
Ascensiones en Rumanía

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 7,674 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Zona Calidad Escalador Fecha
Via ferrata
Apoyar a theCrag no sólo beneficiará a tu Karma
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C C/D Traseu Memorial Wild Ferenc Vía ferrata 200m Munții Hășmaș
Bursuc Sergiu
Mar 25.º Mayo 2021
C Via Ferrata Astragalus - Traseul 1 Vía ferrata 450m Munții Hășmaș
Mar 1.º Jun 2021
C Sky Fly - con Bakó Dóra Vía ferrata 350m Munții Trascăului
Bakó Ádám
Jue 28.º Oct 2021
C Sky Fly Vía ferrata 350m Munții Trascăului
Bakó Dóra
Jue 28.º Oct 2021
C Sky Fly Vía ferrata 350m Munții Trascăului
Mihnea Curutiu
Sáb 8.º Mayo 2021
B Via Ferrata din Peretele Zânelor Vía ferrata 140m Munții Pădurea Craiului
Mihnea Curutiu
Dom 9.º Mayo 2021
C Via Ferrata Casa Zmeului - con Bakó Ádám Vía ferrata 210m Munții Pădurea Craiului
Bakó Dóra
Sáb 16.º Abr 2022
C Via Ferrata Casa Zmeului - con Alexander Jäger Vía ferrata 210m Munții Pădurea Craiului Clásico
Dani B
Dom 1.º Mayo 2022

C Via Ferrata Casa Zmeului - con Dani B Vía ferrata 210m Munții Pădurea Craiului Buena
Alexander Jäger
Dom 1.º Mayo 2022
C Via Ferrata Astragalus - Traseul 1 Vía ferrata 450m Munții Hășmaș
Dan Ciubotaru
Dom 22.º Mayo 2022
C Via Ferrata Casa Zmeului - con Sylvana Vía ferrata 210m Munții Pădurea Craiului Muy buena
Jue 29.º Jun 2023
C Via Ferrata Casa Zmeului - con Erik Vía ferrata 210m Munții Pădurea Craiului Muy buena
Jue 29.º Jun 2023
C Antivirus Vía ferrata Cheile Galbenului
Marius B
Sáb 19.º Ag 2023
D Amfiteatrul Zmeilor Vía ferrata 250m Cheile Galbenului
Marius B
Sáb 19.º Ag 2023
D Spirala Medie Vía ferrata Cheile Galbenului
Marius B
Sáb 19.º Ag 2023
D Amfiteatrul Zmeilor Vía ferrata 250m Cheile Galbenului
Marius B
Sáb 19.º Ag 2023
D Spirala Medie Vía ferrata Cheile Galbenului
Marius B
Sáb 19.º Ag 2023
C Pantera Roz Vía ferrata 500m Cheile Galbenului
Marius B
Sáb 19.º Ag 2023
C Sky Fly Vía ferrata 350m Munții Trascăului
Dom 22.º Oct 2023
C Fácil Via Ferrata Casa Zmeului Vía ferrata 210m Munții Pădurea Craiului Muy buena
Jue 2.º Mayo 2024
B Via Ferrata - Montana Land Vía ferrata 170m Munții Pădurea Craiului Muy buena
Jue 2.º Mayo 2024
D Vânturilor Vía ferrata 250m Cheile Galbenului Muy buena
Alexander Jäger
Jue 9.º Mayo 2024
5b Iarba - con Stefan Rotaru Desconocido Culmea Principală
Alex Ilie
Sáb 31.º Ag 2024
8 7a+ A0 Umbra Muchiei Clásica mixta 190m, 20 Munții Hășmaș Buena
Răzvan Ababei
Mié 21.º Jul 2021
A1 6B Fisura Artei
1 A1 6B 210m
Clásica mixta 210m, 20 Munții Hășmaș Megaclásica
Bursuc Sergiu
Sáb 9.º Jul 2022
7a+ A0 Umbra Muchiei Clásica mixta 190m, 20 Munții Hășmaș Megaclásica
Bursuc Sergiu
Dom 7.º Mayo 2023
7a+ A0 Umbra Muchiei Clásica mixta 190m, 20 Munții Hășmaș
Camelia Langa
Dom 16.º Jul 2023

6+ A1 Hermann Buhl - con Dana Bazacliu
1 6+ A0 40m De segundo escalada de primero por Dana Bazacliu

Split it in two pitches at the intermediate belay since they're not easy pitches anyway. Aided the whole of 1.1, 2 went mostly free.

2 6 A0 25m De segundo

Cool exit over the ridge, very bouldery, airy move I couldn't free the first time tho

3 5 A0 40m De segundo escalada de primero por Dana Bazacliu

Bushy slog leads to passing a slab blocking the ledge. That'd have been interesting had I not had heatstroke already Took a really annoying pendulum out of the belay

4 6 A1 40m De segundo escalada de primero por Dana Bazacliu

At this point I just wanted everything to be over. Took a pendulum, really flailed passing the crux even on 2 aiders, not my best day.

Clásica mixta 150m, 20 Coștila
Ruxandra V
Sáb 12.º Ag 2023
Note to self, don't climb this in the heat again. Cool route, very varied, got heatstroke

Creasta Arpășelului (V-E) - con Andrei Badea
1 4 escalada de primero por Andrei Badea
2 5 escalada de primero por Andrei Badea
3 3 escalada de primero por Andrei Badea
4 4 escalada de primero por Andrei Badea
Clásica mixta 18 Făgărașului Massif Muy buena
Ruxandra V
Vie 19.º Ag 2022
Relatively good pro, with the exception of a slightly spicy diedre on p2.

Right Ridge - con Ciri, and Radu Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Muy buena
Jim Olsen
Vie 22.º Mayo 2015
6 6+ A0 Creasta Estică Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Megaclásica
Lucian Oprea
Dom 7.º Feb 2021
Creasta Estică
Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Clásico
Andrei Verdeanu
Dom 5.º Nov 2017
6 Creasta Estică
Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Clásico
Andrei Verdeanu
Dom 26.º Ag 2018
6 Creasta Estică
Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Clásico
Andrei Verdeanu
Dom 27.º Oct 2019
6 Creasta Estică
Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Clásico
Andrei Verdeanu
Vie 22.º Mar 2019
6 Creasta Estică
Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Clásico
Andrei Verdeanu
Sáb 5.º Sep 2020
Creasta Estică Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Clásico
Andrei Verdeanu
Dom 29.º Abr 2018
5- A0 Traseul Clasic
1 5- A0
Clásica mixta 78m, 15 Rarău Clásico
Andrei Verdeanu
Lun 30.º Abr 2018
5- A0 Traseul Clasic
1 5- A0
Clásica mixta 78m, 15 Rarău Clásico
Andrei Verdeanu
Vie 21.º Ag 2020
6 6+ A0 Creasta Estică Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Megaclásica
Bursuc Sergiu
Mar 25.º Mayo 2021
5- A0 Traseul Clasic
1 5- A0
Clásica mixta 78m, 15 Rarău Clásico
Andrei Verdeanu
Jue 24.º Jun 2021
6 Creasta Estică
1 6 240m
Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Clásico
Andrei Verdeanu
Dom 27.º Jun 2021
6 6+ A0 Creasta Estică Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș
Alexandru Ionita
Sáb 15.º Mayo 2021
6 6+ A0 Creasta Estică Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș
Sáb 11.º Jul 2020
6 6+ A0 Creasta Estică (Creasta Estica) Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș
Răzvan Ababei
Vie 4.º Dic 2020
5- A0 5- A0 Traseul Clasic Clásica mixta 78m, 15 Rarău
Alexandru Ionita
Vie 18.º Jun 2021
7+ Umbra Vânătorilor
Clásica mixta 15 Munții Hășmaș Megaclásica
Bursuc Sergiu
Lun 6.º Sep 2021
6 6+ A0 Creasta Estică Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Megaclásica
Dom 15.º Ag 2021
6- A1 Creasta Estică - con Valentin Chiriac
1 1 45m escalada de primero por Valentin Chiriac
2 2 45m escalada de primero por Valentin Chiriac
3 2 50m escalada de primero por Ruxandra V
4 4 A1 25m escalada de primero por Ruxandra V
5 6- 35m escalada de primero por Valentin Chiriac
6 3 40m escalada de primero por Valentin Chiriac
Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș
Ruxandra V
Sáb 30.º Oct 2021
Utterly classic climb, was honored to be able to lead 2 lengths and do the whole route clean with the exception of 1 aider in the crux of p3 (crux is right at the start, then there's a piton 2m up, then 3m of easy dihedral until the next piton. I did the crux free twice, once to see how the holds for placing a quickdraw work and the other to actually place the quickdraw, if not clip, then decided to save some muscle power for the dihedral rather than do the crux again the third time and risk kissing the belay ledge if I fucked things up near the second piton)

A0 4A 6+ A0 Creasta Estică Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Megaclásica
Igor Beliaiev
Sáb 15.º Jun 2019
A0 4A Creasta Estică - con Bursuc Sergiu
1 A0 4A 240m
Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Clásico
Andrei Verdeanu
Mié 11.º Mayo 2022
A0 4A 6+ A0 Creasta Estică Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Megaclásica
Golodin Iustin
Sáb 16.º Oct 2021
A0 4B 6+ A0 Creasta Estică Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Clásico
Matyas Grof
Lun 25.º Jul 2022
5- A0 Traseul Clasic - con Doru Buzac, Cosmin Axente
1 3+ 45m escalada de primero por Doru Buzac
2 5- A0 40m escalada de primero por Doru Buzac
Clásica mixta 85m, 15 Rarău Buena
Ruxandra V
Vie 5.º Ag 2022
Did it in 2 pitches, on 60m halfropes. P1 is easy slab, 3 UIAA. P2 starts with a traverse and then heads on a friable chimney (pulled a quickdraw there since I needed to manage some twisted up.ropes). Use extendable quickdraws on it, and a bunch of 120cm ones on the traverse, since there's a/lot of drag otherwise and leader can't hear you through most of it. On retreat, we set up 2 rappels (one 10m and one 25m) to the saddle between the rocks - legend has it that a single 60m is enough, but our 60m didn't reach )

A0 4A 6+ A0 Creasta Estică Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Clásico
Bercean Ioan
Sáb 17.º Sep 2022
Easy route with beautiful views. Good option for first multi-pitch in the area in my opinion. Just be aware that finding the entrance might be a little tricky if nobody from the team knows it, and at the end you have like a weird grass thing with pretty big distances between the quickdraws but is extremely easy (and there aren't really a lot of places to place them)

6- A1 Creasta Estică - con RPF
1 4 Artificial escalada de primero por Ruxandra V

An initial moment of worry and pulling on quickdraws

2 2 Clásica escalada de primero por Ruxandra V

Did it in 2 pitches to minimize rope drag and avoid simulclimbing through p3. Lots of wrestling my mammoth of a sport climbing rope

3 De segundo escalada de primero por RPF

Saving some time by having the much faster climber do this one

4 5 A1 Artificial escalada de primero por Ruxandra V

Got pumped at the start, got panicked, improvised an aider out of a sling through the first peg.

5 6- A0 Artificial escalada de primero por Ruxandra V


I've seen the crux flake less sewn up on all trad runs. 2 friends and 1 nut for 3 meters of 6- between bolts that feels airy and committing in a way the rest of the pitch isn't. Placed a quick friend so I could calm down enough to place a good nut, didn't trust the nut enough to commit to the move either until I rested on it to know it at least holds body weight, found my balls back (what was left of them) after I could at least imagine the gear would hold a fall, did the move easily (2 jugs on the flake right above one's head means you don't need to layback anything unless you're even shorter than I am), placed another friend as a quicksave and balanced out to the right to the next bolt. Smooth sailing from there on.

6 3 Clásica escalada de primero por Ruxandra V

No real difficulties left. Placed a nut for morale on the chimney, slithered my way out of it and off to the top

Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Megaclásica
Ruxandra V
Dom 23.º Oct 2022
6+ A0 Creasta Estică Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Megaclásica
Alin O
Sáb 8.º Oct 2022
6+ A0 Fácil Creasta Estică
1 Clásica
2 Clásica
3 Clásica
4 Clásica
5 Clásica
6 Clásica
Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Muy buena
Sabina D.
Dom 4.º Jun 2023
6+ 6+ A0 Creasta Estică (Creasta Estica) Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Megaclásica
Razvan Ariciuc
Sáb 30.º Mar 2019
5- A0 Traseul Clasic Clásica mixta 78m, 15 Rarău Muy buena
Razvan Ariciuc
Dom 21.º Ag 2022
6+ Duro Duro Fisura Răsucită Clásica mixta 140m, 15 Coștila Muy buena
Maier Horatiu
Sáb 30.º Jul 2022
6+ A0 Creasta Estică Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș
Dom 18.º Jun 2023
6+ Fisura Răsucită Clásica mixta 140m, 15 Coștila Clásico
Sabina D.
Vie 23.º Jun 2023
6+ A0 Creasta Estică - con Mara Miron, Andrei Verdeanu
1 Clásica escalada de primero por Andrei Verdeanu

In approach shoes. Soaking wet, after the rain of the previous day.

2 Clásica escalada de primero por Andrei Verdeanu

In approach shoes. Soaking wet, after the rain of the previous day.

3 Clásica escalada de primero por Andrei Verdeanu

In approach shoes. Soaking wet, after the rain of the previous day.

4 De segundo escalada de primero por Mara Miron

In approach shoes. Seconding on Mara's lead. Onsighted it like it was nothing.

5 De segundo escalada de primero por Mara Miron

In approach shoes. Seconding on Mara's lead. Onsighted it with ease.

6 Clásica escalada de primero por Andrei Verdeanu

In approach shoes. Decided to swap leads, because of mud and the wet chimney.

Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Clásico
Andrei Verdeanu
Mar 4.º Jul 2023
Decided to lead the first three easy pitches, because of the very wet conditions. Left the hard pitches to Mara to lead. Aced it.

6+ A0 Creasta Estică - con Andrei Hohlov
1 Clásica escalada de primero por Sergiu Negara

For the first belay station there just one old rusty hook and there's a tree that can be used as a point. I used a friend together with the existing hook. You can also set up the station on the other side of the rock.

2 Top-rope escalada de primero por Andrei Hohlov

Second pitch is a climbing start, then scrambling all the way to the next belay station.

3 Clásica escalada de primero por Sergiu Negara

Third rope is a short and nasty one. Relatively hard climbing start and easy walk to the next station.

4 Top-rope escalada de primero por Andrei Hohlov

This is the most interesting pitch, all climbing, with a key point.

5 Clásica escalada de primero por Sergiu Negara

Scrambling on loose ground, then climbing to the last belay station, just below the peak. I've used elongated quickdraws to avoid rope friction.

6 Top-rope escalada de primero por Andrei Hohlov

Short and easy climbing to the top

Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Muy buena
Sergiu Negara
Dom 30.º Jul 2023
6+ A0 Creasta Estică - con Olesea Sevcenco Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Muy buena
Vie 28.º Jul 2023
First multipitch, pretty good with nice views!

6+ Fisura Răsucită - con Mara Miron
1 Clásica escalada de primero por Andrei Verdeanu
2 Clásica escalada de primero por Andrei Verdeanu
3 Clásica escalada de primero por Andrei Verdeanu
Clásica mixta 140m, 15 Coștila Medio
Andrei Verdeanu
Sáb 12.º Ag 2023
Did only the first three pitches. Rapped down through Herman Buhl.

6+ A0 Fisura Răsucită - con Dana Bazacliu
1 6+ A0 40 De segundo escalada de primero por Dana Bazacliu

Rested on the rope a lot to try and clear a stuck tricam

2 6+ 40 De segundo escalada de primero por Dana Bazacliu

Pulled on gear on the friable portion and on the face exit

3 4 20 De segundo
4 6 35 De segundo
Clásica mixta 140m, 15 Coștila
Ruxandra V
Sáb 12.º Ag 2023
6+ A0 Creasta Estică - con Victor Rusu
1 Clásica
2 Clásica
3 Clásica
4 Clásica
5 Clásica
6 Clásica
Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Megaclásica
Golodin Iustin
Vie 8.º Sep 2023
5 A0 Creasta Estică - con RPF
1 3 40 Clásica escalada de primero por Ruxandra V
2 4 40 De segundo escalada de primero por RPF
3 3 25 Clásica escalada de primero por Ruxandra V
4 4 A0 15 De segundo escalada de primero por RPF

Waited for nighttime

5 5 40 De segundo escalada de primero por RPF
6 4 30 De segundo escalada de primero por RPF
Clásica mixta 190m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Megaclásica
Ruxandra V
Sáb 23.º Sep 2023
Schenn variant

6+ A0 Creasta Estică - con Golodin Iustin Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș
Lucian Mîrza
Dom 30.º Oct 2022
A0 M5 Creasta Estică - con alex
3 M3 De segundo escalada de primero por alex

did it in 2 pitches

4 M4 De segundo escalada de primero por alex

First time I do this pitch clean, even as a second. must mean drytooling is aid

5 A0 M5 De segundo escalada de primero por alex

Completely different fucking story on irons - all my footsmears no longer work. Got super pumped on the biscuit (still can't do a pullup), took me some time until I figured out I could get my right foot behind it. After that, pulled on a draw in the traverse and struggled a bit for the rest of the pitch.... really pumped

6 M3 De segundo escalada de primero por alex

Kinda similar to the summer chimneying version

Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Megaclásica
Ruxandra V
Sáb 30.º Dic 2023
A completely different route when drytooling. Also found out about an entrance I didn't know

5 A1 Creasta Estică - con cosmin axente, daniela manole
1 2 Clásica escalada de primero por Ruxandra V

2 10mm singles. The rope drag.

2 3 Clásica escalada de primero por Ruxandra V

2 10mm singles. The rope drag.

3 2 Clásica escalada de primero por Ruxandra V

2 10mm singles. The rope drag.

4 4 A1 Artificial escalada de primero por Ruxandra V
5 5 A0 De segundo escalada de primero por cosmin axente

By this time my hands were not closing on the Biscuit anymore so bailed out on a nut and switched with Cosmin

6 4 De segundo escalada de primero por cosmin axente
Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Megaclásica
Ruxandra V
Dom 11.º Feb 2024
Blisters on my hands, from the rope drag. On retreat,tried doing the Wild Ferenc 40m second rappel that avoids the via ferrata. Ended up a 60+m rappel (we had 1 60m and 1 70m rope, and I downclimbed to a good tree with the short rope prussiked to a 240cm sling so I don't lose the end. Ropes stuck something fierce, we ended up pulling them by prussik, crevasse rescue style. Second rap was possibly shorter than 30m, down a gully that looked downclimbable at first but wasn't. A loop of old rope around a boulder tells us we wouldn't have been the first to get tricked lol. I've been informed that the Wild Ferenc option actually exists, so now I have to get back there in daylight next time I'm there with two ropes.

Over all, a really fun day (of the type 2 style, though). Also, think I figured out a way to easily deal with rope drag when seconds are climbing using 1 extra quickdraw, but it requires either having 1 second or 2 seconds that move pretty simultaneously.

6+ A0 Creasta Estică Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Megaclásica
Cristian Macari
Dom 28.º Abr 2024
5- A0 Traseul Clasic Clásica mixta 78m, 15 Rarău Muy buena
Robert Tiganetea
Vie 3.º Mayo 2024
  • Requires at least 5 extended quickdraws, lots of traversing and bolts placed left-right, especially in pitch 2
  • We had to do 3 rappels, coming down the way we went up, couldn't figure out from the description how to do it in less, beware that two of those rappels were on old and a bit sketchy pitons with rings
  • Make sure to continously warn people gathering at the bottom, the rock is very sketchy and it seems to be a popular spot for pictures down there
  • The climbing itself is very easy
    6+ A0 Creasta Estică - con Ioana Felea Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Buena
    Ciprian Brinzoi
    Lun 1.º Mayo 2023
    good rock, beautifull view

    6+ A0 Creasta Estică
    1 De segundo
    2 Clásica
    3 Clásica
    4 Clásica
    5 De segundo
    6 Clásica
    Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș
    Pantea Ionut
    Lun 6.º Mayo 2024
    6a+ A1 Umbra Vânătorilor - con Bursuc Sergiu
    1 6a A0 De segundo escalada de primero por Bursuc Sergiu

    Layback central

    2 5c De segundo escalada de primero por Bursuc Sergiu

    Pitch 2A of the topo. The giga-alveole is really cool

    3 6a+ De segundo escalada de primero por Bursuc Sergiu

    Pitch 2B of the topo, to minimize time spent in the rockfall-exposed next belay

    4 6a A0 De segundo escalada de primero por Bursuc Sergiu

    Pitches 3 and 4 of the topo. The chimney was amazing

    5 5b De segundo escalada de primero por Bursuc Sergiu

    Pretty cool flake pull here

    6 5b A1 De segundo escalada de primero por Bursuc Sergiu

    At this point I was beginning to wilt. Coffeine helped as usual.

    7 6a A1 Clásica escalada de primero por Bursuc Sergiu

    Aidered the entire starting crack, climbed the dihedral but rested on the rope a lot.

    Clásica mixta 15 Munții Hășmaș Clásico
    Ruxandra V
    Sáb 1.º Jun 2024
    6+ A0 Creasta Estică Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș
    Sáb 12.º Mayo 2018
    5- A0 Traseul Clasic - con Eugene Clásica mixta 78m, 15 Rarău Muy buena
    Dom 14.º Jul 2024
    5- A0 Traseul Clasic - con Olesea Clásica mixta 78m, 15 Rarău
    Dom 14.º Jul 2024
    6+ Fisura Răsucită - con alina coltiadis
    1 6+ 40 De segundo escalada de primero por alina coltiadis

    Great placement for a black totem or similar in the crux

    2 6+ 40 De segundo escalada de primero por alina coltiadis

    Crack crux can be aided on a blue totem or similar.

    3 4 20 Clásica escalada de primero por Ruxandra V

    Bushwhacking. Did a variant on the right of the belay

    4 6 35 De segundo escalada de primero por alina coltiadis

    Exeunt left after the initial dihedral, on a 6m ledge with a bolt in the middle, towards the DDR final belay, to be used as a rappel line. Down in 2 raps, 1 25-30m, 1 50m, but 60 lets you go down a bit directed and avoid landing in a gigantic nettle bush.

    Clásica mixta 140m, 15 Coștila
    Ruxandra V
    Dom 11.º Ag 2024
    Cleaner and more heavily bolted than I'd remembered it

    6+ A0 Creasta Estică Clásica mixta 240m, 15 Munții Hășmaș Buena
    Vie 15.º Oct 2021
    6 A0 Muchia Panseluței - con andrei badea
    1 4 Clásica escalada de primero por Ruxandra V

    Quite friable, especially on grassy bits. Takes some small friends as pro.

    2 5+ Clásica escalada de primero por Ruxandra V

    Straight up and onward, Bucegi starting to smoke up at our backs. Nearly missed the belay, this seemed to pass like a dream

    3 5+ Clásica escalada de primero por Ruxandra V

    The airy chimney pitch. I barely remember the moves, just the fear and the moving forward smoothly... Didn't see the downclimb piton so I used a friend instead. Right mess at the belay, rope drag like nobody's business

    4 6 A0 Clásica escalada de primero por Ruxandra V

    Behind us, Bucegi mountains are in a full storm. Ahead, the crux pitch. Get through this and it'll be fine. The crux is at the start, an unprotected traverse on smears and then a few m of dihedral with no good left holds for hand or foot. Lone bolt in the middle of the dihedral can just about be reached by my taller second, so I do the traverse protected and take 4 tries to get through the dihedral. Long live mobiles even when you don't place any, was digging out a potential nut placement on top of the dihedral and found the perfect left jug. Rest of the pitch went smoothly, not in the least because of me being willing to pull on a draw or two

    5 4 Clásica escalada de primero por Ruxandra V

    Way less runout than the legend says if using mobiles (make sure you have slings) but beware of rope zig zag, I ran out of rope 2m before the belay tree, improvized something out of bushes and boullders. Storm caught up with us by the time I was done with my little gardening project(all fine, life wet). Should have simulled...

    Clásica mixta 220m, 13 Muchia Cheii
    Ruxandra V
    Dom 23.º Abr 2023
    My first serious full lead. Not rotpunkt, not fast, not without enough mobiles for the whole gd wall... not unafraid, tbh... but in control, and holding on to the sharp end even though common sense and the storm at our backs said otherwise

    6 Muchia Panseluței Clásica mixta 220m, 13 Muchia Cheii Muy buena
    Vlad Vasilescu
    Sáb 3.º Jun 2023
    6 Muchia Panseluței - con Cristina Podocea
    1 3 50m Clásica escalada de primero por Ruxandra V
    2 5+ 35m De segundo escalada de primero por Cristina Podocea
    3 5+ 35m Clásica escalada de primero por Ruxandra V

    Stopped a bit in the crux - far less scary than it was the first time though. Far less rope drag on halfropes too

    4 6 35m De segundo escalada de primero por Cristina Podocea


    5 4+ 62m Clásica escalada de primero por Ruxandra V

    New belay station right after the old tree. Rapping down the line can be done in 4 raps on 60m halfropes (unite pitches 2 and 3). Next time I'm doing it with my ropes on me tho, they got tangled in all possible bushes

    Clásica mixta 220m, 13 Muchia Cheii
    Ruxandra V
    Sáb 23.º Mar 2024
    M4 Duro Duro Creasta Vulturilor - con Virgil Litan
    1 M4 55 Clásica escalada de primero por Andrei Verdeanu
    2 M3 40 De segundo escalada de primero por Virgil Litan
    3 M3 50 Clásica escalada de primero por Andrei Verdeanu
    4 M4 55 De segundo escalada de primero por Virgil Litan
    5 M3 40 Clásica escalada de primero por Andrei Verdeanu
    6 M2 30 De segundo escalada de primero por Virgil Litan
    7 M1 30 Clásica escalada de primero por Andrei Verdeanu
    Clásica mixta 300m, 12 Munții Retezat Megaclásica
    Andrei Verdeanu
    Sáb 4.º Mar 2023
    Climbing the route in excellent winter conditions. Compact snow, neve and ice in the cracks and gullies, made for really fun, engaging climbing. Clear skies all day long and no wind. Might have set up some belays differently than suggested, but without too much variation. Very nice day out. A rack of friends and nuts was very welcome. 40min approach from the cabin, 5h climbing time and 1:30h return journey (via the Bucura saddle, Custura Bucurei Peak and Berbecilor saddle).

    5+ Creasta Vulturilor Clásica mixta 300m, 12 Munții Retezat
    Lun 19.º Jun 2023
    5+ Creasta Vulturilor - con AmeB Clásica mixta 300m, 12 Munții Retezat Clásico
    Dom 16.º Jul 2023
    Easy, pleasant and with great view over the glacial valley.

    5+ Creasta Vulturilor Clásica mixta 300m, 12 Munții Retezat
    Jue 14.º Sep 2023
    5+ Creasta Vulturilor - con AmeB Clásica mixta 300m, 12 Munții Retezat Clásico
    Sáb 23.º Mar 2024
    All belay stations (now ~30m apart) were upgraded to bolted anchors.

    5+ Creasta Vulturilor Clásica mixta 300m, 12 Munții Retezat
    Ionuț Jula
    Mar 1.º Ag 2023
    6c Fácil Guriță Clásica mixta 12 Piatra Craiului Muy buena
    Jue 1.º Ag 2024
    Very nice one.

    7- A1 Creasta Hornului Roșu (Creasta Hornului Roşu) Clásica mixta 180m, 10 Munții Hășmaș
    Igor Beliaiev
    Sáb 25.º Sep 2021
    7- A1 Creasta Hornului Roşu Clásica mixta 180m, 10 Munții Hășmaș Megaclásica
    Golodin Iustin
    Sáb 14.º Mayo 2022
    6 A0 ~A0 ~6+ Creasta Hornului Roșu - con Dorin Bercea, Marian Anghel
    1 5+ 30 De segundo escalada de primero por Marian Anghel

    Fun chimney, not as friable as the legend says. Had to take my backpack off

    2 6 A0 45 Artificial escalada de primero por Marian Anghel

    Starts with a crack dihedral with a rather balancy crux that's easily cheated by means of pulling on a cordelette loop in a piton (which I did). Then you head right and up a chimney with good holds on the left side and very few holds on the right side. Cool kids layback the left side holds, but I took my backpack off and wormed my way through it instead.

    3 5+ 45 De segundo escalada de primero por Marian Anghel

    Now life stops being strenuous. It's all about good feet, trusting your balance and pressing rather than pulling on loose holds

    4 4+ 60 De segundo escalada de primero por Marian Anghel

    Ridge pitch, one big rock slab waiting to fall in the belay that you need to climb nevertheless,. but very carefully. Make sure you sling the last rock spike, since if you protect it alpine style by tossing the ropes around it they'll untoss themselves as you climb onward on bushy easy slopes, and give your second a 15m swing onto Fata Mare a Hornului. First big flight of my life. Fata Mare a Hornului, btw, is grassy friable bullshit and not really worth climbing.

    Clásica mixta 180m, 10 Munții Hășmaș Muy buena
    Ruxandra V
    Mar 13.º Sep 2022
    6a+ Creasta Hornului Roşu
    1 5 escalada de primero por Bercean Ioan
    2 6a+
    3 6a+
    4 5b
    Clásica mixta 180m, 10 Munții Hășmaș Buena
    Bercean Ioan
    Sáb 14.º Mayo 2022
    Last pitch is very friable (at some point I couldn't find a single piece of rock stable) and, at that point, the quickdraws are pretty far one from another. I would personally recommend 2-4 pitons since I wouldn't trust the rock for nuts or friends. It can go without but I just felt pretty uncomfortable for me at least in one place.

    Also if you go with a single rope that last pitch is creating a lot of friction in the end as you reach a go over a ridge. I also used a climbing loop over a rock and that created more friction but that was needed I feel (unless you feel comfortable to do a small descent with ~8m from last quickdraw). Is just that I should have make it longer. Did an intermediate regroup a few meeters below the top because I wasn't sure where it was, and the rope was extremely hard to drag.

    Except last pitch I did enjoy the route but I did feel like the second pitch is a lot harder with a backpack.


    Pitch 1: easy. Pretty rare equipped but I didn't felt like it would need more.

    Pitch 2: interesting. Not very hard, but not backpack friendly.

    Pitch 3: my favourite. Nice beautiful climb. Around 6a+/6b I think.

    Pitch 4: I feel like I talked enough, but I didn't enjoy it one bit 😅

    6 A1 ~A0 ~6+ Creasta Hornului Roșu - con RPF, Doru Buzac
    1 5+ 30 De segundo escalada de primero por Doru Buzac


    2 6 A0 45 De segundo escalada de primero por RPF

    Not my best day

    3 5 A1 50 De segundo escalada de primero por Doru Buzac

    Leg cramp on a trust-your-feet length. Improv aidered my way through the second half rather than waiting for it to pass since it was windy AF and people were waiting - and I couldn't find my way back on the feet sequence anyway

    4 3+ 60 De segundo escalada de primero por RPF

    Rather than the original ridge length, we did a bolted version that traverses to the right into Fata Mare a Hornului Rosu, and climbed the final gully of that. Much less friable than the original, far better pro, but far less cool

    Clásica mixta 190m, 10 Munții Hășmaș Muy buena
    Ruxandra V
    Dom 2.º Oct 2022
    6+ A1 Creasta Coarnele Caprei - con Dana Bazacliu
    1 4+ 40 De segundo escalada de primero por Dana Bazacliu

    Did the original pitch, belaying off a rock. Dana tried the 5+ leftmost variant (quite friable), I did the 4+ right one (not friable, but grassy, some pro opportunities available on the right). The theoretical new bolt belay is actually a single bolt, and the following 4+ chimney is only protected at the base, so we continued on the original pitch.

    2 6+ A0 50 De segundo escalada de primero por Dana Bazacliu

    Did the old pitch, but broken down in 2 pitches (can't increase pitch number on thecrag), by using the new P1 belay (1 bolt, 1 tree, not 2 bolts like on the drawing) as an intermediate belay.

    First bit is cool but really pumpy - aided my way up until the overhanging dihedral, which I freed, but rested on the rope. 25m 7- if free

    Second bit just has 1 draw I pulled on, at the initial overhang, and then easy (5 or less) terrain to the belay at a rock. 25m 70

    3 5- 60 De segundo escalada de primero por Dana Bazacliu

    Also broken down in 2 pitches on account of rope drag. Final belay on rock horn + red totem

    4 6- 30 De segundo escalada de primero por Dana Bazacliu

    Did the original version, with the photogenic layback (protectable by slingable chockstone). Belayed at a rock right after reaching the ridge, since Dana wanted to warn me about a very loose rock on the ridge (still there, there were people in the gullies below). Bolt belay (2 bolts) is 10m onwards on the ridge, at the base of the first face, which would be a 50m pitch then.

    5 3 30 De segundo escalada de primero por Dana Bazacliu

    Had almost forgotten about that bushwhack

    6 6 A1 60 De segundo escalada de primero por Dana Bazacliu

    My favourite pitch. Accidentally stepped on a piton, so rather than 6/6+ let's say 6 A1.Fancy, balancy, well-protected 6 UIAA face climbing mixed with 5 UIAA friable alpine crap

    Clásica mixta 270m, 10 Piatra Craiului Muy buena
    Ruxandra V
    Sáb 9.º Sep 2023
    Not quite the pitches in the CR drawing, since not all of the belays are actually where that shows them.

    7- Duro Creasta Hornului Roșu - con Doru Buzac
    1 5+ 30m De segundo escalada de primero por Doru Buzac
    2 7- 45m De segundo escalada de primero por Doru Buzac
    3 6+ 50m De segundo escalada de primero por Doru Buzac
    4 4+ 55m Clásica escalada de primero por Doru Buzac
    Clásica mixta 180m, 10 Munții Hășmaș
    Andrei Verdeanu
    Mié 4.º Jul 2018

    Mostrando 1 - 100 de 7,674 ascensiones.

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