
Route history

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Lat/Lon: 45.81010, 11.74630

Grade citation

6c Assigned grade
6c Luca Pareti


Mega Classic
Very Good
Don't Bother

Based on 0 ratings.

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Selected Guidebooks more Hide

Author(s): M. Burato, N. Rossi, J. Guderzo

Date: 2023

30 climbing areas / gardens on the Asiago Plateau as well as in the Grappa Massif of the Venetian Prealps - the 7C in the name of the book comes from the 7 included Comunes ...

Author(s): A.Battaglia, S. Boato

Date: 2012

ISBN: 978-88-97299-17-2

This climbing guide describes 16 climbing spots / from Grappa massif, the Brenta canal to the Asiago plateau - difficulties are mainly in the 6th and 7th french scale.

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