
Ascents climbed between 2022-00-00 and 2022-12-31 in Arapiles

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Showing 301 - 400 out of 8,227 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Climber Date
9 Arachnus - with James, Erin, Alice, Olly Trad 110m Arapiles Classic
Will Vidler
Sat 5th Feb 2022
Did this in two pitches as a team of three and a team of two with James leading the whole way with Erin. Not bad for a first day of leading trad, I think he did experience some of the wonders of rope drag though on the 50m first pitch.

The Michael Berry Squeeze - with James, Jack, Erin, Alice, Olly Boulder 5m Arapiles Mega Classic
Will Vidler
Sat 5th Feb 2022
A religious experience and rite of passage for all involved.

5 Tiptoe Ridge - with James, Erin, Olly, Alice Jack Trad 120m Arapiles Classic
Will Vidler
Sun 6th Feb 2022
Another great shenanigan with Erin, Olly, and James all leading portions of this and Jack being dragged along on basically his first rock climb. I soloed in and around the two parties checking gear and helping with anchor building and other random things. Pretty rad to see Erin and Olly step up to the plate and go questing into the semi unknown having not led trad before. Radical. Headed to Melbourne shortly after.

9 Arachnus - with Chloe Fu Trad 110m Arapiles Classic
Will Vidler
Mon 2nd May 2022
First route of the trip.

23 Curtain Call - with Christopher Glastonbury, Chloe Fu Trad 35m Arapiles Mega Classic
Will Vidler
Mon 2nd May 2022
One of the better routes i’ve done. Classic from go to woah.

24 Drama Class - with Christopher Glastonbury, Chloe Fu Trad 30m Arapiles Good
Will Vidler
Mon 2nd May 2022
Not really harder than curtain call but with poorer gear and less nice everything else too.

18 Entertainer - with Chloe Fu, Christopher Glastonbury Trad 20m Arapiles Classic
Will Vidler
Mon 2nd May 2022
Slippery and hard in the true fashion of an Arapiles classic in the high teens.

22 Scorpion Corner - with Swena Zheng, Chloe Fu Trad 25m Arapiles Classic
Will Vidler
Tue 3rd May 2022
Was on the 2018 trip list. Good to do!

27 FinaI Departure - with Swena Zheng, Chloe Fu Mixed trad 27m, 7 Arapiles Mega Classic
Will Vidler
Tue 3rd May 2022
Unreal. Felt like a proper quest in the dark. Didn’t get to the top.

28 Slinkin' Leopard - with the strong folk Mixed trad 20m, 4 Arapiles Classic
Will Vidler
Wed 4th May 2022
Two goes.

13 Horn Piece - with lee cossey, Chloe Fu Trad 33m Arapiles Classic
Will Vidler
Wed 4th May 2022
An evening affair.

21 The Wraith - with lee cossey, Chloe Fu Trad 35m Arapiles Very Good
Will Vidler
Wed 4th May 2022
Instead of doing Tannin which I’d done before. Quality. I seem to only find myself up here at night.

25 Tjuringa (Tjuringa P1) - with Christopher Glastonbury
1 25 25m lead by Will Vidler
Mixed trad 25m, 2 Arapiles Mega Classic
Will Vidler
Thu 5th May 2022
Had a pretty good go at flashing this but came off somewhere in the middle. Pretty pleased I tried it from the ground though.

25 Tjuringa P1 - with Christopher Glastonbury
1 25 25m
Mixed trad 25m, 2 Arapiles Mega Classic
Will Vidler
Thu 5th May 2022
I think I went up three times on TR after my flash go, two of them clean. Thanks Chris for sorting out an anchor etc.

11 Piccolo - with Chloe Fu
1 11 18m lead by Chloe Fu
2 11 15m lead by Will Vidler
Trad 33m Arapiles Very Good
Will Vidler
Fri 6th May 2022
Mini epic with Chloe Fu. Trad climbing is hard and scary.

11 Agamemnon - with Chloe Fu Trad 40m Arapiles Classic
Will Vidler
Fri 6th May 2022
A joy.

12 Siren Direct Finish - with Swena Zheng, Chloe Fu
1 4 25m lead by Will Vidler
2 8 35m lead by Will Vidler
3 8 35m lead by Will Vidler
4 12 50m lead by Swena Zheng
5 11 25m lead by Swena Zheng
Trad 170m Arapiles Mega Classic
Will Vidler
Sat 7th May 2022
A fun romp.

16 Watchtower Crack - with Swena Zheng
1 12 25m lead by Will Vidler
2 14 20m lead by Will Vidler
3 16 18m lead by Swena Zheng
4 16 32m lead by Swena Zheng
Mixed trad 95m, 3 Arapiles Classic
Will Vidler
Sat 7th May 2022
In the rain. Leading the top pitch was a pretty bold effort by Swena in the waterfall I reckon.

25 Tjuringa - with lee cossey
1 25 25m lead by Will Vidler
2 25 15m lead by Will Vidler
3 18 10m lead by lee cossey
Mixed trad 50m, 2 Arapiles Mega Classic
Will Vidler
Sun 8th May 2022
Winner! Top roped to warm up and then had a go and thankfully that was the only one I needed. Lee followed me up and I tried to onsight the second pitch but got scared and jumped off before getting to the bolt. Did it pretty easily second go though just clipping the bolts and then some gear on the face after. Lee led the ‘third and most significant pitch’ though so maybe i can’t claim the tick after all. With routes like this it’s no wonder Tobin was a believer.

25 Ride Like the Wind Direct Finish - with Christopher Glastonbury Mixed trad 30m, 3 Arapiles Very Good
Will Vidler
Mon 9th May 2022
Adds a little bit but that little bit is choss and doesn’t change the grade.

25 Ride Like the Wind - with Christopher Glastonbury Mixed trad 25m, 2 Arapiles Classic
Will Vidler
Mon 9th May 2022
Third go after Chris did it, taking out his gear. A bit of a spicy meatball this one, not sure if I’m brave enough this trip.

28 Slinkin' Leopard - with the strong folk Mixed trad 20m, 4 Arapiles Classic
Will Vidler
Tue 10th May 2022
Another three goes. Two one hangs from different points.

24 Common Knowledge - with lee cossey Mixed trad 35m, 1 Arapiles Mega Classic
Will Vidler
Tue 10th May 2022
Joyful. Taking out Lee’s gear, not that there was much of it.

21 Comic Relief - with Christopher Glastonbury Trad 20m Arapiles Mega Classic
Will Vidler
Mon 9th May 2022
One of the better things I’ve ever done. Don’t know what this nonsense about a poorly protected start is.

28 Slinkin' Leopard - with the strong folk Mixed trad 20m, 4 Arapiles Classic
Will Vidler
Wed 11th May 2022
Same log as the previous one. The whole no rest days thing really gets to you.

24 Common Knowledge - with Swena Zheng Mixed trad 35m, 1 Arapiles Mega Classic
Will Vidler
Thu 12th May 2022
Dreamy. TR to warm up and get the gear back out of it after Swena’s heroic onsight attempt and then had a lovely time on the sharp end. One of the best routes at Araps, well protected, and not too hard for the grade by the standards around these parts. Single pitch (obviously).

28 Slinkin' Leopard - with the strong folk Mixed trad 20m, 4 Arapiles Classic
Will Vidler
Fri 13th May 2022
Another three on the last day. An unfortunate foot slip and fatigue from twelve days on meant no dice for me. No sends in doggers gully were had this day.

20 Wizard of lce - with lee cossey, Swena Zheng, benj Trad 35m Arapiles Mega Classic
Will Vidler
Fri 13th May 2022
Seconding Lee in the dark. Still so outrageous good.

15 Necrophilliac - with lee cossey, Swena Zheng, benj Trad 25m Arapiles Very Good
Will Vidler
Fri 13th May 2022
Classic with some mandatory jamming for the grade!

22 Collision Course - with lee cossey, Swena Zheng, benj Trad 30m Arapiles Very Good
Will Vidler
Fri 13th May 2022
Did something like this wondering over the face in the dark. The bees in the hole are well and active. I looked in and thought “hey that’s cool” and then heard the angriest scariest humming sound of my life and bolted out of there as fast as my fingers would carry me. No stings were sustained nor bees harmed.

15 Smooth Journey - with Alex Lawson Trad 44m Arapiles Average
Will Grant
Thu 14th Apr 2022
11 Agamemnon - with Alex Lawson Trad 40m Arapiles Mega Classic
Will Grant
Thu 14th Apr 2022
15 Necrophilliac - with Alex Lawson Trad 25m Arapiles Very Good
Will Grant
Thu 14th Apr 2022
18 Howling Wolf - with Alex Lawson Trad 28m Arapiles Very Good
Will Grant
Thu 14th Apr 2022
18 Jackal - with Alex Lawson Trad 25m Arapiles Very Good
Will Grant
Thu 14th Apr 2022
9 Siren - with Vanessa Tonet Trad 150m Arapiles Classic
Will Grant
Fri 15th Apr 2022
got a bit lost on the second pitch and sadly missed the step. Got there eventually. Really good.

19 Possibly Beautiful - with Patrick Munnings Trad 28m Arapiles Very Good
Will Grant
Fri 15th Apr 2022
Thinking Golden fleece was pretty stiff for 18, turns out I was on a different route.

11 Bastress - with Chris Speer Trad 36m Arapiles Very Good
Will Grant
Sat 16th Apr 2022
17 Spellbinder - with Chris Speer Trad 27m Arapiles Good
Will Grant
Sat 16th Apr 2022
17 The Only Way To Fly - with Chris Speer Trad 15m Arapiles Good
Will Grant
Sat 16th Apr 2022
10 The Minstrel - with Chris Speer Trad 20m Arapiles Good
Will Grant
Sat 16th Apr 2022
Got to love a pinnacle.

18 Hyaena Trad 16m Arapiles Very Good
Will Grant
Sun 17th Apr 2022
11 Piccolo - with Chris Speer, Alex Lawson, Vanessa Tonet Trad 33m Arapiles Classic
Will Grant
Sun 17th Apr 2022
absolutely delightful.

16 Arab Trad 110m Arapiles Good
Will Grant
Tue 19th Apr 2022
14 Megalomaniac - with Vanessa Tonet Trad 28m Arapiles Very Good
Will Grant
Tue 19th Apr 2022
13 Social Comment - with Alex Lawson Trad 37m Arapiles Very Good
Will Grant
Wed 20th Apr 2022
nice ramble.

18 Death Row - with Alex Lawson Trad 45m Arapiles Classic
Will Grant
Wed 20th Apr 2022
really good, fantastic climbing.

18 Virginia - with Alex Lawson Trad 25m Arapiles Classic
Will Grant
Wed 20th Apr 2022
wonderful, none of the moves feel particularly difficult in their own right, but by the time I got to the top, I was absolutely cooked. Varied climbing, from squeeze chimney, to clean jamming to overhanging jugs, style changes but difficulty is always maintained. Recommend everyone gets on it. Jeez, even the abseil is value for money.

17 Oceanoid - with Alex Lawson Trad 75m Arapiles Classic
Will Grant
Wed 18th May 2022
wooo, what an experience. "One more route before it gets dark?", "yeah we've got time." Some hours later on the second pitch, I'm trying to work out the awkward squeeze chimney as the sun is rapidly setting - "uggh Alex, I'm not really felling this, can I come down and you lead it?". "Do you have some good gear there" Alex replies. 'Beauty, he'll let me lower off' I think. "If you do, just go for it." My heart sinks, all along I knew I was committed and there was no bailing off, but I still entertained the idea. Not anymore. I decide I'll leave my backpack- with my torch in it- clipped to a piece of gear to make the chimney easier. I have never felt more alone on a route. I'm placing gear, but nuts feel like Lego bricks and cams like children's' toys. My rope feels like a piece of string and the rock some contrived torture device. The only thing keeping my alive is my grim determination. I've never over gripped so much in my life. Eventually I reach the ledge and crawl over. Suddenly I have a spiritual awakening. The purgatory, is over and I have reached heaven. All my earthly troubles leave me and I am greeted by peace - but the immense loneliness remains. As I stand there trying to build an anchor in the gloomy twilight, I consider 'maybe I have truly died'. I call out to Alex, expecting my words won't make it between the realms of heaven and earth. Surprisingly I hear a reply. I'm no longer sure of my spiritual place, 'if I can hear Alex, I must still be alive, but the the peace I fell does not exist on earth.' As I bring Alex up, gradually the world rematerialises around me. I hear the sounds of other climbers below me, and I see the flashes of their head torches. As Alex reaches me, I no longer feel at peace, the conflict of real life has returned, but with it, has come the company of other people. I cannot describe whether it is better to be at peace alone, or in perpetual conflict but with the company of others.

18 The Rack - with Vanessa Tonet Trad 13m Arapiles Very Good
Will Grant
Thu 21st Apr 2022
nice jamming

10 Eskimo Nell - with Vanessa Tonet Trad 130m Arapiles Classic
Will Grant
Thu 21st Apr 2022
Grinning and winning all the way.

18 Skink Trad 110m Arapiles Mega Classic
Will Grant
Fri 22nd Apr 2022
So, so good. I can't really describe why, but it just feels so ludicrously good to climb.

19 Morfydd - with Alex Lawson Trad 30m Arapiles Classic
Will Grant
Sat 23rd Apr 2022
What a cracking route

14 Lamplighter - with Bonnie MacAdam Trad 78m Arapiles Classic
Will Grant
Sun 24th Apr 2022
what about that exposure. Pitch 3 didn't quite live up to the hype but pitch 2 went above and beyond what I was expecting.

20 Thunder Crack - with Patrick Munnings Trad 30m Arapiles Classic
Will Grant
Sun 24th Apr 2022
What a killer line.

14 Tremulo - with Adrian Kladnig, Pip Trad 25m Arapiles Classic
Will Eyland
Wed 5th Oct 2022
First climb at Araps

11 Dracula - with Adrian Kladnig, Pip
1 11 25m lead by Will Eyland
2 8 15m lead by Adrian Kladnig
Trad 40m Arapiles Very Good
Will Eyland
Wed 5th Oct 2022
15 Necrophilliac - with Pip Trad 25m Arapiles Classic
Will Eyland
Wed 5th Oct 2022
13 Muldoon - with Pip, Lost Turtle (LostShark666666)
1 13 20m lead by Pip
2 12 22m lead by Pip
Trad 42m Arapiles Mega Classic
Will Eyland
Wed 5th Oct 2022
Fun climbing, even when it got dark

18 Golden Fleece - with Pip Trad 35m Arapiles Very Good
Will Eyland
Wed 5th Oct 2022
Tried to take a nut out, realised it was fixed, otherwise clean.

17 Libretto - with Pip
1 17 50m lead by Pip
2 lead by Will Eyland
Trad 50m Arapiles Classic
Will Eyland
Wed 5th Oct 2022
17 Dirge - with Pip
Trad 85m Arapiles Classic
Will Eyland
Wed 5th Oct 2022
One of the best of the trip, free 7 wallnut for anyone who can get it out.

9 Arachnus - with Slackaction
1 8 40m lead by Slackaction
2 8 21m lead by Weoutthere
3 9 14m lead by Slackaction
4 8 30m lead by Slackaction
Trad 110m Arapiles
Fri 14th Jan 2022
11 Piccolo Trad 33m Arapiles
Sat 15th Jan 2022
14 Megalomaniac Trad 28m Arapiles
Sat 15th Jan 2022
10 Eskimo Nell - with Slackaction
1 10 35m lead by Slackaction
2 9 40m lead by Weoutthere
3 1 15m lead by Slackaction
4 9 40m lead by Slackaction
Trad 130m Arapiles
Sat 15th Jan 2022
15 Wingnuts in Heaven Trad 10m Arapiles
Sat 16th Apr 2022
14 Tremulo Trad 25m Arapiles
Sat 16th Apr 2022
11 Harlequin Cracks Trad 80m Arapiles
Sun 17th Apr 2022
12 Shitty Nappies - with Slackaction Trad 15m Arapiles
Sat 16th Apr 2022
Wasn’t feeling confident with heat placement on this one, backed off after a couple failed attempts of the crux.

12 Shitty Nappies - with Slackaction Trad 15m Arapiles
Sat 16th Apr 2022
Second clean after a retreat, pretty spicy for a 12, gives the name justice.

11 Lizard Procrastination Trad 40m Arapiles
Mon 27th Jun 2022
Lovely little start to the day.

14 Megalomaniac Trad 28m Arapiles Good
Mon 27th Jun 2022
First trad 14 lead, seconded around 5 months ago, and definitely found it easier this time round. Wonderful single pitch.

14 Touchstone - with Slackaction
1 14 60m lead by Weoutthere
2 14 lead by Slackaction
Trad 60m Arapiles
Wed 29th Jun 2022
12 Iago Trad 45m Arapiles
Wed 29th Jun 2022
6 Exodus Trad 36m Arapiles
Wed 29th Jun 2022
13 Horn Piece Trad 33m Arapiles
Thu 30th Jun 2022
Thoroughly enjoyed this climb, with the sun on my back and a winters breeze in the air. Quite exciting moving through the crux with some spaced out, questionable pieces to rely on.

8 Diapason - with Slackaction
1 7 20m lead by Slackaction
2 8 25m lead by Weoutthere
Trad 45m Arapiles
Thu 30th Jun 2022
20 Bam Bam Trad 12m Arapiles
Thu 30th Jun 2022
Most technical climb I’ve tried, thoroughly enjoyed working out moves on top rope. Would love to try again to gain the crux.

14 C.S. Concerto Trad 50m Arapiles Good
Warren Price
Sun 25th Sep 2022
9 Beau Geste Trad 140m Arapiles Classic
Warren Price
Sun 25th Sep 2022
13 Hell For Leather Trad 30m Arapiles Classic
Warren Price
Mon 26th Sep 2022
Such great jugs

14 D Minor Trad 35m Arapiles Mega Classic
Warren Price
Mon 26th Sep 2022
11 Stage Coach Trad 20m Arapiles Good
Warren Price
Tue 27th Sep 2022
10 Long Bow Trad 20m Arapiles Good
Warren Price
Tue 27th Sep 2022
11 Piccolo Trad 33m Arapiles Classic
Warren Price
Tue 27th Sep 2022
19 Lemmington Trad 30m Arapiles Classic
Warren Price
Tue 27th Sep 2022
10 Xena Trad 110m Arapiles Classic
Warren Price
Wed 28th Sep 2022
Great climb on great rock, great pro and great jugs

15 Sundance Trad 140m Arapiles Classic
Warren Price
Wed 28th Sep 2022
Unintentionally (route finding) linked pitches 1 & 2 which made it “interesting”. Great climbing

9 Beau Geste Trad 140m Arapiles Good
Tue 27th Sep 2022
just the first 50m to access harlyquin, the rest of it looks a lot better

11 Harlequin Cracks Trad 80m Arapiles Very Good
Tue 27th Sep 2022
First pitch was great, one of the best 11's at the mount, the second and third were pretty standard arapiles jug hauls though, nothing to write home about

24 Blue-Eyed and Blond Mixed trad 25m, 1 Arapiles Classic
Sun 2nd Oct 2022
got all the moves

24 Blue-Eyed and Blond Mixed trad 25m, 1 Arapiles Classic
Sun 2nd Oct 2022
only two rests, big gaston moves, cool climbing gear looks fiddly

12 Gardener's Delight Trad 60m Arapiles
Sun 2nd Oct 2022
only first pitch barefoot, good fun, nice jams looks hard to protect down low but i wasnt really looking for it

20 Assistance Required Trad 25m Arapiles Good
Sun 2nd Oct 2022
worth one star, nice rock good moves, too many rests

22 Puzzlin' Evidence Trad 25m Arapiles Very Good
Sun 2nd Oct 2022
if it werent for the big rest in the middle this would be the best 23 at the mount

17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Very Good
Sun 2nd Oct 2022
great fun

V0+ V0+ Boulder 3m Arapiles Very Good
Sun 2nd Oct 2022
V2 Golden Streak Boulder 4m Arapiles Classic
Sun 2nd Oct 2022
V2 Golden Streak Boulder 4m Arapiles Classic
Sun 2nd Oct 2022

Showing 301 - 400 out of 8,227 ascents.

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