
Ascensiones en Oceania por Bonnie teniendo sport-cpr o ascent-date

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 566 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Zona Calidad Fecha
27 These Dogs Must Be Pru's Deportiva 20m, 8 Blue Mountains Vie 19.º Nov 2021
haha no

25 Escape From the Drilling Fields (Trigga Nigga) Deportiva 20m Nowra Clásico Dom 7.º Jul 2019
two laps bolt to bolt learning the moves; took the fall at the crux first shot but made it to the top on the second lap

25 Escape From the Drilling Fields (Trigga Nigga) Deportiva 20m Nowra Clásico Sáb 27.º Jul 2019
25 Escape From the Drilling Fields (Trigga Nigga) Deportiva 20m Nowra Clásico Sáb 27.º Jul 2019
two shots, trying to get it down to one hang, but not quite there yet

23 Microdermabrasia (Microdermabrasia P1)
1 30m
Deportiva 30m Blue Mountains Muy buena Sáb 4.º Sep 2021
awesome: such a cool feature, with nice techy moves

23 Microdermabrasia (Microdermabrasia P1)
1 30m
Deportiva 30m Blue Mountains Muy buena Sáb 4.º Sep 2021
off at last bolt, still exceeding expectations. should have trusted my beta at the top instead of pausing to consider the more conventional beta, and I hadn't rehearsed the move the first time because i wasn't planning to get back on today

25 Lipstick Deportiva 15m Nowra Dom 8.º Jul 2018
only to backclean first four draws

25 Padington Deportiva 12m Blue Mountains Lun 5.º Nov 2018
jumped on this for fun when it became clear that the dudebros sieging the 22 weren't going to stop sieging it for a couple more hours. cool line; got very shut down at second bolt

25 Atoms in Action Deportiva 12m, 5 Blue Mountains Vie 28.º Dic 2018
25 Rubber Lover Deportiva 20m, 5 Blue Mountains Muy buena Vie 23.º Jul 2021
working out possible crux sequences - got the height for first crimp after twin slots, but can't stick it yet

25 Rubber Lover Deportiva 20m, 5 Blue Mountains Vie 23.º Jul 2021
25 97% Fat-Free Deportiva 20m Blue Mountains Lun 22.º Nov 2021
25 97% Fat-Free Deportiva 20m Blue Mountains Lun 22.º Nov 2021
24 Jaqueline Hyde Deportiva 15m, 6 Blue Mountains Dom 30.º Dic 2018
made it 30cm further than last week and clipped the anchors

23 Gas Krankinstation Deportiva 10m, 7 Nowra Clásico Dom 22.º Oct 2017
subtracting a grade only because I fell past a move instead of doing it and we went to first anchors - not because it was easy. tiblocs are fun.

24 Jaqueline Hyde Deportiva 15m, 6 Blue Mountains Lun 5.º Nov 2018
24 Jaqueline Hyde Deportiva 15m, 6 Blue Mountains Muy buena Sáb 22.º Dic 2018
draws on and working out clips

24 Jaqueline Hyde Deportiva 15m, 6 Blue Mountains Muy buena Sáb 22.º Dic 2018
wasted a bit too much energy and came off jug just before anchors because fingers wouldn't stay closed :'(

24 No U-Turn Deportiva 20m Blue Mountains Sáb 9.º Mar 2019
couldn't make the hard move after the first bolt, but nothing else on the route was especially hard

24 Motown Deportiva 15m, 4 Orroral area Muy buena Sáb 16.º Mar 2019
two solo laps, figured out all moves and links. reckon this will go before illusionary lines.

24 Survival Day Deportiva 20m, 10 Blue Mountains Sáb 10.º Jul 2021
22 Guillotine - con Roxy
1 22 20m
Deportiva 20m, 23 Blue Mountains Muy buena Dom 17.º Oct 2021
warm up

24 Kattack Mode Deportiva 10m Nowra Lun 2.º Oct 2017
jumped on for fun at end of day, made it up two bolts

24 Junket Pumper Deportiva 15m Blue Mountains Muy buena Dom 12.º Nov 2017
couldn't quite hold onto the crimps at the crux at the end of the day

24 Betty Blue Deportiva 20m, 6 Nowra Muy buena Sáb 30.º Jun 2018
lovely. all of the moves I tried seemed reasonable. much deadpoints.

24 Junket Pumper Deportiva 15m Blue Mountains Muy buena Sáb 29.º Sep 2018
bit further than last time but still couldn't make it to the jugs

24 Junket Pumper Deportiva 15m Blue Mountains Muy buena Sáb 29.º Sep 2018
another attempt

24 Betty Blue Deportiva 20m, 6 Nowra Muy buena Sáb 6.º Oct 2018
24 Junket Pumper Deportiva 15m Blue Mountains Muy buena Dom 30.º Dic 2018
quick shot before sun hit, much worse than last time in these conditions

24 Suspended Animation Deportiva 10m Mount Alexandra Sáb 9.º Feb 2019
24 Motown Deportiva 15m, 4 Orroral area Muy buena Dom 31.º Mar 2019
awful today - it had felt reasonably dialed on TR solo so I thought i'd go for the lead. took three substantial falls before second bolt and left with tail between legs

24 Zimbabalooba Deportiva 20m Nowra Muy buena Sáb 6.º Abr 2019
short sunset climb, was super humid conditions, but good to get some fall practice in

24 Butterfly Wall Direct Deportiva 20m Nowra Dom 2.º Jun 2019
24 No U-Turn Deportiva 20m Blue Mountains Sáb 29.º Mayo 2021
trying to work the move at the first bolt

24 Pluck-a-Duck Deportiva 22m, 10 Blue Mountains Sáb 24.º Jul 2021
almost had short person beta working coming out of underclings, found it really hard to fire today

24 Language of Desire Deportiva 28m Blue Mountains Muy buena Mié 18.º Ag 2021
oof, need to be stronger and/or try harder at crux

24 Guillotine - con Roxy
1 22
2 24
Deportiva 48m, 23 Blue Mountains Muy buena Dom 17.º Oct 2021
still fumbled leaving the tree on p1, but clean from there. keen to come back to work p2

24 Black Heathen - con Jared Tyerman, Dane Evans Deportiva 25m Blue Mountains Muy buena Dom 19.º Dic 2021
draws on (except the last)

24 Black Heathen - con Jared Tyerman, Dane Evans Deportiva 25m Blue Mountains Muy buena Dom 19.º Dic 2021
some progress but still couldn't do the hand jam to flake, or the big move to pocket. some big falls trying to get to the next bolt from the pocket, but lots more to figure out still

22 23 Diagonal du Fou Deportiva 15m, 10 Mount Alexandra Muy buena Sáb 10.º Nov 2018
hm what grade is it if you wuss out at the second last bolt and climb the outside of the cave? in my defence i couldn't see where the anchors were

23 A Streaker Named Desire Deportiva 25m, 13 Blue Mountains Muy buena Lun 5.º Jul 2021
first shot. apparently all I needed was a belay from my strongest housemate

23 Weak as I am Deportiva 22m, 13 Blue Mountains Clásico Lun 1.º Oct 2018
first 23! finding the knee bar and knowing where I was going definitely helped the second time

23 Diagonal du Fou Deportiva 15m, 10 Mount Alexandra Muy buena Sáb 10.º Nov 2018
did properly the second time; had to put the first couple draws back on. pumped senseless even skipping one of the roof clips

23 Dictator in a Deerstalker Deportiva 9m, 4 Blue Mountains Jue 27.º Dic 2018
fourth time lucky

23 Cutopia Deportiva 20m Blue Mountains Muy buena Lun 31.º Dic 2018
stoked to get this second shot! such a cool line with some unlikely sections

23 Legoland - con Dane Evans Deportiva 25m, 9 Blue Mountains Muy buena Vie 19.º Nov 2021
thanks Dane for putting draws up and extending two, I reckon this one is about half a grade harder to redpoint. definitely feels 23 for me, not soft if you don't have the span or overly strong shoulders

23 Reigning Steel - con Sian Deportiva 17m, 7 Blue Mountains Muy buena Lun 13.º Dic 2021
not the hardest 23 but I'll take it

23 Amazon Queens In the Avocado Jungles Of Death Deportiva 20m Nowra Megaclásica Sáb 8.º Jul 2017
fucking amazing climb, the bottom just flows so nicely. had to work out a few moves up high, but I think it will go

23 Amazon Queens In the Avocado Jungles Of Death Deportiva 20m Nowra Megaclásica Dom 9.º Jul 2017
got a bit further but will be hard to link up the crux

23 Split Wave Deportiva 20m Blue Mountains Muy buena Dom 12.º Nov 2017
oh man my endurance sucks. all the moves are doable and the roof is very cool

23 Amazon Queens In the Avocado Jungles Of Death Deportiva 20m Nowra Megaclásica Dom 8.º Jul 2018
23 Amazon Queens In the Avocado Jungles Of Death Deportiva 20m Nowra Megaclásica Dom 8.º Jul 2018
two shots; fell off crux on both. feels closer than it ever has though!

23 Amazon Queens In the Avocado Jungles Of Death Deportiva 20m Nowra Megaclásica Lun 6.º Ag 2018
two more shots. my head or the conditions or both were not cooperating

23 Weak as I am Deportiva 22m, 13 Blue Mountains Clásico Lun 1.º Oct 2018
23 Illusionary lines Deportiva 15m, 2 Orroral area Sáb 1.º Dic 2018
worked out crux moves on TR solo - they are unlikely and extremely delicate, but I can see the line going in the right conditions. not convinced by 23. new project?

23 Los Hermanos de la Denitente Deportiva 10m, 4 Mount Alexandra Muy buena Sáb 15.º Dic 2018
23 Los Hermanos de la Denitente Deportiva 10m, 4 Mount Alexandra Muy buena Sáb 15.º Dic 2018
damn it. moves reasonably dialed, but too wrecked to execute them with any precision or style

23 Hairy Horrace Deportiva 12m Blue Mountains Sáb 22.º Dic 2018
trying to warm up..

23 You Crazy Diamond Deportiva 26m, 9 Blue Mountains Dom 23.º Dic 2018
seconded whatever Dane did (linkup Chrysalis/compressed carbon). really nice unlikely moves especially on the traverse

23 Dictator in a Deerstalker Deportiva 9m, 4 Blue Mountains Jue 27.º Dic 2018
forgot about hidden hold at crux =\

23 Cutopia Deportiva 20m Blue Mountains Muy buena Lun 31.º Dic 2018
23 Los Hermanos de la Denitente Deportiva 10m, 4 Mount Alexandra Muy buena Sáb 9.º Feb 2019
23 Illusionary lines Deportiva 15m, 2 Orroral area Dom 24.º Feb 2019
couple of laps with microtraxion. have worked out all moves with certainty now at least

23 Master Plan Deportiva 15m Blue Mountains Muy buena Dom 10.º Mar 2019
took a while to figure out the crux, especially not being able to see the holds looking into the sun

23 Black Beddy Deportiva 8m, 3 Nowra Muy buena Dom 2.º Jun 2019
got to last bolt clean then had trouble, may go when fresh though

23 Illusionary lines Deportiva 15m, 2 Orroral area Lun 7.º Oct 2019
2x TR solo laps

23 A Streaker Named Desire Deportiva 25m, 13 Blue Mountains Muy buena Sáb 29.º Mayo 2021
really nice line, some long moves but all doable

23 A Streaker Named Desire Deportiva 25m, 13 Blue Mountains Muy buena Dom 30.º Mayo 2021
(optimistic) redpoint attempt: came off about half height pulling off an intermediate sidepull that apparently no one uses

23 A Streaker Named Desire Deportiva 25m, 13 Blue Mountains Muy buena Dom 6.º Jun 2021
two decent attempts, fell during crux sequence both times

23 A Streaker Named Desire Deportiva 25m, 13 Blue Mountains Muy buena Dom 6.º Jun 2021
23 Reigning Steel Deportiva 17m, 7 Blue Mountains Muy buena Sáb 10.º Jul 2021
sat to figure out last two bolts, but it should go

23 Exile
1 22 20m
2 23 15m
Deportiva 35m Blue Mountains Medio Sáb 10.º Jul 2021
second to clean traverse. didn't do many of the moves on the traverse because cleaning was hard and i'd left tiblocs on the ground. some nice rock and moves, but doesn't quite make up for the detour to the arete, or the bolt positions on p2.

23 Fashion Deportiva 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Muy buena Sáb 7.º Ag 2021
very cool line. first time on, working out moves

23 Fashion Deportiva 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Muy buena Sáb 7.º Ag 2021
hard to find rests/link together, holds were cold too

23 Searching for the Light Deportiva 24m, 14 Blue Mountains Sáb 21.º Ag 2021
really struggled, have no power today

23 Legoland Deportiva 25m, 9 Blue Mountains Muy buena Dom 19.º Sep 2021
o/s attempt: off at first of two crux sections for me; both took a few tries to work out beta and then to execute but are high probability

23 Hot Flyer Deportiva 25m Blue Mountains Muy buena Lun 25.º Oct 2021
draws on, working out moves, but french-freed to get last draw on

23 Hot Flyer Deportiva 25m Blue Mountains Muy buena Lun 25.º Oct 2021
highpoint of just before crux, then worked out reasonably high-probability sequence

23 Hot Flyer - con Dane Evans Deportiva 25m Blue Mountains Muy buena Lun 1.º Nov 2021
draws on

23 Hot Flyer - con Dane Evans Deportiva 25m Blue Mountains Muy buena Lun 1.º Nov 2021
damn it - hit the hold with fingertips but didn't stick it. needed to engage the RH wide pinch more

23 Legoland - con Jess Deportiva 25m, 9 Blue Mountains Muy buena Mié 17.º Nov 2021
better when the sun dropped, new highpoint. probably rushed this and should have spent longer trying to recover after the traverse, as I made it to the hold after the gaston but then fingers wouldn't stay closed on it

23 Reigning Steel - con Sian Deportiva 17m, 7 Blue Mountains Muy buena Lun 13.º Dic 2021
draws on, warm up

23 Sensory Overload Deportiva 20m, 12 Blue Mountains Vie 24.º Dic 2021
needed to work out one move (I went to the crimp on the right then left hand up), the rest is just jug hauling. I would consider trying to send this if not for the fact that almost every bolt is in an awful position both to hang and to clip

23 Hot Flyer Deportiva 25m Blue Mountains Muy buena Sáb 25.º Dic 2021
23 Hot Flyer Deportiva 25m Blue Mountains Muy buena Sáb 25.º Dic 2021
nope, still off at same spot both times

23 Mental Mantle Deportiva 27m Blue Mountains Sáb 25.º Dic 2021
wasn't game to lead after last time - went direct to last bolt instead of a 2m traverse left and it was much nicer

23 Fashion Deportiva 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Muy buena Dom 13.º Feb 2022
worked out better (more compressiony) beta

23 Fashion Deportiva 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Muy buena Dom 13.º Feb 2022
lap to make links/add mileage

23 Hot Flyer Deportiva 25m Blue Mountains Muy buena Lun 8.º Ag 2022
23 Lyptus Deportiva 23m, 8 Blue Mountains Sáb 19.º Dic 2015
had a play on the first half on second, it was fun! but fell off at the traverse and couldn't get back on

23 Amazon Queens In the Avocado Jungles Of Death Deportiva 20m Nowra Megaclásica Lun 2.º Oct 2017
headspace (and footwork) was a mess today. did not have it together at all, and trying to start the crux sequence with the wrong hold didn't help

23 Crime Is Art Deportiva 10m Nowra Dom 22.º Oct 2017
stupidly volunteered to retrieve first two draws and found even that hard

23 Still Life Deportiva 10m, 4 Nowra Sáb 6.º Oct 2018
found it impossible to hold on just before second bolts. nothing like a spoogy spring day in nowra to dole out some humility

23 Creep Show Deportiva 18m Blue Mountains Lun 5.º Nov 2018
wasn't doing too badly until i tried to clip off the glassy ledge, fumbled the panic draw, panicked, dropped the draw on the ledge, downclimbed, and still took a reasonably sizeable fall

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23 Los Hermanos de la Denitente Deportiva 10m, 4 Mount Alexandra Muy buena Sáb 15.º Dic 2018
tried to go up right at roof instead of into cave, which did not work

23 School's Out Deportiva 12m Blue Mountains Jue 27.º Dic 2018

23 Dictator in a Deerstalker Deportiva 9m, 4 Blue Mountains Jue 27.º Dic 2018
o/s attempt: clipped last bolt then ran out of energy being indecisive about my strategy (stubbornly refused to go right to holds on the 25)

23 Dictator in a Deerstalker Deportiva 9m, 4 Blue Mountains Jue 27.º Dic 2018
remembered hidden hold but rushed it

23 Split Wave Deportiva 20m Blue Mountains Muy buena Dom 30.º Dic 2018
clean til after roof then peeled off easy ground - had nothing left at end of day

23 Ruthless Babe Deportiva 12m, 5 Bluebell Dom 23.º Ag 2020

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 566 ascensiones.

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