
Ascents in Europe by Stefan Hofer

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Showing all 22 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Date
7- Himpi Limpi Sport 13m, 6 Nördlicher Frankenjura Classic Sun 10th Sep 2023
7- R8b Sport 14m, 6 Nördlicher Frankenjura Classic Sun 10th Sep 2023
6a Burlesque Sport 25m Finale Ligure Wed 23rd Aug 2023
6- Traumpfeiler Sport 18m Nördlicher Frankenjura Sun 10th Sep 2023
4+ Diedre de L'Ouest Sport 30m Nice Area Very Good Thu 6th Apr 2023
4+ Pour Elle Sport Nice Area Very Good Thu 6th Apr 2023
5a A la bonne franquette Sport Nice Area Very Good Thu 6th Apr 2023
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
4c ~4c+ L'Anello Magico Sport 12m Finale Ligure Very Good Tue 4th Apr 2023
5c Gemelli Ribelli Sport 12m Finale Ligure Very Good Tue 4th Apr 2023
6a Gemelli Biricchini Sport 12m Finale Ligure Very Good Tue 4th Apr 2023
5c Vista mare Sport 35m Finale Ligure Very Good Sun 20th Aug 2023
6a L'ombra della luce Sport 20m Finale Ligure Very Good Sun 20th Aug 2023
6c Chi non vola e'un vile
1 6a+ 18m Top rope
2 6c 18m Sport
Sport 36m Finale Ligure Very Good Sun 20th Aug 2023
5c Pria di casa Sport 23m Finale Ligure Very Good Wed 23rd Aug 2023
5c Pertosse Sport 32m Finale Ligure Very Good Fri 25th Aug 2023
6a ~5c+ Giropizza Sport 33m Finale Ligure Very Good Fri 25th Aug 2023
6a+ Oltre l'Orizzonte Sport 32m Finale Ligure Very Good Fri 25th Aug 2023
Schwierigkeit 6a+ nur an Einzelstelle, sonst leichter.

5c+ Easy Sophie Sport 20m Finale Ligure Classic Tue 4th Apr 2023
5c ~6a Il Diedro E' Mio Sport 30m Finale Ligure Classic Wed 23rd Aug 2023
Bewertungsvorschlag im Vergleich mit den anderen 6a Routen.

6a Bunga bunga Sport 28m Finale Ligure Classic Wed 23rd Aug 2023

5+ R10 Sport 8m Nördlicher Frankenjura Classic Sun 10th Sep 2023
6- R9 Sport Nördlicher Frankenjura Classic Sun 10th Sep 2023

Showing all 22 ascents.

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