
Golf Club Terrace

  • Grade context: SA

Access issues inherited from Blyde River Canyon

The crags outside the Blyde Canyon Forever Resort are on SANParks property and climbing on these crags is not permitted. These crags, which are accessed via the Rondawel Lookout parking area, are patrolled by SANParks officials, who will arrest any climbers on them.

The crags within the Blyde Canyon Forever Resort are situated on land owned by SANParks, but leased by Forever Resorts. SANPark officials do not patrol this land as it is the Resort’s responsibility to protect it. While no official access has been granted by Blyde Canyon Forever Resort to climb the crags on this land, climbing has also not been forbidden. Climbers visiting the area are asked to respect the sensitivity of access at present by being discrete and vigilant. While you are free to open new lines, bolting is strictly prohibited.

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This cliff is unlocated

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Fri 8 Sep
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