
Publications linked to and above Farina

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Showing all 3 publications.

Author(s): Associazion Roc Pennavaire

Date: 2024

ISBN: 9788831244909

A comprehensive guidebook describing all the sport climbing in Val Pennavaire, near Alto in northwest Italy, covering around 2,700 sport routes from easy F4’s to top end F9a+.

Areas: Val Pennavaire

Author(s): Matteo Gambaro

Date: 2022

ISBN: 9788855470469

A comprehensive guidebook describing 71 sport climbing crags in Val Pennavaire and Val Neva, covering 1,000’s of routes across a wide range of grades.

Areas: Val Pennavaire

Author(s): Associazion Roc Pennavaire

Date: 2023

ISBN: 9788831244466

A comprehensive guidebook describing all the sport climbing in Val Pennavaire, near Alto in northwest Italy, covering around 2,000 sport routes from easy F4’s to top end F9a+.

Areas: Val Pennavaire

Showing all 3 publications.

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