
Vías en Nordland

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Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad Zona
7- Pitch link Desconocido Salten
6 Pinka Desconocido Salten
4 Sjøsvaet, Å Desconocido 120m Lofoten
2 Normalveien

Scramble trough big boulders to reach the summit.

Desconocido Ofoten
6 Down Wash Desconocido Salten
6 Black magic Desconocido Salten
6 Blueberry Boy Desconocido Salten
6 Konkaven Desconocido Salten
Åpent prosjekt Desconocido Salten
6- Ukultiverte kroppslyder Desconocido Salten
FR:7c Projekt DesconocidoProyecto Lofoten
The descent

Follow path (East) with some exposed scrambling off back of Presten, and down to saddle (68.1800305, 14.2286126). Continue straight up the other side of the saddle, following the ridegline roughly South before joining main hiking track near Festvåg summit (allow 1-2 hours).

Travesía Lofoten
3 The descent

Both of the guidebook options are not advisable.

Instead, head in the direction of Vågakallen via a faint trial from the summit block (pictured), when this ends, a short move to regain the ridge is needed (pictured). Ignore the first rapp station you pass.

Continue along the ridge then scramble back down (pictured). From here, traverse across the hanging valley (South-East, ~50m) to the base of a short & steep gully. Go up here. This leads to a wide open area. Don't be tempted to descend any gullies.

Head straight up the first large grassy gully towards the ridge line (North). Continue along this ridge for another 150/200m (towards Vågakallen) where the ridge from Pillaren ends & the rapp station is located (pictured). Slings, 10m.

You can nearly taste the beers at Klatre now. Continue in the direction of Vågakallen via a short ascent back up the opposing ridgeline. From this summit, a clear trial appears which leads down to grassy slopes & the Vågakallen hiking trail. Yay.

PA: Some Jedi

Travesía Lofoten
7- Epilepsifri sone
Clásica Salten
7+ Ukjent 3
Clásica Lofoten
6+ AID:A2 Sweet Home Moravia Clásica 7 Lofoten
6+ Dama Dablam Clásica Lofoten
7 Running for Teo

Quality climbing linking direct crack systems up the center of the cliff. The N7 moves on P4 can be avoided at A0 (escape also possible via fishermans friend at n6-). Note the guidebook topo, as is tradition, is wrong. P4 takes the crack line, not the unprotected face

  1. As for Johan Boyer. 35m

  2. As for Johan Boyer or Vikingjenta. 35m

  3. Climb the crack to the right up to the tree below the block. 15m

  4. Up the block with the perfect handcrack in a corner. Traverse left, then right again before powering straight up the strenuous overhanging hand crack. Fun!! 25m

  5. Follow easy slab and cracks right, left, then right again to the top. 20m

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PA: Philip C & Vegard With Stennes, 1 Oct 2019

Clásica 130m, 5 Lofoten
6- Børtind vestvegg
1 4
2 4+
3 6-
4 4

PA: Kjell Eugen Andersen, Erik Vike & Jan Christian Andersen, 1981

Clásica 350m, 4 Salten
5+ Z-bolten Clásica 50m Salten
6 Fenn-Geisser
1 6
2 5+
3 6-
4 4+
5 3
6 5+
7 6-
8 6
9 6-
10 5
11 5
12 5+
13 5-
14 6-
15 3
Clásica 15 Ofoten
6- Gyldne flak
Clásica 100m, 2 Salten
5 Kyllingrisset
Clásica 35m Salten
3 The Approach Pitch
Clásica 70m Lofoten
6 Pianogolvet
1 6
2 6-

PA: Fredrik Rapp & Bobo Gustavsson, 2009

Clásica Lofoten
6- AID:A1 Stora Diederet
Clásica 14m Ofoten
6 Diederet Clásica Salten
4 Storsvaet Clásica 30m Lofoten
5+ Fish Restaurant
1 5+
2 4
3 5
4 5
5 5-
6 5-
7 4
8 4+
9 4+

PA: Jiří Švihálek & Lukáš Marecek, 2009

Clásica 9 Lofoten
7 For Cod's Sake
1 7 15m
2 7- 25m
3 6 35m
Clásica 75m, 3 Lofoten
6 Malabarsk Clásica Lofoten
5+ Sol til 22 Clásica 2 Salten
8- Belgisk Sjokolade
1 6
2 5
3 8-
4 6-

Topo here:


Clásica 4 Salten
5- På kanten Clásica Salten
7+ Joker Nord
1 3 40m
2 5 60m
3 4+ 30m
4 6- 50m
5 6+ 60m
6 6+ 40m
7 6- 20m
8 7- 45m
9 5+ 40m
10 6+ 40m
11 7+ 50m
12 4 45m
13 6- 30m
Clásica 550m, 13 Salten
6 Troll i mose
Clásica 20m Salten
5- Østveggen

PA: Torben Hee & Erik Stoltenberg Hansson, 1970

Clásica 4 Ofoten
5 Queen of Rock 'n' Roll
Clásica Lofoten
7+ Första approximationen
1 5 10m
2 6 30m
3 7+ 20m
4 3+ 70m

PA: Joakim Söderström & Jonas Wiklund, 2010

Clásica 130m, 4 Lofoten
6+ Vestveggen
1 4 60m
2 6 55m
3 6- 55m
4 4 15m
5 6 15m
6 6+ 50m
7 4 55m
8 5 45m
  1. The route starts near two large blocks and right of the 2 large square roofs in a corner. This pitch trends gently right to a large ledge (stor hylle). Build your belay in the corner to your right.

  2. Take the LF groove until it´s possible to traverse right into a RF groove. Traverse right again when the LF corner becomes visible to a belay on a small ledge. Routefinding can be a little tricky. It helps to aim for the roof below the LF dihedral.

  3. Head out left & up the parallel cracks.

  4. Short pitch to the base of the finger crack.

  5. Climb the short but great finger crack to a stance

  6. The ´devils dance floor´ pitch traverses out right then up the RF corner to a ledge on your left.

  7. Trend gently left via the path of least resistance to a ledge. Walk left & build your belay in the corner below a gently right trending finger crack. Not the best rock on this pitch.

  8. Up the finger crack then step left and follow cracks & grooves to the ridge

It´s a further 300m of mellow ridge scrambling to access Vestveggen. The P1 OW is a very obvious marker.

Route description & topo

Some images here:

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PA: Anders Lundhal & Eva Selin, 1980

Clásica 350m, 8 Ofoten
7 Revungen
1 6 45m
2 7 20m
3 6 40m
  1. As for Gamle rev.

  2. Variation right out on the arete. Belay on the sloping ledge when you rejoin Gamle rev.

  3. As for Gamle rev.

PA: Asgeir Larsen & Thorbjørn Enevold, 2007

Clásica 110m, 3 Lofoten
4 Knott og godt

The difficulty of the climbing is primarily grade 3+/4-, but with some shorter sections of grade 4.

The route starts up an obvious finger crack splitting the slabs at the base of face. Traverse left after the finger crack and continue up the left of the two obvious dihedrals on the upper part of the face. Apart from some poorly protected slabs the route is well-protected and with little vegetation.

Low-angled slabs, cracks and dihedrals leads up to the shoulder and the descent route.

PA: Jo Espen Rønningen & Stian Bruvoll, 15 Jul 2019

Clásica 6 Ofoten
4 Fredagsdrømmer
Clásica Salten
6 Tut´s dieder
Clásica 80m, 2 Salten
7- Fisherman's Friend
1 5+ 30m
2 7- 20m
3 6- 15m
4 6- 30m
5 5+ 25m

PA: Jonas Dahlstrop & Mattias Strömqvist

Clásica 120m, 5 Lofoten
6 Frøken Sverige
Clásica 14m Lofoten
5 Lost in Paradise Clásica Lofoten
8- Tørronken
Clásica 40m Salten
6+ Ukjent 4
Clásica Lofoten
7 A Wee Nip
1 7
2 6+
3 5+
Clásica 65m, 3 Lofoten
6 Cello Torre Clásica Lofoten
6- Hun hater meg, det liker jeg!

Head up the finger crack on the arete then jam & stem in the dihedral to the summit

PA: Philip C & Vegard With Stennes, 2 Oct 2019

Clásica 35m Lofoten
6- Route 22

Mixed route

Clásica Ofoten
6 Tenestevegen

PA: Øyvind Skogstad & Sveinung Bertnes Råheim, 2010

Clásica 3 Salten
5+ Gjøkeredet Clásica 90m Salten
6- Kugelsprickan
Clásica 17 Ofoten
5 Kajakkmannen
Clásica 100m, 3 Salten
7- Skilpadderisset
Clásica 90m, 3 Salten
6+ AID:A1 Swedish Highway Blues
Clásica Lofoten
8- Castle Dracula
1 8- 35m
2 7+ 30m

PA: David Pickford & Malin Holmberg, 2011

Clásica 65m, 2 Lofoten
6+ Blodrod Septembernatt Clásica 600m, 16 Ofoten
6 Gandalf and Rose

A straight line using 2 classic routes. Start this combination climbing the 1st pitch on Gandalf. Thereafter, climb the 2nd and 3rd pitch of Guns and Roses.

Clásica 100m, 3 Lofoten
5+ Djupfjord Buttress

PA: Thorbjørn Enevold & Lutta Fagerli, 1995

Clásica 7 Lofoten
8- Hot Fisk, Jumping Weasel
1 8- 40m
2 8- 45m
Clásica 85m, 2 Lofoten
Apoyar a theCrag no sólo beneficiará a tu Karma
También te permitirá acceder a unos beneficios increíbles en theCrag y más allá.
6 Sterk storm Clásica Lofoten
5- Kjøkkenveien Clásica 3 Salten
7- Jediriddarane kjem attende
1 6- 30m
2 6 30m
3 7- 50m
4 6 45m
5 5 50m
6 3 80m

Topo here:


Some images here-

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PA: Tommy Skeide & Olve Havåg, 1997

Clásica 290m, 6 Salten
4+ Vest til Aust Travers Clásica Salten
6+ Balanseruta
Clásica Salten
5 Vestveggen

PA: Per Eidsvig & Einar Dalsegg, 1972

Clásica 6 Ofoten
6- Moody Blue
Clásica Lofoten
7 AID:A2 Sweet dreams then beautiful nightmares

PA: Jiri Švihálek & Ondra Švihálek, 2012

Clásica 480m, 13 Lofoten
6 Vesteggen
1 6 55m
2 3 55m
3 3 15m
4 6- 50m
5 5 60m
6 3 20m

The striking West ridge is the obvious path to the summit from Vestveggen. The route starts below the obvious wide crack, which was first climbed in 1937 (& an amazing achievement for the era).

  1. Start up the dihedral, when the holds disappear traverse left into the wide & sustained crack. Big cams useful (1x #2, #3 & 4#).

  2. and

  3. Easier climbing leads to the base of the next steep crack.

  4. Climb the finger crack in the middle of the wall, after 15m traverse to some balancey climbing on the arete. The crack in the main corner is harder (N6 for the wide crack, N7- for the thin corner crack).

  5. and

  6. Easier cracks and corners lead to a rightwards exit through a hole & up to the summit block

Some images here

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PA: Arne Næss & Boss Walther, 1937

PAL: Anders Lundhal & Eva Selin, 1980

Clásica 260m, 6 Ofoten
5- Steppgubbens dotter

Mixed route on the left side of the slab

Clásica 30m Ofoten
6 Sendetoget NSB
  1. 5 pitches of easy terrain past ledges with a lot of debris.

  2. .

  3. .

  4. .

  5. .

  6. Follows an obvious RF dihedral for 3 pitches to it´s end.

  7. .

  8. .

  9. The crux 55-meter pitch leads up & right into run-out terrain, where it’s tricky to find the path of least resistance.

  10. A short pitch to a good ledge. 10m. A possible bivy site.

  11. A sequence that involves changing corners to the right is followed by climbing left to the next stance.

  12. Steep but well protected climbing.

  13. The angle eases off slightly, starting left then back right & towards the right-hand side of a pillar. A chimney behind the pillar leads to the summit.

PA: Håkon Wegge & Anna Nystedt, Jun 2019

Clásica 13 Ofoten
7-/7 Chained All Round

PA: Rick McGregor, 2011

Clásica Ofoten
6- Kjærleikens kamin
Clásica Salten
7- Blåklokkeren
Clásica Salten
6 Johan Boyer
1 5+ 40m
2 6 35m

PA: Thorbjørn Enevold, Morten & Trond Solberg, 1992

Clásica 75m, 2 Lofoten
7 Du gamla du fria
Clásica 14m Lofoten
5+ Kyllingvingen Clásica Lofoten
3 Kaminen
Clásica Salten
6- Extension taulengde

The extension of Skjønnheten og oljehyret takes the chimney system to the top

Clásica 50m Salten
6 Återstilleren
1 6
2 6
3 4+
4 6
5 5+
6 5
7 5+

PA: Martin Jakobsson & krister jonsson, 1999

Clásica 300m, 7 Lofoten
4+ Ptarmigan Slabs Clásica Lofoten
7- Trango towel Clásica Lofoten
5 Jeg håper Scottys hus brenner ned

From the arete, follow the left trending crack until it ends. Traverse around the arete into excellent jamming in a corner then follow easy angled slab to the summit.

PA: Vegard With Stennes & Philip C, 2 Oct 2019

Clásica 35m Lofoten
6 Route 23

Mixed route

Clásica Ofoten
4 Vestryggen Clásica 6 Salten
6- Og bakom synger skogene Clásica 90m, 2 Salten
5+ AIDC:C1 Pinackelpillaren
Clásica 16 Ofoten
6- Sigurd-risset
Clásica 100m, 3 Salten
7- Sjukebilen
Clásica 180m, 4 Salten
6- Fingerrisset

PA: helge stokstad & Rune Thrap-Meyer, 1982

Clásica 50m Lofoten
5 Ångermanland

Big cam handy

PA: Rick McGregor, 2015

Clásica Lofoten
6- Livet Lever
Clásica 16 Ofoten
7 Skyvandraren
1 7
2 6-
3 7-
4 6-
5 5+
6 5

Starts up the obvious handcrack on the arête right of Jeddiriddarane kjem attende. Excellent well protected climbing (the guidebook grades are slightly off).

Topo here:


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PA: Sara Thommessen & Henrik Burvang, 15 Jul 2016

Clásica 6 Salten
6 Tromsø ekspressen
1 6 40m
2 6 30m
3 5 25m

PA: Håvard Nesheim & Sjur Nesheim, 1979

Clásica 95m, 3 Lofoten
6 Dr. Jekyll

Mixed slab climbing. Rumour has know one really knows who´s Dr jekyll & who´s Mr Hyde..

PA: Thorbjørn Enevold & Trond Solberg, 1999

Clásica 55m Lofoten
7- Edderkoppen
1 6- 25m
2 7- 25m
Clásica 50m, 2 Lofoten

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