
Ascents in China by Matt Tranter

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Showing all 24 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Fri 29th Dec 2006 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
遇龙河地区 YuLong River 蝌蚪山 Baby Frog Buttress
5.7 土豆 Potato (Potato) Sport 10m, 5
5.7 西红柿 Tomato (Tomato) Sport 10m, 4
5.9 癞蛤蟆 Toad in the Hole (Toad in the Hole) Sport 18m, 8
5.8 Fruit Flavoured Frogs Sport 17m, 7
Mon 25th Dec 2006 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
太空站地区 Space Buttress Crags 矮山 Low Mountain
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes Sport 150m
Not last pitch

Sun 24th Dec 2006 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
白山地区 White Mountain Crags 鸡蛋山 The Egg East Face
5.9 Chocolate Milk Crack Sport 26m, 8
5.9 Cover Boy Meets Mr Hilti Sport 26m, 7
Sun 24th Dec 2006 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
白山地区 White Mountain Crags 鸡蛋山 The Egg The Northeast Face
5.9 All the Kings Horses Sport 27m, 13
Sat 23rd Dec 2006 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
瑞士墙-酒瓶山地区 Corridor Entrance 酒瓶山 Wine Bottle
5.10a Shu Ba Jie Sport 19m, 8 Good
Lead by David Bowie.

5.9 第一峰 The First Summit (The First of Jianfeng) Sport 25m, 10 Good
5.9 The Red Wall Sport 37m, 16
5.10a Slack Sport 25m, 8
5.9 Summit No. 1 Sport 25m, 10
5.7 5.6 Hidden Gem Sport 14m, 6
5.8 Little Plum - to merge (Little Plum) Sport
5.8 Watered Whine Sport 18m, 5
5.7 Wild Equipment (Unnamed 1. pitch) Sport 17m, 6
5.9 Miracle of Lankou Sport 25m, 9
5.8 Irresistible (Irresistable) Sport 15m, 6
Mon 27th Nov 2006 - 阳朔 Yangshuo
遇龙河地区 YuLong River 龙牙山 Dragon's Tooth
5.8 非林佛龙 Felinfoel (Felinfoel) Sport 11m, 5
5.9 埃利奥特龙 Elliot the Dragon (Elliot the Dagon) Sport 11m, 5
5.7 Smaug Sport 8m
5.8 魔法龙 Puff the Magic Dragon (Puff the Magic Dragon) Sport 13m, 4
5.9 偷偷摸摸的龙 Sneaky Dragon (Sneaky Dragon) Sport 10m, 4

Showing all 24 ascents.

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