
Ascents in World by Noah Boudreau-Richard

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 951 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Date
5.12a Lexamen de rattrapage
1 5.8 109m
2 5.10d
3 5.12a
Trad 110m Portneuf Very Good Sat 28th Aug 2021
Thought I was on something else so I mostly climbed off route. Went around to the left on P1 (5.8). Climbed most of P2 but traversed over to the left before the final moves lowering the grade slightly. Worked on the crux sequence of P3 (BEAUTIFUL!). Aid climbed 10-12m after the crux and freed the rest. Rappelled from the anchor of P3

5.12a Yankee Clipper
1 5.8 1500ft lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
2 5.8 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
3 5.10b lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
4 5.8 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
5 5.9
6 5.10b
7 5.9
8 5.9
10 5.10b lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
11 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
12 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
13 5.8
14 5.10b
15 5.12a lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
Sport 460m, 12 El Potrero Chico Classic Tue 26th Nov 2019
Most pitches are very nice but not incredible. All of the 5.10b cruxes are one to two moves. The 5.12a crux is three bolts of super technical sharp crimps. Hard to onsight. Pitch 14 is worth doing even if you're not doing pitch 15.

Simulclimbed all but the last pitch. Got up in 3h (2h30 to the top of P14) and down in 1h. Double 60m.

5.11a The Grand Wall
1 5.8 1000 ft lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
2 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
3 5.10b
4 5.10b lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
5 5.11a
6 5.11a lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
7 5.10b
8 5.10c lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
9 5.6 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
Trad 300m Squamish Mega Classic Wed 22nd Jul 2020
Apron Strings into Grandwall, into bellygood ledge. Took 3 falls on Perry's lieback and a rest on the last hard pitch.

5.10d Space Boyz
1 5.8 1000ft lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
2 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
3 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
4 5.9
5 5.10b
6 5.10d lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
Sport 300m El Potrero Chico Classic Mon 18th Nov 2019
Started late (3h30) after getting down from TNT wall. Figured we'd just get as far as we could. Linked 1-2-3 (a little bit of simul at the end) 4-5, 6. Stopped at the top of pitch 6.

6a+ Pilier du levant (Pilier du levant Linkup Unknown route on the right) - with David Gibbs
1 5b lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
2 5c lead by David Gibbs
3 4c linkup Unknown route on the right , lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
4 5b lead by David Gibbs
5 6a+ lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
6 6a lead by David Gibbs
7 5a lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
Sport 200m, 12 Ailefroide Classic Mon 17th Jun 2019
Thought we were climbing "Riviere Kwai" but followed the wrong line. There is a new bolt line to the right of "Pilier du levant" which confused us.

5.9 The Squamish Buttress (The Squamish Buttress Linkup the butt light)
1 5.8 210m lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
2 5.5 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
3 5.7 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
4 5.7 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
5 5.9 linkup the butt light , lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
6 5.8 linkup the butt light , lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
7 5.6 linkup the butt light
Trad 210m Squamish Mega Classic Wed 5th Aug 2020
Linked 'Banana Peel' into 'Bommstick Crack' into 'Squamish Buttress' into 'The Butt Light'.

6h up, 1h30 down.

Approach shoes all the way.

Linked 1+2, 3+4, then did a short scramble pitch to base of butt light (5.9). From there, I ran a long pitch to a tree just below the 5.8 chimney.

5.10c L'Odyssée
1 5.4 355m
2 5.4
3 5.7
4 5.8 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
5 5.8
6 5.10
7 5.9
8 5.10c lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
9 5.7
Trad 360m Portneuf Classic Mon 12th Jul 2021
Great climb with Dom and Mat. Took 6h round trip. We climbed a few variants by accident.

P1 we climbed up another slab on the right and traversed back over to the anchor. P2 we climbed past the intended anchor into the left variant of P3 P3 we climbed up the slab to downclimb traverse the slab back to the anchor P4 left variant, past the anchor, gear belay in the wider section P5 short pitch to the anchor below the bolted slab variant of P6 P6 horrible slab of doom (took a fall while seconding) P7-8-9 were on track

5.7 Angel's Crest (Angel's Crest P1)
1 5.7 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
Mixed trad 600m, 7 Squamish Classic Fri 31st Jul 2020
Climbed the tree start to get to angel crack to free an old cam. Rappelled back down after.

5.10a Will the Wolf Survive?
1 5.8
2 5.9
3 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
4 5.10a lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
Sport 110m, 14 El Potrero Chico Classic Thu 14th Nov 2019
We stretched p2 to the intermediate rap anchor and then linked 3 and 4

5.9 Snake
1 5.7 220m
2 5.7
3 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
4 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
5 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
6 5.7
Trad 220m Squamish Very Good Tue 11th Aug 2020
Decent climb wandering between other climbs. Route finding involved. The best pitches are the last three. Crux was the last few moves of P4.

It's also on that climb that I leaned SR means standard rack and not single rack. And Squamish SR is a few more cams than a single rack... Made it interesting.

5.9 Wet Dreams
1 5.7 115m lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
2 5.8 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
3 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
Trad 120m Charlevoix Mega Classic Sun 25th Sep 2022
Best route I've climbed on 'le Dôme' so far. First pitch is a stellar 5 star climb in itself. Good rack management is required for this long pitch which offers constant exposure and difficulty. The remainder of the climb offers great climbing interrupted by a short "not so great" section. P2 and P3 can be linked but careful rope drag management is required, as well as being very comfortable at the grade.

5.8 Hals-und Beinbruch
1 5.8 230m lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
2 5.4 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
3 5.7 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
4 5.4 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
5 5.4 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
6 5.4 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
Trad 230m Charlevoix Classic Wed 22nd Jun 2022
Retrieved the gear from the accident. Wonderful climbing conditions! Lead it all in 6 pitches taking the original finish (5.4) which is much nicer than the 5.8 variation.

5.11b Macaque-Attaque
1 5.11b 10m
2 5.8 45m
Mixed trad 55m, 5 Portneuf Good Sat 4th Sep 2021
Still a little drity (we broke a 50cm*50cm*20cm piece off). Pretty airy pitch, nice moves up the overhanging arete. This is a one move wonder with a pretty far reach. I worked the move until I found the way to do it. Lowered and redpointed the pitch. 5'9", +1 ape index.

5.10 L'Odyssée
1 5.4 355m
2 5.4
3 5.7
4 5.8
5 5.8
6 5.10
7 5.9
Trad 360m Portneuf Classic Sat 4th Sep 2021
Took the Macaque-Attaque variation.

5.8 Temps de Cure - with PAB, Léa
3 5.8 Trad

Finished straight up through the bush to avoid soaking wet rock.

4 5.7 Second

A few loose rocks remaining. Great pitch. Long but not much rope drag.

Trad 210m Charlevoix Wed 25th Oct 2023
5.12a 5.12a/b Delicatessen Sport 26m, 9 Red River Gorge Classic Wed 6th Nov 2019
5.12a Time Wave Zero
1 5.8 700m lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
2 5.11a lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
3 5.9
4 5.9
5 5.10a
6 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
7 5.7 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
9 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
10 5.10b lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
11 5.9
12 5.7
13 5.7
14 5.9
15 5.10a lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
16 5.10d lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
17 5.9
18 5.9
19 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
20 5.10d lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
21 5.12a
22 5.10a
23 5.0
Sport 700m, 10 El Potrero Chico Mega Classic Tue 19th Nov 2019
Well that was a long climb... Linked 1-2, then simul-climbed until pitch 14 (with a short belay for the 10th pitch traverse). Then linked 15-16, 17-18. And finished it one pitch at time. On the way down we back lead the 23rd pitch. Then 60m simul raps the whole way through.

7a+ Le cri des alpages Sport Tournoux Tue 18th Jun 2019
5.12a 5.11d Starry Night Sport 20m, 6 Red River Gorge Classic Fri 1st Nov 2019
Beautiful 3D climbing.

5.11d Gold Rush Sport 25m Red River Gorge Fri 1st Nov 2019
V4 Motor Boulder 9m El Potrero Chico Tue 12th Nov 2019
7a Bouri-Tator Sport Tournoux Tue 18th Jun 2019
5.11c Banshee Sport 30m Red River Gorge Mega Classic Wed 6th Nov 2019
5.11c Onward Through The Fog Sport 29m, 11 El Potrero Chico Fri 22nd Nov 2019
5.11b Delayed Stress Syndrome Sport 11m, 3 Summersville Lake Very Good Mon 14th Oct 2019
5.11b The Legacy Sport 27m, 10 New River Gorge Mega Classic Tue 15th Oct 2019
Must do.

5.11b Hip To The Jive Sport 20m, 7 Red River Gorge Mega Classic Wed 23rd Oct 2019
5.11b Y-Incision Sport 15m Red River Gorge Fri 25th Oct 2019
5.11b Random Precision Sport 18m Red River Gorge Mega Classic Fri 1st Nov 2019
5.11b Apyrexie Sport 23m, 8 Mont Baldy Very Good Fri 28th Aug 2020
Diserves more stars! The opening sequence is not given but very nice. The rest is just cnady!

5.11b Evil Shenanigans - with Léa
1 5.9 Sport
2 5.11b Sport

Took a while to figure the crux out. Went to the crack on the right but came back and didn't use it for progress since it felt too much like a cheat.

Sport 73m, 11 El Potrero Chico Mon 13th Feb 2023
5.11b La Poule Sport Charlevoix Wed 14th Jun 2023
5.11a Porphyria Sport 18m, 5 Red River Gorge Fri 18th Oct 2019
Very constant climb.

5.11a Snake Charmer Sport 20m Red River Gorge Very Good Fri 18th Oct 2019
Long. Beautiful.

5.11- The Preacher's Daughter Sport Red River Gorge Mega Classic Mon 21st Oct 2019
Must do. Awesome test piece at the grade!

5.11a Linear Regression Sport 26m, 9 Red River Gorge Fri 25th Oct 2019
5.11a Hot Drama Teacher Sport 27m, 9 Red River Gorge Mon 28th Oct 2019
5.11a Johnny B. Good Sport 26m, 9 Red River Gorge Fri 1st Nov 2019
5.11a Air-Ride Equipped Sport 20m, 7 Red River Gorge Classic Wed 6th Nov 2019
5.11a Two Pump Chump Sport 57m, 11 El Potrero Chico Fri 15th Nov 2019
Linked the two pitches into a long single pitch. Must do!

5.11a Super Nova
1 5.11a 790ft
2 5.8
3 5.6
4 5.6
5 5.9
6 5.6 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
7 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
8 5.8 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
Sport 240m El Potrero Chico Good Wed 27th Nov 2019
Simulclimbed in 1h15. Progress capture device after the 1st pitch. Down in 20 min. Double 60m. Feels like going up a staircase. With 30-35 draws we could've made it up in a single pitch.

5.11a Pleasant Pheasant Sport 22m, 7 Squamish Mega Classic Fri 31st Jul 2020
Tricky route finding but beautiful

5.11a Tropicana - with Samuel Beauregard-Tousignan, Lea Sport Rumney Sun 26th May 2024
Interesting but quite burly mouvement on alightly polished rock for the start. The crux is a little higher up and revolves around finding the right feet.

5.11a Airation - with Samuel Beauregard-Tousignan, Lea Trad Cathedral Ledge Wed 29th May 2024
The climb is great and the crux is most likely suffering the pain of the sharp finger locks. Hard to blow if you can do that paired with decent technique.

6b+ Bigoude Sport 20m Tournoux Tue 18th Jun 2019
5.10d 5.10d/11a Price of Business Sport 6 Eardley Escarpment Good Mon 1st Jun 2015
5.10d Centerpiece Sport Rumney Classic Thu 10th Oct 2019
Very nice climb. More sustained then I thought.

5.10d Peer Pressure Sport 21m, 7 Rumney Fri 11th Oct 2019
Intimidating but definitely worth it. Bring good footwork. Next time I'll have to climb it without the rest ledge.

5.10d Flight Time Sport 12m, 5 Summersville Lake Mon 14th Oct 2019
5.10d Barn Dance Sport 18m, 6 Red River Gorge Sun 27th Oct 2019
5.10d Fire and Brimstone Sport 27m, 10 Red River Gorge Mon 4th Nov 2019
5.10d Breakfast Burrito Sport 24m, 10 Red River Gorge Mon 4th Nov 2019
V3 V2 Devil's Crack Boulder El Potrero Chico Tue 12th Nov 2019
Wonderful footwork required!

5.10d Team Hilti Sport 33m, 12 El Potrero Chico Fri 15th Nov 2019
5.10d Bullet the Blue Car Sport 15m, 6 Cheakamus Canyon Good Sat 25th Jul 2020
5.10d Le Paradoxe des formes Sport 18m Charlevoix Very Good Tue 2nd Aug 2022
Affordable 10+ climb. Multiple crux sections with good rests in between. Well protected. Anchor is on a good (08-2022) bolt and a completely rottent 1/4 inch bolt

5.10d Kooter on Skooters - with Léa Sport 27m, 14 El Potrero Chico Very Good Mon 13th Feb 2023
Guidebook says it's a little easier if you climb around the left of the black streak mid-route. Probably is but it's the most obvious line. The dihedral bit at the end can be avoided by climbing hero jugs on the arete. Great moves.

5.10d Pitch Black - with Léa, Phil Price
1 5.9 Second
2 5.10d Sport
3 5.9 Second
4 5.10b Sport
5 5.10a Second
6 5.9 Sport
Sport 250m El Potrero Chico Wed 15th Feb 2023
We pitched out everything. Don't link P3. Maybe link P4+5. We made it to the ground in 3 full length rappels (P6+5, P4+3,P2+1)

5.10d Black Cat Bone - with Lea
1 5.9 Sport lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
2 5.10b Sport lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard

Technical crux.

3 5.6 Sport lead by Lea

Easy but very runout. No fall terrain.

4 Sport lead by Lea

Beware of loose rocks. Mind your rope. Fixed rope was in place (feb 2024)

5 5.9 Sport lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard

Hollow flake balancing on hollow flake. Well bolted considering the rock quality limitations. Use precaution and alpine climbing technique.

6 5.10d Sport lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard

Technical face climbing that gets harder and harder the more you climb. There is a rest before pulling the roof for the leader, but the second will be exposed. Boulder problem to pull the roof.

7 5.10b Sport lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard

Short but very nice and well bolted. Technical stemming and a few finger jams.

8 5.10b Sport lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard

Between a closed dihedral and a flaring chimney. The climbing is not confidence inspiring and the pitch packs a punch.

9 5.9 Sport lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard

Not as runout as it used to be but very badly bolted. For confident 5.9 leaders.

Sport 270m, 14 El Potrero Chico Wed 7th Feb 2024
Sandbagged compared to the rest of potrero. Great climbing throughout. Crux pitch is (very) well protected and the roof sequence can be french freed easily. The last pitch is not as runout as it used to be but is very badly bolted. Not for limit leader. Linked P1+2 and P3+4. Most of the anchors are hanging or semi-hanging.

5.10d Off The Couch - with Lea
1 Sport lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
2 Sport lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
3 Second lead by Lea
4 Second lead by Lea
5 Sport lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
6 Sport lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
7 Sport lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
Sport 180m, 13 El Potrero Chico Fri 9th Feb 2024
The best route we've been on this trip. The last three pitches are mostly a continuous 5.10a face with a few slightly harder moves. Linking any combination will have you salivating in awe of the climbing and swearing at the bolting. Bring runners.

We linked P1+2, P3+4, P5+6. Linked the rappels for P7+6+5 with TWO 70m ropes and P4+3 with ONE 70m rope.

5.10d Grocals - with Lea Sport El Potrero Chico Fri 16th Feb 2024
Great climbing. Holds are hard to spot. Traverses left near the end and most people tend to climb too high and run out of holds. I high clipped, then used the massive tufa jugs to traverse far left before reaching the anchors.

6b Léviathan Sport 15m Mont-Dauphin Fri 21st Jun 2019
5.10c Tous à table Sport 6 Portneuf Good Sun 17th Apr 2016
Going through the arete has a few quite sketchy moves. To avoid the harder moves go left into the dihedral to avoid having to pull the small roof and come back onto the arete using the obvious horizontal crack.

5.10c Le mouton noir est de retour Sport 5 Portneuf Good Sun 17th Apr 2016
Had to constantly brush against the wall to avoid a cold shower from above. Last move was quite sketchy since the left half was soaking wet. Very nice climb.

5.10c Attache ta tuque Sport 20m, 7 Kamouraska Mega Classic Sun 21st May 2017
Very fun climb with moves getting harder as you climb. The hanging anchor makes it very hard to retrieve gear but since this climb is extremely climbed you won't have trouble finding someone to retrieve it for you.

5.10c Go Ballistic Sport Summersville Lake Mon 14th Oct 2019
5.10c Golden Snow Cone Sport 17m, 6 Red River Gorge Very Good Sat 19th Oct 2019
5.10c Road Kill Sport 18m, 7 Red River Gorge Sat 2nd Nov 2019
5.10c Baked Fresh Daily Sport 26m, 10 El Potrero Chico Mon 18th Nov 2019
5.10c Motarola Sport 26m, 9 El Potrero Chico Fri 22nd Nov 2019
5.10c Excalibur
1 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
2 5.10a
3 5.10a
4 5.10c lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
5 5.10a lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
Sport 12 El Potrero Chico Mon 25th Nov 2019
Most pitches are one move wonders. There's a "sword" at the top Soloed the first pitch (more like 3rd class with a couple V0 moves at the end). Linked 2-3 and 4-5. 60m rope.

5.10c Satori
1 5.9 700ft
2 5.10b
3 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
4 5.10b lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
5 5.10a
6 5.10c
7 5.7 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
Sport 210m, 11 El Potrero Chico Classic Mon 25th Nov 2019
There are many ways to make this climb easier but staying on the face is worth it for a great experience. Got down in 3 raps with double 60m but had to unrope to scramble down the 4th class above the ledge.

5.10b 5.10c In the Firing Line Mixed trad 26m, 3 Squamish Classic Fri 31st Jul 2020
5.10c Cursed Crack Trad 30m Squamish Sun 2nd Aug 2020
More interesting than it looks.

5.10c Supervalue Mixed trad 35m, 4 Squamish Mon 3rd Aug 2020
5.10c All Black Crotch Rocket Sport Slesse Creek Classic Sat 8th Aug 2020
Worth it all the way!

5.10c Safety Dance Sport 37m, 18 Saint-Alph Sat 25th Sep 2021
Linked the two pitches. Second one is not as great at creates lowering problems (fine for rappel with a 70m and rope stretch). I'd recommend just doing the first one.

5.10c Le Slip Sport Charlevoix Classic Tue 26th Jul 2022
Technical crux down low whent fine. MP topo said to go left after the third bolt but it should probably 4th now. Great movement wwith exposure seperated by good rests. Longest climb of the area!

5.10c Palm Snake - with Lea
1 5.8 Second lead by Lea
2 5.10c Sport lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
3 5.10b Sport lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
Sport 12 El Potrero Chico Sun 4th Feb 2024
P1 is a little softer (5.8?) but has some loose rocks in the second half. Linked P2+3 with a 70m. What a mega pitch! P3 is a little easier grade/move wise, but the first few moves are not on positive holds. I even got a bonus pitch in! (read: stuck ropes...)

5.10b Étirement Top rope Kamouraska Good Sat 20th May 2017
5.10b Coeur vaillant Trad 20m Montagne d'Argent Classic Sat 6th Jul 2019
Very good finger crack. I had 3 pre-placed pros from my partner's previous attempt

5.10b Sortie Côté Surplomb Trad Val-David Mega Classic Sun 1st Sep 2019
6a+ Grace a Bibi Sport 15m Mont-Dauphin Fri 21st Jun 2019
5.10b Chewy Sport 12m, 4 Summersville Lake Mon 14th Oct 2019
5.10b Strike a Scowl Sport 23m, 8 New River Gorge Classic Tue 15th Oct 2019
Beautiful climb. Much more comfortable belay if you scramble up the V0 boulder.

5.10b Aquagenic Urticaria Sport 14m, 5 Red River Gorge Fri 18th Oct 2019
Ok warm-up

5.10b Recovery Room Sport 18m, 8 Red River Gorge Thu 17th Oct 2019
Good Warm-up

5.10b The King Lives On Sport 21m, 9 Red River Gorge Mon 21st Oct 2019
5.10b Murano Sport 23m, 9 Red River Gorge Mon 21st Oct 2019
5.10c 5.10b A Brief History of Climbing Sport 23m, 9 Red River Gorge Mon 21st Oct 2019

5.10a 5.10b Oompa Sport 17m, 6 Red River Gorge Very Good Wed 23rd Oct 2019
5.10b When Rats Attack Sport 17m, 5 Red River Gorge Mon 28th Oct 2019
5.10b A.W.O.L. Sport 15m Red River Gorge Tue 5th Nov 2019
5.11a Estrellita
1 5.9
2 5.9
3 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
4 5.11a lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
6 5.5
7 5.6
8 5.10a lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
9 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
10 5.10b lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
11 5.10a
12 5.7
Sport 370m, 12 El Potrero Chico Classic Sun 17th Nov 2019
Felt shorter than I was expecting... Linked 1-2, 3-4 (11a variant) 5-6-7, 8-9-10 and 11-12. (Doing 8-9 and 10-11-12 would probably have been better.) We weren't racing but just being efficient we got up in 2h51 and down in 31 mins. Great climb with a great view!

5.10b Dope Ninja
1 5.7 600ft lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
2 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
3 5.10b lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
4 5.6
5 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
6 5.7 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
Sport 180m El Potrero Chico Fri 29th Nov 2019
Drag is terrible on pitch 4. 3rd class before pitch 6. It is recommended to rap one of the routes on the south side (we went down Pancho Villa). Be careful of climbers ascending.

5.10b Geniside Mixed trad 25m, 2 Squamish Classic Tue 21st Jul 2020
Great first half, the second not so much.

5.10b Angel's Crest
1 5.10b 600m lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
2 5.10b
3 5.10b
4 5.6 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
5 5.10a lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
6 5.5
7 5.10a
8 5.9 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
9 5.5 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
10 5.8
11 5.7 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
12 5.10b
13 5.8 lead by Noah Boudreau-Richard
Mixed trad 600m, 7 Squamish Classic Thu 30th Jul 2020
Most pitches are good but intertwined with forest "pitches".

Took the bolted slab start. 8h ascent. 2h hike off. Partner dropped an approach shoe.

5.10b Bob's Your Uncle Trad 35m Squamish Sun 2nd Aug 2020
Rope stretcher. Took 2x #3-4

5.10b Free and Easy Trad 10m Squamish Wed 12th Aug 2020
one tricky move. It's all about the feet!

5.10b Cactus Pile - with Léa
1 5.9 Second
2 5.10b Sport
3 5.9 Sport
Sport 94m, 10 El Potrero Chico Very Good Thu 9th Feb 2023

Showing 1 - 100 out of 951 ascents.

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