
Ascensiones en Australia como Tick por Peatey

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Mostrando los 84 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Zona Calidad Fecha
V7 - 10
V1 V7 - 10 Crimp slab Búlder 3m Cedar Creek Dom 24.º En 2016
The crimp start was nails. So I went with a stand start and a one legged squat jump for the good rail.

The Schlong Deportiva 14m, 10 Flinders Peak (limited access) Mar 4.º Jun 2019
Went up to clean the gear. Moves around the lip are going to be well 'ard.

23 Tripitaka Deportiva 14m Mt Tibrogargan Muy buena Vie 25.º Mar 2016
Warmup to the top of the headwall.

23 Tripitaka Deportiva 14m Mt Tibrogargan Muy buena Jue 31.º Mar 2016
Warm up lap to the top of the headwall.

22 A0 23 Divine Comedy Clásica 650m Mt Beerwah Mar 20.º Abr 2021
“Reptiles are just retarded birds,” said the King of the Birds, “and so I am your King, thank you very much.”

A fun day on the side of a hill that ended up having very little to do with the hill, and much to do with the quality (and patience) of the company I got to share it with.

Approach: We came off The Martian as advertised, mid pitch 8, which was significantly higher and steeper than the hands free rising vegetated traverse that started at about the pitch 7 belay. Would recommend future ascensionists deviate from that route there instead.

I then led Reneé on a merry venture up and down several pitches of soloing, at alternating times slabby, steep and abrasively vegetated. All the while Ryan napped patiently at the base of the actual route. Some time later after a tour of Beerwah's SW saddle we pulled on to Divine Comedy proper.

The Route:

P1 – A bit crumbly but it’s all there. Bolts and a Jesus nut right where you want it. Not a giveaway at 18.

P2 – The cruxy corner crack. The crack was wet where it mattered, which made the 3 distinct crux sections quite... cruxy... to free. Wet and silty as it was, the fingerlocks were bomber and it did force some (committing) but great crack movement. Huge props to Ryan who onsighted the pitch to within 2 foot of the anchor before going for a ride stepping back in from the arête, taking a small garden with him. Could be hard Frog 22 if dry and clean, but I don’t see that ever happening given the location. Reneé managed to second it clean front on jambing up the filthy flared pods in the top third, it’s unclear how normal humans should best approach it.

P3 – Cool traverse under roof, bolt ladder will go free if someone can be bothered to dry off properly after the wet first half of the pitch and brush the inevitable silt off everything on the arête.

P4 – Crack above roof that you can see from The Martian. Short, protectable crack that makes you work harder than you feel you should have to for vertical thin hands.

To the top, follow hangers and line of most solid-ish rock. Climbing bits of this in the evening gloom definitely added to the ambiance.

Topped out to a sunset and the summit and descent to ourselves, delightful.

V3 Voracious Búlder 3m Canberra Medio Mar 5.º Nov 2013
V3 Slab-n-pop Búlder 3m White Rock Conservation Area Muy buena Mié 3.º Jun 2015
The foot held this time. My knees thanked me

V3 Slab-n-pop Búlder 3m White Rock Conservation Area Muy buena Lun 23.º En 2017
22 Bombay Rock Deportiva 18m, 9 Pages Pinnacle Mié 25.º Mayo 2016
Just the first half to TOS's anchor to retrieve draws. Pleasant route

22 Barbra Streisand Deportiva 15m, 9 Blue Mountains Sáb 30.º Dic 2017
22 La Niña Deportiva 25m, 10 Blue Mountains Dom 25.º Feb 2018
Cleaning, wet.

22 Ninja Tactics Deportiva 18m, 7 Mt Ninderry Lun 10.º Dic 2018
22 Saccharine Nightmare Deportiva 100m Blue Mountains Jue 23.º Mayo 2019
V2 Purple patch Búlder 3m Canberra Buena Jue 26.º Jun 2014
In my usual style I managed to make this look awkward as hell

V2 #56 Búlder 5m Canberra Buena Vie 27.º Jun 2014
V2 Slap-a-crack Búlder 3m White Rock Conservation Area Muy buena Mié 3.º Jun 2015
V2 Rock-skating Búlder 2m White Rock Conservation Area Buena Mié 3.º Jun 2015
V2 Left Búlder 3m Toohey Forest Jue 24.º Sep 2015
Gnarly sit start

V0 V2 Slab Búlder 3m Cedar Creek Dom 24.º En 2016
V2 Finessive Aggressive Búlder 4m Toohey Forest Jue 28.º Abr 2016
Did this without the first long move out right. So basically a stand start from the big R hold. Good mantle problem.

20 Move Over Brussel Sprout Deportiva 18m, 4 Kangaroo Point Buena Mar 1.º Oct 2013
20 Pommy Bastard Deportiva 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point Medio Jue 3.º Oct 2013
17 C0 Cock Crack Clásica 38m Frog Buttress Mar 22.º Mar 2016
Shame about that awkward offwidth crux. Went full 'french free' at that point. Above that very classy.

20 Bohemiath Deportiva 37m, 14 Blue Mountains Dom 31.º Dic 2017
P1 Solo aid. Don't ask. P2 Clean second.

V1 Prefix Búlder 4m Nowra Medio Mar 1.º Oct 2013
Needed a good clean first, nice and slabby

V1 Problem 5 Búlder 3m Canberra Medio Mar 5.º Nov 2013
Took a few attempts to work out the moves, easy for the grade.

V1 Chip-a-Holdaway Start Búlder 2m Kangaroo Point Medio Lun 19.º Mayo 2014
Pretty average with a bruised and swollen toe. On the way up to work chippers

V1 The Big Traverse Búlder 200m Kangaroo Point Buena Mar 23.º Dic 2014
Managed Waterfall to SRO in the midday sun

V1 It Gets Better Búlder 4m White Rock Conservation Area Buena Mié 3.º Jun 2015
V1 European Cave Man Búlder 3m White Rock Conservation Area Mié 3.º Jun 2015
Down climbed to avoid wading through the mountains of leaf litter at the topout.

V1 Too Soft Búlder 4m White Rock Conservation Area Mié 3.º Jun 2015
V1 Funk arete Búlder 3m Toohey Forest Jue 24.º Sep 2015
V1 Climb 11 Búlder 2m Toohey Forest Jue 24.º Sep 2015
Took about 4 shots to sus the start move. Tough sit start

V1 Groovy Búlder 4m Toohey Forest Mar 6.º Oct 2015
V1 Funk arete Búlder 3m Toohey Forest Mar 6.º Oct 2015
V1 European Cave Man Búlder 3m White Rock Conservation Area Mié 7.º Oct 2015
V1 Too Soft Búlder 4m White Rock Conservation Area Dom 13.º Dic 2015
V1 European Cave Man Búlder 3m White Rock Conservation Area Dom 13.º Dic 2015
V1 It Gets Better Búlder 4m White Rock Conservation Area Buena Dom 13.º Dic 2015
V1 European Cave Man Búlder 3m White Rock Conservation Area Lun 23.º En 2017
V1 It Gets Better Búlder 4m White Rock Conservation Area Buena Lun 23.º En 2017
19 Whymper Deportiva 150m Blue Mountains Jue 9.º Abr 2015
19 The Bolting Gestapo Deportiva 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point Medio Jue 26.º Mar 2020
Rescuing gear

18 Pterodactyl Deportiva 17m, 5 Kangaroo Point Mar 1.º Oct 2013
18 Bellbird Wall Deportiva 100m, 16 Blue Mountains Dom 18.º Nov 2018
So I neglected to look at any approach info after the rapping instructions and ended up climbing the gr 22 first pitch of TND. No wonder it felt bloody hard for 16. By the next pitch we were back on track and loving life despite arctic conditions and climbing in jackets. Top chimney pitch is a rad exposed novelty, worth it for that few meters of climbing alone.

17 Troposphere p2 Deportiva 110m Mt Tibrogargan Sáb 30.º Nov 2019
16 Troposphere p5 Deportiva 110m Mt Tibrogargan Sáb 30.º Nov 2019
17 Dysentery Deportiva 18m, 6 Kangaroo Point Medio Mié 9.º Oct 2013
17 Remains Of The Day Clásica mixta 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Lun 31.º Jul 2017
This was a good adventure. P1 Pretty tricky. Fell off seconding on the first real moves. P2 fine climbing once on route except you really ought to go straight up the easy blocky wall to the V high hanger. Don't traverse right and have to up and down climb half of Phoenix (most of which is disintegrating). Remainder of pitches were pleasant climbing on just-out-of-reach bolts and gear.

17 Stormy Monday Deportiva 18m Blue Mountains Mar 2.º En 2018
17 Remains Of The Day
1 17 25m
Clásica mixta 25m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Dom 20.º Mayo 2018
17 Where Angels Fear to Tread Clásica 230m Mount Buffalo Lun 5.º Abr 2021
We had a very short weather window so went for this line. Faffed around failing to find the carpark of all things and ended up walking in from the Lake Catani campground.

The first 3/4 of this route was grand, if abrasive, jamming with the odd thrutch. Sharp granite, epic friction and bomber hands most of the way if you reach in deep enough.

After the climbing per se finished I now understand we erred by heading right and up, rather than around and into the exit gully/crevasse. Many short, hard, ugly pitches up random wet and vegetated cracks ensued while we tried to find a way down into or over to the exit. At some point it got dark and we continued french freeing up mossy cracks by headtorch.

Eventually found a point we could rap into the crevasse, topped out and made it back to Catani to drink wine and lick our wounds before the rain started up again.

17 Smoked Banana Clásica 40m Frog Buttress Sáb 24.º Jul 2021
Up and lead downclimbed the first third to clean the OP anchor.

16 Standing Room Only Deportiva 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point Medio Mié 9.º Oct 2013
16 Horse-drawn Zeppelin Clásica 12m Frog Buttress Mié 27.º En 2016
16 Frontier Psychiatrist Deportiva 16m, 5 Kangaroo Point Mié 20.º Sep 2017
16 Satisfaction Direct Finish Clásica 12m Frog Buttress Mié 8.º Nov 2017
Backlog, 2016.

V0 Problem 4 Búlder 3m Canberra Medio Dom 18.º Ag 2013
V0 Problem 7 Búlder 4m Canberra Buena Dom 18.º Ag 2013
V0 Hockey Stick Búlder 4m White Rock Conservation Area Dom 13.º Dic 2015
To the arete. Progress further blocked by a large barrier made up of deadfall.

V0 Flakey Búlder 2m White Rock Conservation Area Ni te molestes Lun 23.º En 2017
V0 Big Triangle Búlder 3m White Rock Conservation Area Medio Lun 23.º En 2017
15 Bottle Stopper Deportiva 18m, 4 Kangaroo Point Medio Vie 15.º Nov 2013
15 Addendum
1 15 64m
Clásica 64m Blue Mountains Lun 20.º Mayo 2019
15 Black Angus Clásica 110m Mt Tibrogargan Dom 4.º Ag 2019
A bit of an adventure but a cool head under pressure stopped it short of turning into an epic.

Partner got well off route on P3 and ended up straying into proper no mans land (yep, it's Desp. Wall), hugely runout on bad rock. Ended up finishing the pitch on a Zeigeist anchor, so we finished up that.

14 The Bummer Deportiva 14m, 5 Canberra Medio Dom 27.º Oct 2013
14 Stephen's Eyeful Tower Deportiva 18m, 4 Kangaroo Point Medio Vie 15.º Nov 2013
14 Shit Heap Clásica 10m Frog Buttress Sáb 29.º Ag 2015
14 Shit Heap Clásica 10m Frog Buttress Dom 9.º Abr 2017
Jamming = a terrible option for the sore elbow.

V0- V0-/0 Problem 6 Búlder 4m Canberra Medio Dom 18.º Ag 2013
13 Mantlit Deportiva 10m, 4 Kangaroo Point Basura Mié 11.º Sep 2019
Lead belay training

12 Witches Cauldron Pitch 2 Clásica 18m Frog Buttress Muy buena Lun 25.º Abr 2016
Attn: As at 25 April 2016 a very large 1m+ 300 kilo block had detached from the back wall of the chimney and fallen into the narrower central section.

Following a make safe session much of the remaining loose rock, rubble and chockstones have been removed. What remains is a much safer and cleaner climb. Go get up in there and thrutch for glory.

12 Macbarren Clásica 5m Frog Buttress Vie 17.º Feb 2017
These days barely independent of PP as most new crack/sport climbers climb this arete and just place gear in the PP crack anyway.

14 12 JAFKPR Deportiva 13m, 4 Kangaroo Point Medio Mié 11.º Sep 2019
Lead belay training

9 Spondonical (Climb B) Clásica 16m Queanbeyan area Ni te molestes Mié 23.º Oct 2013
8 Hocus Pocus Clásica mixta 49m, 15 Blue Mountains Jue 1.º Mar 2018
EoD escape route.

8 6 Spidermonkey Deportiva 15m, 8 Kangaroo Point Medio Mié 11.º Sep 2019
Lead belay training

5 Modern Traverse to Cave 4 Deportiva 15m, 2 Mt Tibrogargan Mar 6.º Jun 2017
5 Modern Traverse to Cave 4 Deportiva 15m, 2 Mt Tibrogargan Jue 20.º Jul 2017
4 Caves Route Clásica 520m Mt Tibrogargan Lun 4.º Mayo 2020
1 3 West Track (Tourist Track) (West Track) Clásica 340m Mt Tibrogargan Mar 27.º Nov 2018
Tourist backlog. First scrambled circa '06

2 East Beerwah Alpina 390m Mt Beerwah Dom 14.º Abr 2024
1 Hiker's Route Clásica 360m Mt Beerwah Sáb 5.º Ag 2017
Down after East Beerwah. Never again on a weekend. Tourists..

National Library - Main Wall (National Library - Barton) Búlder 2m Canberra Mar 2.º Sep 2014

Mostrando los 84 ascensiones.

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