
Ascents climbed between 2024-03-21 and 2024-03-27 in Sydney Metropolitan

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 237 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality Climber
Wed 27th Mar 2024 - Whale Boulders
V1 Hang Five Boulder
Arden Burrell
V1 Over the Falls Boulder 3m
Arden Burrell
V3 Time in the Green Room Boulder 10m Mega Classic
Arden Burrell
Wed 27th Mar 2024 - The Balkans
The Trenches The Caves
V6 Bring It On Boulder 12m
Shun Okabe
V5 Y2K Boulder 5m
Shun Okabe
V4 Fat Women Boulder 3m
Shun Okabe
Wed 27th Mar 2024 - The Balkans
The Frontline The Main Wall
V7 R Paratroopin - with Will Featherstone, Matthew Lu Boulder 7m Classic
Sam Lothringer
Wed 27th Mar 2024 - The Balkans
The Frontline The Eastern Bloc
V5 Berlin Blockade - with Will Featherstone Boulder 3m Average
Sam Lothringer
Wed 27th Mar 2024 - The Balkans
The Frontline Area Q
V10 ~V9 Rocket Man - with Will Featherstone Boulder 3m Classic
Sam Lothringer
Wed 27th Mar 2024 - Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek
The Wolf Den
V6 Lone Wolf - with Mike croker Boulder
Alec Landstra
Mantle is easier than it looks

V3 Wolf Cub - with Mike croker Boulder
Alec Landstra
V2 Wolf Embryo - with Mike croker Boulder
Alec Landstra
Wed 27th Mar 2024 - Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek
Renaissance Wall & The Amber Room
V6 Vitruvian Man - with Mike croker Boulder
Alec Landstra

V7 Coffee and Contemplation - with Mike croker Boulder
Alec Landstra
Wed 27th Mar 2024 - The Balkans
The Frontline Frontline Right Hand Side
V6 Who Killed The Kennedys — 4 attempts Boulder 3m Very Good
Bruno Martins
Didn't managed to repeat the send, but repeated all the moves.

Wed 27th Mar 2024 - The Balkans
The Frontline The Pee Boulder
V4 R Battle of the Shirts — 4 attempts Boulder 4m
Bruno Martins
Worked all the moves but couldn't commit to the top by myself.

V5 Macedomeia — 6 attempts Boulder 3m
Bruno Martins
Awesome Climb, worked the top part first with a sketchy heel but couldn't commit without a spotter, then went to check the bottom part which isn't easy either, had a few good tries, but will have to come back.

V4 Here Comes The Hercules Boulder 3m
Bruno Martins
Climbs nice

Wed 27th Mar 2024 - The Balkans
The Frontline Frontline Left Hand Side
V3 Tanks a Lot Boulder 3m
Bruno Martins
Couldn't do this one again

V0- M.A.S.H. Boulder 3m
Bruno Martins
V0 Bangers Boulder 3m
Bruno Martins
V0 Frontrow Boulder 3m
Bruno Martins
V2 Toniglandyl Boulder 5m
Bruno Martins
Wed 27th Mar 2024 - Bangor West
21 Hard End of the Decade — 2 attempts - with Adam Brygula Sport 11m, 2 Very Good
Michael Wilson
Good movement on this one.

21 Marathon Man Sport 12m, 7
Adam Brygula
21 Marathon Man - with Adam Brygula Sport 12m, 7 Very Good
Michael Wilson
17 Hard Unzip - with Adam Brygula Sport 10m Good
Michael Wilson
17 Unzip Sport 10m
Adam Brygula
20 Belly Bulge - with Adam Brygula Sport 10m, 3 Good
Michael Wilson
17 Hard The Drum - with Adam Brygula Sport 10m, 3 Good
Michael Wilson
Wed 27th Mar 2024 - The Mattings
18 M0 Mostly Harmless - with Ben Anthonisz Trad 95m
Chossy but great views

Aided the crux pitch and pulled on a bolt or two at the final pitch to finish up

18 M0 Mostly Harmless - with Eliezer Trad 95m
Ben Anthonisz
Certainly more like compacted sand climbing than rock climbing in parts, had a few small foothold break on me, my climbing partner managed to rip off a head and shoulders sized piece of rock at the arete

Wed 27th Mar 2024 - Bangor West
17 The Drum Sport 10m, 3
Adam Brygula
20 Belly Bulge Sport 10m, 3
Adam Brygula
Wed 27th Mar 2024 - Bidjigal Reserve - Stevenson's Creek
The Games Room
V9 Song Lines - with Maurício Chino Boulder Classic
Did some really good links!! Happy about the progress

Tue 26th Mar 2024 - Narrabeen
The Academy The 45
V6 The Fine-ish line - with Peter Boulder 3m
Peter Melouney
Tue 26th Mar 2024 - Tambourine Bay
Eastern Sectors
V9 Sharik's Roof Boulder
Phillip Booth
Tue 26th Mar 2024 - Forestville
Fox Cave
V9 Easy Grimacing Boulder Classic
Laying the foundations for a winter siege. First go.

V6 Grimace Boulder Good
Tue 26th Mar 2024 - Vaucluse
Rosa Gully Rosa Gully North Side
20 The Last Wave - with Max Fisher
1 19 28 Sport
2 18 12 Sport

Went a bit off route haha

3 20 10 Sport
Sport 50m, 11 Very Good
Will Eyland
Tue 26th Mar 2024 - St Helen's Park Cave
V3 Bank Roll Boulder 4m
Nathan Kenny
V5 Jazz Heart Boulder 4m
Nathan Kenny
Outstanding climbing

Mon 25th Mar 2024 - Bangor West
17 The Whorl Sport 10m, 3 Very Good
Viv Ip
17 Reno Sport 10m, 3 Good
Viv Ip
15 Andrew's Bulge Sport 8m, 3 Very Good
Viv Ip
17 The Whorl Sport 10m, 3 Very Good
Viv Ip
Mon 25th Mar 2024 - Forestville
Sissy Crag
V5 Vitamin C var Boulder 3m
Shun Okabe
V6 Vitamin C Boulder 3m
Shun Okabe
V5 Mr Smiley Boulder 3m
Shun Okabe
V1 Bill Smith Boulder 3m
Shun Okabe
Mon 25th Mar 2024 - Bangor West
21 Killer's Kidneys Sport 8m, 3
Ivan Yang
18 NFM Sport 8m, 3
Ivan Yang
Mon 25th Mar 2024 - The Cathedral
Main Crag
24 Anticoagulant - with Anton Sport 15m
Jake Delaney
first attempt saw me to the top, so gave it another burn to see if i could pull off something incredible. i could not. but stoked to link to and clip the last bolt. the next sequence is sick af but oh so hard by that point. excited to show mr buns this one. and omg this is a way better greenpoint than hercules - bomb nasty gear the whole way!

17 Wacky Tabacci - with Anton Sport 25m, 8
Jake Delaney
always a pleasure and always a chore

20 Bundy's been bolting - with Anton Sport 15m, 6
Jake Delaney
yay a send! new tick on the crag for me but i have climbed this thing. not sure if clean though! waaaay harder than i remembered!

23 Imogen - with Anton Sport 15m, 7
Jake Delaney
a day of some sending, more not sending, and a healthy amount of unsending

22 Hercules - with Anton Sport 15m
Jake Delaney
final climb of the day (7/7) and it was a gd shocker

24 Anticoagulant - with Anton Sport 15m
Jake Delaney
plugged in my dial up for this one

23 Surface Paradise Direct - with Anton Sport 20m
Jake Delaney
tried the direct - yet another day being mystified but cruxes of the cathedral. clean once i swallow my pride and stepped into the crack. will come back for the 22 version

Mon 25th Mar 2024 - Bangor West
15 Andrew's Bulge - with Megan Young, Joyce, Angela, Viv Sport 8m, 3 Very Good
Jess Morton
17 Reno - with Megan Young, Joyce, Angela, Viv Sport 10m, 3 Very Good
Jess Morton
16 Dorothy May - with Megan Young, Joyce, Angela, Viv Sport 10m, 3
Jess Morton
Sun 24th Mar 2024 - Killarney Heights
V8 Sushi Train Boulder 4m Classic
Sun 24th Mar 2024 - The Balkans
The Frontline Frontline Right Hand Side
V6 Who Killed The Kennedys - with Eleanor Boulder 3m Very Good
Michael Velsigne
Repeat for the send footage.

Sun 24th Mar 2024 - The Balkans
The Frontline The Eastern Bloc
V5 ~V4 Berlin Blockade Boulder 3m Very Good
Michael Velsigne
the usual warm up, honestly not a V5 by any measure.

Sun 24th Mar 2024 - The Balkans
The Frontline The Corridor Boulders
V1 Baby Hops Boulder 4m Good
Michael Velsigne
V3 Missile Silo Boulder 2m Very Good
Michael Velsigne
Sent this with Luke. Honestly does not feel like a V3, it's DESPERATELY thin. I tried it again with Eleanor, same shenanigans. How? Just... How? Don't even know how I managed to get it the first time 😂

V4 Problem 8 Boulder 4m Good
Michael Velsigne
V2 C? Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V1 You Go Slow Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V4 You Go Squeeze Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V2 R You Go Slopia Boulder 4m Good
Michael Velsigne
V1 Bomb Shelter Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V2 B? Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V0 A? Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V3 V3?? Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V1 Sherman Tank Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
Sun 24th Mar 2024 - The Balkans
The Frontline Frontline Left Hand Side
V3 R Revelations Boulder 4m Good
Michael Velsigne
V2 Meltdown Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V0 B? Boulder 6m Good
Michael Velsigne
V1 A? Boulder 4m Good
Michael Velsigne
V1 Choppers II Boulder 6m Good
Michael Velsigne
V1 R Choppers Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
VB- That Looks Nice Boulder 2m Good
Michael Velsigne
V0 Point of View Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V1 Dirty Crack Habits Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V3 Tanks a Lot Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V0- M.A.S.H. Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V1 Bangers Sit Start Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V0 Bangers Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V0 Frontrow Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V2 Toniglandyl Boulder 5m Very Good
Michael Velsigne
Backlog day out with Eleanor

Sun 24th Mar 2024 - The Balkans
The Frontline The Far Side
V3 L2F Boulder 8m Good
Michael Velsigne
V2 India Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V0 Foxtrot Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V1 Echo Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V1 Delta Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V1 Charlie Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V3 Bravo Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne
V1 Alpha Boulder 3m Good
Michael Velsigne

Showing 1 - 100 out of 237 ascents.

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