
Publications linked to and above Los Pitufos

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Showing all 3 publications.

Author(s): Javier Magallon

Date: 2023

Climbing guidebook for traditional multi-pitch routes in Teruel - 220 classic routes in total

Areas: Teruel

Author(s): R. Palmer

Date: 2021

ISBN: 9788461730575

A comprehensive guidebook describing the bouldering at Albarracin and Bezas, covering over 2,300 boulder problems in 21 different sectors at Albarracin, plus over 600 problems in 12 different sectors at Bezas.

Areas: Albarracín

Author(s): T. Pretel, J. Monterde, and D. Gimeno

Date: 2016

ISBN: 9788498292510

A comprehensive guidebook describing the fantastic sandstone bouldering at Albarracin, covering 15 different sectors and over 1,600 problems across a wide range of grades.

Areas: Albarracín

Showing all 3 publications.

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