
Routes in Samborondon & El Vallecito

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Showing all 31 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity
6a Barbie del Sur

The furthest left route on the slabby face, closest to the carpark.

Sport 23m
6a+ Mapasingue
Sport 23m
6b+ Entrada Sur
Sport 25m
6b Samborondon
Sport 25m
6a Papas Saladas
Trad 25m
6a Pepelepu

Bolted route just to the right of the big crack feature that runs up the face.

Sport 25m, 10
6a+ Penelope

Similar to Pepelepu but with a slightly harder finish over the belly and extra meter of climbing to the anchor.

Sport 26m, 8
6b Meado de Arañas
Trad 26m
6b+ Mantarraya

Lovely route up the face to the right of the crack. Can climb to the left of the anchor which is shared with Diburón Martillo to extend for a few extra meters of slabbiness.

Sport 20m, 7
7a+ Tiburón Martillo
Sport 20m
7a Sandrogado

Climbs the seemingly blank arrete.

Sport 15m
7c/c+ No es pa todos
Sport 15m
6c Anticristian
Sport 14m, 5
6a+ La Minga

Slabby start that moves right into the crack.

Sport 25m
6b+ Aguacollo

Shares anchor with La Minga.

Sport 25m
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
6c Natem
Sport 20m
5c Eukalizen el Legalipto
Trad 28m
6a Ancheta
Trad 19m
6b Para su Merced
Sport 19m
6b Fisura del Trunco
Trad 18m
6a+ Sambo Gils
Sport 18m
6b+ Melcocha
Sport 15m
5a Caramelo
Sport 15m
6a+ Golosina
Trad 28m
6b Nena
Trad 10m
7c Hecha La Digna

Farthest left bolted route of the steep overhanging wall.

Sport 20m
Heche Leche
Sport 18m
Hecha La Rrica
Sport 18m
8c Hecha La Rosca
Heche el Hueco
8c La Rruda

Showing all 31 routes.

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