
Route history

There is no known route history.



Lat/Lon: 36.24817, -5.34978


There is a fence with open gate. Many people walk their dog there and it is not in the protected area. No information about any communication with the land owner.

inherited from La Alcaidesa


Mega Classic
Very Good
Don't Bother

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Author(s): D. Munilla

Date: 2018

Climbing around Gibraltar - 17 climbing areas in the province Cádiz between Tarifa and Olvera - routes between 5th and 8th grade french scale / single and multi pitches.

Author(s): D. Munilla

Date: 2007

Comprehensive climbing guidebook for Andalusia - 40 climbing areas - mostly 6th and 7th grade french scale / single and multi pitches.

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Sun 10 Sep
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