
Ascents in Zion National Park having Beta

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 103 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality Climber
Wed 8th May 2024 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Namaste Wall
5.12a Namaste Sport 38m, 14 Classic
Bob Green
Coming back for the send

5.11a/b Dost Mitra Sport 32m, 10 Classic
Bob Green
Took all the rests

5.11b 1/2 Route with extension Sport 28m, 11 Very Good
Bob Green
Fell just before last clip

Thu 21st Mar 2024 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Namaste Wall
5.12a Namaste - with Maxwell Cullen Sport 38m, 14
Meredith Apple
Really cool jug hauling. Very cold and nearly numbed out but hand warmers saved the OS. So good I did it twice!

Wed 20th Mar 2024 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Namaste Wall
5.12a Namaste Sport 38m, 14 Mega Classic
Maxwell Cullen
Classic for a reason! What a wall and what a route. Turns out ladders are pretty hard when it's that steep. Unreal.

5.11b 1/2 Route with extension Sport 28m, 11 Classic
Maxwell Cullen
Pretty great! Hard gnarly gastons and an off balance throw above the first anchor. Rough warmup 😅

Tue 19th Sep 2023 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Cereberus Gendarme
5.11c ~5.10c Fails of Power - with Simon Trad 21m Classic
Ronja Lantzsch
First pitch is really nice.

5.10c Cherry Crack - with Simon Trad 43m Classic
Ronja Lantzsch
Just climbed the first pitch. Start is a bit sketchy but after that super nice hand jamming.

Sun 17th Sep 2023 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Namaste Wall
5.11a/b Dost Mitra - with Simon Sport 32m, 10 Classic
Ronja Lantzsch
Nice route which is a bit more sandy than the others. Bolting is terrible (spaced,old,loose)

5.10d 1/2 Route - with Simon Sport 20m, 7 Mega Classic
Ronja Lantzsch
Amazing route in an amazing setting and good glued bolts.

Sat 16th Sep 2023 - Zion National Park
Lower Zion Canyon, East Pine Creek Canyon Tunnel Crags Area Kung Fu Theatre
5.10+ The Dark Tower - with Simon
1 Trad
2 Trad
Trad Very Good
Ronja Lantzsch
Really tricky move with bad protection maybe 5 meters above the ground. Besides, really cool and steep climbing on the first pitch and nice (and a bit sketchy) patina climbing on the second pitch

Sat 16th Sep 2023 - Zion National Park
Lower Zion Canyon, East Pine Creek Canyon
5.10b II The Headache - with Simon Trad 120m Mega Classic
Ronja Lantzsch
Superb route, good protection and really good rock quality. Good mixture of crack climbing and face climbing around the cracks.

Thu 4th May 2023 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Red Arch Mountain North Face
5.11+ Shune's Buttress Trad 240m Mega Classic
Jack Seawright
Very memorable route. Super improbable to be able to step around the arete into a 110m crack leadi g straight to the top of red arch! The offwidth felt surprisingly good.. i might think about not aiding all of them. Wasnt as much sand on this route for tony to complain about but the weather forecasters provided an excuse. Clear skies they said, we certainly picked up the pace on the last pitch when thunder started cracking over our heads. We lost all that time and more on the rap by getting the tag line hopelessly tangled in the climbing rope on all the biner block raps. We both tried to tell ourselves the tag line was necessary but some retrobolted anchors meant it could have been done with a single 70. Fook.

Thu 4th May 2023 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Moonlight Buttress
5.12d Moonlight Buttress - with caleb, shane, tom
1 Second
2 Second
3 Trad

fell while seconding the day prior

4 Second
5 5.12b Trad


6 5.12d Trad

my second shot was the best. nearly got into the pod but faffed the gear. need more endurance.

7 5.12 Second

note to self chimneying with 3L of water heaps of shit on my harness & shorts is a bad idea. bring a tag line.

8 Second

lead it then sent on top rope. fingers destroyed and exhausted we bailed

Trad Mega Classic
Dylan Tubaro
Easily the best rock climb I've ever been on ! A very faff filled three days of exhaustion! First I jumped in on Shane and toms plan to climb to the crux and fix to the ground. Then I didn't feel like I could leave without atleast trying to crux pitch + above. Lucky Caleb wasn't Farr away. So we came back and climbed up the the crux and I had two shots. Felt close but just didn't have the endurance! Then the next day was absolutely faffy and we both got pretty exhausted. So keen to come back to this !

Wed 3rd May 2023 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Namaste Wall
5.12a Namaste Sport 38m, 14 Good
Dylan Tubaro
crazy steep sandy jug hauling

5.11a/b Dost Mitra Sport 32m, 10 Average
Dylan Tubaro
Some of the worst bolting I've ever seen. Glue in U bolts should definitely be used here. Sketchy

Mon 1st May 2023 - Zion National Park
Lower Zion Canyon, East Pine Creek Canyon Tunnel Crags Area Kung Fu Theatre
5.11- Enter the Dragon Sport Classic
Jack Seawright
Not what we came for but what we came for required 74 purple cams and 268 greens as per usual so we popped the zion cherry with a bolted arete. Some pretty unique movement and shuddering mantles which were fun. Tony wasnt psyched on the sandy holds, but with zions reputation id feel cheated if we got indian creek standard rock. Jumped on a very intreguing route called inner chi. Placing .2s in sandy flares then blasting face moves to slopers 2m to the right might have been a little too zion. Encountered a 1m long rattlesnake (a hissa) next to the bags. Tony got some photos while it sat in a perfect coil, patiently waiting for him to get the perfect shot for wild country to steal for their website.

Sat 29th Apr 2023 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Moonlight Buttress
5.12d V Moonlight Buttress P6
6 Trad
Tom Baanders
Crux pitch

Tue 11th Apr 2023 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Cereberus Gendarme
5.9 C2 IV Touchstone Wall - with Liang Jialiang
1 Aid lead by Liang Jialiang
2 Aid lead by YR_the_Sloth, Liang Jialiang
3 Aid lead by YR_the_Sloth
4 Aid lead by Liang Jialiang
5 Trad lead by Liang Jialiang
6 Aid
7 Aid
8 Aid
Aid 280m Good
Super physical and mental for current myself.

Mon 7th Nov 2022 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Moonlight Buttress
5.12d Moonlight Buttress - with Gwen, Liz Chong
1 Trad
2 Second
3 Trad
4 Second
5 5.12b Trad
6 5.12d Second

One fall

7 Trad

Here the wheels fell off and I switched into support mode.

8 Second
9 Trad
10 Second
Trad Mega Classic
Will Vidler
I might write something longer and more pretentious about this at some point. Gwen onsighted the route except for the jump off the rocker block which took her a go or two.

Sun 6th Nov 2022 - Zion National Park
The Confluence
5.11c Crimson King - with Liz Chong, Gwen Trad 27m Classic
Will Vidler
Awesome and soft.

Thu 27th Oct 2022 - Zion National Park
The Confluence
5.11c Easy Crimson King - with LL Trad 27m Mega Classic
Incredible crack moves

Sun 9th Oct 2022 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Namaste Wall
5.12b 5.12b/c Huecos Rancheros - with Hanna Kallweit, Steffi Sport 42m, 15 Very Good
40m of steep jugs with a crimpy finish.

5.11a 5.11a/b Dost Mitra - with Hanna Kallweit, Steffi Sport 32m, 10 Very Good
Cool jugs to cruise up to the big hole to get a good rest, easy afterwards. A 60m rope brings you down.

5.12a Namaste - with Hanna Kallweit, Steffi Sport 38m, 14 Very Good
Massive warmup pump, should have done Dost Misread before. Hardest moves before the third bolt, afterwards you just have to keep it together and shake out the pump at the huge jugs.

Fri 7th Oct 2022 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Red Arch Mountain North Face
5.11+ Shune's Buttress - with Hanna Kallweit
1 5.11+ 40m lead by Hanna Kallweit
2 5.9 20m lead by ToxicD
3 5.10 20m lead by Hanna Kallweit
4 5.10 25m lead by Hanna Kallweit
5 5.9 25m lead by Hanna Kallweit
6 5.11- 15m lead by Hanna Kallweit
7 5.11+ 40m lead by Hanna Kallweit
8 5.9 55m lead by ToxicD
Trad 240m Mega Classic
The best route in Zion!

Pitch 1 starts with 5.11+ strenuous lieack/finger corner, massive warmup pump. Pitch 2, short steep 5.9 to the next ledge. Linked 3-5 in one huge chimney/off-width pitch (coming out of the chimney is the hardest, A0 with sling from above). Pitch 6 starts with a little down-climbing then up to a bolt and past a crimpy 5.11- traverse. Best to ignore the bolted belay and rather build one around the arete at the base of the crack. Steep fingers to hand through the 5.11+ money pitch to a one bolt belay with excellent #1 as back-up. Last long 5.9 pitch to the top.

Thu 6th Oct 2022 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Moonlight Buttress
5.9 C1 5.12d V Moonlight Buttress - with Hanna Kallweit Trad Mega Classic
Clean aid ascent of moonlight buttress (8h from base to top). What a great line! Lead P1, P3,P4, Follow P2,P5, 6+7, 8+9.

Tue 14th Jun 2022 - Zion National Park
Practice Cliffs
5.7 Unknown Trad 9m Good
Kalang Kedumba Jones
Short but felt burly. Great route to start on here

5.8 Casual Sex Trad 24m Very Good
Kalang Kedumba Jones
Thoroughly enjoyable sandstone jamming. Was a bit of a journey through the wide section and a grovel into the groove

Sat 9th Apr 2022 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Temple of Sinawava
5.12 5.12 IV Monkeyfinger Alpine 270m
Sébastien Cyrenne-Bergeron

Mon 1st Nov 2021 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Namaste Wall
5.11a 5.11a/b Dost Mitra Sport 32m, 10
Blew it on the long reach

Sat 30th Oct 2021 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Temple of Sinawava
5.9 5.8 Ashtar Command - with Laura Mixed trad 32m, 12
L1, F2.

Wed 20th Nov 2019 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Leaning Wall
5.10 C2 Spaceshot Aid 300m Classic
All you can say is PEW PEW, Spaceshot! The best beginner wall climb in the US FT our boy Pablo, Snapgate & Mud Pigeon

Fri 8th Nov 2019 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Namaste Wall
5.10b 5.10d 1/2 Route Sport 20m, 7 Classic
oliver kerr
Ticked the extension as well.

5.11b 1/2 Route with extension Sport 28m, 11
oliver kerr
Cool jugs pretty much the whole way - the hard moves were each preceded by a either full body rest or a kneebar.

5.12a 5.12b/c Huecos Rancheros Sport 42m, 15 Classic
oliver kerr
Soft as at 12c. Maybe 12a? Cool climbing nonetheless.

5.12b 5.13a Twins Paradox Sport 38m Very Good
oliver kerr
13a? Somebody's having a laugh. 12b maybe?

Looking at Mountain Project, the "13a" bit was to the right of the second last bolt but the obvious line (and only chalk) follows the big hueco to the left. The actual crux was a bit lower.

5.11c 5.12a Namaste Sport 38m, 14 Very Good
oliver kerr
Once again cool climbing - like the rest of them but also soft. Not 12a, too many sit down rests.

The routes here are amazing, unique and seriously extraordinary...but once you've done one you've done them all and there is only so much jug hauling you can get on board with.

Fri 11th Oct 2019 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Desert Shield Buttress
5.11a C3 5.11a C3 Desert Shield - with RS, SG Aid 300m
Lovely route, but really doesn't appear sustainable in the softer layers.

Tue 8th Oct 2019 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Namaste Wall
5.10d 1/2 Route Sport 20m, 7 Mega Classic

The perfect warm up

5.11b 5.11a/b Dost Mitra Sport 32m, 10 Mega Classic
A great climb after 1/2 route to get you into the feel for Namaste or the 12b

5.12a Namaste Sport 38m, 14 Mega Classic
As a boulderer, this tested the limits of my endurance, worsened by my not using of the obvious rests. Psyched with the onsight, perhaps a little soft at 12a but who cares, the line is incredible.

Wed 2nd Oct 2019 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Leaning Wall
5.10 C2 5.10 C2 IV Spaceshot - with snapgate, rogueshitter Aid 300m
PEW PEW.....spaaceeshot

Sun 29th Sep 2019 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Namaste Wall
5.12c 5.12b/c Huecos Rancheros Sport 42m, 15 Classic
Josh Mackenzie
Would love to claim the 12c (26) onsight, but i would say this is more of a stiff 12a (24) in my opinion.

5.12a Namaste Sport 38m, 14 Classic
Josh Mackenzie
Like all other routes on this wall, this route is wildly enjoyable. But, definitely not .12a. My suggestion would be 11c.

Mon 23rd Sep 2019 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Desert Shield Buttress
5.11a C3 Desert Shield Aid 300m Mega Classic
You want to know what clean aid is leave Yose and go here! The funnest wall of our trip it shows that aid climbing can be hella fun! The location is perfert We had an Aussie BBQ halfway up the wall in the shade as we watched people suffer in the desert sun on Moonlight Buttress. IMO this is a very tame route with lots of DMM offsets and pee nuts. You can even drop your black totem and still get to the top ahahah. With Snapgate and Mud Pigeon

Wed 18th Sep 2019 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Namaste Wall
5.10d 1/2 Route - with Stubbsy Sport 20m, 7 Mega Classic
Your a total punter if you don't climb here! It is incredibly fun and a lovely walk to the wall.

Tue 14th May 2019 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Namaste Wall
5.13a Twins Paradox - with Brent, Amanda Brown Sport 38m
Tom Collins
Really great movement the whole way, got pretty spooked with the sandiness and spaced bolts.

Top right hand anchor bolt is loose/ Wiggles.

Sun 28th Apr 2019 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Moonlight Buttress
5.12d Moonlight Buttress
Trad Mega Classic
Ashlee Hendy
Mostly followed. Managed to lead and flash the crux pitch. Shame I can’t climb a chimney

Sat 27th Apr 2019 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Namaste Wall
5.12a Namaste Sport 38m, 14 Mega Classic
Ashlee Hendy
This would honestly be a grade 19 in Aus

5.10d 1/2 Route Sport 20m, 7 Classic
Ashlee Hendy
What a way to start your day

5.12c 5.12b/c Huecos Rancheros Sport 42m, 15 Mega Classic
Ashlee Hendy
Shame it was a bit sandy on my onsight attempt. No problems on the second shot

5.13a Twins Paradox Sport 38m Mega Classic
Ashlee Hendy
Kolob grades are about as hard as the Zion sandstone.... (not very hard)

Sat 14th Jul 2018 - Zion National Park
Boulders at the Entrance Skeptic's Truth Boulder
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
6C V5/6 Dovile Boulder Mega Classic
Petar Chalamov
"I didn't see chalk or any info on the internet so i claim my first FA Took me some good 30 min and i fell multiple times on every move, so I think around V5 on the soft side. The boulder is awesome though - perfect sitstart, Left hand on a cool low pinch, right hand on the sidepull. Stand up to a left hand decent yet somewhat far crimp, right foot up in one of the funky holes. Get the core thight and adjust right hand on a sharp crimp. Then crux - big throw to a right crimp/pinch. Then feet up (i matched but on the actual send not) and top out is ok. Video of the FA below (changed my beta on the go.... + epic knee at the end....)


Tue 22nd May 2018 - Zion National Park
Boulders at the Entrance Drilled Pocket Boulder
V3 Drilled Pocket Problem Boulder
Petar Chalamov
Did it with no spotting so i bailed a few times to test the landing. Very cool


V3 West Face Center-Right Boulder Classic
Petar Chalamov
"to the right of the small dyno warmup. Sitstart and then right hand gaston, stand up and exit with yet another right hang gaston on a loose undercling. Not as easy as it looks!


Tue 17th Oct 2017 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Namaste Wall
5.10d 1/2 Route Sport 20m, 7 Mega Classic
Phat D
highest onsight by then

5.11b 5.11a/b Dost Mitra Sport 32m, 10 Mega Classic
Phat D
hung at the crux. then two takes.

5.12a Namaste Sport 38m, 14 Mega Classic
Phat D
hung a bunch. at the end bold to bold

Thu 4th May 2017 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Namaste Wall
5.12a Namaste Sport 38m, 14 Mega Classic
Pass negative 2 bolt with your hill hook reach 4.bolt and climb at the stairs all the way up try to not get pamp.

Tue 2nd May 2017 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Namaste Wall
5.10d 1/2 Route Sport 20m, 7 Mega Classic
Riley Stratton
Amazing route, a must climb if in Zion. Features are as unique as they get. Google namaste wall and get here!!

Wed 23rd Sep 2015 - Zion National Park
Lower Zion Canyon, West Mount Kinesava
5.7 Cowboy Ridge Trad 370m Average
Richard Pattison
Great views, and a nice day out, but hardly worth the effort for the climbing alone (the approach was ~3 hours across loose scree, and descent another ~3 hrs). The 5.7 hand-crack was nice, but 15m of climbing vs. 9 hours exercise wasn't worth it.

And... to round off the disappointment... we didn't find the petroglyphs :o(

Fri 27th Mar 2015 - Zion National Park
Lower Zion Canyon, West The Spearhead
Iron Messiah - with Gavin Smith Alpine 300m Classic
Gavin Smith
Led P1 & 2. Dehydration meant seconding the rest.

Mon 29th Sep 2014 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Paria Point
5.10d Half route Sport 25m Very Good
Vanessa Wills
Amazing steepness and stunning settings shame about storms as I so wanted to do namaste.

Tue 3rd Jun 2014 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Cathedral Mountain Cathedral Mountain
5.10a 5.10 Coke Explosion - with Charles Cooper Trad 110m Classic
Jakob Kapelj
Incredible climbing all the way.

Thu 15th May 2014 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Cereberus Gendarme
5.9 5.9 C2 IV Touchstone Wall Aid 280m Very Good
led odd pitches

Tue 13th May 2014 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Namaste Wall
5.10d 1/2 Route Sport 20m, 7 Classic

Wed 30th Apr 2014 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Cathedral Mountain Cathedral Mountain
5.10a Coke Explosion - with Jakob Kapelj
1 5.9 lead by Charles Cooper
2 5.10a lead by Jakob Kapilj
Trad 110m Classic
Charles Cooper
Second pitch is classic crack climb. The view of Zion from the second pitch anchors is also classic. Because of time constraints we turned back after second pitch. I led p1, Jakob led P2.

Wed 1st Jan 2014 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Moonlight Buttress
5.12b 5.12d V Moonlight Buttress Trad
Barbara Zangerl
team ascent 9 pitches

Sun 5th May 2013 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Cereberus Gendarme
M3 5.9 C2 IV Touchstone Wall Aid 280m Classic
Scott Godwin
With Laura. First big wall route. Fixed p1 and 2 the day before. Only made it top of pitch 6 then bailed as the day was getting late and Laura was buggered. Great climbing though. The aid moves over the lip of the roof on p2 are sketchballs! Offset micro nuts might help.

Sat 4th May 2013 - Zion National Park
Lower Zion Canyon, East Pine Creek Canyon
5.10b 5.10b II The Headache Trad 120m Classic
Scott Godwin
P1 only (which was excellent). Got a cam stuck and had to rap down to retrieve it. Was getting late so we decided to call it a day.

Wed 20th Apr 2011 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Moonlight Buttress
5.13a Moonlight Buttress Trad Mega Classic
Chris Beric
Awesome big wall, took us 2 days to get up. Fixed ropes on 3rd pitch. very impressive and exposed. Alex Honnolds a nut for soling it

Sun 25th Oct 2009 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Paria Point
5.10c Pulp Friction Unknown 26m Very Good
Adam Bramwell
A solid forearm sampler of Kolob steepness

Tue 2nd May 2006 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Cereberus Gendarme
5.9 Tales Of Flails Trad 40m Good
Phil Wilkes
Bring lots of #1 and #2 camalots and go straight up the chimney, not out right to the other seam. Its better than it looks

Fri 24th Mar 2006 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Cereberus Gendarme
5.9 Touchstone Wall Aid 280m Very Good
Nicholas Yaskoff
Ben and I were close. Bad weather blow in and we were off.

Mon 3rd Oct 2005 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Cathedral Mountain The Spearhead
III 5.10 III Iron Messiah Alpine Mega Classic
Similar, but I thought better, than Epinepherine. Classic corner and chimney climbing.

Sun 2nd Oct 2005 - Zion National Park
Lower Zion Canyon, East Pine Creek Canyon
5.10b 5.10b II The Headache Trad 120m Mega Classic
2nd pitch one of the best anywhere.

Sun 1st May 2005 - Zion National Park
Zion Lodge Carbuncle Buttress
5.7 Deadend Unknown Classic
Damion Nokes
Great climb, loved it!!

Wed 7th Apr 2004 - Zion National Park
Lower Zion Canyon, East Pine Creek Canyon
5.10b 5.10b II The Headache Trad 120m Classic
Daniel Smilkstein
Pure great climbing

Thu 1st Apr 2004 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Red Arch Mountain North Face
5.11c 5.11+ Shune's Buttress Trad 240m Mega Classic
mark spicer
best pitch of my life!!! no im not joking!!

Thu 1st Apr 2004 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Temple of Sinawava
5.12 5.12 IV Monkeyfinger Alpine 270m Classic
mark spicer
One quick dog on crux?

Thu 1st Apr 2004 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Moonlight Buttress
Swoop Gimp or be dust Aid Very Good
Mark Hateley
Solo with two bivis. First half is amazing, thin seam and hook, second is horrible choss

Thu 11th Mar 2004 - Zion National Park
Zion Lodge Carbuncle Buttress
5.8 Just Another Jam Unknown Average
Matthew L Johnson
A little dirty

Mon 1st Mar 2004 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Angels Landing
Sheer Lunacy Aid
Michael Schneiter
with Brandon Walton

Lowe Route (North Face) Aid 460m
Michael Schneiter
with Brandon Walton

Thu 30th Oct 2003 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Angels Landing
5.8 Prodigal Sun Aid Classic
Michael Schneiter

Mon 27th Oct 2003 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Leaning Wall
Spaceshot Aid 300m Mega Classic
Michael Schneiter
Classic route - fun day!

Sat 25th Oct 2003 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Angels Landing
IV 5.11a IV Northeast Buttress Alpine Very Good
Michael Schneiter
Fun day

Fri 24th Oct 2003 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Paria Point
5.12a Namaste Sport 46m Classic
Daniel Smilkstein
Just a great sustained climb. 12a rating based on effort, not difficulty of holds.

Wed 25th Jun 2003 - Zion National Park
Lower Zion Canyon, West Lady Mountain
5.7 5.7 III North Spur Alpine 340m Don't Bother
Glenn Pinson
circuitus and dirty

Sat 19th Apr 2003 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Moonlight Buttress
5.13a Moonlight Buttress Trad Mega Classic
Michael Schneiter
Classic route with great friends

Sun 1st Dec 2002 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Moonlight Buttress
Lunar Ecstasy Aid Mega Classic
Michael Schneiter
Sweet route

Fri 1st Nov 2002 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Leaning Wall
Spaceshot Aid 300m Very Good
Tony Williams
Pretty scary on some of those dodgy belays

Thu 31st Oct 2002 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Weeping Rock
5.10 Lost Arrow Unknown 30m Good
Tony Williams
loose walk up from car park but good route

Wed 30th Oct 2002 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Cereberus Gendarme
5.11a Scarlet Begonias Trad 20m Classic
Tony Williams
awesome lieback

5.10c Cherry Crack Trad 43m Very Good
Tony Williams

Fails of Power (to chains) Trad 21m Classic
Tony Williams
most peoples option. awesome climbing

Fri 1st Feb 2002 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Cereberus Gendarme
5.9 Touchstone Wall Aid 280m Very Good
Michael Schneiter
Sweet time in the sun

2002 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Cereberus Gendarme
5.7 Cave Route Trad
william thomas bailey
do ya think ol clint done it thisaway?

Thu 1st Mar 2001 - Zion National Park
Lower Zion Canyon, West The Spearhead
5.10 5.10 III Iron Messiah Alpine 300m Very Good
Michael Schneiter
Good, long free route


Showing 1 - 100 out of 103 ascents.

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