
Ascents in Queensland by Scott Godwin

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 384 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Tue 6th May 2014 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
10 Stonehinge Sport 12m, 3 Average
Cleaning topropes.

14 12 JAFKPR Sport 13m, 4 Average
Putting a top rope up for my workmates. Two moves then chossy bumbling to anchor.

Sat 3rd May 2014 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
21 Conquistador Trad 45m Mega Classic
The onsight attempt that I'd been putting off for ages. Felt pretty good all the way up to the crux steepness. Rested for ages in the nice jams then tried to climb through but couldn't make the fingerlock stick and fell. Got it relatively easily after a rest on the rope. Bummed to blow the onsight but happy that I finally got on this. Probably the best route I've done at Frog.

19 20 Catharsis Trad 20m Very Good
Good fun but a bit dirty. Didn't really feel any harder than Sacrilege Crack to me. Got my elbow stuck near the top. I was glad that Cam convinced me to take two # 6s.

17 Micron Trad 20m Very Good
Sun 13th Apr 2014 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
14 Electronic Flag Trad 40m Good
Seconding Laura.

Sun 13th Apr 2014 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
18 Sacrilege Crack Trad 25m Very Good
Really good. Plenty of big gear helped reduce the stress level.

Sat 12th Apr 2014 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
17 18 Chocolate Watch Band Trad 17m Very Good
Accessing Faki

18 Gladiator Trad 20m Classic
Placing the gear for Kristin.

14 Faki Trad 13m Classic
Sat 5th Apr 2014 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Castor Trad 22m Good
With Cam. Very hot and tired after the track work day. Pulled on the gear in the wide section. Couldn't be arsed.

Sat 22nd Mar 2014 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
14 Electronic Flag Trad 40m Good
With James.

Sat 22nd Mar 2014 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
13 Electric Mud Trad 10m Good
With James.

14 Shit Heap Trad 10m Good
Crack climbing lessons for Penny and James.

Sat 22nd Mar 2014 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Gladiator Trad 20m Classic
Felt much better than last time. Shoulder is still pretty flakey but feels like its getting stronger. Just have to avoid making it worse now.

Sun 9th Mar 2014 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Gladiator Trad 20m Classic
18 Gladiator Trad 20m Classic
A couple of laps to see how the shoulder would cope. Not too bad. Have to be very careful not to pull hard on thumbs down jams though. Might be stuck at the lower grades for a bit longer.

12 Witches Cauldron Pitch 1 Trad 12m Very Good
18 17 Elastic RURP Trad 20m Classic
17 16 Micron Trad 20m Very Good
15 Bad Company Trad 20m Very Good
Tue 21st Jan 2014 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
14 Tiger's Tail Sport 18m, 5
A few slow cautious laps to test out both the top rope solo system and the new shoulder injury. Both have a few kinks and need work.

Sun 8th Dec 2013 - Brooyar
Black Stump Buttresses
19 20 Foreign Exchange Sport 10m, 6 Good
Bolts looked ok? Anchor is a bit of crappy Herb special though. Nice climbing anyway.

16 Via the Rainbow Sport 12m, 6 Good
Sat 7th Dec 2013 - Brooyar
Point Pure
22 The Great Devoid Sport 15m, 4 Very Good
19 Unleash the Swarm Sport 15m, 5 Average
Wed 27th Nov 2013 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
22 Gobble Sport 18m, 5 Good
Seconding Tom. Tricky moves. Struggled quite a bit on the slopers.

19 The Bolting Gestapo Sport 18m, 5 Average
Spazzed up the first mantle. The second one was ok.

Tue 26th Nov 2013 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
18 Stoat Clips Bolts Sport 18m, 6 Good
Warmups. This route feels like an onsight every time. So many confusing holds. Good climbing though.

24 Punks in the Gin Sport 17m, 5 Very Good
Had another look at this on top rope. Wondered how the injured pulley would feel on that hard crimp. Answer - not good. Oh, well another one to file away in the 'one day when I'm not injured' category.

Fri 22nd Nov 2013 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
19 Dysentery RHF Sport 18m, 6 Good
Again on top rope to clean the gear.

19 Dysentery RHF Sport 18m, 6 Good
Nice moves but the rock is a bit suspect.

17 Dysentery Sport 18m, 6 Good
17 Dysentery Sport 18m, 6 Good
Sun 17th Nov 2013 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
24 Wages Of Fear Sport 18m, 5 Very Good
Couldn't even make it past the first hard move today. . .

Sat 16th Nov 2013 - Mt Tibrogargan
Slider Wall
21 The Most Monstrous Monster Sport 13m, 4 Good
Stuck my hand straight into a huge pool of water in the jug. Ended up resting on the bolt to dry my hands before doing the rest. Seemed soft for the grade. Certainly easier than the 19 just to the left.

19 Something About Sandy Sport 13m, 5 Very Good
Fell at the crux a couple of times before I worked it out. Seemed pretty hard for the grade. Would probably get 21 in some places.

21 Pigsy Sport 12m, 4 Good
Took a reasonably big fall from just below the third bolt when I came off one of the crappy small pocket things. Came in a bit hard on my right ankle and decided to call it a day.

17 Blowing Bubbles Sport 15m, 4 Average
With Graham. Warmups

Sun 10th Nov 2013 - Brooyar
Point Pure
18 The Cornflake Climb Sport 27m Good
18 Islamic Cowboys Say Jihad RHV Sport 20m Good
I think this is what I did. So many bolts on this wall now its hard to know what's what. Kind of contrived, but had some interesting moves on the headwall.

22 The Great Devoid Sport 15m, 4 Very Good
Had a crack on Tom's draws. Grabbed the second one to clip, but I think I have it sussed. I really suck at steep stuff, but this feels like a much more reasonable proposition now than the first time I tried it ages ago. Hopefully I'll get it next time I'm up there.

Sat 9th Nov 2013 - Brooyar
Black Stump Buttresses
18 Annabelistic Sport 16m, 7 Good
Again to clean the gear.

17 The Enticer Sport 14m, 5 Good
18 Annabelistic Sport 16m, 7 Good
16 Snake Charmer Sport 15m, 7 Good
20 Dreamcatcher Sport 15m Good
24 Shake and Bake Sport 15m
Tried the move from the slopey crimp in the mini horizontal break up to the next flake multiple times. Eventually gave up when the blood blister on my finger exploded. Worth coming back for though.

19 Footprints on the Other Side Sport 18m, 6 Very Good
21 Hand in the Honey Pot Sport 18m, 6 Good
Spooged out of the sandpit above the crux.

18 Pink Panzer Sport 17m, 8 Good
Better than it looks.

Wed 6th Nov 2013 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
23 Cucumber Castle Sport 18m, 4
Had a go after Nathan realised that he'd brought the wrong size cam and bailed from the third bolt. It didn't go well at all. Feeling lousy and getting super pumped on everything.

18 Pterodactyl Sport 17m, 5 Very Good
18 Pterodactyl Sport 17m, 5 Very Good
Warmups, then again to clean the gear.

Sun 20th Oct 2013 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
24 Wages Of Fear Sport 18m, 5 Very Good
Minced my finger in one of the locks. I'm enjoying trying some of these harder KP classics, even it is only on TR. The various injuries seem to be holding up pretty well. I think this one is still well beyond my lead ability at the moment.

Sat 19th Oct 2013 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
18 Resurrection Corner Trad 25m Mega Classic
With Cam. This one is always nice, but I tweaked the dodgy shoulder a bit and decided to take it easy for the rest of the morning. Erg will have to wait for next time.

15 Iron Butterfly Trad 28m Average
My hazy memory told me that this climb was more fun than it really is. Only a couple of nice moves around the little rooflet thing, then the rest of it is pretty average thrutching.

17 Wizards Back Trad 10m Very Good
16 Materialistic Prostitution Trad 20m Very Good
Tue 15th Oct 2013 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
24 Brisbane Bitter Sport 18m, 5 Classic
Cruised the bottom and figured out a better way to do the crux. Still feels pretty desperate though. Maybe I am capable of leading this. . .

Sat 12th Oct 2013 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
17 Smoked Banana Trad 40m Mega Classic
Seconding Laura.

22 Yankee Go Home Trad 26m Classic

Thu 10th Oct 2013 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
24 Brisbane Bitter Sport 18m, 5 Classic
Mon 7th Oct 2013 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Gladiator Trad 20m Classic
Seconding Laura. She got it clean this time. Woohoo!

22 Yankee Go Home Trad 26m Classic
Fell off the lower crux on the second try. Was feeling pretty tired and was getting a bit sketched out trying to clip the gear in a couple of spots.

22 Yankee Go Home Trad 26m Classic
I think that maybe trying this once every six months is not a good strategy. . . Forgot how it worked on the first attempt this morning and had to rest at both cruxy bits.

18 Gladiator Trad 20m Classic
Warmups. Feeling a bit dopey this morning.

Thu 3rd Oct 2013 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
21 Wedding Crashers Sport 18m, 5 Good
Feeling ordinary tonight. Dehydrated maybe? Was getting ridiculously pumped and falling all over the place.

Sun 29th Sep 2013 - Whitinbah Wafers
17 Gingernuts - with cameron semple Trad 42m Good
Led yo-yo style to Cam's high point then finished as one long pitch to the top. Nice climbing on some less than perfect rock. Deserves a star in my books. Didn't get to climb anything else this trip. Too busy with bush bashing shenanigans. I'll come back.

Tue 24th Sep 2013 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
18 Stoat Clips Bolts Sport 18m, 6 Good
M0 Hanger Wall Aid 18m, 15 Good
Sun 22nd Sep 2013 - Brooyar
Eagle's Nest
17 2,4,5 T Sport 42m, 9 Good
15 Tea for 2 Sport 35m, 10 Good
14 2 For Tea Sport 32m, 9 Good
16 The Pioneer Sport 40m, 11 Good
16 The Pioneer Sport 40m, 11 Good
17 Send Me an Angel Sport 40m, 11 Good
Sat 21st Sep 2013 - Brooyar
Hungry Jacks, Home of the Whopper
16 The Clinterous Sport 15m Average
Bit of a sandbag.

15 After The Gold Rush Sport 13m Average
15 The Rainbow Road Show Sport 13m Average
Bolts seemed to be in weird places.

20 Red Jocks, look anywhere but there Sport 15m Very Good
I think I made this harder for myself than it needed to be. Maybe I was confused because I couldn't find any hand jams. Fun moves. Will do it clean next time.

22 What a Whopper Sport 15m Very Good
Really fun climbing. Took a few goes to get the thin balancy start then didn't have enough juice left for the cruxy move on the upper section. Wanted to come back for the redpoint but was too hot and bothered by the time we solved the mystery of the disappearing rope bag. Maybe next time.

15 Happy Meals make Good Meals Sport 15m Average
19 Will there be fries with that? Sport 15m, 3 Good
Tue 10th Sep 2013 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
21 Wedding Crashers Sport 18m, 5 Good
A couple of laps on TR. Fun climbing. Better than it looks.

Thu 5th Sep 2013 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
17 Dysentery Sport 18m, 6 Good
14 Anonymous Trad 20m
18 Pterodactyl Sport 17m, 5 Very Good
Sat 31st Aug 2013 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Gladiator Trad 20m Classic
Seconding Laura. Awesome effort! She'll get it clean next time.

18 Gladiator - with Cameron Semple Trad 20m Classic

18 Angel Rider - with Cameron Semple Trad 50m Good
Seconding Cam. Fun climbing that's better than it looks.

20 Short Order - with cameron semple Trad 30m Classic
Awesome sustained climbing that doesn't let up until the very end. Happy to onsight.

Sun 25th Aug 2013 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
15 Mechanical Prune Trad 18m Very Good
With Phil. Passive gear only, just for fun.

Sat 24th Aug 2013 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
13 Clockwork Orange Corner Trad 15m Very Good
With Phil.

19 Infinity Trad 40m Mega Classic
With Phil. Went up to replace the old rusty anchor bolts.

16 Satan's Smokestack Trad 40m Mega Classic
With Phil.

20 Cock Crack Trad 38m Classic
Fantastic climbing. I can't really claim the onsight because I had Phil feeding me beta the whole time. Still awesome anyway. Well protected with one #4, one #5 and one #6.

Sun 18th Aug 2013 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Gladiator Trad 20m Classic
warm up

20 Devils Dihedral Trad 45m Mega Classic
Finally psyched myself up to get back onto this nearly two years after the first attempt. Fell out of the fingerlocks at the start of the steep bit, but it will go next time.

Sat 17th Aug 2013 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
17 18 Chocolate Watch Band Trad 17m Very Good
With Laura. Just for the sake of doing one more at the end of the day. The wide bit still seemed awkward.


Showing 1 - 100 out of 384 ascents.

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