
Routes in Le Petite Covette

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Showing all 23 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity
French Wall
5.9 French Kissing

Retro bolted pro crack

5.11d Mon Amie

Up arete/face

Sport 6
5.11c/d Solitaire

Just left of mange/wide crack

Sport 5
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
5.11c Whee-Whee

Hard start out of small roof, hard finish if you go up from 4th bolt; off-route finish if you hand traverse right after 3rd bolt

Sport 4
5.11a Truffles

Weird-but-good rock to steep headwall finish

Sport 8
5.12a/b Totally French

Steep face left of big roof; scintillating moves!!

Sport 8
5.10c All Naturale

Good pro crack through roof, right or left side; left crack is harder

5.10d Pepe La'peau

Just right of roofs

Sport 7
5.10c This Smoo Is for You

Real fun (don't disturb the resting Smoo at the first bolt!!)

Sport 7
5.10b Mr. McGoo

Dihedral just right of 'This Smoo Is for You', harder if you don't open your eyes and find the hidden hold at the last bolt!

Sport 6
5.11d Honor Amongst Fiends

10 yards right of 'This Smoo Is for You', starts just right of little roof and up sustained face, good!

Sport 8
5.10d The Guillotine

Stemming start, over small roofs, to crux bulge

Sport 8
5.10a French Toast

Same start as 'The Guillotine', then right and up slot

Sport 7
5.10b Water Lilly

About 20 yards left

Sport 5
5.12b/c Water Louie

Psycho laybacking!

Sport 5
Hobbit Wall
5.11b Magic Rings

Hard 2 bolts start, to big ledge, then 6 bolts of fun climbing up crack/face

Sport 8
5.12a Gandalf Takes a Wiz

Same start as 'Magic Rings', then continues up arete; steep and mean!

5.10c/d Hobbit Heaven

Great face climb

Sport 7
5.11c/d Gollum

Up overhanging arete; steep, pumpy, great!

5.11a Bilbo on a Bungee

4-bolt variation to 'What's Its Gots in It's Pockets'

5.11b/c What's Its Gots in It's Pockets

Great finger pockets, thin moves, steep face

Sport 8
5.10a Hobbit-Forming

Fun pro-your-own crack, finishes on last 2 bolts of 'What's Its Gots in It's Pockets'

5.12b/c Menage-A-Trois


Sport 3

Showing all 23 routes.

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