
Ascents in Italy as Pink point

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 1,399 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Climber Date
9a 9a/a+ Beginning Sport Valle del Sarca
Adam Ondra
Thu 3rd Sep 2020
9a Athena natural (without chipped holds) Sport Valle del Sarca
Adam Ondra
Fri 4th Sep 2020
8c+ 9a Sid Lives Sport 7m Nago
Adam Ondra
Fri 4th Sep 2020
9a Omen Nomen Sport 30m Valle del Sarca
Adam Ondra
Mon 28th Mar 2022
9a 8c+/9a Il Guerriero del Futuro Sport Castegnero
Adam Ondra
Fri 18th Mar 2022
8c 8c/c+ Adafano Sport 30m Nago
Adam Ondra
Tue 3rd Sep 2019
8c La Cupola Sport 20m Nago
Adam Ondra
Tue 3rd Sep 2019
8c 8b+ Areodromo Sport Valle del Sarca
Adam Ondra
Mon 2nd Sep 2019
8b+ 8b Super Maratona Sport Valle del Sarca Mega Classic
Gabriela Vrablikova
Sun 19th Nov 2017
PP, about 5 days, with Klofi a Terka

8b Capietto beach Sport 25m Valsesia Mega Classic
Andrea Roasio
Thu 4th Feb 2016
Grado tutto da confermare!!! Quindi sbizzarritevi, il tiro (al di là del grado) è molto bello!! Prima ripetizione dopo la libera di Fabrizio Fratagnoli, autore (chiodatore) della linea. Nessun passo estremo, resistenza di dita su 30 m.

8a+ Nacha Sport Lazio
Mattia Fornari
Thu 26th Apr 2018
8a+ Meglio Soli Sport 18m Val d'Aosta Mega Classic
Andrea Roasio
Thu 14th Jul 2016
Chiodata e liberata da Luca Lenti. Cinque spit di concentrato di dita. Da fare in apnea

8a 8a+ ALICE SPRINGS Sport 35m Val Pennavaire Mega Classic
Andrea Roasio
Sun 19th Apr 2015
First 8a out of the Valley... Not able to say if soft or not, but only that Fiumicino is harder!!!

8a Teamwork - with Sam and JJ Sport 13m, 8 San Vito lo Capo Very Good
Lee Cujes
Tue 21st Oct 2014
This was surprising, and great. From not being able to get off the ground on my first try to totally walking it with near-French style. [2.1 :)]

8a Raoni Sport 20m Nuorese Classic
Stefan Neubauer
Wed 3rd Jan 2007
8a Apollo 13 Sport Lazio Mega Classic
Mattia Fornari
Thu 28th Nov 2019
8a Schattenlinie Sport 20m San Vito lo Capo Classic
Freddie Chopin
Sun 12th Nov 2017
more overhanging than it seems (;

8a Mosaiko Sport 25m Finale Ligure Mega Classic
Andrea Roasio
Sun 18th Feb 2018
3rd go Praticamente al secondo giro dopo l’azzerata di qualche mese fa... Primo fisso saltato e molte grida da Leonida hanno ben valso la catena! e qualche capello bianco in più

8a Gotama Sport 25m Alpisella Classic
Andrea Roasio
Tue 18th Aug 2020
#2go I am not a strong guy 👉 8a. Che linea, non un difetto! In più gli spit, a parte giustamente i primi tre, son tutti da guadagnare. La roccia è talmente bella che le dita stringono per il gusto di farlo.

8a Il visionario Sport 22m Alpisella Classic
Andrea Roasio
Wed 26th Aug 2020
#2go Il riposo a metà è l'unico neo (per fortuna) di questa via. Il blocco che segue il riposo è bastardissimo. La canna è magnifica. Per chi ha poco braccio come me è un filino più dura di 'Gotama'.

8a L'ora della violenza Sport 32m Grottone di Cornarea Mega Classic
Andrea Roasio
Sat 18th Aug 2018
#2go 2nd go Agganciando ogni appiglio coi talloni. Gran tiro di pompa!

8a Ta Peccau - with dani Sport Ogliastra Classic
Juan Moyano
Fri 19th May 2023
8a Ever to manetta Sport 20m Camaiore
Sat 5th Aug 2023
8a Cren — 4 attempts Sport 30m Val Pennavaire Mega Classic
Freddie Chopin
Tue 3rd Oct 2023
Nice fight! Easy slab and vertical wall lead to a very good rest. Then you have a very powerful boulder followed by a rather poor rest. Then another technical boulder with poor footholds and smallish handholds, which ends with a rather good rest. Finally there is a third easy technical boulder and a chain. Do not go over it, everything is loose there! Generally the route is long, however the hard part is less than a half.

7b ~7a+ Birdy P1 — 3 attempts
1 7b Sport
Sport 25m Cranna Classic
Johannes Kuschke
Mon 30th Oct 2023
8a La Vita Sport Pietrasecca
Mattia Fornari
Mon 18th Apr 2022
8a Vaimò Sport Pietrasecca
Mattia Fornari
Mon 18th Apr 2022
8a La Mia Nuova Fidanzata — 2 attempts Sport 28m Lazio Classic
Johannes Pielmeier
Thu 7th Mar 2024
Excellent dynamic moves with two distinct cruxes. Make sure to climb on the right side into the crux of the 7c+. If you climb too far left its too easy for 8a. Climbed the wrong way on the first go, but did it 2nd go, flashing the second crux

8a Fottiti — 4 attempts Sport 36m Eiszeit Classic
Johannes Pielmeier
Thu 4th Aug 2022
First 8a! Many good rests between harder sections.

8a Invidia (III catena) — 4 attempts Sport 10m Lazio Very Good
Johannes Pielmeier
Fri 8th Mar 2024
The 3rd anchor is at the long red quickdraw by the jug that looks like a tooth. Crux is to get to the tooth hold

7c+ Super Santos - with Sam Sport 20m, 11 San Vito lo Capo Very Good
Lee Cujes
Fri 3rd Oct 2014
Perfect white marble, vertical. Crazy crux I managed to solve with patented dyno-barndoor.

7c+ Comes true - with Erik Sport 30m, 15 San Vito lo Capo Mega Classic
Lee Cujes
Mon 6th Oct 2014
Recent right hand variant finish adding 15m of new climbing. Flashed, but had climbed the start.

7c+ Superman - with Erik Sport 25m San Vito lo Capo Classic
Lee Cujes
Thu 9th Oct 2014
JJ talked me into having a shot for photos in the sun. Lucky!

8a 7c+ Evil lurks behind every man's heart - with Sam Sport 55m, 21 San Vito lo Capo Classic
Lee Cujes
Fri 10th Oct 2014
At 55m, makes Crossroads look short. About 4 or 5 cruxes which I really didn't want to blow. Maybe the longest pitch I have done. Biggest on wall. [2]

7c+ Spacelab - with Sam and JJ Sport 22m, 11 San Vito lo Capo Very Good
Lee Cujes
Tue 21st Oct 2014
The sun was inexorably creeping across the wall, no time to rest, go go go! I raced the sun and the sun won. But I ticked.

7c+ Mega dave - with JJ Sport 25m San Vito lo Capo Classic
Lee Cujes
Wed 22nd Oct 2014
This crag cooks all day long. But on the LAST DAY of the trip we scored this freak windy and cloudy day, so I could go back for this one. Thanks Sicily weather gods. Great route! [3]

7c+ 300 Sport Lazio
Mattia Fornari
Thu 28th Nov 2019
7c+ Sport 25m, 10 San Vito lo Capo Very Good
Freddie Chopin
Thu 9th Nov 2017
7c+ Murzega Sport 20m Finale Ligure Mega Classic
Andrea Roasio
Sat 28th Oct 2017
Super linea di muro condita con sequenza finale su buchetti bastardi e lontani, ma soprattutto bastardi! Troppi i sei giri impiegati.

7c+ Impatto imminente
1 7a
2 7c+
Sport 35m Grottone di Cornarea Mega Classic
Andrea Roasio
Mon 21st Aug 2017
3rd go Secondo giro buttato Zanconi distanziati e classico raddrizzamento su prese nette ma meno franche. Gran tiro!

7c+ Inchiappinetor Sport 22m Alpisella Classic
Andrea Roasio
Wed 19th Aug 2020
#2go Non so perché le abbiano dato sto nome, fatto sta che al secondo giro le ho restituito il favore. Un'altra canna, anzi una pinna, su roccia stratosferica!

7c+ Tutto bene Sport 38m Comprensorio di Cantarana Mega Classic
Andrea Roasio
Fri 25th Sep 2020
#2go Dopo un primo 7a interlocutorio ma che rischia di annoiare dopo la terza volta della giornata, si intraprende una cavalcata valchiriana su lame e lamette di roccia fotonica. Il crux qui è piuttosto birbante e rompe le uova nel paniere all'avvistatore. Tocca un giro in più. Tiro superlativo.

7c+ ~7c Sogno di Carlo Sport 15m Monsummano
Sun 2nd Apr 2023
7c+ Il paradiso può attendere Sport 25m Tenerano
Sat 6th May 2023
7c+ Jolly Rogger — 2 attempts - with Flora Müller Sport 20m, 9 Val Pennavaire Mega Classic
Thomas Müller
Fri 3rd Nov 2023
Mir fehlt dieses Jahr der Vergleich, aber vermutlich eher soft für 7c+. Trotzdem sehr schöne Tour.

7c+ Aridatece La Gioconda Sport Pietrasecca
Mattia Fornari
Mon 18th Apr 2022
7c+ Oswald Sport Città dei Sassi Very Good
Johannes Pielmeier
Fri 29th Jul 2022
7c+ Senza Nome — 2 attempts Sport 7m Cascata della Pisa Classic
Johannes Pielmeier
Fri 23rd Feb 2024
High Quality Video of Full Ascent on Youtube:

7c+ ~7c Oswald - with Kat🏔 Sport Città dei Sassi
Anthony Lidbetter
Thu 20th Jun 2024
Wow wow wow

7c+ 7c/c+ The Wish - with Sam Sport 30m, 14 San Vito lo Capo Mega Classic
Lee Cujes
Mon 6th Oct 2014
Ultra high quality face route, probably one of the best at San Vito. Love. That pocket's drilled though :p [2]

7c Nella Bolla - with Sam and JJ Sport 20m San Vito lo Capo Very Good
Lee Cujes
Fri 17th Oct 2014
I think that was the most desperate send of the trip so far, due to exhaustion. Somehow managed to snag the dyno. Need rest day!

6a 7c Unnamed 7c (Unknown 1) Sport 10m, 6 Valle del Sarca
Sun 14th Oct 2012
7c Direzione australia Sport Lazio
Mattia Fornari
Thu 28th Nov 2019
7c Amen Sport 28m Grottone di Cornarea Mega Classic
Andrea Roasio
Mon 14th Aug 2017
#2go 2nd go Forse soft ma al terzo giorno di scalata la gravità faceva 18,81m/s^2 Gran scimmiata variopinta a testa in giù!

7b+ 7c Juri Chechi Sport 40m Comprensorio di Cantarana Classic
Andrea Roasio
Thu 20th Aug 2020
#2go Siamo seri e onesti, il 7c della guida non quadra per niente con un un vero 7c (6c per Juri Chechi). Ma chissenefrega la via è troppo divertente. Mi raccomando però, allungate, allungate bene tutto quello che potete per poterla fare senza tirarvi dietro un'incudine.

7c Per un pugno di dollari Sport 25m Grottone di Cornarea Good
Andrea Roasio
Tue 22nd Sep 2020
#2go Due sezioni tignose su tetto. Talloni salvifici per i deboli di braccia. Clippare la catena fa grado, peccato

7c+ 7c Casa Piotr Sport 20m Valsesia Mega Classic
Andrea Roasio
Sat 21st Nov 2015
#2go Grado da confermare. Impegnativo traversino seguito da fessurino. Probabile prima ripetizione. Recentemente chiodata e liberata da F.Fratagnoli.

7c Arvuzie Sport 25m Finale Ligure Mega Classic
Andrea Roasio
Sun 29th Oct 2017
Ore 8, riscaldamento su Arvuzie: un po’ esagerato ma efficace Al quarto giro dopo i tre di ieri

7c 30 cm di c... (30 cm di k...) Sport 20m Finale Ligure Mega Classic
Andrea Roasio
Mon 30th Oct 2017
Stupenda... Ma occhio al culo fotonico a smontarla. O avete un amico a cui dovete un paio di spritz e una cena oppure son cacchi vostri!

7a Rafiki (Rafiki P1) - with Klaas
1 7a lead by David Vanneste
Sport Ogliastra Classic
David Vanneste
Wed 5th Jan 2022
First crux move followed by great climbing.

7c Jam or Jump Sport 20m, 7 San Vito lo Capo
Sat 1st Jan 2022
7c Invidia (II catena) Sport 8m Lazio
Little Lee
Fri 6th Jan 2023
7c Easy No smoking Sport 30m Muzzerone
Sat 29th Jan 2022
7c 45€ di cazzate Sport 20m Grotta all'ombra
Sun 21st Aug 2022
7c ~7b L'ultimo dei suini Sport 30m Valle del Sarca Mega Classic
maurice king
Sun 23rd Jul 2023
7c Kandinsky — 2 attempts Sport 17m Val Pennavaire Mega Classic
Freddie Chopin
Thu 28th Sep 2023
Almost all holds are big, maybe there are a few harder moves here and there, but for most of the length this route is a perfect overhang on jugs 😃 a "must do", rather easy assuming you are free to go slightly left or right.

7c Spione — 2 attempts Sport 20m Val Pennavaire Very Good
Freddie Chopin
Sat 30th Sep 2023
#2go bouldery and pumpy, but the holds are really sharp, so I wouldn't want to have more tries here or do the moves very dynamically. Generally very nice but the structure of the holds is a real problem.

7c Hard Kepa Sport 25m Val Pennavaire Mega Classic
Freddie Chopin
Fri 6th Oct 2023
There are maybe two or three smaller holds on the whole route, all other are huge. There are maybe two easier boulders, all other moves are straightforward. Yet the steep angle and lack of good rests make you pumped very quickly. Fantastic route! Pure endurance and some strength to pull yourself up this monster.

7c Easy Kandinsky - with Sammi Sport 17m Val Pennavaire Very Good
Lee Cujes
Mon 16th Oct 2023
Suited up in full body armour against the wasps and climbed in total silence. [2]

7c Broken Hearts - with Kat🏔 Sport 15m Somplago Very Good
Anthony Lidbetter
Wed 5th Jun 2024
Great pocket pulling the whole way. Hard start but consistent to the top! Forearms need to get used to these funky holds

7c Diedro Rotto — 2 attempts - with Matěj, zuzka Sport 40m Val Lomasone
Martin Votoupal
Sun 1st Sep 2019
7c ~7b+ L'ultimo dei suini — 2 attempts - with Matěj, zuzka Sport 30m Valle del Sarca
Martin Votoupal
Wed 4th Sep 2019
7c Disneyland — 3 attempts - with Jura Sport 25m Valle del Sarca Good
Martin Votoupal
Tue 29th Sep 2020
7c Namastè - with Kat🏔 Sport Val Cosa Classic
Anthony Lidbetter
Tue 18th Jun 2024
Awesome technical climbing

7b+/c Hard China rossa — 2 attempts - with Sammi Sport 30m Val Pennavaire Mega Classic
Lee Cujes
Mon 23rd Oct 2023
This was mega. Mostly huge, Rodellar-like jugs up and through the massive overhang. Crux section was a tricky read on the brilliant white stone. [2]

7b+/c Easy AnsioLine Sport 23m Sant'Anna di Stazzema
Sun 18th Feb 2024
6c+ 7b+ Mantide Atea Variante diretta (Mantide Atea Direct) Sport 26m Valle del Sarca Very Good
Lee Cujes
Fri 15th Oct 2004
2nd shot. Wandery and wacky 3D madness. One particularly long hard move.

7b+ Dolce follia Sport Ceredo Classic
Lee Cujes
Thu 21st Oct 2004
2nd shot. Big roof. Attention ethics police: I grabbed anchor, then clipped. 25 to life?

7b+ Cave Cannam Sport 16m Nago Very Good
Matthias Felix
Thu 18th Sep 2014
Very nice route. The crux is the endurance. Every move is easy for 7b+, but you don't have any good rest position. Perfectly bolted, so you can skip bolts to save energy.

7b+ Feistus reglettas Sport 27m San Vito lo Capo Classic
Lee Cujes
Thu 2nd Oct 2014
Thought I better get back on for a damp lash. Slipped and slided to success. [2]

7b+ Araba-ttati Sport 19m San Vito lo Capo Average
Lee Cujes
Thu 16th Oct 2014
Once sorted, easy. Who is clipping the anchor off that pocket? Not me, that's for sure!

7b+ Walk the line - with JJ Sport 26m San Vito lo Capo Very Good
Lee Cujes
Wed 22nd Oct 2014
Tickety tick. Last route in Sicily Now signing off theCrag. Back to work.

7b+ Megahommu - with Karla F. Esponda Sport 35m Finale Ligure
Sun 1st Apr 2018
7b+ Harry Potter Sport 25m Nuorese Very Good
Sat 3rd Nov 2018
7b+ Killer Event Sport 20m Valle del Sarca Very Good
Stefan Neubauer
Sat 24th Apr 2004
7b+ Loacher Sport 15m Valle del Sarca
Stefan Neubauer
Sat 30th Apr 2005
7b+ La spalliera (right variant) (La spalliera) Sport 25m Nuorese Very Good
Little Lee
Thu 3rd Jan 2019
26 7b+ I Setti Passi Sport 12m Lazio
Mattia Fornari
Thu 26th Oct 2017
7b+ Sadomasoclimb Extension Sport 20m Lazio
Mattia Fornari
Fri 22nd Sep 2017
7b+ Tallone d'achiller Sport Lazio
Mattia Fornari
Thu 28th Nov 2019
7b+ Balu Yoghi e Bubu Sport 25m San Vito lo Capo Very Good
Freddie Chopin
Sat 11th Nov 2017
7b+ Ultra patchanka Sport 18m Comprensorio di Cantarana Very Good
Andrea Roasio
Fri 21st Aug 2020
#2go Bella continuazione di 'Patchanka'

6c Fly in a blu dream (Fly in a blu dream P1) - with Dascha
1 6c 20m
Sport 20m Camaiore Classic
Alexander Oppe
Fri 18th Sep 2020
7b+ Natural born killer Sport 25m Grottone di Cornarea Good
Andrea Roasio
Mon 21st Sep 2020
#2go I francesi direbbero "moche". Bella cavalcata engagée seguita da un passo Boulder su tetto davvero "moche". Facile per il Grottone. Alcune sezioni in comune con la via di sinistra che lasciano un po' a desiderare.

7b+ Gole profonde Sport 32m Grottone di Cornarea Classic
Andrea Roasio
Tue 22nd Sep 2020
#2go I chiodi non sono messi a caso, la via anche se con una presa rotta non vale 7c (altrove sicuramente ma non qui al Grottone) e infine due braccia di piombo non aiutano nella onsight: un giro di troppo. Bella bella però!

7b+ Goblin Sport 10m Val Pennavaire
Tue 6th Oct 2020
7b+ Attimo fuggente Sport 33m Finale Ligure Mega Classic
Andrea Roasio
Sun 1st Nov 2015
Per collezionisti di placche finalesi poco ripetute... Da non provare senza ottime condizioni di aderenza!!! Oggi vento a trecento nodi, quindi ok, beh un po' troppo...

7b+ Harry Potter Sport 25m Nuorese Very Good
Freddie Chopin
Thu 4th Nov 2021
#2go hard and non-obvious boulder after a sustained start, finished by far moves

7b+ Finanzieri Sport 25m, 10 Valle del Sarca
Sat 26th Mar 2022
7b+ Pipeline Sport 28m, 10 San Vito lo Capo Classic
Karel Podmela
Wed 13th Apr 2022
Never 7c! 7b+ Acording a new guidebook seems more spotted on, but still soft. Doesn’t change the fact, that the route is really nice!


Showing 1 - 100 out of 1,399 ascents.

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