
Ascensiones en The Underworld

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 249 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Zona Calidad Escalador Fecha
32 33 Sack of Woe Deportiva 10m Blue Mountains
Jake Bresnehan
Lun 6.º Sep 2021
33 Fácil Sack of Woe Deportiva 10m Blue Mountains
Ryan Sklenica
Jue 13.º Jul 2023
32 Hashish Deportiva 28m Blue Mountains
Jake Bresnehan
Sáb 26.º Ag 2017
32 Hashish Deportiva 28m Blue Mountains Megaclásica
Luke Hansen
Vie 28.º Ag 2020
32 The Proposition Deportiva Blue Mountains Megaclásica
Tom O'Halloran
Mar 17.º Mar 2015
#FA very cool. the very right most line of bolts on the cliff (starting up the 27). very bouldery roof moves to finish mantling the lip of the roof. very good

32 Hashish Deportiva 28m Blue Mountains Megaclásica
Tom O'Halloran
Jue 29.º Mayo 2014
very extremely super good

32 Hashish Deportiva 28m Blue Mountains
Josh Mennell
Vie 15.º Oct 2021
32 Fácil Hashish — 3 intentos - con Jake Griffiths Deportiva 28m Blue Mountains Clásico
Ryan Holmes
Vie 7.º Abr 2023
Pretty incredible! Two awesome boulders and several sections of hero jug roof campusing. 2nd redpoint shot.

30 31 Public Enemy Deportiva 8m Blue Mountains
Jake Bresnehan
Sáb 12.º Ag 2017
32 31 Public Enemy - con Sam Lavender Deportiva 8m Blue Mountains
Glen Hayford
Lun 1.º En 2018
31 Public Enemy Deportiva 8m Blue Mountains Muy buena
Luke Hansen
Vie 17.º Jul 2020
32 31 Public Enemy (Public Enemies) Deportiva 8m Blue Mountains Megaclásica
Tom O'Halloran
Sáb 5.º Mayo 2012
all time!! great bouldery moves on a rad bulge [4]

31 Public Enemy Deportiva 8m Blue Mountains Muy buena
Matt King
Mié 29.º Sep 2021
V7 31 Public Enemy - con Josh Mennell Deportiva 8m Blue Mountains Megaclásica
Elliot Vercoe
Vie 1.º Oct 2021
2nd shot onsight flash

V7 31 Public Enemy - con Josh Mennell Deportiva 8m Blue Mountains Megaclásica
Elliot Vercoe
Vie 1.º Oct 2021
2nd shot onsight flash

32 31 Public Enemy Deportiva 8m Blue Mountains
Josh Mennell
Vie 15.º Oct 2021
31 Public Enemy - con Pierre Deportiva 8m Blue Mountains
Sáb 2.º Sep 2023
beyond me but cool to play on didn't get the roof sequence through the 2nd clip but managed pull on from there to get the next draw clipped in sequence before it all go too much.

30 Mississippi Moonshine Deportiva 14m Blue Mountains
Jake Bresnehan
Vie 28.º Abr 2017
30 Assassins Deportiva 24m Blue Mountains
Jake Bresnehan
Lun 21.º Ag 2017
30 Mississippi Moonshine Deportiva 14m Blue Mountains Clásico
Ben Jenga
Mié 15.º Nov 2017
I had been looking forward to coming back to try this. I did a few of the moves bar the 2m at the crux, as the whole climb is only 8m I have a bit to go..

30 Assassins Deportiva 24m Blue Mountains
Lee Cujes
Sáb 18.º Ag 2018
First go.

30 Assassins Deportiva 24m Blue Mountains
Lee Cujes
Sáb 18.º Ag 2018
All moves bar one done. Tricky tension bouldering.

30 Mississippi Moonshine Deportiva 14m Blue Mountains Clásico
Luke Hansen
Mar 8.º Ag 2017
30 Mississippi Moonshine Deportiva 14m Blue Mountains Clásico
Luke Hansen
Mar 26.º Mayo 2020
30 Mississippi Moonshine Deportiva 14m Blue Mountains Clásico
Luke Hansen
Vie 10.º Jul 2020
30 Mississippi Moonshine Deportiva 14m Blue Mountains Clásico
Luke Hansen
Vie 17.º Jul 2020
30 Mississippi Moonshine Deportiva 14m Blue Mountains Clásico
Luke Hansen
Vie 24.º Jul 2020
30 Mississippi Moonshine Deportiva 14m Blue Mountains Megaclásica
Hugo Hornshaw
Lun 8.º Jun 2020
31 30 Prohabition (Prohibition) Deportiva 12m Blue Mountains Megaclásica
Tom O'Halloran
Mar 10.º Sep 2013
Ahhh man how good do you want it! This thing is all time

30 Assassins Deportiva 24m Blue Mountains Megaclásica
Tom O'Halloran
Sáb 12.º Ag 2017
Bloody classic! And a tad hard. 3 goes over about 5 years

30 Mississippi Moonshine Deportiva 14m Blue Mountains Megaclásica
Tom O'Halloran
Jue 5.º En 2012
#2go Uber rad boulder

30 Mississippi Moonshine - con Jett Deportiva 14m Blue Mountains Muy buena
Will Vidler
Lun 17.º Mayo 2021
Superb for a boulder problem. Did all the moves first go and tried to link some sections second shot but that is quite a lot harder to do it turns out. Jett reckons 29 but who knows. Was worth going down just to belay him on Public Enemy though! So fkn good.

30 Mississippi Moonshine Deportiva 14m Blue Mountains Clásico
j rock
Mar 17.º Ag 2021
31 30 Prohabition Deportiva 12m Blue Mountains
Josh Mennell
Vie 15.º Oct 2021
30 Mississippi Moonshine Deportiva 14m Blue Mountains
Josh Mennell
Vie 15.º Oct 2021
30 Assassins Deportiva 24m Blue Mountains Muy buena
Dom 2.º En 2022
One exploratory go to near the end

30 Mississippi Moonshine Deportiva 14m Blue Mountains
Dom 2.º En 2022
A few burns putting moves together, couldn't pull the crux

30 Mississippi Moonshine - con Jake Griffiths Deportiva 14m Blue Mountains Muy buena
Ryan Holmes
Lun 3.º Abr 2023
A few cool boulder problems. Not typical for the mountains.

30 Mississippi Moonshine Deportiva 14m Blue Mountains
Bob Brown
Jue 25.º Abr 2024
25 Gravel Rash Clásica 15m Blue Mountains Muy buena
good bolts, horrible anchor

25 The River Styx Deportiva 12m Blue Mountains Muy buena
Jay trent
Dom 30.º Oct 2011
Fell off on the move before the anchors on the onsight attempt. Got it second shot.

25 The River Styx Deportiva 12m Blue Mountains Muy buena
Tim Haasnoot
Lun 15.º Abr 2013
Went for glory on the onsight going all the way out left. Then came back for the tick on the shorter variant. Broke a few holds on the traverse.

25 Odyssey Deportiva 22m Blue Mountains Muy buena
Tim Haasnoot
Mar 16.º Abr 2013
Fell off at on the final jug, sooooo pumped! great long pumper on jugs!

25 Odyssey Deportiva 22m Blue Mountains Muy buena
Tim Haasnoot
Dom 14.º Abr 2013
Fell off at on the final jug, sooooo pumped! great long pumper on jugs!

25 Odyssey Deportiva 22m Blue Mountains
Jason Nguyen
Jue 5.º Dic 2013
Just trying the first few bouldery moves. (Up to third bolt)

25 Odyssey Deportiva 22m Blue Mountains Muy buena
Paul Frothy Thomson
Jue 5.º Dic 2013
Rad! First shot I couldn't come up with a viable start sequence, so just kept climbing rather than going for the tick. After the bouldery start, the roof thugging is tonnes of fun, and just keeps going forever (and is excitingly run-out) at maybe 23. After coming back down and with Gene's beta I put together a sequence, and climbed the opening crux moves twice clean before bailing for the night. Next time, for sure!

25 Odyssey Deportiva 22m Blue Mountains Medio
Jue 5.º Dic 2013
I changed my mind after almost snapping my ankle off on the one.

25 The River Styx Deportiva 12m Blue Mountains
Lucas C
Sáb 28.º Nov 2015
25 The River Styx Deportiva 12m Blue Mountains Medio
Lee Cujes
Dom 31.º Jul 2016
Touch and go with the top all wet.

25 Odyssey Deportiva 22m Blue Mountains Buena
Lee Cujes
Dom 31.º Jul 2016
Flesh frozen to rock.

25 Tomb Raider Deportiva 16m Blue Mountains Muy buena
Lun 29.º Ag 2016
Had to jump on this because of the name. Fun.

25 The River Styx Deportiva 12m Blue Mountains Buena
Thomas Gissing
Jue 28.º Sep 2017
Warm up. Hanging draws, and working it out. Onsighted all the moves.

25 The River Styx Deportiva 12m Blue Mountains Buena
Thomas Gissing
Jue 28.º Sep 2017
The warm up did very little, felt mega cold going for it. Fell off the last move and couldn't work out why.

25 The River Styx Deportiva 12m Blue Mountains Buena
Thomas Gissing
Jue 28.º Sep 2017
Last move again. What ze fuck. Realised I was throwing for lichen not the tick mark.

25 The River Styx - con Sam Bowman, Alistair Earley Deportiva 12m Blue Mountains Buena
Thomas Gissing
Jue 28.º Sep 2017
5 min rest and just went again. Would've been well stroppy if I fell again.

Rock is pretty crapola, but the movement is good. Would be a rough one for the shorties - especially having to jump for the jug at the first.

25 Odyssey Deportiva 22m Blue Mountains Muy buena
Ben Jenga
Mié 15.º Nov 2017
I had been on the start before. Great long pumper traverse on good holds. Glad there is perma-draws up there even if they are looking a bit old.

24 25 The River Styx Deportiva 12m Blue Mountains Buena
Ben Jenga
Mié 15.º Nov 2017
Cleaning up an old dog. Not that great really but it has some fun moves, and dirt..

25 The River Styx Deportiva 12m Blue Mountains
Vie 22.º Dic 2017
Bouldery. Not willing to commit to the move, with the rope running over the heel hook. Anchor draws pretty rusty. Back jump to clean.

25 Gravel Rash Clásica 15m Blue Mountains Buena
Lee Cujes
Jue 25.º Abr 2019
Sometimes it feels like the onsight was really close. Not in this case. Would never have happened! Off-finger crack through a roof. Don't watch this video if you want to onsight it https://youtu.be/iVlE2a14xr0

25 The River Styx Deportiva 12m Blue Mountains Medio
Aaron Jones
Mié 8.º Mayo 2019

25 Tomb Raider Deportiva 16m Blue Mountains Muy buena
Luke Hansen
Mar 5.º Feb 2013
25 Gravel Rash - con Hugh Sutton, zach vertrees Clásica 15m Blue Mountains
Jue 28.º En 2021
2020 - middle of the year? Also with basically French freeing w/ too many placements.

25 Tomb Raider - con James Lister Deportiva 16m Blue Mountains Muy buena
Ashby Cooper
Mar 20.º Abr 2021
Big moves then heel hooking traverse. Fun

25 Gravel Rash - con Jacques Beaudoin Clásica 15m Blue Mountains Muy buena
Paul Frothy Thomson
Sáb 11.º Sep 2021
2nd shot with gear in-situ. A super-high quality roof crack climb, but incredibly sharp -the name is apt! I'm currently rocking some of the worst jam scars I've ever scored.

Had a good onsight attempt that I'm fairly happy with, falling off right as I gained the stance in the roof proper, after having hung around for ages getting pumped trying to figure out the awkward transition.

The bolts may have made sense at the time of the FA, but they need to go now, methinks. I'll be back (once the scars have healed) for the greenpoint

25 Tomb Raider - con Matt Pascoe Deportiva 16m Blue Mountains Muy buena
Paul Frothy Thomson
Sáb 15.º En 2022
Took me 3 shots to stick the bouldery start! It's a rad boulder, but the 2nd bolt is in a proper rubbish position.

Finishing direct via River Styx was a waterfall, so we did the gr22 traverse to top the route via Tomb Raider. This was almost entirely dry despite all the rain lately.

25 Odyssey - con Matt Pascoe Deportiva 22m Blue Mountains Muy buena
Paul Frothy Thomson
Sáb 15.º En 2022
First shot placing draws (with no chalk on the route, and some rather wet holds) but since where this branches from River Styx is probably only gr23, it's certainly not a retro-flash

A rad juggy, traverse-y odyssey. If you're going to finish via any other route than River Styx, you might as well keep on trucking left. Much better than Tomb Raider.

25 Tomb Raider Deportiva 16m Blue Mountains
Mattia Fornari
Lun 9.º Mayo 2022
25 Gravel Rash - con Rick Clásica 15m Blue Mountains Clásico
Jacques Beaudoin
Mié 6.º Sep 2023
Great crack, great gear, a bit too much undercligning to my liking but very inspiring line. All dry, great friction today!

25 Tomb Raider Deportiva 16m Blue Mountains Ni te molestes
Lachlan Farquharson
Vie 19.º Abr 2024
25 Tomb Raider Deportiva 16m Blue Mountains
Bob Brown
Jue 25.º Abr 2024
25 Tomb Raider - con Sophie Knox Deportiva 16m Blue Mountains
Lucy Stirling
Jue 25.º Abr 2024
24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains
Giovanni Trambaiolo
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Medio
Grigota Monasterio
Vie 1.º Mar 2002
24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Clásico
Jason Smith
Sáb 10.º Abr 2010
Super cool. Adski hopped on a 31 thinking it was a 25

24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains
David O'Donnell
Mié 14.º Abr 2010
24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Clásico
Jay trent
Dom 30.º Oct 2011
awesome climbing on steep ground.

24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Clásico
Paul Frothy Thomson
Sáb 14.º En 2012
One-and-a-half shots today, great FUN working this route. Can do it in 3 sections at the moment, but all the moves go, and the sequences are great. Surprisingly technical footwork if you want to avoid turning this into a thugfest, and some challenging sequency moves. I definately need more aggressive shoes. One pocket past the third draw is full of something like wet clay, making it hard to clip the crucial roof bolt once you move past it (with slime on hands). Not sure if this ever dries.

24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Clásico
Paul Frothy Thomson
Sáb 21.º En 2012
3 more ascents today, but now have a new footwork sequence at the crux which turns it from a game of luck, to one of inner strength. Next time it's the tick or bust! Bloody great fun! Thanks for the catch Edwin!

24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Clásico
Tim Haasnoot
Lun 15.º Abr 2013
Great climb in a good position. A little exposure and great jugs through the roof.

24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Muy buena
Jason Nguyen
Jue 5.º Dic 2013
Just two attempts to the crux (lip). Steep!! Very fun. Could not feel my fingers...

24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Clásico
Paul Frothy Thomson
Jue 5.º Dic 2013
Great to finally get back on this for the tick 2 years after it became my first ever "project". Even better to know that my beta from back then was spot on even today. Still took me three shots though, in the coldest summer day ever (sleet???). 1st shot as a warmup I made it through the crux, but my hands froze and I fell off. 2nd was a back-clipped mess. 3rd shot it came together and felt easy. Still great climbing in the style, at the grade.

24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Muy buena
Jue 5.º Dic 2013
Broke my usual 3 try rule. Went down on the fourth, not without a fight.

24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains
Lucas C
Sáb 28.º Nov 2015
24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains
Matthew Perrett
Dom 20.º Mar 2016
Quite good

24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Buena
Lee Cujes
Dom 31.º Jul 2016
Nice lil steepy. Arctic, even in the lovely morning sun.

24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Clásico
Lun 29.º Ag 2016
Steep and beautiful.

24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Clásico
Thomas Gissing
Lun 25.º Sep 2017
Went for Sam's power beta and came off at just after the lip on the flash go. Noooes. Then to the top.

Awesome route. Exposed, heroic climbing that's easier than the angle suggests. Fang feature in the cave is kewl. Early day to drop Lu back at the train station.

24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Clásico
Ben Jenga
Mié 15.º Nov 2017
Flash this back in the day, two laps today. Pity the rocker block has been removed.

24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains
Vie 22.º Dic 2017
24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains
Vie 22.º Dic 2017
Time to get my brave back. One rest before the dead point at the top of the roof

24 Julius Caesar - con Nick Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Clásico
Dom 28.º En 2018
Bolt to bolt - then left to beat the storm. Defiantly one to go back for, a bit of excitement as a dragon fly flew out of a pocket as i reached for it! Found it ok to to clean all bar the first three form the anchor then go back up for them.

24 Julius Caesar - con Sam Lavender Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains
Glen Hayford
Lun 1.º En 2018
24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Muy buena
Reuben Mcneill
Lun 24.º Dic 2018
24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Muy buena
Amanda Ramsay
Dom 30.º Dic 2018
Very cool climb, didn't get to the top, found a stopper move for me today.

24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Buena
Aaron Jones
Mié 8.º Mayo 2019
Funky features. Worthwhile.

24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Muy buena
ryan holm
Mar 14.º Mayo 2019
24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains
Chase Gatland
Mié 23.º Nov 2011
24 Julius Caesar Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains
Krzysztof Maciejowski
Mié 31.º Jul 2019
24 Julius Caesar - con Brian W Deportiva 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Clásico
Joe Gordon
Sáb 21.º Sep 2019
Wow. Mega. Best go was my first go. Made it to the last bolt and went left instead of right. The one time I needed tick marks from a previous climber. Unfortunately, after this great flash go my next 3 attempts got much worse. Some good safe falls and a great day out.


Mostrando 1 - 100 de 249 ascensiones.

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