
Publications linked to and above Mambo Slab

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Showing all 4 publications.

Author(s): Steve Broadbent

Date: 2024

ISBN: 9781913167127

A selective guidebook describes the best sport climbing areas in the southern half of England and Wales, describing 101 crags and over 4,600 routes covering Carmarthen Bay, the Gower Peninsula, Swansea Bay, the Welsh Valleys, Gilwern, the Wye Valley, Avon, north side of Cheddar Gorge, Portland, Lulworth, Swanage, Devon, and Cornwall.

Areas: South-West England

Author(s): Dave Henderson and Ben Stokes

Date: 2024

ISBN: 9781873341049

A comprehensive guidebook details over 2,300 boulder problems across a wide range of grades, covering the whole of Devon, including Dartmoor, the north coast and the south coast around Torbay.

Areas: Dartmoor

Author(s): Mark Glaister

Date: 2022

ISBN: 9781873341889

10 top climbing areas of the southwest of England - Wye Valley, Avon and Somerset, North Devon, Culm Coast, Inland Cornwall, Atlantic Coast, West Penwith, The Lizard, Inland Devon and Torbay

Areas: South-West England

Author(s): James Clapham

Date: 2017

ISBN: 9780957281561

A definitive guidebook describing the trad rock climbing and bouldering in Dartmoor, covering over 600 routes and 1,200 boulder problems across a wide range of grades.

Areas: Dartmoor

Showing all 4 publications.

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