
Ascensiones en The Point teniendo Beta

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 250 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Zona Calidad Escalador Fecha
21 Mexican Americans - con Erik Thiel
1 20 45m
2 16 20m
3 21 20m
5 13 5m
Deportiva 90m, 38 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Dom 5.º Mayo 2019
We did pitch one (20), and pitch four (21) and linked the multipitch with After the Sunset. Both pitches I lead. Proper challenge but great fun.

20 Mexican Americans (Mexican Americans P1) - con Karin
1 20 45m
Deportiva 45m, 38 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Erik Thiel
Mié 29.º Mayo 2019
Gave the first pitch another shot, hot surprisingly easy through crux around 3rd bolt. Then searching my way up over balancy slab.

(4th bolt scatchy, not a proper hanger)

23 Mexican Americans - con Karin
3 21 20
4 23 25m
Deportiva 45m, 38 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Erik Thiel
Dom 2.º Jun 2019
Jumped during climbing 'After the Sunset' pitch 3 and 4 on here. P3 I needed needed 2 tries again to get over the top ledge/crux. First shot on P4: rested a few times in the rope in the first meters, then cruising up (for a 23...). Nice climb.

22 Fraggle Rock - con Richard Ternik
1 22 22m escalada de primero por Richard Ternik
2 18 22m escalada de primero por Richard Ternik
Deportiva 44m Kawakawa Bay Buena
John Pitcairn
Mar 7.º En 2020
Just P1-2, getting back up for cleaning session #2 on Super Natural. Richard wanted to climb this and linked 1-2, I had no hope of seconding the low overhang with a pack and cleaning gear on me but gave it a shot, nope. Then got my foot trapped trying to aid the crux, was hanging around inverted swearing for a while. Extracted myself and skipped the indignity of being hauled by nipping around into Super Natural and back onto the Fraggle slab, which is nice.

23 Mexican Americans Deportiva 120m, 38 Kawakawa Bay Clásico
Braden Van Leer
Sáb 3.º Abr 2021
Super fun route, 23 pitch was a massive fight to get through

23 Fraggle Rock - con JJ
1 21 100m
2 18
3 15
4 20
5 23
6 17
Deportiva 100m Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Vie 9.º Abr 2021
amazing experience. check the weather first haha. dirty!

23 Fraggle Rock Deportiva 100m Kawakawa Bay
Paul Renwick
Dom 6.º Mar 2022
Lead P2, 3, 6

23 Fraggle Rock - con Travis Rangi
1 22 100m
2 18
3 16
4 20
5 23
6 17
Deportiva 100m Kawakawa Bay Clásico
Reece Deacon
Dom 27.º Mar 2022
Fourth and fifth pitches are epic. Maybe a soft 23?

23 Mexican Americans - con Kiera Montgomery
1 20 45m
2 16 20m
3 21 20m
4 23 25m
5 13 5m
Deportiva 120m, 38 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Aidan Sarginson
Vie 15.º Abr 2022
Such a cool climb. Had a working go at the crux pitch before pulling through the roof. Linked pitches 4 and 5. Would recommend some extendable draws if you do.

23 ~22 Mexican Americans Deportiva 120m, 38 Kawakawa Bay
Mar 27.º Dic 2022
First pitch is tough at 20

22 Fraggle Rock - con AJ
1 22 Deportiva
2 18 De segundo
3 16 Deportiva
4 21 Deportiva

Bit sandbagged eh

5 22 Deportiva

Bit soft eh

6 17 De segundo
Deportiva 100m Kawakawa Bay Clásico
Albie Thomas
Dom 31.º Mar 2024
Loose block at the exit of the chimney on pitch 4

23 Mexican Americans
1 20 45m De segundo
2 16 20m De segundo
3 21 20m De segundo
4 23 25m Deportiva
5 14 5m Deportiva
Deportiva 120m, 38 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Mar 4.º Jun 2024
didn't really enjoy the first pitch, but the last two were really nice

22 Safety in Numbers - con Greg, Gareth Deportiva 30m, 14 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
John Pitcairn
Sáb 16.º Abr 2022
Also bloody good. Started in a post-lunch coma but woke up pretty fast. Great slabby moves, fairly sustained at 20+ most of the way. Possibly 3 stars if it was cleaner, though it's clean enough if you trust the occasional lichen smear. Should have led it dammit, will be back for that.

22 Safety in Numbers - con John Pitcairn Deportiva 30m, 14 Kawakawa Bay Clásico
Sáb 16.º Abr 2022
Bloody good. Well bolted, thought I had it clean on toprope, declared this, and promptly plummeted. Gravity has a sense of humour. I will be back to give this a scrub, then maybe dog it on lead.

22 Safety in Numbers Deportiva 30m, 14 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
John Pitcairn
Mié 4.º En 2023
Consistent all the way. A lot of lichen makes it hard to spot the feet and at times you are on lichen slopers. High priority for a clean. Topped out through some dead bushy stuff I didn't remember being there, couldn't find the anchor, then discovered a tree had died and fallen right onto it. Considerable swearing while balanced on more lichen. Got anchored then spent a while wrenching the tree off and sent it down. Rap cleaned. This will be bloody great after a good brush.

22 Safety in Numbers Deportiva 30m, 14 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Jue 2.º Mar 2023
Unfortunately didn't see the previous comment before climbing 🤣 VERY dirty at the moment, makes finding (and trusting) the small holds tricky. Would be a great climb when clean though.

21 Highway Child - con Maike
1 21
2 21
Deportiva 50m, 15 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Erik Thiel
Sáb 4.º Mayo 2019
Headed for 'Soul Train' but jumped on the line of bolds one to far to the left. Nevertheless, it was a pretty good ascent.

21 Highway Child - con Erik Thiel
1 21 47m
2 21
Deportiva 47m, 15 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Dom 5.º Mayo 2019
Accidentally ended up on this route as we thought we were climbing an 18. Turned out to be a great climb with lots of great, technical moves.

21 Highway Child Deportiva 50m, 15 Kawakawa Bay Clásico
Mar 27.º Dic 2022

20 Sunday School Deportiva 17m, 4 Kawakawa Bay Medio
Zachary Brierley
Dom 2.º Sep 2012
Was very tired from previous climbing. Has many rests at the crux. That said a nice climb with a particular and interesting sequence.

18 After the sunset Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Sam Lancaster
Sáb 22.º Oct 2016
Done in one long pitch, lead by Jason.

18 After the sunset
1 30
2 20
Deportiva 50m, 42 Kawakawa Bay
Sergey Komarov
Sáb 31.º Mar 2018
This was back when it was just two pitches

20 Sunday School Deportiva 17m, 4 Kawakawa Bay Buena
Janne Antikainen
Mar 25.º Dic 2018
After setting up the route I tried to get it done clean. However a heave thunderstorm surprised us and I needed to bail from the climb.

20 After the Sunset - con Tim Swain
1 18 30m escalada de primero por John Pitcairn
2 15 20m escalada de primero por Tim Swain
3 16 20m escalada de primero por John Pitcairn
4 18 20m escalada de primero por Tim Swain
5 20 25m escalada de primero por John Pitcairn
6 14 5m escalada de primero por John Pitcairn
Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
John Pitcairn
Mié 9.º En 2019
Pretty good, nicely long, took 3 hours to climb. Perhaps spoiled a bit by the hand line section. P1 is quite delicate, P3 traverse is nice, P4 is soft unless you are short, P5 is great and the crux would make a terrific photo, lots of air under you. Screwed up right at the end and sketchily traversed left to the top of what is probably Fraggle Rock because I couldn't see the anchor above the ledge. Walked off up and along the ridge and back to camp by noon.

20 After the Sunset Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Mar 22.º En 2019
Don't do a 60m wrap right from the top. We got our rope stuck and had to ascend the rope to fix it. Three other groups had the same problem. Aside from this the climb was awesome! A good cruisy day out with exceptional views and very good climbing. Would recommend.

20 After the Sunset - con Karin
1 18 30m
2 15 20m
3 16 20m
4 18 20m
5 20 25m
6 14 5m
Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Erik Thiel
Mié 29.º Mayo 2019
Last pitch (P5) without big problems this time. Didn't spend much time searching hand holds before the corner so I still had enough energy to reach the far bolt (4th). From there more or less straight to the top, moves ok just the sequence is a bit awkward on some places.

Nice cruisy first pitch, even in #wet conditions. Like this one.


20 After the Sunset - con Karin
1 18 30m
2 16 20m
3 16 20m
5 20 25m
6 13 5m
Deportiva 100m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Erik Thiel
Dom 2.º Jun 2019
#windy and #cold up there. My toes finally defrosted when I got on the last pitch of 'MA'. Bit of a fuckup to abseil down cause I was to far to the left to reach the abseil anchor on Mew Wave Wall so I needed to go up the rope again.

20 After the Sunset (After the Sunset Linkup Gravity Games) - con Rafael White
3 concatenación Gravity Games
4 17 20m
5 20 25m
6 13 5m
Deportiva 50m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Sam Lancaster
Dom 27.º Oct 2019
Climbed the top 3 pitches, Rafael lead the first 17 pitch, I lead the top two. I love the grade 20 pitch, awesome moves with a nice slice of exposure! Linked up with Boat Ramp Crack (17) and the 2nd pitch of Gravity Games (19, super dirty but good climbing deserves a good scrub) for a great 4 / 5 pitch (5th pitch is very short) link up. Took 4 abseils to reach ground with a 70m rope!

20 After the Sunset - con Grant Johnston, Gareth Hall
1 18 30m escalada de primero por Gareth Hall
2 16 20m escalada de primero por John Pitcairn
3 16 20m escalada de primero por Grant Johnston
4 17 20m escalada de primero por Grant Johnston
5 20 25m escalada de primero por Gareth Hall
6 14 5m escalada de primero por Grant Johnston
Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
John Pitcairn
Lun 30.º Dic 2019
Hand still coping. 3 on a rope, a fun ramble with a nice view of a crux plummet. Gareth got the money pitches. We had left gear at the bottom so abseiled off, which took 1.5 hours for 4 raps on a single 60m rope and was a fairly suboptimal experience with a cramped first anchor and plenty of trees to get the rope stuck in on the way down - definitely walk off.

18 After the Sunset (After the Sunset P1-2) - con Gareth Hall
1 18 30m escalada de primero por John Pitcairn
2 16 20m escalada de primero por John Pitcairn
Deportiva 50m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
John Pitcairn
Sáb 4.º En 2020
A Saturday evening faff around gaining access to the tops of Super Natural and Bi Curious George to fix ropes for cleaning. Linked P1-2 only, considerable rope drag at the dirty top out. Replaced the old hand line snaplink above Super Natural with a stainless maillon. Ran out of time and did no actual cleaning.

16 After the Sunset P2 - con Gareth Hall
2 16 20m escalada de primero por Gareth Hall
Deportiva 20m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Buena
John Pitcairn
Dom 5.º En 2020
Access for cleaning.

20 Sunday School - con jason horrocks Deportiva 17m, 4 Kawakawa Bay Buena
Janne Antikainen
Dom 26.º En 2020
I tried the climb 3 times. Topped twice, and came down once from the crux. Almost got it clean. Next time for sure.

20 After the Sunset
1 18 30m
2 16 20m
3 16 20m
4 17 20m
5 20 25m
6 14 5m
Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Kaden Adams
Vie 20.º Mar 2020
Adventurous climb, 5th pitch is exposed and somewhat dirty but more mental than physical. Second may end up hanging in space if they fall off the crux, have a plan. Walked off the top, highly recommended, rapping seems like a painful process.

19 After the Sunset (After the Sunset Linkup 'Gravity Games' - Benny's Slab) - con Korbi Greiner, Luey
1 18 30m escalada de primero por Korbi Greiner
2 16 20m escalada de primero por Joyce
3 19 20m concatenación 'Gravity Games' - Benny's Slab P2 , escalada de primero por Korbi Greiner
4 18 20m escalada de primero por Joyce
Deportiva 90m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Sáb 17.º Oct 2020
Fantastic P1: slopey technical start with spicy arete. P2: a couple bold moves on slab but otherwise consistent 16 - ridiculously high bolted DBC at the top. Got lost on P3 (make sure to go left at P2 anchor, path a bit hidden). P4 another beaut: lots of movement, tricky start but then fun wandering line. Would have been 'After Sunset' for P4 & P5 so cruised back down.

18 After the Sunset P1 - con Peter
1 18 30m
Deportiva 30m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Buena
John Pitcairn
Sáb 24.º Oct 2020
Gave Pete a lead belay. P1 is very nice as a route in itself, as it was originally.

20 After the Sunset Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Sáb 10.º Oct 2020
Failed (lowered off) last pitch

20 Sunday School Deportiva 17m, 4 Kawakawa Bay Buena
Lun 11.º En 2021
way harder than a 20

20 After the Sunset - con John Pitcairn, Colin, Colin Meagson
1 18 30m escalada de primero por John Pitcairn
2 15 20m escalada de primero por Colin Meagson
3 16 20m escalada de primero por Angela Hewlett
4 18 20m escalada de primero por Angela Hewlett
5 20 25m escalada de primero por John Pitcairn
6 14 5m escalada de primero por Colin Meagson
Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay
Angela Hewlett
Sáb 23.º En 2021
Fell at crux move in exposed section and unable to get back on rock. After small meltdown prussocked back up onto the rock. Otherwise really good fun climb.

20 After the Sunset - con Angela Hewlett, Colin
1 18 30m escalada de primero por John Pitcairn
2 15 20m escalada de primero por Colin Meagson
3 16 20m escalada de primero por Angela Hewlett
4 18 20m escalada de primero por Angela Hewlett
5 20 25m escalada de primero por John Pitcairn
6 14 5m escalada de primero por Colin Meagson
Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
John Pitcairn
Sáb 23.º En 2021
A fun outing in good company. Had a windy chilly time at the crux pitch belay with little communication possible while events unfolded below. Walked off.

20 After the Sunset
1 18 30m escalada de primero por Iris
2 16 20m escalada de primero por Ian
3 16 20m escalada de primero por Joyce
4 18 20m escalada de primero por Iris
5 20 25m escalada de primero por Iris
Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Dom 7.º Feb 2021
Would like to lead the first pitch one day, beautiful route that doesn't get old. Roof is doable, need to shuffle hands across the crimps faster and trust those foot smears. Iris went the wrong way at the top of P5 so we ended up doing the end of Fraggle Rock which was horrendous.

20 After the Sunset - con Andrew, Meetal Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Clásico
Paul Renwick
Sáb 27.º Feb 2021
Lead P1 and 3. P5 sucked with a heavy bag, but somehow stayed on...

20 After the Sunset
1 18 30m
2 16 20m
3 16 20m
4 17 20m
5 20 25m
6 14 5m
Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay
Jongin Chae
Mié 3.º Feb 2021
Good to link up the first two pitches if you have enough quickdraws (18 should be enough).

20 After the Sunset - con Jack Wicks Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay
Tom B
Dom 6.º Jun 2021
seconding jack at night, prusik on p5

20 After the Sunset - con Gareth, Jonno, Greg
1 18 30m escalada de primero por Gareth
2 16 20m escalada de primero por John Pitcairn
3 16 20m escalada de primero por John Pitcairn
4 18 20m escalada de primero por Gareth
5 20 25m escalada de primero por John Pitcairn
6 13 5m escalada de primero por Jonno
Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Buena
John Pitcairn
Sáb 1.º En 2022
Had an epic. After the Sunset finishing after the sunset on New Year's day, for a 10-pitch day? What a great plan. Got out there at 6pm, still bastard hot, but got on as two ropes of two, following a pitch behind. Cooked like prawns up P1-2, and the P2 topout is now very dirty and uninspiring. By sunset we were mostly all at the bottom of the crux pitch, but Greg had mistakenly gone right after bolt 2 into the Mexican Americans crux, was falling repeatedly and knackered. After discussing the unappealing bail options, I swapped into leading the crux pitch by head torch, then settled in for top belay while Jonno seconded, Greg and Gareth jugged up. Topped out just before midnight, then soon lost the ridge track in windfall. After an hour of nervous random bush bashing near cliffs, we failed to pick up the track again, took a phone topo map bearing toward the kinloch track and bashed over to that for another hour behind Gareth the Sweary Bulldozer, then slunk down to camp, getting in at 2.40am on the 2nd. Camp-to-camp time: an appalling 9 hours 10 minutes. Swim, beer, snacks, more swearing, bed, rest day. More could be written. Type 2 fun.

20 After the Sunset Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay
Lun 24.º En 2022
So amazing, linked the first two and last two pitches, the last two were absolutely incredible with amazing exposure and awesome moves

20 After the Sunset
1 18 30m
2 15 20m
3 16 20m
4 18 20m
5 20 25m
6 14 5m
Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Megaclásica
Aidan Sarginson
Dom 6.º Mar 2022
What an amazing route, and a good introduction to the climbing at K bay

20 After the Sunset - con John Pitcairn
1 18 30m escalada de primero por Gareth
2 16 20m escalada de primero por John Pitcairn
3 16 20m escalada de primero por John Pitcairn
4 18 20m escalada de primero por Gareth
5 20 25m escalada de primero por John Pitcairn
6 13 5m escalada de primero por Jonno
Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay
Sáb 1.º En 2022
Fcking epic.

Made it back to camp at 2.40am, ran out of water before midnight. May have got short tempered with a few people, and convinced people we weren't going to refind the walkoff track, and to just follow behind the grumpy bogan with a GPS fix. Theres a Gareth sized hole through the bush somewhere up there. I've never been so happy to find the bike track, get back to camp, neck a ton of water, neck a beer, and demolish a whole tin of spam (Ridiculous amount of calories in those it turns out, but salt and fat, made it the best thing I've ever eaten).

Grumpily did crux pitch on ascenders set up as a frog rig, as I'd been chilling on the belay ledge below for 2 hours, it was late, and I wanted off the bloody rock.

Still have a lump in my leg nearly 3 months on from being hit with a dislodged rock on the bushbash back.

20 Sunday School Deportiva 17m, 4 Kawakawa Bay Buena
Sáb 16.º Abr 2022
Went right after 3rn bolt which seems like to be off route and harder than go left

20 Sunday School Deportiva 17m, 4 Kawakawa Bay Buena
Dom 17.º Abr 2022
Found the hidden side pull at far left, then go up easily

18 After the Sunset P1
1 18 30m Deportiva
Deportiva 30m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
John Pitcairn
Lun 2.º En 2023
Warmup. The first of the two good pitches for the route (P5 is the other). Bloody nice.

20 After the Sunset - con Dion Clapperton, Hamish Falconer
1 18 30m Deportiva escalada de primero por Max Warren
2 15 20m Deportiva escalada de primero por Dion Clapperton
3 16 20m Deportiva escalada de primero por Dion Clapperton
4 18 20m Deportiva escalada de primero por Max Warren
5 20 25m Deportiva escalada de primero por Dion Clapperton
6 14 5m Deportiva escalada de primero por Max Warren
Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Megaclásica
Max Warren
Vie 7.º Abr 2023
5pm start with the boys, enjoyed a wicked sunset with red horizon. What an excellent way to finish a day.👌🍺🍺🍺

20 Ezy Ryder
1 Deportiva
2 De segundo
Deportiva 45m Kawakawa Bay Buena
rafael ferreira
Lun 17.º Abr 2023
Probably the route hasn't seen much climbing. Slab on dry moss, still possible to smear somehow.

20 After the Sunset
1 18 30m Deportiva
2 15 20m Deportiva
3 16 20m Deportiva
4 18 20m Deportiva
5 20 25m Deportiva
6 14 5m Deportiva
Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Clásico
Robin Nowlan
Dom 22.º Oct 2023
Got to top of first pitch but members of my party didn't feel comfortable continuing. Will try again.

18 After the Sunset P1 - con James Wuu Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Clásico
Tom Buckett
Lun 23.º Oct 2023
Talk about getting straight to the point for my first climb at K-bay. Good choice from James.

20 After the Sunset - con Mishi
1 18 30m De segundo
2 15 20m Deportiva
3 16 20m De segundo
4 18 20m Deportiva
5 20 25m De segundo
6 14 5m Deportiva
Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Clásico
Steve Brown
Lun 23.º Oct 2023
Good way to top off another K Bay trip beautiful location and great rock

20 Sunday School - con The Atlantic Puffin Deportiva 17m, 4 Kawakawa Bay
Sáb 14.º Oct 2023
Onsight attempt. Did part of the crux above the 3rd bolt but thought that I was wandering too far left so traversed back right above the 3rd bolt before the ledge. Got stuck. Should have read the route description.

20 Ezy Ryder - con Kiera Montgomery
1 Deportiva
2 Deportiva
Deportiva 45m Kawakawa Bay Buena
Aidan Sarginson
Jue 28.º Dic 2023
Linked both pitches into a 45m

20 Sunday School - con Kiera Montgomery Deportiva 17m, 4 Kawakawa Bay Medio
Aidan Sarginson
Mié 3.º En 2024
The magical crag maintenance fairys came and 'cleaned' a hold

20 Sunday School - con Gareth Deportiva 17m, 4 Kawakawa Bay Buena
John Pitcairn
Mié 3.º En 2024
Took a long time and a couple of takes to find the right sequence after 3rd bolt.

20 Sunday School - con Gareth Deportiva 17m, 4 Kawakawa Bay Buena
John Pitcairn
Mié 3.º En 2024
Straightforward enough once you burn it into non-volatile memory.

20 Sunday School - con John Pitcairn Deportiva 17m, 4 Kawakawa Bay
Mié 3.º En 2024
Couple of runs on it, didn't get either clean but worked out the beta o in the end. Removed some loose rock

20 After the Sunset
1 18 30 De segundo
2 15 20 Deportiva
3 16 20 De segundo
4 18 20 Deportiva
5 20 25 De segundo
6 14 5 Deportiva
Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Clásico
Zane Wentzell
Dom 21.º En 2024
Stoked with this one, great multi, the move on the 5th pitch around the arete is chef's kiss. Quite difficult to rappel.

20 Sunday School - con Anthony Mackay Deportiva 17m, 4 Kawakawa Bay
Jue 7.º Mar 2024
not a proper ascent but sorta followed bolts up for mellow yellow, should've check the guidebook

20 After the Sunset - con Kiera Montgomery
1 18 30m De segundo
2 15 20m Deportiva
3 16 20m De segundo
4 18 20m Deportiva
5 20 25m De segundo
6 14 5m Deportiva
Deportiva 120m, 42 Kawakawa Bay Clásico
Toby Jackson
Dom 2.º Jun 2024
Very nice, I am glad we did it before the sun had set.

21 19 Sidewinder - con Tara Deportiva 61m, 17 Kawakawa Bay Megaclásica
james ritchie
Jue 8.º En 2015
1st pitch 3 stars. 1 star for the rest.

19 The Hecklers - con shichang Clásica 45m Kawakawa Bay Clásico
John Pitcairn
Dom 8.º Feb 2015
Absolutely outstanding, a must-do. Had been saving the onsight attempt for a couple of visits now, stoked to get it. Not as hard as I expected, there are a number of no-hands rests and face holds apart from the crack. Taping up is a good idea to take full advantage of the many great fist and hand jams. Eats hexes!

Ran into Gerard Tarr on the way down, who had been up completing new pitches above, Hecklers multipitch, woo!

19 The Hecklers - con Grant Johnston Clásica 45m Kawakawa Bay Clásico
John Pitcairn
Vie 29.º En 2016
Probably the hardest thing I have seconded, probably just as hard to second as to lead. Tape gloves would have helped. Terrific onsight fight from Grant.

19 The Hecklers - con John Pitcairn Clásica 45m Kawakawa Bay Clásico
Grant Johnston
Vie 29.º En 2016
Bit of swearing on this one. Thankful of taped hands. Plenty of gear options.

19 The Hecklers Clásica 45m Kawakawa Bay
Mar 6.º Dic 2016
First trad lead at 19!

19 Sidewinder - con Sam Lancaster
1 19 escalada de primero por James
2 19 escalada de primero por James
3 17 escalada de primero por Me
Deportiva 61m, 17 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Sam Lancaster
Dom 4.º Dic 2016
James lead first pitch with one fall, I tried second pumpy overhung pitch with lots of attempts at above 5th bolt but failed, James lead 2nd pitch, 3rd pitch climbed clean by me.

19 Sidewinder
1 19 escalada de primero por Me
2 19 escalada de primero por Me
3 17 escalada de primero por Me
Deportiva 61m, 17 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Sam Lancaster
Dom 1.º En 2017
One sizeable fall at 3rd bolt first pitch, 2nd and 3rd pitches clean.

19 Survival of the Fittest - con Charlie Deportiva 40m, 14 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Sam Lancaster
Dom 6.º En 2019
Great balancy climb, a couple of healthy run outs. A few alpine draws were very useful to avoid rope drag!

19 The Hecklers - con Alex Clásica 45m Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Tim Swain
Sáb 23.º Nov 2019
Very sustained, had to sit on rope a couple of time.

19 Sidewinder
Deportiva 61m, 17 Kawakawa Bay Clásico
Chris Mysko
Dom 24.º Nov 2019
One fall in overhung second pitch

19 The Hecklers Clásica 45m Kawakawa Bay
Mié 1.º En 2020
Fun, a little dirty but good moves up a sweet 35-40m pitch.

19 Sidewinder
1 19 31m
2 19 10m
3 17 19m
Deportiva 60m, 17 Kawakawa Bay
Kaden Adams
Sáb 18.º En 2020
Pitch 1 felt 18, but a shorter reach might make for a different story. Rappelled off to the ground with 60m rope no problem.

19 The Hecklers - con Jonno Rau Clásica 45m Kawakawa Bay Megaclásica
John Pitcairn
Lun 27.º En 2020
Wow. I forgot how good this is. Lichen on the RH face doesn't detract much (but could use a clean), bomber and plentiful gear, really fun crux jam sequence above the roof. We were both absolutely fizzing at the top, got down and wanted to jump straight back on lead. Four stars in a 3 star system.

19 The Sweet and the Savage - con Gareth Hall Clásica 30m Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
John Pitcairn
Dom 23.º Feb 2020
Absorbing traverse with good gear. Took a sit before the crux to sort my head out, then committed to the high compressed undercling moves. Getting gear in around the corner had me going a bit after that. Top pitch is maybe a bit stiff for 16, in the same way High Hopes is. Ran both pitches together with acceptable drag, but resulted in poor communication.

19 The Hecklers - con Gareth Clásica 45m Kawakawa Bay Clásico
John Pitcairn
Sáb 24.º Oct 2020
Superb climbing, bomber jams, plenty of no-hands rests if you look for them. Started to rain just after Gareth began seconding. Lowered him, waited it out with raincoat, pulled a second rope up and rap-cleaned it by down-jammimg with one hand (RH face a bit wet and mossy). Sloped off back to camp through wet bush.

19 Sidewinder - con Andrew, Meetal Deportiva 61m, 17 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Paul Renwick
Dom 28.º Feb 2021
Lead P3

19 The Sweet and the Savage Clásica 30m Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Lun 24.º En 2022
Really amazing climbing up the crack, the place where you are supposed up build a trad anchor seemed unsuitable for a good anchor, so I did it in one pitch

19 Sidewinder - con Gareth
1 19 31m escalada de primero por John Pitcairn
2 19 10m escalada de primero por John Pitcairn
3 17 19m escalada de primero por Gareth
Deportiva 60m, 17 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
John Pitcairn
Mar 1.º Feb 2022
Hard to believe I've never done this, it's great. The name is all the beta you need. Pitch 2 is a wee ripper, dancing up the overhanging wall on decent jugs.

19 The Hecklers - con Gareth Clásica 45m Kawakawa Bay Clásico
John Pitcairn
Jue 3.º Feb 2022
Bloody great. Right face could really use a scrub. Gareth seconded clean, good effort. We could see and hear Katie and Joe up at the crux on the Odyssey.

19 Sidewinder - con Justin Wimmer Deportiva 61m, 17 Kawakawa Bay Megaclásica
Nia O'Connor
Mar 22.º Feb 2022
Some sharp holds on the second pitch. Did it all as a single 60m climb but rope drag was a lot would be better to split it into first pitch and link together second and third pitches.

19 The Hecklers Clásica 45m Kawakawa Bay Megaclásica
Sáb 12.º Mar 2022
Grovelled in one or two places and almost pumped out due to second guessing pro. Was a joy to climb, glad I waited till I had a high chance of onsighting because this climb is worth it.

So many options for gear, so many options for jams. Epic.

19 The Hecklers - con John Pitcairn Clásica 45m Kawakawa Bay Clásico
Jue 3.º Feb 2022
Clean second. Had to really fight for it. There was some swearing

19 Survival of the Fittest - con Greg, Gareth Deportiva 40m, 14 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
John Pitcairn
Sáb 16.º Abr 2022
Bloody good, highly recommended. Much cleaner than I was expecting too. An easy warmup cruise up most of Raw Umber lulls you into a false sense of security, then get your runout trousers on for the tricky arete crack (or take a couple of finger size cams). Then it's time for the main game, up the black-streaked corner. You can step across left to a good rest, but getting back right will be tricky if that's where you want to go. Spent a good long while figuring out how to keep moving up on the left and didn't want to leave the rest, but it's all there at the grade. Easier to the top, then best rap down is to the Raw Umber anchor.

19 Survival of the Fittest - con John Pitcairn Deportiva 40m, 14 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Sáb 16.º Abr 2022
Punted a bit. Quite good.

19 Sidewinder P1
1 19 32m
Deportiva 32m, 17 Kawakawa Bay
Matthew Creahan
Dom 23.º Oct 2022
Bailed after first pitch as the ledge was an oven

19 Sidewinder - con Falcone
1 19 32m escalada de primero por Aidan Sarginson
2 19 10m escalada de primero por Falcone
3 17 19m escalada de primero por Falcone
Deportiva 61m, 17 Kawakawa Bay
Aidan Sarginson
Dom 23.º Oct 2022
First 3 bolts are a bit funky, then great climbing. Linked p2 and P3.

19 The Hecklers Clásica 45m Kawakawa Bay Clásico
Mié 23.º Nov 2022
Headgame collapsed at rooflet. Proceeded to have a bit of an epic. Probably owe my belayer a few beers next trip....

Didnt really take the right gear, needed more 1s and .75s. Placed enough gear, back-cleaned and recycled enough gear, that although the moves were all pulled free, I should probably give up and take up aid climbing.

I'lll be back

19 Sidewinder Deportiva 61m, 17 Kawakawa Bay Clásico
Mar 27.º Dic 2022

19 The Hecklers - con Jonno Rau Clásica 45m Kawakawa Bay Clásico
John Pitcairn
Lun 2.º En 2023
This is so good. Took quite an effort after no climbing for 2 months. A clean of the right face would help find more rests.

19 Duro Sidewinder - con Jonno Rau
1 19 32 Deportiva
2 19 10 De segundo
3 17 19 Deportiva
Deportiva 61m, 17 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
John Pitcairn
Mié 4.º En 2023
Unexpectedly slipped off onto the first bolt, lowered and pulled the rope for another go. Should have warmed up on something. Strayed too far right after that, hard to get back left. Might remember next time. Got up and off with just a few spots of rain, sheltered from the NE.

19 Sidewinder
1 19 32m Deportiva
2 19 10m De segundo
3 17 19m Deportiva
Deportiva 61m, 17 Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
Matt Wilson
Mié 29.º Mar 2023
second pitch has to be harder than a 19 or once again maybe i suck

19 Sidewinder - con Matthew Creahan
1 19 32m Deportiva escalada de primero por Albie Thomas
2 19 10m Deportiva escalada de primero por Albie Thomas

Big moves on jugs

3 17 19m Deportiva escalada de primero por Albie Thomas
Deportiva 61m, 17 Kawakawa Bay Buena
Albie Thomas
Dom 9.º Abr 2023
Did pitch 2&3 as one, super sick.

19 Sidewinder Deportiva 61m, 17 Kawakawa Bay
Dom 10.º Dic 2023
Little bit of a scary lead, must have had a fair bit of lichen growth which with the slab feet and minimal bolts made me a little frightened! Maybe good practice in trusting my feet aha

19 The Sweet and the Savage Clásica 30m Kawakawa Bay Clásico
Gee Rad
Sáb 16.º Dic 2023
Many times, always in one pitch. Once barefoot

19 Duro The Sweet and the Savage - con Gareth Clásica 30m Kawakawa Bay Muy buena
John Pitcairn
Mié 3.º En 2024
Back to get it, a hell of a fight. Suckers you by starting easy then getting slowly harder until you're packed into a strenuous jam/undercling with very high feet out at the crux. The step around/down (maybe there is another option here) to the vertical crack needed a lot of willpower, then took an age to protect it while wrecked. The "trad belay" seems dodgy due to a hollow sounding block and limited options, kept going to anchors with solid rope drag, belayed with poor comms. Harder than Hecklers I reckon, need more opinions.

19 The Sweet and the Savage - con John Pitcairn Clásica 30m Kawakawa Bay
Mié 3.º En 2024
Thought I was going to manage to pull the crux move. Then proceeded to eat shite, but less epically than the last time. Made it up, will have to try again someday. Definitely not all over once you're past the obvious crux.


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