
Routes in Gibraltar Peak fa between 1998-00-00 and 2030-12-31

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Showing all 11 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity
Southern Tablelands
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
20 Simply Salsa

Start in 'The Pits' proper, right of Happy Piggyland. Up the crack, chimney past a bolt and squeeze onto the Knife Edge Boulder. Finish as for Holy Guacamole.

FA: R. Carey, 2003

Mixed trad 35m, 4
24 Moth

The off-width crack that splits the roof and face overlooking the Knife Edge Boulder.

FA: B.Aikman, 2014

Trad 15m
Juveniles area
15 Fun Climb

Start from the anchors on top of the No Glove Boulder. Walk down the steepish slab towards the Juvenile Wall. Step across the gap and clip the first bolt. Pad up the slab left of Juveniles. Belay on gear.

FA: 2010

Mixed trad 20m, 3
Black wall
24 Aubergine Dream

The arête at the left hand (East) end of the black wall - behind you as you start Juvenilles and Geriatrics. Scramble down into a hollow between the route and the No Glove No Love boulder to belay (two bolts).

Bridge up the gully until you can reach around and clip the first bolt on the arete. Step onto the arete and up past five more bolts to lower-offs.

FA: Oliver Story, 2010

Sport 15m, 6
No Glove
18 Forever Present

Start on top of the block between "When Only The Best Will Do" and "Blagdon". Straight up the slab and dyke past seven bolts to anchor.

FA: Oliver Story & Daniel Gordon, 12 Apr 2015

Sport 30m, 7
18 Echidna Buffet

An attempt to create more easy slabs turned into a misguided use of bolts and effort by people who should know better.

Start down and right of 'Rite of Passage', as for 'No Easy Street'. Step onto the boulder and follow the easiest path up and left past bolts until you're on the horizontal weakness of 'Rite of Passage'. Traverse right to gain the crack. Follow the crack and dyke up and left, then easy slabbing to the top.

FA: Oliver Story, Sarah Truscott & Damian Javanovic, 2015

Sport 35m
Ape Area
23 Dogwood

The off-width right of Ape. See p 196 of ACT Granite.

FA: B. Aikman, 5 Nov 2022

Trad 20m
Non-Descript Boulder
6 The First Echidna

The low-angled crack that might pass as a climb, with a few gear placements under the leaves. Belay with care. To descend either traverse the ridgeline to rap station on The Seventh Hedgehog, or down climb.

FA: Toby Story & Oliver Story, 2014

Trad 10m
Safari Boulders
17 One for the Road

This is on the back side of the boulder beside the walking track, 150m downhill from the lookout and opposite the handrail(!?). Corner crack to crumbly jugs at bulge.

FA: Geoff Gardiner & Geoff Fraser, 2014

Trad 8m
18 Fish in a Barrel

Thin diagonal crack with narrow ramp using finger locks and lay-aways to ledge. Finish up weakness to triple bolt belay as for Faint Hearted or alternatively hand crack finish to Broken Window. Small cams helpful to protect crack to ledge.

FA: D Anderson-Smith & D McGregor, 2014

Trad 13m
22 Broken Window

The overhanging hand to fist crack, broken by a ledge, on the downhill side of the boulder. Flaky rock - take care.

FA: Phil Georgeff, 1987

FFA: Oliver Story, 2013

Trad 15m

Showing all 11 routes.

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