassiker Mi 28. Jul 2021
So much struggle and power screaming through the bow tie apparently i did some weird cut loose move with foot swinging behind on the crux (i personally blocked that out)??! Anyhow, as usually, short person beta is a right heel hook same level with the hands to reach the bowtie hold with right hand, then bump to right gas-ton It was a surprise send for sure...haha

25 Games Burger - mit Wojjy, Erica, joe horan Sport 11m Nowra Klassiker So 8. Aug 2021
Got through the crux and kept the cool 😂it's so pumpy for me. I was so nervous for the last move but so so happy to be able to stick such a dynamic deadpoint when I was super pumped 💪 yayyyy yayyy

25 Thank You, Come Again - mit Wojjy, Ola Sport 8m Nowra Mi 18. Aug 2021
Pretty cool boulder problem. Nope i can't reach the big right pocket or the left crimp with foot on the ledge 😂 It felt almost impossible until I found some beta to cut and get left foot high up for a dead point to the left crimp, then a move to the right pocket. Yay!! I like bouldering on rope 😉😍

25 Dirty 30 - mit Wojjy Sport 15m Blue Mountains Klassiker Di 9. Nov 2021
Yayyy so much fun! Loved the roof start! I had to convince myself at the sit down rest that i can do the burly moves after

25 Darkwing Duck - mit Wojjy Sport 15m, 5 Blue Mountains So 1. Nov 2020
Did this one sometime last year... cool bouldery sequence

25 Stolen Inspiration! - mit Wojjy, Pav, Chiara Sport 15m Blue Mountains Klassiker Sa 11. Dez 2021
That was quite a fight, power screaming through the middle crux ~ The sequence is super cool

25 Ernest in Africa - mit Wojjy, Zalika VR, Evan P Sport 12m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Fr 14. Jan 2022
Love roof aretes. I stayed on the arete, went to the right hand pinch and got a left toe jam in the small crack for the crux. Exciting move, thinking the jam will come out but luckily it only did after I got the next hold

25 Vespasian's Wall (Pitch 1 only) - mit Wojjy, Evan P, Constantine Dritsas Sport 25m Blue Mountains Mega-Klassiker Di 25. Jan 2022
Amazing climbing! Surprised myself sticking it through on my second shot

25 Binary Neil - mit Wojjy Sport 25m, 10 Blue Mountains Mega-Klassiker Di 25. Jan 2022
Amazing climbing! I am so happy to got through the first crux (right mono scoop is key). Definitely needed to power scream at the second crux too, to get to that tiny right crimp ...haha first time doing two 25s in a day, feeling pretty lucky!

25 M0 25 M0 Hip Shake Jerk - mit Wojjy, Evan P Sport 15m, 5 Blue Mountains Gut Di 1. Feb 2022
25 Swinging In The Rain - mit Wojjy Sport 20m, 13 Blue Mountains Sehr gut Mo 28. Feb 2022
Very cool little sequence at the lip. Climbing in the cloud

25 Apraxia - mit Wojjy Sport 14m, 5 Blue Mountains Mega-Klassiker So 20. Mär 2022
Finally!! I'd say this is probably the hardest climb for me that I've done in my life that first crux, and then the last move... I can really see my progression through trying this climb sparingly in the past year.

7b Sleeping Beauty - mit Wojjy, Zalika VR, Tony Sport 35m Kalymnos Mega-Klassiker Mo 26. Sep 2022
What a lovely climb!! I didn't think I would do it but.... somehow the second time on a climb is easier First 7b on the island

7b+ 7b 0.07 Seconds - mit Wojjy, Tony, Fernado Sport 20m Kalymnos Klassiker Sa 1. Okt 2022
I guess it'd be easy if you can go jug to jug at the start. I did a dyno off the left sloper and the shitty right undercling It was so much fun to stick it! Maybe dyno is fun???

7b Sascha on the Road - mit Wojjy Sport 20m Kalymnos Mega-Klassiker Mo 3. Okt 2022
So good!! Love the style of this climb. There is no boring bits at all. I kept imagining how hard it is going to be to link it but it ended up ok

7b Tip Top - mit Wojjy Sport 15m Kalymnos Mega-Klassiker Fr 14. Okt 2022
So good! so happy to have committed to work on this one and committed at the top Very fun sequences!

7b The Young Gods - mit Wojjy Sport 25m Kalymnos Klassiker Do 20. Okt 2022
Awesome technical climbing!

7b Ahtapot — 2 Versuche - mit Wojjy Sport 14m, 7 Datça Sehr gut Do 2. Feb 2023
Felt nice it was a way warmer day i could actually feel my hands!

7b Müren — 2 Versuche - mit Wojjy Sport 17m, 9 Geyikbayırı Mega-Klassiker Mi 1. Mär 2023
Was so tired after putting the draws on i was almost falling asleep. Then somehow there's a suddenly surge of energy on the second go... Or maybe it's because I was a bit too tired to feel scared? Wow that felt so good!! Maybe the most fun route I've done in this trip! Two project on same day yay!!

7b Delitto di paese — 2 Versuche - mit Wojjy, Chiara Messina Sport 12m Ogliastra Mega-Klassiker Do 30. Mär 2023
Loved that bouldering problem! So cool!

7b Michè — 3 Versuche - mit Wojjy Sport 12m Ogliastra Sehr gut So 9. Apr 2023
Pretty fun powerful sequences. Almost didn't catch that pocket, again!!

7b Leggenda di natale — 3 Versuche - mit Wojjy Sport 15m Ogliastra Klassiker Sa 8. Apr 2023
Really enjoyed working out the best way to get through the tufa and then the high foot rock over.

7b Senatori a vita — 2 Versuche - mit Wojjy Sport 25m Ogliastra Klassiker Sa 8. Apr 2023
Well... definitely didn't think i'll do that 2nd go. What cool sequences! Really enjoyed working the moves out.

7b Inverno — 2 Versuche - mit Wojjy Sport 12m Ogliastra Klassiker Do 20. Apr 2023
Pretty fun!

7b Princesa — 2 Versuche - mit Wojjy Sport 15m Ogliastra Klassiker Do 20. Apr 2023
Didn't think i could link that crux bit... such a big move! Excited to stick it

5.12b 安息 Over my dead body - mit Wojjy Sport 21m, 11 阳朔 Yangshuo Klassiker Fr 5. Jan 2024
Yay! First 12b!!

5.12a 明年今日 - mit Wojjy Sport 18m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo Klassiker Do 4. Jan 2024
7a+ Poupetskaia - mit Wojjy Sport 20m Kalymnos Klassiker Fr 16. Sep 2022
Pretty happy with my first 7a+ haha Loved the technical bits

7a+ Vulture - mit Wojjy Sport 16m Kalymnos Sehr gut Mi 21. Sep 2022
Very nice climbing. The ending is a little sharp.

7a+ Garbulli - mit Wojjy Sport 23m, 9 Kalymnos Klassiker Do 27. Okt 2022
Very nice sequences!

7a+ Toucourtoudur — 3 Versuche - mit Wojjy, Erin, Micheal Sport 12m, 6 Datça Klassiker Di 31. Jan 2023
Very interesting crux in the middle! The start was pretty tricky!

7a+/b schwer Roro — 3 Versuche - mit Wojjy, Chiara Messina Sport 20m, 9 Leonidio Klassiker Mo 6. Mär 2023
Cool crux sequence need some power grunting.

7a+ Fisica! — 2 Versuche - mit Wojjy, Chiara Messina Sport 12m, 9 Leonidio Mega-Klassiker Do 9. Mär 2023
Such a fun climb!! Matching underclings I becoming my preferred beta... 😬

7a+ Bloody Hands — 3 Versuche - mit Wojjy, Chiara Messina Sport 12m, 8 Leonidio Mega-Klassiker Do 9. Mär 2023
That's cool. Some slopey slots hehe

24 Jaqueline Hyde - mit matt hoschke Sport 15m, 6 Blue Mountains Klassiker Do 20. Apr 2017
Couldnt believe that I've finally got this! My first 24!

24 Dial-A-Lama - mit Wojjy Sport 15m, 7 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Klassiker So 14. Apr 2019
Finally got this one!

24 Swallow The Moon - mit Wojjy Sport 13m Nowra Klassiker So 19. Jul 2020
Wow!! So stoke to get this! Was thinking I was too tired to do anything but end up getting into the zone 🙂

24 Hide The Salami - mit Wojjy Sport 10m Nowra Klassiker Do 13. Aug 2020
Yay so happy to tick this one, crimpy and technical start to big powerful moves.

24 Wham Bam Thankyou Maam - mit Wojjy Sport 8m, 4 Nowra Klassiker Sa 12. Sep 2020
So happy to figure out the big move!! Was really pumped at the top but stuck with it. What a good feeling.

24 There Goes The Neighourhood - mit Wojjy Sport 9m Nowra Sehr gut Do 10. Sep 2020
Haha can't believe I stuck the crux 😂😂

24 The Tube - mit Wojjy Sport 12m Blue Mountains So 20. Sep 2020
Yay first tick this trip!

24 GoGo Juice - mit Wojjy Sport 15m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Di 13. Okt 2020
Very thin crux! Starts with a super reachy move to a LH crimp (stemming with left foot really helped) then a high right foot and i found a thumb crimp 😂😂 before standing up to get the RH slot. Pretty proud to figure out the sequence. I almost got too pumped for the moves over the bulge but a left knee bar sort of helped me to recover and calm down.

24 Rhubarb Crumble - mit Wojjy, tim Sport 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Sehr gut Sa 28. Nov 2020
So glad to make this climb.

24 Butterfly Wall Direct - mit Wojjy Sport 20m Nowra Mega-Klassiker Di 13. Jul 2021
Wow, this climb has been so intimidating but it's such a beautiful line. After working out the beta it's actually not too difficult: try hard on the first two cruxes and then there's plenty of rests.

24 Transmission - mit Wojjy Sport 20m, 9 Blue Mountains Klassiker Fr 17. Sep 2021
First Bluelys project of the season Who doesn't like some super fun side-pulls? Glad to have figured out a right heel hook beta for the top big move for the send did some super desperate static reaching on that crux

24 Work Injury - mit Wojjy Sport 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Mi 6. Okt 2021
Very happy to tick this one.... I liked the technical crux. It was super pumpy for me.

24 The Disintegrator - mit Wojjy Sport 7m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Mo 25. Okt 2021
Haha, i think this climb is really fun. I am so happy to be able to hold that crimp this year. Didn't plan to jump but somehow did my first lead jump on the send go

24 Blowtorch - mit Wojjy, Stef Sport 18m, 10 Blue Mountains Klassiker Sa 6. Nov 2021
Such a varied route. Interesting "slab", slope'y pinch, then a longer punchy and crimpy sequence.

24 Fox Force Five - mit Wojjy Sport 15m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Do 11. Nov 2021
Couldn't quite do the start last year 😊😊 I'm so happy to work out the cruxy start and committed at the top

24 Troc de l’Ile - mit Wojjy Sport 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Klassiker So 28. Nov 2021
Fun little climb. Pretty thin crux! Super happy to tick it.

24 Junket Pumper - mit Wojjy Sport 15m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Do 2. Dez 2021
Finally did this one as it just started raining. Placing a cam to protect the last move of the crux made the climb a lot nicer.

24 Cannon Fodder - mit Wojjy, Zalika VR Sport 20m, 5 Blue Mountains Sehr gut Sa 1. Jan 2022
What an excellent way to start the year Super happy to have punched for that last move.

24 I Don't Climb I Wobble - mit Wojjy, Zalika VR Sport 15m, 8 Blue Mountains Sehr gut So 9. Jan 2022
Had to work on that top bit. I will get better at reading the beta sometime pretty cool little sequence.

24 Iona - mit Wojjy Sport 12m Blue Mountains Gut Di 18. Jan 2022
I felt so nice and calm on the send go. I don't even know why I got so scared after the mantle last time. It was an amazing feeling

24 Shore Break - mit Wojjy, Evan P Sport 15m Blue Mountains Klassiker Do 20. Jan 2022
Finally could do that big move off the third draw hahaha some power scream definitely helped. Some climbs are more scary on second then on lead

24 Ah, Miss Monneypenny - mit Wojjy Sport 10m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Di 25. Jan 2022
Very cool moves! It felt like a tough 24 for me. That last big move is definitely a heartbreaker

24 Jaqueline Hyde - mit Wojjy Sport 15m, 6 Blue Mountains Sehr gut Do 27. Jan 2022
Happy to do this again, It was my first 24 a while back.

24 M0 24 M0 Wank Wank Spurt - mit Wojjy, Evan P Sport 15m Blue Mountains Gut Di 1. Feb 2022
Pretty cool. Love the lay down rest.

24 Charged - mit Zalika VR Sport 24m Blue Mountains Sehr gut Do 21. Apr 2022
Definitely feels proud to commit to that gaston Feeling more brave today!

24 Ten No Trumps - mit Zalika VR Sport 16m, 7 Blue Mountains Mega-Klassiker Sa 23. Apr 2022
Wow! First time doing 3 24s in a day! So happy! I'm so glad that I committed to do all those moves! What a cool climb

24 Wet Paint - mit Zalika VR Sport 16m, 6 Blue Mountains Mega-Klassiker Sa 23. Apr 2022
Lovely! Probably the hardest 24 on this wall for me! Such cool sequences Pumpy and big throws. I used to be so intimidated by this climb! Thanks for your inspiration Zali!!

24 Snappy Dresser - mit Zalika VR Sport 15m Blue Mountains Klassiker Sa 23. Apr 2022
Happy to do this! It's quite a restful climb

24 Body Blow - mit Zalika VR Sport 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Klassiker So 24. Apr 2022
So happy to do this. I was so nervous on the first 2 goes. 3rd go is a surprised send go I didn't think I'd have enough juices but committed at the crux. It's so much fun!!

24 The Amateur - mit Wojjy Sport 12m Blue Mountains Sehr gut So 8. Mai 2022
Finally ticked this one.... it was the first 24 that i could do all the moves of. Pretty happy to have committed at the lip.

24 Casual Sex In A Cineplex - mit Wojjy Sport 10m Nowra Sehr gut Do 11. Aug 2022
Very happy to be able to do the crux this trip the rose move is super cool, and the drop knee felt good

5.11d 守护神 Guardian Angel — 2 Versuche - mit Wojjy Sport 26m, 11 阳朔 Yangshuo Mega-Klassiker Do 4. Jan 2024
Very cool climb after a good clean of the tufa

7a Per Elisabetta - mit Wojjy Sport 22m Kalymnos Sehr gut Fr 23. Sep 2022
Good climbing until the anchor clip ....

7a Millionenbach - mit Wojjy, Laura, Benny Sport 20m Kalymnos Klassiker So 30. Okt 2022
Pretty cool sequences getting over the lip, a bit off balance with quite poor feet and super tension-y! I should have just committed for the last hard move on the flash go but its proven to be too committing and pumpy as the warmup....

7a Kastor — 2 Versuche - mit Wojjy Sport 15m Kalymnos Mega-Klassiker Fr 25. Nov 2022
So cool!! So proud of myself to put the draws on hahaha. Always wanted to climb this and see how it is like because it look so cool from the road- the two big holes. But I was intrigued by the description on the guidebook. What a mega climb!!


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