
Ascents in East Killara by Brendon Flanagan

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Showing all 88 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Sun 23rd Nov 2014 - East Killara
God's Country The New God's Country The Column
V0 Up The Middle Boulder 3m Good
First ascent of the registered route. Fun problem for the beginners.

Sun 23rd Nov 2014 - East Killara
God's Country The New God's Country Four Tiered Boulder
V0+ Right Of Resurrection Boulder 3m Good
First ascent of the registered route. Fun problem.

V0 Resurrection Of The Crag Boulder 3m Very Good
First ascent of the registered route. This was the first problem to be put up for the redevelopment of the Original God's Country. Fun problem.

V1 Left Of Resurrection Boulder 3m Very Good
First ascent of the registered route. Quite a fun problem but the boulder needs more cleaning.

Sat 22nd Mar 2014 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Adam And Eves Boys The Abel Boulder
V1 Abels Terrible Honeycomb Left Variant - with Sam Boulder 2m Good
This is the 'easier' of the two variants. The holds are more evident and flow quite well.

V1 Christian Stick Figure Family - with Sam Boulder 4m Very Good
Some more traffic is needed at this end of the boulder. The starting footers haven't been weathered that great so they're still falling apart with use. Condition of footers should be established after another 20-30 sends. Otherwise a great problem!

V1 Damien's Salvation - with Sam Boulder 4m Good
A great sit start for the boulderer who has never done one before. Solid holds, fun moves which make for a fun problem.

V1 Abels Achillies Heel - with Sam Boulder 3m Very Good
The hold you need to commit to may seem unsure at first but trust it and you'll make your way through the crux.

Sat 22nd Mar 2014 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier The Last Highball
V2 Kumbaya My Left - with Sam Boulder 10m Very Good
An amazing traverse that puts your feet to the challenge! Working your way through the scoop and then the top out over the knob really makes this traverse such a worthwhile send! Excellent challenge but make sure you've got your spotter and pads ready from the scoop onwards!

Wed 26th Feb 2014 - East Killara
The Promised Land Top Tier King Davids Overhang
V0 Two By Two - with Ranger Dave Boulder 3m Average
Nothing special about this problem at all. It was there so I put it up.

V1 Out Of The Donkeys Arse - with Ranger Dave Boulder 4m Good
A fun problem and a good learning curve for the beginner boulderer wishing to advance their skills. Slightly overhanging with a easy and fun top out.

V2 Noahs Arch - with Ranger Dave Boulder 8m Very Good
Got this FA on the third attempt. Lots of dirt and sand to clean off but all gone now. Almost worth a star, almost. Great holds, solid ledges, fun moves working your way up and down as you traverse along to the left. I even go to throw one of my trade mark heel hooks in to allow for a rest and dip my hand into my chalk bag. Really enjoyed this problem. A bit of a challenge for the feet as you cant really see what you're doing with them on occasions.

Tue 18th Feb 2014 - East Killara
The Promised Land Top Tier Purgatory
V0 Stain Glass Problem - with Me Boulder 3m Average
A warm up problem if repeated several times.

Mon 10th Feb 2014 - East Killara
The Promised Land Top Tier Purgatory
V1 Two Palms And A Kneebar - with Jake Griffiths Boulder 3m Good
It may be a V1 but it offers a lot of fun! A great way to learn how to stabilise yourself by using your palms and knees. Offers a fun challenge for the developing boulderer and an awesome top out.

Sun 9th Feb 2014 - East Killara
The Promised Land Top Tier Purgatory
V1 On A Wing And A Gaston - with Jake Griffiths Boulder 4m Good
Love the start to the problem like the rest here. Makes for a fun start.

Fri 7th Feb 2014 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Adam And Eves Boys The Cain Boulder
V2 Now We're Bouldering - with Me Boulder 6m Very Good
A great start and a testing traverse trying to keep your feet from touching the ground. An excellent traverse and an easy send.

V2 Is This Bouldering? - with Me Boulder 5m Very Good
A solid start with an amazing traverse. Some very good moves and a shared top out with ICBTIC. Excellent problem.

Thu 6th Feb 2014 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Adam And Eves Boys The Cain Boulder
V1 The Dirty End Of Cains Lane - with Ranger Dave Boulder 3m Average
A nice easy problem to get the blood flowing. Good holds and easy moves.

V2 I Can't Believe It's Not Climbing - with Ranger Dave Boulder 5m Very Good
The first half of the problem is quite interesting and lots of fun. The second half of the problem is quite concerning when navigating the bulge to stand up. There's a bit of height so if you fall you'll need more than a spotter to help you. Excellent problem none the less.

Thu 6th Feb 2014 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Adam And Eves Boys The Abel Boulder
V1 Abels Terrible Honeycomb Right Variant - with Me Boulder 2m Good
Toes on the chossy honeycomb makes for an ugly start but the bomber holds and then fingery top out made it worth the while.

V1 Abels Terrible Honeycomb Left Variant - with Me Boulder 2m Good
Starting with the honeycomb of choss beneath your toes the problem get quite enjoyable with good holds to work through.

V1 Abels Achillies Heel - with Me Boulder 3m Very Good
Starting the problem with a trade mark heel hook I headed on through the obvious holds to an easy but slow top out. Excellent to get a heel hook into another problem again!

Thu 6th Feb 2014 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Undecided Christianity
V4 V6 Father Ted's Stiff Upper Lip - with Matt Boulder 4m Very Good
Been a few months since I've tried this problem so I'd forgotten some of the moves/holds. Still a solid challenge which offers mental mind games (so close yet so far) and frustration with so many attempts. I will conquer you Father Teds Stiff Upper Lip!

V1 By Faith Not By Sight - with Matt Boulder 3m Very Good
It may only be a V1 but it's really fun! The problem offers some differnt styles of satisfy moves. The last two or three moves are the best! Awesome problem for the grade Dave!

Sat 1st Feb 2014 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Adam And Eves Boys The Abel Boulder
V2 Get On Your Knees And Pray - with Mandy Boulder 5m Classic
Linking up DS and GOYKAPD is the best thing since sliced bread! Two overhangs to pull through, a fun traverse linking them both and a pulse racing top out to boot! Excellent problem! Best I've ever put up. Out of the hundreds of problems I've FA'd this is the first 2 star I've listed! Love it!

V2 Get On Your Knees And Pray Direct - with Mandy Boulder 2m Classic
A high reach for the start which is the easy part. Awesome knee bar move to stabilise yourself followed by some nerve racking committing moves to reach the top out. Nasty landing if you fall, you'll roll halfway to China!

V1 Lesbian Surfer Chicks Go To Heaven Right Varient - with Mandy Boulder 3m Good
Another fun filled sit start with a dash of challenge in it.

V1 Lesbian Surfer Chicks Go To Heaven Left Varient - with Mandy Boulder 3m Good
Nice little challenge offering a fun sit start.

Tue 28th Jan 2014 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Adam And Eves Boys The Abel Boulder
V1 Christian Stick Figure Family - with Me Boulder 4m Very Good
Might need to give the sloppy jug start a brush. A challenging start but the problem offers amazing holds of varying descriptions for the last half of the problem. Lots of fun with this one!

V0 Gail And Bills Line Of Faith - with Me Boulder 3m Good
An easy and fun problem that'd be good as an introduction to highball problems for the beginner. Mantle top out with good footers.

Wed 22nd Jan 2014 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Adam And Eves Boys The Abel Boulder
V1 Damien's Salvation - with Ranger Dave Boulder 4m Good
This FA is dedicated to a prominent Sydney Boulderer who renewed my faith in the true spirit of the sport. This problem was full of solid holds and prominent footers offering some fun moves and great send. Slightly slopy top out.

Mon 20th Jan 2014 - East Killara
The Promised Land Bottom Tier Did Someone Forget Heaven Pockets Of The Apostles
V1 The First Apostle - with Me Boulder 2m Very Good
Broke a footer off today but luckily found another to take its place. A good little slabby problem.

Mon 20th Jan 2014 - East Killara
The Promised Land Bottom Tier Did Someone Forget Heaven The Broken Tablet
V3 Guided By His Hand - with Me Boulder 3m Very Good
BLOODY HELL! I put up this problem and I can't remember the sequence! Back to the drawing board for this one.

Mon 20th Jan 2014 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Left Wing Christianity
V1 Fishy Loaves - with Me Boulder 4m Good
Not a bad traverse. Takes a bit of balance and careful placement of the toes. A bit tricky with the lack of decent holds so you really need to rely upon your balance on the tiny (and lack of) rails.

Thu 16th Jan 2014 - East Killara
The Promised Land Bottom Tier Did Someone Forget Heaven The Broken Tablet
V3 Short Stuff (Geoffs Problem) - with Geoff Marshall Boulder 2m Good
WOW Geoff! How will we work the crux!

Thu 16th Jan 2014 - East Killara
The Promised Land Bottom Tier Did Someone Forget Heaven Pockets Of The Apostles
V4 Judbartzealot - with Geoff Marshall Boulder 2m Very Good
A great problem and amazing pockets on offer. The top out is the crux and is even harder when you've got the glaring morning sun in your eyes.

V1 Reach For The Alter - with Geoff Marshall Boulder 2m Very Good
Offically my favourite problem at the crag! (not the other one). The top out is challenging and committing with great satisfaction.

V1 The First Apostle - with Geoff Marshall Boulder 2m Very Good
What an amazing V1! Challenging top out which will result in a quick beat of the heart. Officially my favourite problem at the crag.

Sun 29th Dec 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier The Raising Of The Highball
V1 Alone In A Sea Of Faith - with Me Boulder 2m Good
A fun problem which requires you to exit around the tree. Be careful!

V1 The Archbishop Of Bouldering - with Me Boulder 4m Good
A fun sit start problem. Easy, achievable for the beginner boulderer and good holds all the way through. Top out a little tricky with lack a feet available. A fun challenge!

Thu 19th Dec 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier The Last Highball
V5 Pontius Pilates Preposterous Problem Boulder 5m
WOW! What an epic problem! I couldn't even get through the start and neither could Geoff! This problem is certainly out of my league. FA will defiantly go to someone else worthy of this problem.

V1 The Plague That John West Rejects - with Geoff Marshall Boulder 8m Very Good
Beautiful holds the whole way through. Slow and steady wins the race.

Thu 5th Dec 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Right Wing Christianity
V4 Thy Mighty Right Hand - with Ranger Dave Boulder 4m Good
Cant lock my hand in on the much needed hold in the water way groove. I get it in there but just cant get it to stick!

Thu 5th Dec 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Undecided Christianity
V4 V6 Father Ted's Stiff Upper Lip - with Ranger Dave Boulder 4m Very Good
WOW! Some really good slapping fun on this traverse. PUMPY efforts to get through this one. Not much for your feet placement. Cant wait to finish it!

V4 V6 Father Ted's Stiff Upper Lip - with Ranger Dave Boulder 4m Very Good
WOW! Some really good slapping fun on this traverse. PUMPY efforts to get through this one. Not much for your feet placement. cant wait to finish it!

Wed 4th Dec 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Right Wing Christianity
V4 The Pilgramage (FA gets to name this traverse) - with Ranger Dave Boulder 10m Good
A serious traverse happening here. 2 moves away from getting the arête and toping out. FINGERS!!!

Wed 4th Dec 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Undecided Christianity
V4 Christian Brothers Brothers - with Geoff Marshall Boulder 2m Good
A great problem. The left starting pocket is a bit rough on the old fingers. Half way through the problem so far and it's awesome!

Wed 4th Dec 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier The Raising Of The Highball
V3 Our Father Who Art A Boulderer - with Ranger Dave Boulder 4m Very Good
Wed 4th Dec 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Bottom Tier Did Someone Forget Heaven The Broken Tablet
V3 Guided By His Hand - with Geoff Marshall Boulder 3m Very Good
A solid effort taking the arête up. This really is a serious feet climb. Watch where you put your feet and how you place your body.

Thu 21st Nov 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier The Last Highball
V2 Kumbaya My Left - with Ranger Dave Archer Boulder 10m Good
An awesome traverse offering good holds and footers for the most. The traverse starts easy but the further the ground drops away the more challenges the traverse starts to offer.

Thu 14th Nov 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier The Raising Of The Highball
V0 Bouldered By The Gideons - with Ranger Dave Archer Boulder 5m Good
Fun little problem.

V0 Blessed Are The Boulderers - with Ranger Dave Archer Boulder 3m Good
Nice and easy. Good as a fun warm up for the beginner.

Thu 14th Nov 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier The Holy Slab
V2 Put Your Faith In Friction Direct - with Ranger Dave Boulder 6m Good
Excellent problem because of the mantel. Mantling a sloping ledge is a very satisfying experience.

V2 Holy Slab! - with Ranger Dave Boulder 6m Good
First few moves are nice and easy. Half way up where it becomes blank is where the challenge begins. Smearing and palming are you best weapons through the crux.

Thu 7th Nov 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier The Raising Of The Highball
V0 Preaching To The Converted Boulder 2m Average
V0 Convertiing The Preacher Boulder 2m Average
Sat 5th Oct 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Left Wing Christianity
V0 Passover Pancakes - with Jake Griffiths Boulder 3m Average
Easy problem, good one to start your warm up on.

V2 An Amazing Crusade - with Jake Gritthiths Boulder 3m Classic
Indiana Jones ain't got nothin on this problem!

Sat 5th Oct 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Right Wing Christianity
V2 The Passing Of The Mantle - with Jake Griffths Boulder 3m Very Good
Never a dull problem! Love it!

Wed 2nd Oct 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier The Raising Of The Highball
V2 Holy Highball Batman! - with Jake Griffith Boulder 5m Good
Challanging problem but be careful if you fall that you don't knock your noggin on the tree behind you!!!

Wed 2nd Oct 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Undecided Christianity
V1 Testing Job - with Jake Griffith Boulder 4m Good
Be cautious of the holds. This problem still contains a little choss. All in all a nice challange.

Thu 29th Aug 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Left Wing Christianity
V2 An Amazing Crusade - with Me Boulder 3m Classic
Start with your feet towards the tree and your hands holding you in the opposite direction. A pumpy problem to solve but very satisfying in the end.

V1 The Lord In A Latte - with Me Boulder 3m Classic
An amazing climb. Start the way the description explains and the problem solving to avoid the barn dooring is worth the pump you'll recieve.

V0 Passover Pancakes - with Me Boulder 3m Average
Good jugs on the way out.

V1 Suzie And Her Churchy Dinners - with Me Boulder 3m Good
A bit of a balancing act at one point but the holds are big enough to get through.

V1 Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Sandwich - with Me Boulder 3m Good
Not a bad problem. Nice undercling to help you along but the overhang blocks the view of your foot work. Remember where the footers are!

Wed 28th Aug 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Right Wing Christianity
V0 Tip Toe Through The Garden Of Eden - with Me Boulder 3m Good
For a V0 this is actually a really good problem. Fun moves and fun top out.

Tue 27th Aug 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Right Wing Christianity
V0 Oh Save Me Jeebus - with Me Boulder 3m Average
I got cocky on the top out and almost slipped off. Fun easy problem.

V2 The Passing Of The Mantle - with Me Boulder 3m Very Good
Looking at the small outcrop at head hight I knew I had to mantle it. An amazing move followed by a sloping top out. Pretty much all moves for this problem are committing! Loved it!

V0 Ow You Fat Penguin! - with Me Boulder 3m Average
Slightly overhanging on the first move, good jugs to help pass it and then a fun sloping top out to finish up on.

Mon 26th Aug 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Right Wing Christianity
V1 A Pinch Of Faith - with Me Boulder 3m Good
A great little problem but make sure the crack is not used at all. Crimps, toes and step ups with a nice pinch at the top. Commit!

V0 Tip Toe Through The Garden Of Eden - with Me Boulder 3m Good
A fun problem. Crimps and toes at the start but with a nice friend at the end.

V2 Bouldering In A Hobbits Habit - with Me Boulder 3m Very Good
WOW! Once you get past the second move the entire problem is one committing move after another. I was soooo tempted to give this bad boy a star but I don't believe in handing out stars unless they're really worthy. A little scary with a lot of relief after the top out!

Wed 21st Aug 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier The Holy Slab
V0 The 11th Commandment, Thou Shalt Climb Slab! - with Me Boulder 6m Good
A good piece of slab for the beginner. Consists of balance and a small dose of commitment. Lots of fun and satisfaction.

V1 On The Seventh Day God Climbed Slab - with Me Boulder 6m Good
Easy start then balance and friction for the rest of the way.

V2 Put Your Faith In Friction - with Me Boulder 6m Very Good
Having faith in friction and a love of slab will get you through this one. Balance, palming, and commitment is all you need!

Mon 19th Aug 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier The Raising Of The Highball
V0 Marks Gospel - with Me Boulder 2m Average
Nothing special with this problem but a fun top out worth doing the problem for.

V0 Four Small, Wise Creatures - with Me Boulder 3m Average
Nothing difficult about this problem but the top out is quite fun.

V1 Pocket Handbook of Christian Apologetics - with Me Boulder 3m Average
Laying back on the left pocket I had another fun time experiencing a balancy start.

V1 Gary The Unicorn - with Me Boulder 3m Good
Starting with my left toe in the low left pocket and laying back on my right hand in the high pocket, I found this a great balancy start. A little crimpy after that to the top out.

V1 Milhouse And His Red Sea - with Me Boulder 3m Good
I had fun setting the route for this problem. Trying to find the hardest route took me up and over the bulge which turned out to be an exceptionally fun project to complete.

Wed 14th Aug 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Right Wing Christianity
V1 Van Helsing - with Me Boulder 3m Good
Slapped my left hand desperately once and found the hold I needed. All choss on this problem has now been cleaned.

V1 Brendons Problem 2 - with Me Boulder 4m Good
A problem of tight footers, balancy slab and mass satisfaction. When FAing this one I wasn't really sure if there was a noteworthy problem here. How wrong I was!

V1 Brendons Problem 1 - with Me Boulder 3m Good
A fun V1 requiring a little thought and balance. Stick to the rules to gain the most from it.

Tue 6th Aug 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Right Wing Christianity
V0 Sunday School - with Ranger Dave Boulder 3m Average
Why? because it was there. Nothing special about this climb but if you're a beginner boulderer it'll offer some fun. Nice two finger pocket found behind a years worth of cob webs. Not much on offer for holds on the top out so a mantle is in order. Thanks for the "Top it out" comment Dave. Another FA for the crag.

V1 Don't Judge A Bible By Its Cover - with Ranger Dave Boulder 3m Very Good
Good footers to start on and adeauate holds for the hands. Move up and discover that balance and smearing can be your best friend. Matching feet and hands with mantle moves to get through it. Great problem!

Mon 5th Aug 2013 - East Killara
The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Right Wing Christianity
V1 Clean As You Go - with Ranger Dave Boulder 4m Good
A fun and easy V1. Great how it goes up the corner and then sways left for the top out. A little bit of smearing to add to the fun.

V1 I Solemnly Swear - with Ranger Dave Boulder 4m Good
With the passion of the first FA for the crag powering me along I enjoyed this send immensly! With a partial dyno and putting trust in the rounded scoop this problem was slightly balancy but very rewarding! A great little problem.


Showing all 88 ascents.

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